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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, December 31, 2023

Live now...


My prayer:

Awesome God. Here we are at the end of one year and the cusp of a new year. I am normally a lot more introspective at this time. However, this year, this season doesn't seem to have the same kind of milestones that so many others have. You have given me a year of peace and blessings. You have taken me through every challenge as it came. And, ALL glory goes to you. It was a wonderful year, not because of anything I did but because of all that you did. 

I pray God, in the year to come that your will is done. There is no better future than your will. 

What God Said Tonight:

I know traditionally this is a time to look back and look forward. This year, tonight, I ask that you leave both the past and the future to me and that you stay focused on now. 

I will heal all the hurts of the past. I will ordain your future. All that is left is for you to live this moment now. That will be the celebration of life and of our relationship. You, living your full life now. That will be my glory and my reflection to the world. 

I love you now and forever my child.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Pull you through...


My prayer:

Awesome God. There are a million thoughts running through my mind tonight. Things I need help with. Things my friends and family need help with. Things that are wonderful and things that are lacking. Too many things to sort out into words but I pray that you hear my heart tonight God. Unscramble the racing thoughts and hear my heart. 

I love you now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

There is nothing on earth or in heaven that is not under my control. I have seen every possibility and I have chosen our path. I am not surprised by anything. I am not thrown off by changing circumstances. There are never more details than I can keep track of. 

When you feel this overwhelmed, it is almost always because you are trying to do my job. You are trying to take control vs. trust me. I know you do not intend to, but that is where you are at tonight. 

Let go and trust me. I promise I will not let you down. This time and this season has many things in it that you can not and will not be able to solve. Not on your own and not even with help. This is a season for my intervention. This is a time to trust me to work it out. This is a time where I am asking that you lean back and let me fully guide you. 

I will not steer you off track and I will not let you fall. Just take a deep breath and know that I am God. I will not let you down. Let me pull you through this season. The more you relax into it, the easier I can pull you thorough it. The more you resist and try to take charge, the longer and slower it will be to pull you through. 

I love you know and and forever my child.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Battle is won...

My prayer:

Happy Birthday Jesus!!! What a great day of celebrating you and the joy and peace that you have brought to our lives. I know tomorrow is really the day we celebrate but today was so perfect, I had to say Happy Birthday a little early. 

Thank you for the beautiful snow, the friends, the family, the peace and the love that filled this day. What a great reflection of you and the blessings you bring in my life.  I pray that all heaven and earth are celebrating you tonight!

What God Said Tonight:

I have hidden you in the forest in this time. I have let the fog obscure you and keep you safe. 

There are many things to come in the days ahead but I have found a place of peace and protection for my children. While some will have tribulations, my children are never alone and never without my peace or my hope. 

Live your life assured that you are mine and you are never alone. I died and rose again just to have the privilege to be with you for eternity. I love you that much and always have. 

We will celebrate in the morning and for eternity because the battle has been won. The rest is just the details. I love you sweet daughter.

Thursday, December 21, 2023



My prayer:

Awesome God, it is almost your birthday celebration Jesus!! I am excited to celebrate with you. It has been a full but overall pretty wonderful year that you have given me here. Thank you for giving me peace that passed all understanding. Thank you for guiding me through the challenges. Thank you for filling me with joy and blessings I could not have imagined on my own. I love you with all that I am God.

What God Said Tonight:

I love you with all that I am, sweet daughter. Another year but as you live in my flow and in my will, you will begin to experience time more like I do. Time is not something that actually passes. 

There is the now, there is the past, and there is the future. All existing at any given moment. All real. All important. 

In the end, we have eternity together and that is what matters. An eternity in my presence makes everything else fall into perspective. 

I love you sweet daughter. We will celebrate every day.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

God's rhythm...


My prayer:

Thank you for a wonderful day of rest God. I needed it. It is really clear to me that you created us to need regular rest to be at our best. Your Sabbath is such a gift and a blessing. I pray that all of your children get the privilege to participate in your Sabbath.

What God Said Tonight:

The natural grain of life, the natural rhythms, were created for a reason. I will see you at your best and most productive when you find those natural flows I created for you. 

There is a time for work and a time for rest. There is a time for sowing and a time for reaping. There is truly a time for everything and if you can follow the rhythms that I created for you and attend to each thing in its own time. You will see amazing success and balance in your life here on earth. 

Listen to my voice and I will show you the rhythms, each day.

Thursday, December 14, 2023



My prayer:

Thank you for an amazing day God. Thank you for helping my friend. Your miraculous intervention, making the impossible possible never fails to put me in awe. We truly can trust you with every last thing in our lives. Thank you!!

What God Said Tonight:

A light shining brightly can be a warning or a beacon. 

My light is your beacon. It shows the direction to move forward but also highlights where the danger areas are. I am your lighthouse. I will guide and protect you all the days of your life if you will only keep your eyes on me. 

I love you now and forever my child. Rest in the peace and understanding of my love for you. I will not let you be without. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Blessings and good ground...


My prayer:

Amazing God. Thank you for an wonderful weekend with rest and fun. I am so grateful for how you bless me and my family. Each day is another day filled with your blessings. There are challenges too for sure. But even in those, your will and your glory shines through. I don't know how I have gotten to this prolonged season of blessing but I am SO GRATEFUL for it. Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

You know the parable that I gave about sowing seed on different types of ground? Well the same is true of blessing and healing and all of the good things from me. 

I am generous and the blessings from me never stop flowing. However, there is the receiving side that is needed too. Sometimes my blessings fall on hard ground, hardened hearts, and they cannot even recognize the blessing as it ricochets off of the hardened heart. Others receive the blessing but it does not take root and soon they are hungry for the next blessing. They go out seeking them in the most dangerous places. Or, when the blessing falls on good ground, it takes root, is recognized for what it is and it multiplies. 

Be aware of your ground. Is it ready to receive all that I have for you? The blessings will come. Prepare your ground to receive them.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Gifts of challenge...


My prayer:

Thanks for all of your help today God. It was a long and tough day but you brought me through each challenge. I had to share some hard truth today God. I hope that I delivered it in love and it was received in love.

What God Said Tonight:

Every challenge is an opportunity for growth and for glory. I do not expect for you to triumph in every challenge. I do not expect you to be perfect. I do expect you to try, in faith, and with the assurance that I am with you. 

A challenge that is not met is a wasted opportunity. 

I love you my child and I will continue to bring you the gifts of challenge, for you, for them, and for my Kingdom. 

I love you now and forever.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Truth patterns...


My prayer:

Thank you for a wonderful weekend with you God. I appreciated all of the messages and teaching you provided this weekend. Sometimes, your teaching comes from really unexpected but effective places. 

You are so good to us God. Thank you for making a place of blessing and teaching and joy in the midst of a world that is missing much of it. Thank you for making me a citizen of your Kingdom where love and kindness and justice rule. 

I am yours now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

There are patterns in your life. Some are just that, patterns that can be seen and observed. But other patterns can teach you something. They can teach you about yourself. They can teach you about me and my Kingdom. 

You will see a pattern of love and forgiveness. You will see a pattern of learning and striving followed by blessing. You will see a pattern of getting back what you give out. 

These are patterns of me and my Kingdom. They are truths that you can rely on. 

In a world gone crazy, my truth remains. Hold on to my truths and they will keep you from blowing away in the storms. Hold on to them tightly. 

I love you now and forever.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Perfect place...


My prayer:

Thank you for another amazing day God. Watching you work throughout the day, leading me through the opportunities and the struggles and blessing me for no reason other than you are wonderful, makes for such an amazing life. 

Of course, not every moment is bliss. But even in the tough times, you are there and as soon as I ask, you help. Life with you is truly incredibly wonderful. Thank you!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Every piece has a place in the puzzle. You can try to jam the piece in to where it doesn't fit, but it will never work. It will displace the pieces that are intended to go there and it will mess up that final picture. But, if you wait to find the perfect spot for the piece, everything can work together to make the whole. Those pieces, when put together in their right positions, create a bond that is not easily broken. 

I have a perfect place for you. You are in that place now. One day, it will be time to build a new puzzle, a new picture and at that time we will move you to the new place But, for now, enjoy being in your perfect place, providing the support and piece of the picture to all of those around you. 

I love you now and forever my child.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

The fire...


My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for an amazing time of rest and thankfulness. It was really good to slow it all down for a little bit. I can't think of a thing to talk about tonight. I am at peace and content in you Lord. What is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:

Sometimes the fire, the thing that you think is out to destroy you, is nothing more than a light to point out your next blessing. 

The fire is an opportunity. It is a place where everything that is not right, that is not of me, gets burned out until all that is left is you and me. That makes the fire, the times of challenge, a really glorious time. 

I will see you through the fire and I will see you through the times of peace. I am with you now and always. My love for you will never fail. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The gift and the law...


My prayer:

Awesome Father. I am thankful for you. I am thankful for all that you have done and do for me, but more than all of that, I am thankful for you. You are more than I can imagine and you love me more than I can know. Thank you for teaching me each day how to live out the love and the life you have given me. I am yours.

What God Said Tonight:

A gift is not a gift if it has to be earned. I don't need or want you to earn my gifts. I only want you to hear my voice and follow my lead to live the best life you have available for you. 

My laws are not about authority or ruling over you. My laws are. They simply are. The law of gravity is not intended to punish anyone but if you jump out of a plane with no means to slow your fall, you will be crushed to death. 

The same is true of my laws. The law, "Do not kill," is not meant to punish you but if you kill, there will be consequences of that. 

I love you and I have saved you from sin and death. The direction to follow my Father's law is nothing more than me trying to help you to live your best life. I love you and I want you to be blessed, now and forever.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Stone to dirt...


My prayer:

Thank you for the renewed understanding of what you Jesus Christ have done for me and for all of your children who know you as Lord. It is easy to get complaisant in life. When I have had a gift for most of my life, sometimes I need to stand back and remember how wonderful that gift is.

Thank you for saving me, washing me of my sin, making me whole, healing me, and most of all, loving me. I am yours now and forever, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

What God Said Tonight:

A stone broken up is rubble. Rubble broken up is gravel. Gravel broken up is sand. Sand broken up is dirt. 

A stone can be hard and strong but can still be broken up. Dirt, on its own, is not very strong. But mix it with water, heat, and pack it in, you can build cities with it. 

No matter where you are in your walk in the Kingdom, with my help, you can be strong and you can be whole. I will be your water when you are dirt. I will be your protection when you are rock. I am yours my child and we have eternity together. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023



My prayer:

Amazing Father. Thank you for today and every opportunity in it. Thank you for helping me to be your reflection. Thank you for giving me the words and the wisdom to see through the challenges. And, thank you most of all for your grace, your mercy, and your love. I am yours, now and forever God.

What God Said Tonight:

There are patterns in life. Sometimes they are regular patterns and easy to recognize and sometimes they are more complex. With the complex ones, you may only recognize the pattern when you get some distance from it and see them from a new angle. 

Those around you often can already see the pattern. That is one of the many reasons it is good for you to be in a community of people who are willing to tell you the truth in love. That statement of iron sharpening iron is a true and real point. It is when you are with our other fellow believers that you get the insight and perspective of someone with a broader view. 

That wisdom is what will help you out of patterns that lead away from me. 

Sunday, November 12, 2023



My prayer:

Amazing Father. I am so grateful for the life you have given me. I have been more aware than usual this weekend of your blessings and protection you have poured out on me and my life. Life is worthwhile and wonderful, because of you. I am yours, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

Reality is not experienced by everyone in the same way. Two people can have the same experience and yet their experience of it can be very different. 

I have you set aside and protected in this season because you are mine. You are marked and your name is in the Lamb's Book of Life. I will keep you safe. I will keep you protected, until the time to move into the new season, the new heaven, and the earth is here. 

It doesn't look like you thought it would but this is my will. This is what I had planned from the beginning. Everything is in right order, no matter what it might look like. 

Your experience of today was one of peace and rest. Not everyone, not even everyone who had the same opportunities, would say that today was a day of peace and rest for them. The day will come when all are living in my peace, when there is no more pain, no more death. That time is coming for us. For now, enjoy the peace I have given you and know that I love you.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Fruit in season...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I don't really have anything to talk about tonight. I pray, as always that your will is done. Beyond that, I am here to listen.

What God Said Tonight:

Fruit has a season. Fruit does not appear out of nowhere and it is not there all of the time. Fruit comes as a result of tending the plant, watering it when it needs it, feeding it when it needs it, and then after a season or two of caring for it, the fruit develops and eventually can be harvested. 

The same is true of the fruits of the Spirit. They do not come out of nowhere and they may only be present in certain seasons. I have given you the fruit of the Holy Spirit, but you may not see them manifested all of the time. 

That is ok, that is actually good. 

I will say again, as I have so many times before, I am yours now and forever. So, when the fruit is present and when it is not, I am with you. When you are tending to your plant, I am with you. When you can't see any evidence of me, I am still with you. I love you more than you can ever know or understand.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

God's protection...


My prayer:

I am grateful for this life you have made for me Lord. I have truly never been more content than I am here and now. 

There are still struggles and things that I wish could be different. I hate how violent the world has become and how much suffering there is, almost everywhere. There are stressful moments and events that land in my lap on a regular basis that I wish could at least slow down sometimes.

But at the end of the day, here with you, all I can truly think about is how blessed I am. How you have filled my life with such joy and peace. 

Words will never be enough to thank you for that.

What God Said Tonight:

The winds are swirling in the heavens and they are bringing in a new season and a new time on earth. I will lead you through it. It will not touch you. But it will be terrifying for those without my protection. 

I do not mean to terrify my children but the time is coming when there will have to be a final choice. It will no longer be an option to play on each side of the fence. The people who have not chosen my protection and salvation for their lives are about to be in a place of no return. 

I know no other way to convey the seriousness of this moment. I want all of my children to come home and live under my protection. I am offering it to all. They must choose it though. I cannot force it onto anyone. 

I love you my child. Know that you are firmly in my protection and I will not leave you. Call those around you to join you here.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Season of knowledge...


My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for all that you have done this week. Your healing power is amazing and I am so grateful. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight

This season will be a season of knowledge. 

It is time for me to fill in some of the color around the things that you know. I have shown you the basics and you have studied the truth. Now it is time to understand more of the full story. I want to teach you about why things are as they are. I want to answer the questions that are burning in your spirit. 

I love you and it is time.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Next thing...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I tried to do what you asked tonight but I am going to need your help. I don't see how to make it work. I ask that you teach me, you guide me, and you show me how to do this thing that you have asked. I am willing, I just need your help.

What God Said Tonight:

It is ok. Sometimes the willingness to follow my direction is as important as actually getting it accomplished. 

This thing, this next thing that we will do, will require my help. It will require some work. But it won't be difficult. It will just need to wait on the right timing and the right support. It is not a thing that you can do on your own. The days of getting it done on your own are over my child. 

In this time and in this world, anything worth doing is done in community. It is done with those around you and with me. We are truly better together. 

I will guide you. I will teach you and you will see. There are those in your midst right now that were placed there for this time and this season. I will show them to you. 

I love you now and forever my child.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Fast times...


My prayer:

My head is spinning God. This has been another crazy and challenging week. I am grateful that you have given me peace throughout. Thank you for every blessing and every opportunity. I find it interesting that no matter what my plans are, you always provide these opportunities to pray for people, to listen to people, to counsel people. It is a theme in my life God and I love it. 

I pray that you continue to speak through me, to help the people you bring to me, and to help me be that reflection of your love that we all need. I am yours, now and forever God.

What God Said Tonight:

Life seems to be moving fast right now, and that is simply because you are in the middle of my will and my flow for your life. I am propelling you so we can cover as much ground as possible while you are in the center of my will. 

I have to slow you down sometimes. When you float to the fringes of my will, I need to give you time to get back into the center. It is actually not even something I have to do. It is a natural response that when you are not in my perfect will, you will find those insurmountable challenges that slow you down and weigh you down. 

But, in times like this when you are in my perfect will, you are in the fast part of the stream and you will move quickly through this time. I will give you rest in it, do not worry. I built you and I know what you need. I will ensure that you have every last thing that you need and I will give you the desires of your heart. 

A time is coming when those days that you look back on with fond longing will be back in front of you but with so much more. The miracles of the past will seem like simple shadows of the future to come. You will see things that your eyes will refuse to believe. 

I will be with you, in every moment fast or slow. I will never leave you. I love you.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Weight of the world...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I notice that I am in a season where much is outside of my control, or even my ability to affect it. I guess the truth is, most of life is like that; but, there are times when I notice it more. I notice it now. 

The events in the world are so horrifying and completely outside of my control or ability to affect it. The things at work are completely outside of my control and my ability to affect it. This latest health challenge that seems to continue to rear its nasty head, outside of my control or my ability to affect it.

All that being said, you bless me like crazy in the middle of all of this. You give me peace, beauty, nature, and love. So much so, I even feel guilty at times. Is it right to have so much peace and joy while all of this other is going on?

So, I am left with the only thing I can do and the only thing that really matters in the end anyway. I pray God and I put it all in your hands. I pray that your will is done. I pray for your continued protection, peace, and  joy in the midst of all of the rest. I pray that you bring me, you bring us, through all of these things.

I pray it in the name of Jesus, amen.

What God Said Tonight:

Do you feel that. Do you feel the weight that is taken from your shoulders whenever you give it to me? That is what I intend for you. That is what I want for you. 

You were not made to carry the weight of the world. That is for me. You were made to love. You were made to spread my love through the world. You were made to trust and to rely on me. These are the things that you can focus on. I will take care of the rest. 

I give you peace because peace comes from me, not from the world. I give you love because love comes from me, I am love. I give you joy because I love you and it makes my joy flow when I see you in it. 

I love you my child. Now is not a time for despair. Now is a time to love and to trust me to do my part. You are my reflection in the world. You can show the peace, the love, the joy, that I give you as testimony to those who have not known me yet. Their time will come and how will they know what to choose if they have not seen me working in your life? 

In these times, that reflection is ore powerful than ever. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023



My prayer:

Awesome God. I pray that your will is done and that I hear your voice tonight.

What God Said Tonight:

Every piece has a purpose and every panel has a role. In a mosaic, you get to see so beautifully each piece is beautiful on its own but then, when it is in place with the other pieces, it becomes a piece of a picture. Then several of those pictures come together to tell a greater story. 

It is like this with you and with your life. You are beautiful on your own but how much more beautiful when you are with those that I have placed you with, when you make a picture of your purpose. Then you see that purpose fit into the greater purpose and then we have a true piece of art. 

I love you my daughter. Keep shining in beauty on your own and in company.

Monday, October 16, 2023

God's sheep...


My prayer:

Thank you God for these last few days. With how rough last week was, I wasn't sure how to bounce back but all I had to do was trust you. You are my healer, my redeemer, and my strength. I am all yours God, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

My sheep are gathering together. They are bringing it in tight in preparation and in defense. 

My sheep know my voice and I have called them to me. They come together tonight to the safety of my land. I am the great Shepard and I will not let any of my sheep, not even one, down. 

I love you my child now and forever.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Ask for help...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I pray for your wisdom and understanding. There are these new challenges that I don't know the way through them. 

Amazing Father, show me what I should do or say. In general I pray that you show me the way through, like you always do. I pray for your help. 

What God Said Tonight:

I am here and I am always ready to help. I am your ever present help. 

I do need you to ask. 

Today, when you ran into that wall and did not know what to say or do, you relied on your own wisdom and strength, and that was not enough. Next time, rely on me and my strength and wisdom. Call out to me and I will help. Make it your instinct, your first thought, to reach out for my help and I will, always.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Troubles of today...


My prayer:

I have been praying all day God. Thank you for hearing my prayers. 

In times like these, all I can really pray is for your will to be done. I don't know enough about the greater forces involved to pray anything but for your will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

What God Said Tonight:

I have come to bring light and hope to the world. It may be heard to see that right now for many. 

The pains that this world is going through and must go through are hard to see. They are hard to witness. But, they are a passing trouble and pain. They will not last. 

Eternity is ours and it is good. It is free of war, and pain, and death. It is filled with love and joy and light. In that great eternity, the troubles of today will seem small. 

I am with you and I love you now and forever my child.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Being stretched...


My prayer:

Awesome God. it has been pretty challenging this week but I am grateful that you have brought me through it all. Thank you for healing me. Thank you for helping me keep your peace during the chaos at work. Thank you for being my hope, now and always. I love you Lord.

What God Said Tonight:

Sometimes you are stretched. While that is not comfortable it does enlarge you, your influence. 

Each time you are stretched, either by challenges or by the choices you make to challenge yourself, you grow. Each time you grow, your influence grows. Each time your influence grows, you get to reflect my love and my power to more people. Each time that happens, there is more opportunity for my children to return. 

So, what it comes down to is I won't keep you from being stretched. That is an inherent part of growth and is vitally important to my Kingdom. I won't let you be stretched to breaking. I won't let that stretching, that challenge be for no reason. But, I will let it happen. 

Trust in me to keep you safe and bring you through it. But don't disdain or discount the value of being stretched. 

I love you my child, now and forever.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Only just begun...


My prayer:

I am grateful for the life you have given me here Lord. I am yours now and forever. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

Rest in me. Receive my strength. Receive my wisdom. Recieve my blessings. 

As my child you are entitled to so many things. You have only just begun to recognize the privileges of being mine. I have so much more to show you. 

I love you with all that I am and I will see you blessed beyond measure. 

Rest now and see what joy tomorrow brings. Or, more to the point, see what joy I bring tomorrow. 

I love you now and forever my child.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Bless those who don't know God, yet...


My prayer:

Thank you again for all of your help today God. I could not do what I do without you. 

I am so grateful for you in my life. I am eternally grateful for the salvation that you have given me so I can spend eternity with you. But I am also grateful that I don't have to wait for heaven before I get to know you and be with you. Living this life, in this crazy world, would not be possible for me, without you.

Thank you for all that you are and all that you do.

What God Said Tonight:

I have blessed you so you can and will be a blessing to others. 

Not everyone knows me. Not everyone can receive my blessings. They must know me and choose me to receive my blessings. However, you can bless them. You can take that which I bless you with and you can bless those around you. 

You can let them know that you are blessed by me. You can show them, through your life, the benefits of a life with me. It is that testimony of life and blessings that can show those who don't yet know me, why they want to know me. 

I don't need you to preach, but I need you to bless those around you. I need you to love those around you. That is what can win their hearts. 

I love you my child, now and forever.

Sunday, September 24, 2023



My prayer:

Thank you God for doing the impossible, again. Thank you for time to recover this weekend. Thank you for being so amazing. I love you. I trust you. My life is yours.

What God Said Tonight:

We will walk into tomorrow together. As we always do. Regardless of the circumstances and what happens, remember I am with you and I am not leaving. Regardless of what demands tomorrow brings, I am with you and I am not leaving you. Regardless of anything, those two things do not change. I am with you and I am not leaving you. 

I will never stop fighting for you, protecting you. loving you. I am committed to you for eternity. 

My child, I can never tell you enough how I love you because it goes beyond your understanding. Receive that love tonight and walk into tomorrow confident in it.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Reflect God's glory...


My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for all you have done this week. Your protection and guidance and favor has been amazing. I have one more day where I need to do the impossible, which I know from experience with you, it is possible. I pray for your help to get it all done. On my own, I could never do it. With you, truly all things are possible. I love you Lord, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

I am your ever present help. I will destine you to succeed, not for your sake but for the sake of those you serve and love. 

I will show them how I am the God of impossible situations. I will show them that I can make a way where there is no way. I will reflect my glory in you and they will see. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Will and choice...


My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for your reminders today. You are very good to me Holy Spirit. My mind and my memory are really not very good but with you, I look like a genius. 

As we head on this journey tomorrow, I pray God that your will is done. I pray that your peace go with me, remain in me, emanate from me, and return with me. I pray that you help me to see every opportunity to love and reflect your love. I pray that your will is done God, in all things.

What God Said Tonight:

A reminder is just a reminder. It is your will that determines if you follow through or not. It is your will that decides if it will listen to me or not. I gave you choice for very specific reasons. 

I love you and I gave you that ability to choose to love me, or not. 

Remember to choose, each day and as you heard last night, each day for as long as today is today. 

I love you. I am with you. I will never leave you. You will go in my peace and blessing. It will not return void. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

What matters...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I do not feel like I did a very good job today. I let the stress get to me. I took it out on people who did not deserve it. I was not a very good reflection of your love.

Thank you for showing me what I was doing and giving me the opportunity to apologize. Thank you for knowing how imperfect I am and for covering me with your grace. Thank you for loving me anyway. 

What God Said Tonight:

I am still here. I am with you. I never left you. 

This life you are living is not about being perfect. It is not about many of the things you worry about. This life is about loving.Being loved and loving others. It is the one thing that truly does matter. 

I love you. Receive that love tonight. It will fuel you and fill you tomorrow to love those around you, better. 

Sunday, September 10, 2023



My prayer:

Amazing savior. Thank you for a wonderful day. Thank you for the peace, the rest, the healing. I know I say it all the time but I am so grateful for you. I am grateful for the salvation that you bought for me, absolutely. But I am also so grateful for the blessing and peace that comes from living each day with you. You are my everything.

What God Said Tonight:

The sin of yesterday is forgiven and forgotten by me. However, sometimes it can leave ashes in your life. It can leave a residue that needs to be swept away. 

It doesn't have any power but it makes you think you are still dirty. You are not. You are clean and saved. But that residue can make you feel as though you are not. 

It may be time to do some house cleaning. Sweep out the ashes. Run a clean cloth over your life. Smell and see how clean you are now. See you as I see you. 

I love you now and forever my child.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Your intended life...

My prayer:

Amazing God. Thank you for all of your help this week. It has been pretty challenging but you have brought me through it all. I am SO GRATEFUL for you in my life. I could not do this without you.

What God Said Tonight:

You were never meant to do it alone. From the very beginning, I designed you to need me as I need you. It was always the plan that we would live life together. 

When you rely on me, lean on me, trust me, that is when you are truly living your intended life. That is why it feels so right and so easy when you are doing it. The challenge is, sin makes you think you don't need that or want it. Sin separates you from me and from even remembering that you need me. 

Receive my forgiveness and lean on me and find yourself in the life you were intended to live. 

I love you now and forever my child.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Give love...


My prayer:

Awesome God. You have given me so much. What can I do for you?

What God Said Tonight:

You give me your heart, your focus, your hope, and your trust. You give me your love. That is all I have ever asked for. 

Love me and love each other. Give me that and it is all I need. 

I love you sweet child, now and forever. Rest in that love.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Being whole...


My prayer:

Thank you for today God. Your blessings continue to leave me in awe. Thank you for conquering every challenge in my way today. Thank you for your generosity. It gives me the room to bless others and be blessed all at the same time. Thank you for the life you have given me here. I know heaven is better, but it is hard to imagine much better than this. YOU ARE SO INCREDIBLE!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Building on a strong foundation is always worth the time and effort. Building something temporary is rarely worth the time and effort. 

Build a life with me, on my strong foundation, and you will be grateful you did. You will know at the end of each day that today was worth it. Build your life elsewhere and you will not get that same joy. 

I don't say this to scare anyone. I am only telling you the truth of life. You were created to be in relationship with me and outside of that, you will never be whole. I created you in our image and without us, you are not whole. 

I love you, I love all of my children and I ache for them all to come back to me.  Let me make you whole. 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Make a difference...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I pray that every one of your children gets to have a moment, a day, a week, a year, or a lifetime where they get to experience your glory. A time when they get to look up and be speechless and in awe of who you are and all that you do.

You have given me so many of those moments and I am grateful for every one. Today, I am grateful for that moment this morning. I am in awe of you God. There is no one like you and I am in awe.

What God Said Tonight:

Even the dimmest light is bright in the darkness. I don't need you to be perfect but if you can stay focused on reflecting even a small portion of my light, you will make a difference. You will bring light into darkness and it will matter. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Placed and positioned...


My prayer:

What a day God. In the middle of the chaos, you gave me such a sweet blessing. THANK YOU! A great reminder that our everyday words and deeds matter. They influence people, for good or for bad. I love that at least some of the time, I reflect you well and people are blessed. 

I pray that you help me to do that more and more, every day.

What God Said Tonight:

Your life matters. I would not keep you on earth if there was not a purpose and a reason. 

It would be wonderful to have you here with me in heaven, especially in these times. It would be wonderful to celebrate with you and all the saints. And yet, in this season, in this time, I have a different purpose for you and for all of my children still living in the world. 

I have not left you or forgotten you. I have placed you. I have positioned you. I have a strategic purpose for you and your life and it is necessary for all that is to come. 

Thank you for being willing and saying yes. I have everything else covered from there. Follow me and see what we can do. 

I love you my child, now and forever.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Joy and hope...


My prayer:

Thank you for a wonderful day God. I don't need anything more tonight except to hear your voice.

What God Said Tonight:

Tomorrow is a day that will bring with it surprises and joy. Tomorrow is a day that is not known or promised but is full of hope. 

My children get to have hope in tomorrow. Have joy in today and hope in tomorrow and you will live the life I planned for you. 

I am yours and you are mine, now and forever my child.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

In the fire...


My prayer:

Amazing God. Thank you for your guidance and help today. It seems like for the last week, every conversation starts or ends with "I have something to tell you..." That phrase is almost never followed with good news. But each time, you have given me the peace and the wisdom to see the path through and to help the person see that path as well. 

Your guidance is worth more than all the gold and riches in the world God. Thank you for sharing it with me when I need it, or when those in my life need it.

What God Said Tonight:

The path through is the easy part. What people need, what your people in your life need can often be just for you to be in the fire with them. You can't always have an answer but you can always commit to stick with them through the trials. 

I love you my child and I will always show you the way through but I won't always jump right to it. Sometimes, I will tell you, sometimes, the answer is not as important as the compassion. Never forget the compassion of sitting with a friend in their tears. 

I did the same. In the fires with my three faithful boys, I did not bring them out of it but I did join them in it. 

I love you now and forever my child.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Love and see...


My prayer:

Thank you for today God. Today was a day of putting things in perspective. It helped me to have a whole new level of appreciation for what you have done and are doing in my life. It reminded me of what is truly important and what isn't. 

Help me to love like you love. Help me to see like you see. I am yours God, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

I love without reservation and I see the truth. I love when it doesn't make sense and I see what others cannot. 

I am your Father and you are made in our image. You have the heart to love and the eyes to see. I am your teacher and I will show you how. Take the time to learn it. Take the time to experience it. It is not something that comes naturally and it is not something you will learn over night. But you were made for this. You were made to love like I love. You were made to see as I see. You were made in our image. 

It will take time to bring you back to what I intended from the beginning but the journey is worth it. Look to me in all things I will guide you to it. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023



My prayer:

There was a lot to process from today God. Thank you for guiding me through all of the ups and downs. 

I pray for your will to be done God. In my life, in the world, as it is in heaven. There is nothing more I could want. Your will is always perfect.

What God Said Tonight:
I have something for you. I have kept it safe and set aside. Waiting for the time that was right. I won't give it early as you may not be able to appreciate it and I won't give it late, when it no longer matters. But in the right moment of time, I will give you this. It is made for you and will bring you such great joy. 

In this moment, know that I love you and I will never leave you. Know that it brings me such joy to bring you blessings. Know that whatever this world, this day throws at you, I will never walk away and leave you to deflect it on your own. I will always be there for you and I will always show you the way through. 

I love you so much my child. Rest in that fact.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

God's plan...


My prayer:

Amazing God. Thank you for this day. This day was incredible. This day had so many blessings in it. I LOVED THIS DAY!!! You are so good to me God. You are SO GOOD!

What God Said Tonight:

I love you. I love to bless you. 

You will know blessings greater than these. You will be a blessing greater than this. 

I have created and ordained you to be the reflection of my blessings and my love. I will not turn my back on that. I will not change my mind. It is your purpose and my plan and we will see it through all the days of eternity. 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Introduce God...


My prayer:

Sweet Father. Today was a mixed bag for sure. Thank you for bringing me through it and for getting me here with you tonight. 

I have had the amazing blessing of having you in my life and in my heart for as long as I can remember. I can't remember a time before I knew you. That means, I have lived my life with your hope. That is amazing and gives me a new appreciation for those who do not know you yet. 

Everyone needs to meet you God. They may not choose to live with you in their life, that is their choice. But everyone needs to meet you. This must happen. Help us to see how.

What God Said Tonight:

I am introduced to someone every time they see your life. Your life is my introduction and my connection to everyone you meet, everyone you touch. 

I count on my children to be my ambassadors. To introduce me around to those who don't know and who have not chosen to live life with me. If every child of mine tells one person each day about me, if they introduce me to one person, that adds up. 

Live your life in a way that makes that introduction easy. I love you my child.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

More than you can imagine...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I love the season you have me in. I am getting curious about what the next season will have for me. I am hearing many different things and I am not sure what your best and your will is in it. I am sure you will make it plain and you will give me peace when it is time. I am just curious. The things I am hearing and thinking are so divergent from each other. Which one is you? Are any of them you? 

I love you God and my life is yours.

What God Said Tonight:

A future, your future is not one single thing. It is more complex than that. 

Could you have ever imagined the life you are living now? Could you have predicted the peace and joy? Could you have predicted the many things that have become common place to you, but just a few years ago, seemed like a miracle? 

That is the future. It is more than you can imagine. It is wonderful. And it is ours.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Find joy...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I know I say this almost every time we talk, but thank you. Thank you for your help. Thank you for your protection. Thank you for your blessings. And most of all, thank you for your love. 

Today was a little crazy but you made a way through it all and here we are, sitting out under the starlit sky together. I love you now and forever God. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

You can find joy in anything if you look hard enough. It is somehow easier to see the pain and the turmoil. You don't have to look for that at all. It is right there in your face screaming for attention. But joy, blessings and peace are often quieter folk who are always with you, but sometimes you have to seek them out. 

Sometimes you have to look between the challenges and see the joy. It is there, I promise. Continue to look for it. Continue to find it. It is there as a blessing to you and life is worth living with it. 

I love you daughter, now and forever.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Gift of worship...


My prayer:

Amazing Father. Thank you for all of your help today. Life would be impossible without you. 

I pray for your continued guidance, direction, grace, mercy and most of all love. You are my everything God and I am yours now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

I have a lot to tell you but each thought and each word builds upon the last one. It is not as though I will talk to you tonight and tomorrow it is done. 

I will talk to you every day for eternity. I will hear and listen to you even longer. 

I love you and your voice is music in my ears. Your worship is a sweet fragrance. Your gifts of worship matter. They matter to me. 

I love you now and forever.

Thursday, July 20, 2023



My prayer:

Sweet Father. Thank you for another blessed day. I have really worked this week at incorporating what you have said and it has been good. Flowing on your wave, being present in the moment, and generally trusting you. Life is so much easier and better when I follow you instead of thinking I can make my own way. Thank you for your guidance, your healing, and most of all, your love.

What God Said Tonight:

Breathe. I am with you now and forever. I will never leave you. I am the God of the universe, creator of everything. There is nothing that I cannot do. And, I am on your side. 

I love you and I will see you through every circumstance of this life. 

Breathe and know that I am God. Breathe and trust that I love you more than you can imagine. Breathe and see what I will do for you. 

I love you. Hear that now, I     LOVE    YOU. Now, believe it. 

Everything else is easy when you know and believe these simple things.

Monday, July 17, 2023

The wave...


My prayer:

Thank you for your help today Lord. I was worried about the transition back to "normal" but you made it very smooth. Thank you for taking care of my team while I was gone. Thank you for your continued blessing and favor on my life. I cannot imagine being more blessed.

You are my Lord God Almighty and I am yours, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

Life, usually, is not about sharp angles and hard lines. Life is usually more of a wave that you ride. 

You can work on living a life that is more fluid. You can sometimes spend so much time putting things in boxes and they don't need to be there. 

You are my child and my Spirit goes with you wherever you are. There is a fluidity in your life, if you will allow it, that will show who you are and who I am in every situation. Not just "ministry" situations and not just at church. But always and in all things. 

I strongly desire to be in every aspect of your life. I want to be that wave that takes you from moment to moment with a smooth ease that is beautiful and effortless. Allow me to smooth out the edges and the sharp corners and let's see what that kind of life is like. 

I love you now and forever my child.

Friday, July 14, 2023



My prayer:

Amazing Father. Thank you for today. Thank you for your guidance. Thank you for your peace. I am grateful for all that you are and all that you do in my life. I remain in awe of you.

What God Said Tonight:

Today was less about what happened and more about what did not happen. My direction is sometimes taking you toward something and other times, it is taking you away from something. I needed you set aside today, in peace, comfort and safety. 

Sometimes, as you know, I need you in the heat of the battle where I also protect you and give you peace. However, other times, like today, I need you to be kept apart and sanctified in the midst of what is happening in this world. 

One day, we will live in the new world with the new heaven and days like today won't be necessary. I won't need to guide you from things and keep you apart. In those coming days, we will live free, in joy, peace and fulfillment. It will be glorious. 

Until that time, hear my voice and let me lead you to and away from the things in this world. I will be with you always, your navigator, your guide. 

I love you sweet child.