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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, April 21, 2024



My prayer:

Thank you for an amazing week God. Your provision on my life, the way you provide for me, is miraculous. Every victory is yours God. It is clearly you working in my life and I am so grateful!

Thank you for hearing my prayers from earlier tonight for those who I have not seen. I pray that while I might be absent from their lives for a while, I know you never are. I pray that your presence be tangible to them tonight God. Blanket them in your peace and love so there is no doubt in their spirit or soul that you are God and that you love them.

What God Said Tonight:

My arms are open and filled with gifts for you. You can receive them all or you can choose those that you think you deserve. 

I love you with a love that knows no bounds. My gifts are a result of that love. My gifts are not a result of what you have done. Your deeds and your acts, no matter how good, could not warrant the very least of my gifts for you. 

Receive all I have for  you. Do not limit the gift by refusing to receive it. Open your arms wide and receive. It is a glory to me and a great joy. 

I love you now and forever my child.

Sunday, April 14, 2024



My prayer:

A beautiful day and a victorious week Lord. Thank you for defending your people. Thank you for showing me a path forward free from the pain and attacks. Thank you for the peace and hope that you provide, every day. I am grateful to be your disciple and your child. 

What God Said Tonight:

Victory is a short lived moment but a chain of victories can increase you confidence. It can make you believe that you can be victorious. 

With me, every battle is the chance for victory. I will see you victorious in every situation. Eventually, you will trust that. Every victory builds that trust. 

If you can just remember that it is not you fighting the battle it is me and that I can't lose because I have already won the war, if you can truly learn and believe that, you will never worry about losing or being crushed by your enemy again. 

The enemy will keep fighting. It is all he has left. But he cannot win. The end is already determined. Please remember. It is my battle and it is a battle I have already won. You can claim that victory, even before you see it. 

I love you my child. Now and forever.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Broken chains...


My prayer:

Amazing God. Thank you for everything you are teaching me right now. This has been a tremendous time of learning and growing like I have not experienced in a while. I know I have more to learn because the challenges keep coming, but I also know that you are in it with me and leading me, guiding me and teaching me, so I can't lose. 

Love you SO MUCH LORD!!!

What God Said Tonight:

There are some chains that have been binding you, keeping you back in some areas of your life. It is time to break those off. 

These chains are broken in prayer and wisdom. These chains are broken as a result of you knowing the authority you have. This time is growing that confidence in the authority I have given you. It won't take long. 

I love you my child. Now and forever.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Reality of life with God...


My prayer:

You have risen! That is the point of the celebration today. We get to celebrate together that you gave your life, fought Satan and hell, won, rose again, and now have redeemed us, your children. That is really too much to comprehend. I was raised with the knowledge of it so I think I somewhat take it for granted. But if I take the time to stop and truly consider it all, it is unbelievable.

Thank you for loving us enough to sacrifice so much, just so we could be saved. There will never be enough words, enough gratitude, enough thankfulness to merit all that you have done. 

You are my everything Lord.

What God Said Tonight:

I choose you, my child and now that you choose me, I am able to pour out  on you blessings to overflow. I am able to teach you when you have an ear to hear. I am able to speak to you when you quiet yourself to listen. 

The opportunity for our relationship was made on that fateful day when the old covenant was fulfilled and the new covenant went into effect. However, the reality of life together requires more than just the opportunity. It requires the effort. 

It requires that you reach out, that you receive, that you listen, and that you take time for our relationship to grow and develop. I will meet you every time. Every time you want to talk, you want me to listen, you want to learn, every time, I will be there. But don't forget to take that step. Don't forget to make the time. 

I will not force you, ever. Which means I need you to reach out first.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

A beautiful life...


My prayer:

Thank you for a wonderful day of rest Lord. What a privilege and blessing it is to have a full day of rest every week. I loved our walk together this morning. I have to make more time for that. I have gotten lazy. 

We are walking into a new week and I have no idea what it will bring but I also have full confidence that you will face whatever it is with me, you will guide me and you will help me. So, I have no worries tonight and I simply pray that your will is done, in all things.

I love you Lord, now and forever. I choose you and your way for my life.

What God Said Tonight:

Life is a kaleidoscope of images and things coming together. Each piece is important and beautiful on its own, but when seen together as  a whole, that is when the beauty really comes out. 

I have designed and planned for your life to be beautiful. I am grateful that most days, you follow that plan and get to see the things that I have planned for you. Some days, you make choices that veer you away from my plan, but even in that, your choice to return to my will can be more beautiful and more powerful than the original plan was in the first place. 

I love you my child and I will continue to find those ways to bless you in this beautiful life.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

So much light...


My prayer:

Holy Father. Thank you for the extra protection this week. Thank you for all of the answered prayers this week. This week has been a great reminder that prayer matters and that when we ask you, you are always there to help and listen. 

I pray as we go into this new week Lord, that you show us everything you want us to see and help us to do and be what you would want us to be. God, I pray your will is done above all things, knowing that your will is ALWAYS the best. 

I trust you, I rely on you, I love you and I am fully yours.

What God Said Tonight:

There is so much light. There is darkness now too, but in that darkness, there is so much light. The hope of tomorrow is so much greater than the worry or concern of tomorrow. 

I am your hope and I am above all things. I am the Lord God. Everything that is came from me. There is no love, truth, or hope without me. With me, all things are possible. I am your hope for tomorrow and your peace for today. 

I love you more than you will ever be able to know or understand but know that I will never let you down and I will never leave you. Every moment of every day for the rest of eternity, I am with you. I love you now and forever my child.

Sunday, March 10, 2024



My prayer:

What a difference a week, or even a day makes when you are in charge God. THANK YOU for healing me. Thank you for directing me. Thank you for pulling me from that place of darkness I was in last week. 

It seems like a lifetime ago. But you have that ability, to wipe away the most painful experiences and replace them with joy and hope. You are the God of hope and the God of tomorrows. You are my God and I am grateful for it. 

I choose you, now and forever. Thank you for choosing me.

What God Said Tonight:

We consumed your pain with fire. When something is consumed with fire, it does not make the thing disappear but it leaves an ash. That ash then becomes the ground for new growth. That is true of you this week my child. 

I have burned away the pain, but it has not completely disappeared. It has become the ash that will grow new things in your life and in the Kingdom. Never will you suffer without me finding good use of it. We will use this ash to fertilize the next season. 

I love you know and forever.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Heal the pain...


My prayer:

Amazing God. I have run into my old nemesis today, or for the last few days. The pain is too much. I need you. I need your healing power. I have nothing left to fight this except to cry out to you. 

What God Said Tonight:

The root and the reason for the pain is deep and complicated. It is not for no reason. 

I will reveal those roots and reasons as soon as you need to know them. Knowing them now would not help. In the meantime, I hear you crying out. I feel your pain. I will heal you, heal that pain, as soon as I possibly can. 

I love you daughter and I would never have you take on more than you can bear. 

Sunday, February 25, 2024



My prayer:

Awesome Father. Thank you for the wonderful time of rest and worship. I pray, as we go into this new week that your will is done, in everything. I pray that you give me the wisdom to get out of your way so you can do your thing and the wisdom to act when you want me to act. Let me hear your voice, tonight and always. Be my guide, my teacher, my father, my brother, and my savior God. You are my everything.

What God Said Tonight:

Not every root will grow into a plant. Some roots will wither and die before they can become what they are meant to become. 

When that root is an evil root, this is good news. When that root is a good root, this news is a tragedy. The root is the start of the plant but without the right conditions and attention, the root will die. 

Give attention to the roots that you want to grow. Do not give you attention to those roots you do not want to grow. 

I love you my child, now and forever.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

God has a reason...


My prayer:

Awesome Father. Thank you for an amazing day of rest and peace. I love watching your will being accomplished in this world. We think we have plans for the future but when we trust you with the future, you work it all out for our good and it is really beautiful to watch. As I head into this week Lord, I will need your help, as always, for all of the known challenges and the unknown. I am yours God, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:
There are times when I cannot share with you every last detail of what is going on. Not because I don't want to but because I know the details might not be able to be understood

Sometimes, I need you to trust me whether I can share with you the details or not. When I ask you to step left or move forward, I can promise there is always a reason for it; however, I may not be able to share that reason

Trust in me and trust that every instruction from me comes with a true and valid reason, whether I can share it with you now or not. Trust me enough to know that I would not ask of you, unless there were reason. 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Together with God...


My prayer:

Amazing Father. Thank you for the rest this weekend. It was wonderful to not need to struggle or work and just rest in you. I don't know what we are walking into tomorrow but I will do my best to remember to trust you in it. To leave it up to you and your will. That always works out the best for everyone. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I love you my child and whatever we face tomorrow, we face together. 

I will not let it ruin you. I will not let it crush you. My angels of protection are around you, now and forever. I will see you through each day, for eternity. 

Your trust, your rest, your peace shall be rooted in that truth. 

Thursday, February 8, 2024



My prayer

Amazing God. I can't believe I am still praying about the same thing. This problem, this conflict just keeps hanging on. It changes shape, but it is not going away and it is exhausting.

I pray God that your peace rule in my life. I pray that your peace overwhelm the conflict. I ask that you resolve this conflict.

What God Said Tonight:

This conflict is not what it seems. It is not as simple as it appears. This conflict has roots to it that you cannot know and you cannot fix. 

I am your God and I will see you triumph over the conflict. I will see you, the peacemaker. 

This conflict is not going to break you. It will be broken off of you. Do not own it. Trust it with me. 

I love you my child.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

The purpose of problems...


My prayer:

Awesome Father. I did my best last week to be your reflection of peace in the chaos. I don't think I did a very good job. I think that I may have been calm and reflecting peace in the direct conflict, when it was over, when the crisis took a break, the stress definitely showed through. I also know that i so often tried to handle it all on my own and forgot that I could ask your help. In the heat of it, in the fire, I forgot I could call out to you. I was so focused on the situation, I forgot that you are the solution to every situation. 

I head back into it tomorrow with new opportunities to do better. I pray in advance for your help. In every situation. In every challenge, I pray for your help and your will to be done.

What God Said Tonight:

I didn't ask you to solve the problem. I asked you to reflect my peace. I didn't ask you to bring resolution. I asked you to reflect my peace. I didn't even ask you to create peace in the situation. I asked you to reflect my peace. 

Sometimes my children, you make things so much harder on yourselves than you need to. I don't expect you to solve all the problems. They are  too many and they are too big. I only expect and want you to be what shows the world that I am bigger than that problem...and that you know it. 

That is how you reflect the peace. When the world sees that nothing can shake you, that becomes very interesting. They wonder how you do it. Some will even ask. Then you can tell them about me, my power, my love, that gives you the assurance that you live under each day. 

The problems are not about bringing you harm or stress. They are about showing a world that there is a different and better way to live. A way that allows you to have peace and joy in the midst of chaos, pain, and sorrow. You are a child of God and with that comes great privileges and blessings. The world needs to know that.

Monday, January 29, 2024

God's peace...


My prayer:

Awesome Father. I have a pretty tough challenge coming up tomorrow and I need your help. I need to find the peaceful path forward in a situation where there is no peace currently. 

I pray that your peace reign in this situation. I pray that you soften the hearts of the people involved that they find a way to forgive and move forward. 

I know that this will not happen without your intervention and your help. Thank you for being my everlasting help Lord.

What God Said Tonight:

Peace, true peace, is never the result of circumstances. That kind of peace that comes from everything going well, is a fragile peace and it quickly evaporates when the smallest thing changes those circumstances. 

My peace passes all understanding. My peace is present and active no matter the circumstance. 

I am your peace my daughter. Reflect my peace tomorrow and it will change the circumstances and change the hearts of those involved. 

I love yo now and forever my child.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Who you walk with...


My prayer:

Amazing Father. Thank you for bringing me through the challenges of this week. There were times where things looked so bleak and each time, you showed me the path forward. I don't know what I would do without you. Without your guidance, your favor and your love, my life would be nothing but a miserable struggle. Thank you for choosing me. I will choose you today and always.

What God Said Tonight:

There are so many paths, so many ways to go on this journey. Some lead you up and some down. Some lead you toward your goal and some away. But more important than the path you take is who you choose to take the path with. 

If you are on a path with many challenges, you will want to walk with someone who can help you through the challenges. If you are on a path with few challenges, you will want to walk with someone who you can enjoy the time. 

I am your partner, your guide, your friend on every path. We will meet every challenge and we will enjoy every step, as long as we are walking the path together. You have chosen to walk the path of my Kingdom. All else is easy. 

I love you now and forever my child.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Listen and hear...


My prayer:

Thank you Lord for the peace, the rest, and the new levels of understanding that you brought this weekend. You are amazing and life with you is more than I could have hoped for. Now, if there is anything that you want to say, I am here to hear you and record it to the best of my abilities. Help me not to mess it up.

What God Said Tonight:

I speak but not everyone will listen. I speak but many will not hear. My Word is alive and active and flowing in so many different ways and still so many feel lost without direction or understanding. 

You will hear this and you will either discard it or you will take it in. 

You will know my voice when it brings peace with it. You will know my voice when it agrees with what I have written out for you. You will know my voice, if you are my child. It will be familiar. It will be love. 

I love you, now and forever and I will keep speaking. Your choice is to listen and hear, or not. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024



My prayer:

You are incredible God. A day of blessings and favor. Living life with you is indescribable. No one would believe it. I pray that every one of your children receive a special awareness of your presence tonight. I pray that they experience you in a new or elevated way. I pray that you are more real to them tonight than you have ever been. 

I love you God, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

I love you. I have heard your prayer. I will respond. Prepare the people to receive. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Light in darkness...


My prayer:

Awesome Father. I love this life that you have given me. I love the joy, the peace, the love and I love the challenges, the growth, and the lessons. As long as I can live every moment of this life with you, it is good. 

Thank you for loving me and for all that you are and all that you do.

What God Said Tonight:

There is light. Even in the darkest of times there is light. If you can look for and focus on the light, the darkness will dissipate. It will lose its strength. It will lose its power. 

One spark of light can be seen in the thickest of darkness. One spot of darkness has little to no effect on a bright light. Light will win over darkness, every time. 

I love you my daughter and I encourage you, stay focused on my light and the darkness will fade to powerless nothingness.

Thursday, January 11, 2024



My prayer:

Amazing Father. Thank you for bringing me through today. Your favor, your wisdom, and your guidance continue to amaze me. I live a blessed life, only because of you and your love. I pray that every one of your children get to experience the full joy and blessing that you have for them.

What God Said Tonight:

A good life is not always an easy life. A good life is one where you and I get closer each day. A good life is one that is lived with the purpose of my Kingdom at its center. A good life is one that is truly lived. 

I have given you a good life because you are my beloved daughter and I only want the very best for you. I will bless my children with good lives. And then, when that life is done, I will bless you with an eternity of even greater bliss and blessing with me. 

My salvation that I have given to you is meant to cover today and tomorrow Keep yourself covered in my blood and I will keep you blessed. 

I love you now and forever my child.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

The future...


My prayer:

Amazing Father. Thank you for the time to rest this weekend. It is a luxury and I am grateful. I pray that your will is done this week, that you guide and direct me in everything that you have for me to do. I pray that I am a blessing to those around me and, with your help, am a reflection of your love.

Awesome God, there are so any needs in this world tonight. Too many to list or to even know. Our only hope is in you. I pray for your healing in this world. I pray for your guidance in this world. I pray for your favor for your people in this world. 

I love you now and forever my God.

What God Said Tonight:

I hear your prayers my child and I am with you. 

There are so many needs but not more needs than I can meet. There is so much pain in this world but not more pain than I have healing. I am greater than the need and I am greater than the pain. 

We will see this world pass and a new heaven and earth will be established. In that process, the old will be washed away and the new will thrive. We will have a time, an eternity of perfect peace and love together. All of my children. All who have heard my voice, my call, and chosen me, have that future to be confident in and to trust. That is the future we have.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

The beginning...


My prayer:

Amazing God. Thank you for all of your help this week. I could not have done it without you and would not want to try to. 

There is such amazing comfort and peace in knowing that you are with me and will never leave me. It makes everything else seem doable. 

I love you now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

I am showing you the beginning to remind you of where you came from. There is value in knowing your history. Not so you repeat it and not so you get stuck in it but only to understand where you are now and how you can move forward. 

Your history does not start with your birth. Your history starts with the beginning. It starts with the story of mankind. That is the history, the roots that will help you to understand today and how to get to tomorrow. 

Let me teach you. You will not be sorry.