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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, May 4, 2018


My prayer:

It is funny. I am at peace but also really excited tonight. I am not sure I have ever experienced both of those things at the same time before. 

I have such peace that must be coming from you because it makes no sense otherwise. And, at the same time, I am so excited about this trip you have planned for us. I can't wait to see what you are going to do! Normally, when I get this excited, I am jittery and anxious but I feel nothing but peace. I like this! 

Love you Daddy and thank you for hearing my prayers for your healing in my friend. I can't wait to hear the praise report!

What God Said Tonight:

Trust yourself and treat yourself. This has been a long time coming. 

You have been preparing for a month. I have been preparing for an eternity. 

Thursday, May 3, 2018

God's plan...

My prayer:

Thanks for getting me through this day. It was long, cold, and wet but there were some good moments too. I asked this morning to help me to see the joy in this day. Thank you for the moments of joy and the underlying peace that blanketed the day. You sure are wonderful!

What God Said Tonight:

Mapping your way to your future is not a bad thing but don't get so stuck in your plan that you miss my plan. I will give you the desires of your heart but keep in mind that the blessings I have for you are greater than you can contain or understand. 

Keep you mind and your spirit open to see all that I have for you instead of the small portion that you can imagine right now. My love is beyond your comprehension and my grace covers it all. 

I love you. Be open to all I have for you.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

No barriers...

My prayer:

It is good to be here with you tonight. A long day. God, I want to hear your voice and your words. Speak to my spirit and my heart. Let me feel your presence.

Thank you Jesus for giving me the right to ask.

What God Said Tonight:

Sometimes you are outside the window looking in and sometimes you are inside, being watched. Either way, the window keeps you separated. 

With me, there is no window, no barrier, nothing to keep me from you or you from me My blood removed all barriers. My sacrifice paid every price. 

I love you. 

Monday, April 30, 2018

Clean off my heart...

My prayer:

Thank you for the opportunity to be a blessing today! It felt great to be able to bless someone for no reason except they were there. She was so surprised! What a great way to end the day.

What God Said Tonight:

Opportunities are abundant. Your eyes are not always open to them. 

Your heart is distracted and covered with years of leftover junk that has been plastered on. There were reasons for each layer but they serve you no purpose now. Now they are just rotting layers of pain that keep you from connecting and loving your fellow man. 

Let me clean off your heart and make it new again. Let me remove the layers of pain that life has put on you until I reveal the young and perfect heart again. 

I love you and I will heal you to love. 

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Love is the key...

My prayer:

Awesome God. My prayer tonight is to ask that you teach me how to love people like you do. Too often, I let my own issues and impatience get in the way and I miss out on the love all around me. Help me to love better. Fill me with your love.

What God Said Tonight:

Love is a gift and love is a presence. 

My love, the never ending unconditional love, is rare and precious. My love will change the world and save humanity. My love has the power to revolutionize a people. My love sacrifices and gives. My love comforts and heals. 

I love you and through that love, you can learn to love those around you. You are not me but you can learn from me. 

Remember my love when you are frustrated. Remember my patience with you when you run out of patience with others. Follow my lead and you will find yourself loving like never before. 

In this world and the next, love is the key.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Waiting in anticipation...

My prayer:

What a might an awesome God you are. I am eternally grateful for you in my life. You make everything worthwhile. You are the joy in my morning and the peace in my evening. You are my strength and my help. You are my everything. 

What God Said Tonight:

Waiting in anticipation, knowing what your next season brings. Enjoy this time of waiting and anticipation. 

The time to come is beyond words. Your life in me is about to take on a flavor and a pace that you have not imagined. 

I love you and I wait with you. 

Friday, April 27, 2018


My prayer:

Thank you for a fun day God. Nothing stupendous but just fun. 

Thank you for hearing my prayer last night. You are a mighty and awesome God.

What God Said Tonight:

Moving things back into place. Making things right. Guiding you in a forward moving position. that was my day.

I love you and I am always working on your behalf. You can relax because I have you covered. Sleep well.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Fresh start...

My prayer:

Awesome God. My prayers are for Israel tonight. Please protect your people from the floods. Keep them safe. Restore what is taken. I pray your blessings and protection over them.

Thank you Yeshua.

What God Said Tonight:

I am there and I will help. 

Sometimes you need a flood to come through and clean out your life. While floods can be destructive, they can also be refreshing. Making a way to start fresh and new. 

My guardian angels are all around and will keep watch. But when it is all done, remember to rejoice in the fresh start. Not everyone gets that chance.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Blocking my blessings...

My prayer:

I had high hopes for today but things were a lot tougher than I thought they were going to be. Solutions were elusive and joy was hiding. 

Awesome Father. I put it all in your hands tonight and pray for your help tomorrow. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

Tomorrow is an unopened package. You know it is there but you don't know what you will find when you open it up. 

I have many surprises for you. Tomorrow, the next day. 

Trust me, lean on me more. Let me help you through the rough patches. 

You forgot to do one thing today. When the going got tough, you tried harder but you did not come to me for help. There was one moment when you turned to me, when you reminded yourself of my promise. Wait ans see what I will do with that glorious moment. But the rest of the time, you dug in your heels and tried to make it work. 

One day, I hope you can accept all that I have for you. There are so many blessings and so much help that I want to give you. The only thing stopping it is your will. Your will to do it on your own. When you find a way to let go of that, you will be amazed at what I can do. 

I love you, now and forever.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Whose side...

My prayer:

I kind of feel like today ran me over and left me twitching on the side of the road. I am worn out but grateful to ahve some time with you. Speak to me Lord. I am here, at your feet.

What God Said Tonight:

All rivers lead to the ocean and all paths lead to a decision either for me or against me. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you are neither for nor against me. Every person on earth is either for or against me. 

It is simple. You are either on my side or you are against me. There is no middle ground. 

Who you are on Sunday is who you are on Monday, regardless of how you dress it up. Live honestly. Live transparently. Live with my love. 

Sunday, April 22, 2018


My prayer:

All things are wonderful here with you tonight God. Nothing missing and nothing lacking. I am at peace and pray that I can live in this place with you more often.

All glory to the MOST HIGH GOD!

What God Said Tonight:

Everything in its right place and and its right time. In my perfect will and in my perfect time. Everything as it should be. 

Treasure this moment. Your awareness of the rightness of this moment is a treasure and a gift. Experience it, taste it, smell it. Remember it. 

I am always in control but it is not always easy for you to see that. Life can be very confusing, especially since you only get to see the surface of what is going on. 

Trust me always. Remember this moment. Remember that I have got you carved in the palm of my hand and I will never let you go. I love you daughter. I am your God.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Constant change...

My prayer:

I feel like there are a lot of changes about to happen. Maybe it is just the change in seasons or the upcoming trip. I don't know but it seems like everything is in flux. 

I pray God that your will is done. I pray that every change be under your control. Change what needs to be changed and leave what needs to be left. 

Thank you God for your wisdom and guidance.

What God Said Tonight:

Everything is always changing, you just don't always notice. 

Sometimes the changes are so small, you don't realize it until time has passed. Other times the changes are abrupt and massive in scale. Those are the ones that can be the hardest to deal with. But, know that change is constant and is nothing to be concerned or afraid of. 

My children are under my care and I will work all things for your good. Every change, no matter how it starts out, I will work it for your good. I will bless you in the middle of it. I will see you through it. 

I am yours, now and forever.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Small things...

My prayer:

I think I really got to help at least one person today God. I love when I can make a difference in someone's life. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. 

I feel like I was kind of a lazy bum the rest of the day. Did I miss out on anything that you intended for me today? Is there anything still tonight you have for me to do?

What God Said Tonight:

You are doing what I would have you do. 

The thing is, when you are truly living for me, even the smallest things have power. A smile to a stranger. Waiting for someone else to go first. It all matters. 

I don't always need you in front a a huge number of people.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

A healing wind...

My prayer:

I am out of steam and out of words tonight God. What is on your heart?

What God Said Tonight:

A healing wind is coming. I often heal through laying on of hands and through prayer but I am sending a healing wind that will heal everyone it touches. 

Be alert and see my glory. This miracle wind has already been sent on its way. Receive your healing.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Different blessings...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for getting me home in this madness tonight! Thank you for a roof over my head that is warm and food in my stomach. 

I pray for all of the people who are without those things tonight. Guide them to shelter. Find them food. Let them feel your love. Please. 

What God Said Tonight:

I have a plan and purpose for every one of m children. Some of those plans are difficult to see from the outside but don't underestimate my ability to bless. My blessings may take different forms for my different children but I will always find a way to bless you. Each of you. 

Pray for those who have less advantages than you do but also know that I am with them. Know that I find ways to bless them each day. 

I have heard your prayers and my blessings are being manifest even right now. 

I love you. Rest in my peace.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Game changer...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Today was not easy but it had its moments. One small success can feel like a world changer. Thank you for the world changer today!

What God Said Tonight:

A game changer is amazing. 

Remember that so many truly life changing events are not recognized as anything important at the time. It is not until later that you see there worth. 

Treasure each moment You never know when that seemingly boring moment could be your next life changer.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Ride the wind...

My prayer:

I am praying and asking for direction God. Wisdom, direction, let us know what to do. Let us know how to fix the things that are broken. Let us know what next steps will be in your will for our lives. I know you so frequently remind me that you turn all things for our good, which is unbelievably wonderful. But, if it is possible, we could really use some direction right now. 

What God Said Tonight:

A winter landscape looks daunting. You are worried if you get going in the wrong direction, you could get lost and die. That is the kind of landscape you are facing in your life right now. 

I know you don't think you know the way but you do. I know you think you don't know where to step next, but you do. 

Follow your instincts. I am driving them right now. Follow your heart, it is full of me. This is not a time to think through the options. It is a time to let your spirit ride the wind in my wake. It is easier than you think. 

Trust that I am with you and I am guiding you, even when you don't feel me. I love you and I will not let you fall.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Invite God...

My prayer:

Today was full of opportunities to think and ask "what if?" I love days like that God. I can spend a lot of hours on "what if?" Not what if...something bad happens, but what if this thing were different or what if we imagine the best of all possibly outcomes? What if there were no evil? 

The what ifs are endless.

I love you God. What do you think?

What God Said Tonight:

It is good to see you tonight. I can always see your heart but when you come to spend time with me, I get to see you, really see you. 

Remember, I never make someone choose me. I always leave it up to them. I choose people because I love all of my children and I want them all to come home. But, that does not mean they choose me. 

As long as they have not chosen me, I am separated, kept at a distance. When they invite me in, when they choose me, that is when I get to really see them, help them, heal them, and save them. 

Thanks for inviting me in tonight sweet daughter. I love you.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Walk in your destiny...

My prayer:

Amazing Father. You give me favor in the middle of struggles. You give me answers when there are no answers. You are amazing. I ask for help I ask for help with the situation we talked about today. It seems so messed up, I don't know what to do or how to help.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

It is not for you. The help is on the way. I have other plans for you.

I am taking you out of the situation but do not be concerned. I will help them too. I just need you somewhere else for now.

Walk in your destiny. Leave all other things to other people because it is their destiny to walk that path. When you get out of your destiny, even with the best of intentions and the purest heart, you damage the person who was meant to walk that path and now can't because you are in it. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Overflow blessing...

My prayer:

Thank you awesome God for the protection and favor for my friends today! The good report from the doctor was fantastic! The opportunity for "M", I mean, WOW!!! Today I got to spend most of the day celebrating your blessings for others and it was really wonderful.

What God Said Tonight:

My gifts are plentiful and can come at any time throughout the year. I am not limited in who I can bless or how much I can bless. 

I will pour out a blessing on you that you cannot contain. The overflow blessing is already on the way to you. 

Celebrate in the anticipation and rejoice with me. I love you and my blessings are a result of my joy overflowing. My love for you is never ending. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

The whole package...

My prayer:

Resting in you tonight God. I love your presence. There is nothing better. It is unexplainable but it is better than the best feeling in the world. Thank you for being with me right here and now.

What God Said Tonight:

I bring you peace and I bring you wholeness. I bring you love and I bring you joy. I bring you strength and I bring you gentleness. 

I love you daughter and I bring you all that I am. It is  yours, now and forever. 

Sunday, April 8, 2018

For your good...

My prayer:

Thank you for your protection today God. I didn't even realize I needed protection, but you were there taking care of me. You are an awesome God and Father. I pray for your guidance this week. Help me to see the opportunities in this week and help me to love like you do.

What God Said Tonight:

Everything working together for your good. It is my promise and it is your reality. I will always work every last thing for your good. My beloved child.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Waiting is over...

My prayer:

Thank you God for new opportunities and direction in my friends' lives! It has been such a long season of waiting for so many and it is WONDERFUL to see things starting to happen for them!

I pray your blessing, favor, and help to bring to full realization every opportunity you have for them.

What God Said Tonight:

A season of waiting is almost always seen as something to endure. I hope that one day you will see it as I do. A time for preparation, healing, and growth. 

I love periods of waiting in your life because those are the times when you slow down enough to let me really get in and do some healing work Those are the times when you seek me in earnest, looking for answers. Those are the times that you so hungry to do my will. 

Those seasons that you dread can be some of the most powerful and meaningful seasons of your life. Maybe next waiting season you can try to remember all of the tremendous benefit in the season?

But, for now, waiting is over and you are being sent. You will take this strength, peace, and love that you have built up in the waiting season and you will take it into the world that needs it. 

I love you now and in the waiting.

Friday, April 6, 2018

No fear...

My prayer:

Today was pretty wonderful. Thank you for everything. 

I am starting to get excited and a little fearful of this big trip coming up. I have to keep reminding myself that you set this all up and you will be in charge. As much as I have been blessed to travel all over during my life, I have never been this far before or to a place so different from home. 


What God Said Tonight:

I am with you and I am planning every moment of your trip. I have destined you for this and we will see great things together. 

I have not led you into something that would bring  you harm. Enjoy the excitement but do not waste your time on fear. I have not given  you that spirit. I have given you a great gift to be enjoyed and experienced. 

Get ready!

Relationship vs. dependency...

My prayer:

I am not sure if this still qualifies for "What you said tonight" since it is nearly 4 in the morning but I was just too worn out from the long day when I got home to talk much and fell asleep. But, I am up now and I am craving your voice.

Thank you for the opportunities. I am grateful for this life that you have given me. 

What God Said Tonight:

I don't really care when we talk, I only care that you take the time to talk and listen. Without the open communication it is very hard for me to help you the way that I want to help you.

I literally sacrificed my life so we could have open communication but so often, my children only talk to me when there is a great crisis. Don't misunderstand, I want to help you in crisis and I want you to bring me your troubles, But, if that is the only time we are talking, it makes it very hard to build our relationship

Think about it in your relationships with other people. Think about those friends that only come to you when they are in trouble and need your help. You still help them because they are a friend and you love them but it does not take long for that one sided and one directional friendship to wear thin. If all they do is take from you in their need and crises, you aren't really building a relationship, you are building a dependency.

I want a relationship with you. I will take a dependency if I have to but I want a relationship. I want you to know me so you know that you can trust me in every aspect of your life. I want you to know me so when we spend an eternity together, you are not doing it with a stranger.

I love you, now and forever. Let's keep talking, no matter what time.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Walking on waves...

My prayer:

You are magnificent God. I love your presence. I love all you do for me but more than anything, I love your constant presence in my life. There is nothing better.

What God Said Tonight:

Walking on the waves takes more than courage. It takes a trust in something greater and more powerful than what you see and know. It takes a moment to disbelieve what life has shown you as truth and to believe that I have a higher truth. 

It is a great testament of your faith when you step out onto the waves. Take a chance to follow me despite what the world tells you. Take a chance to walk on the water with me, despite your fear. 

I love you.

Monday, April 2, 2018

The wrong voice...

My prayer:

I don't feel like I added much value to this day God. I kind of just got through it. I am grateful for you getting me through it, but I feel a bit useless. I also feel a bit ridiculous complaining when there are so many people who had to deal with so much more than I did today. 

Ugh, I don't even want to listen to myself tonight, let alone ask you to. How about I stop and listen instead.

What God Said Tonight:

You have been listening to the wrong voice today. 

When did I tell you that you were not adding value? When did I tell you that more was expected of you? I didn't. So, you were not listening to me. Who were you listening to?

The voice that made you feel this way is born from hurts not yet healed. It had very little to do with what actually happened today. If you will let me, I will heal that hurt so that voice is silenced. 

Do you trust me to heal you? One word fro you and I will heal you. I will make you whole. 

Sunday, April 1, 2018


My prayer:

A beautiful day. A joy in your presence.

What God Said Tonight:

The armies are in place and waiting in their tents. The field is quiet but expectant.
The war is coming. 

It is a matter of time. Everything is in place. 

I love you and we will win this war. You can count on it.

Saturday, March 31, 2018


My prayer:

Tomorrow we celebrate you resurrection. Now, there is something I can celebrate with no reservation or confusion. That is the day when it all made sense. That is the day when you made a way for us to know you personally. That is the day that changed everything!

Thank you for being the Way Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

Each experience in life is like a pebble or a grain of sand. Get enough of them and you get a beautiful beach. Get even more and you get a mountain. Each moment of your life is meant to add to the others. It is not meant to be kept in isolation. You are a culmination of everything in our life so far. 

One of the key turning points in your life was when you accepted me into your life. But, I have always been with you. Before you knew I existed, I was already with you and loving you. 

My sacrifice and my resurrection was the natural result of my love for you. 

Friday, March 30, 2018

Love and sacrifice...

My prayer: 

Good Friday is always bitter sweet for me God. On the one hand, I am SO GRATEFUL for what you did for us. Without your sacrifice, I would be so lost. I can't even imagine how I would survive a day. You deserve a day where we remember and celebrate what you did for us. 

On the other hand, I HATE that you had to do it. I am pretty sure, had I been there with you, I would have cut off more than the guy's ear. I likely would have fought with everything I could think of to keep them from taking you. And that would have been a great tragedy. Maybe the biggest tragedy ever. 

It is hard when your will and love seem to be against each other. I say "seem to be' because in truth, there was so much more love in your sacrifice than in any other thought, act, or deed ever done. But, in my heart, it hurts to see someone I love make decisions that will end up causing them great pain. 

Maybe I am overthinking it all. In the end, I know that you had to do it and I know that without it we wouldn't be able to talk like we do. So, let me just say a very passionate but wholly inadequate "thank you." Your choice and your sacrifice truly has saved the world. 

What God Said Tonight:

If you had to pick between your best friends happiness and you mother's happiness, what would you do? Sometimes the choice is not as simple as following the love. 

My love for you is boundless and the best way for me to show you was to find a way that we could know each other and be together for all eternity. This is the price I paid and I would do it a million times over, if I had to, just to know you and to have you know me. 

My love brought you into being and my love will make room for you forever. Go and rest now. I will go with you. Now and forever my love.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Transportable plant...

My prayer:

What a great night God! Thank you for amazing friends who know you. Thank you for amazing opportunities that literally blow my mind. Thank you for the confirmation that all of this is your plan for our lives!!! You are wonderful and I can't wait to live each day with you in charge.

What God Said Tonight:

You are planted but I have planted you in a transportable pot for a reason. 

I have you firmly rooted in my love and you will grow in that love. But, I need to take you to different places with all of your roots and soil around you. I have no intention of transplanting you. I will not dig you up and move you to a different place. I am simply going to take you, and all that you are are planted in, and take you around the world to bless and be blessed. 

Your soil and your roots will not change. You will have them and the pot you all sit in with you wherever we go. But I will take you around the world. 

There is much to see and many to bless. Be ready to move but be assured, your roots and I go with you, always.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Remember love...

My prayer:

I can't think of a single thing to say tonight God but I am always ready to listen. What is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:

Remember I love you. In every battle, in every struggle, in every celebration, remember I love you. That is all I ask. 

Remember my love, receive my love, and see how my love heals. 

I love you. I love you, I love you. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Ever present help...

My prayer:

I ask for your help tomorrow God. It could be rough but I know with your help, it will all go wonderfully. 

Thank you for always making me succeed. Every success is a testimony of what the All Mighty God can do. I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

I am your ever present help. I will not leave you nor forsake you. I have loved you from before the time that you were formed in your mother's womb and I will love you for all eternity. 

You hare my child and as such, you are a royal priesthood that is destined to succeed. Every battle is won for the glory of God. 

Sunday, March 25, 2018


My prayer:

What a wonderful sense of peace you have given me tonight God. Not a peace from everything being wonderful but just a genuine peace and contentment. Thank you for that. These moments of peace are truly wonderful and a great rest from the craziness of everyday life. 

I know you have said in the past that this peace is there for us at any time. I have not learned how to live in this peace all of the time but I am grateful for the moments of it and I have hope that I will learn to stay in this place more and more. 

What God Said Tonight:

As the morning mist rises from the field of spring flowers, the beauty can take your breath away. The feeling of the cool mist on your face is like a kiss to start your day. 

Spring is so very close and the time for growing, playing, and celebration that comes with it. 

Everything is in place and ready for this next season. You will find many days of peace in it. Not that it will be uneventful. There will be a lot to experience, but at the base of it all, will be my peace. Your foundation will be my peace. 

I love you daughter and rest well.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Childlike joy...

My prayer:

Today came and went so fast, I feel like I blinked and it was gone. There was time for you to show your glory and kindness though. Thank you for all that you did today God. I give you all glory and honor. You are my reason for living and I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

Remember the little girl from this morning? She had a light in her and a joy that is seldom seen anymore. 

I delight in children. They are often so close to the original creation before sin and the world got involved. 

Cherish the children. Look into their eyes and see the joy that I intended for everyone. 

One day soon. We will have that joy again and it will be forever. The new beginning is on its way. While we wait, let me love your hurt and scars away. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Beautiful, broken...

My prayer:

Ok, so you were not joking when you said you would take care of everything today! WOW! '

The meeting I was so worried about, you made turn out better than I could imagine. Then later, when I thought I had made such major mistake at work and all evidence showed that I did not do what I should have done, somehow, you made that ok and suddenly it was clear that I had done everything I was supposed to! Then, to top it all off, you surprise me with one of the most amazing sushi dinners I have ever had (with the same group I was worried about meeting with earlier in the day). 

YOU ARE AMAZING and living as your kid is a lot of FUN!!!! Thank you Daddy! Feeling wonderfully spoiled tonight!

What God Said Tonight:

Some of he beautiful things are made out of other things that are broken. Consider stained glass. You take glass that is broken, shattered, and combine it with other broken glass to make a new and more beautiful design than the glass had in it's original unbroken state. 

Sometimes, the things we think are broken are merely being prepared to become more than they were before. More beautiful, stronger, everything. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

God's tomorrow....

My prayer:

It was nice to get back into the real world today God. Thank you for health and strength. 

I will need some more help tomorrow. There are challenges awaiting me tomorrow that I know I can't handle on my own. I am grateful that I know I never have to and that you are always with me and you are my ever present help. 

Thank you in advance for what you are going to do God. You are amazing.

What God Said Tonight:

You know the part of the prayer, "give us this day our daily bread?" There is great wisdom in that. 

Let me take care of tomorrow. You keep focused on now. 

I love you daughter and everything is under control and on the right path. Just keep up.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Move out and move on...

My prayer:

Hallelujah! You have restored my health God! Thank you! What a difference today. Thank you for health and strength. 

What God Said Tonight:

Furnaces are stoked and the engines are ready. The time to move is now. The time to go is here. 

I love you and I will guide you as always, but take the first step. It is time to move out and move on. 

I love you.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Another perspective...

My prayer:

I can not think of a thing that is worth talking about tonight God. All this rest has left me without a lot of thoughts or things to talk about. I am always ready to listen though. Is there anything you want to talk about tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

Perspective can really change your experience of something. But even when you can't find a way to look at things from a different perspective, just knowing that there is a different perspective is sometimes enough. 

Know that this battle you are in looks one way to you but, there is another perspective. There is a perspective that is logical and shows the purpose behind the battle. 

I don't expect you to be able to see that perspective right now. You will one day. But right now, just know that it exists. That what you see and what you experience really is only one small part of the bigger story. 

I love you and I will see you through this battle.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Keep resting...

My prayer:

This rest has been good God but I am eager to get up and about again. I am kind of tired of laying around and being tired. With your help and healing power, can we get out and do something tomorrow? If it is not time, tell me. But, if it is possible, it would be great. 

I feel pretty disconnected with the world. It has only been a couple of days but still. For whatever reason I feel cut off and alone. Good thing I have you here with me or I would be going nuts.

What God Said Tonight:

Taking time to rest and heal is not a bad thing. It is not a sign of weakness. It is not a sign of laziness. Taking time to rest and heal can be the smartest thing you can do sometimes. 

I timed this so it would have the least impact possible but I do need you to rest. Don't push it. 

I love you and I want only the very best for you. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

Faith perseverance...

My prayer:

I pray God for your continued healing power in me. It is not getting worse which is a bit of a miracle all on its own. But I pray for your complete manifestation of healing. In the name of Jesus who took on my sickness. for me.

What God Said Tonight:

Walking out your faith takes perseverance sometimes. Refuse to believe anything but my promise on your life. 

My promises are true and you will see each and every one completely manifest in your life. During the process. you may forget my promise or the earnestness behind it. That does not stop your miracle from coming but it makes you more miserable in the wait. 

Believe my word over your life and make your life easier.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

My job...

My prayer:

Well, we made it God. There were some tough moments but your healing and strength brought me through. I couldn't of made it without you. Thank you.

What God Said Tonight:

Your job now is to rest. There was a time for work and powering through and now there is a time for rest. 

Living in the rhythm of the life I have for you will never be too much and never leave you bored. I will bring you through the tough patches and I will celebrate with you in the joy. 

I love you. Follow my lead and never wear out.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

God's healing power...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I need your help, healing, and strength tonight. I can't seem to sleep despite being really tired. My body aches. My sinus act like they are trying to start a cold. I pray for your healing power to be manifest in me tonight God. I thank you for your sacrifice and that it is by your stripes that I am healed. God, please put everything right.

What God Said Tonight:

My sweet daughter. Healing is your bread. Healing is embedded in your core. Do not let symptoms frighten you. I am the God of everything and I rebuke the sickness from you. I loose my healing power in you. 


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Eyes up...

My prayer:

Thank you for getting me through this day God. It is by your grace and strength that I am here tonight. Let me hear your voice before I say goodbye to this day.

What God Said Tonight:

Flowers in the bud. Leaves on the vine. A time is coming where all will be fulfilled. As sure as the sun comes up in the morning, my word will come to pass. 

I don't tell you these things to boast and I don't tell you to raise your hopes unfairly. I tell you because it is truth. 

My Kingdom come. My Kingdom is coming. Keep your eyes up and your spirit ready. 

I love you, now and forever.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

The next season...

My prayer:

A day free of worry and responsibility, thank you Jesus! That is a true day of rest. I do not know what this week will bring but I know I will not be facing it alone and that is enough for tonight. I love you and want to hear your voice.

What God Said Tonight:

Late in the season you begin to see the changes that tell you a new season is arriving. In spring you begin to see green and flowers. In summer you begin to see hot days. In fall the beautiful change of the leaves. 

These harbingers of the next season are there as signs of hope, declarations that time is not standing still, and the circumstance you are in today will not last. 

Look to the harbingers of your next season. They are all around you. You will see glimpses of what I have coming for you and it is glorious. I love you daughter.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Waterfall of blessings...

My prayer:

What a great evening God! Thank you for giving us time with an old friend. It was pretty wonderful having the old gang together. 

Thank you also for your words last night. Today was so much better, just being conscious of you and not taking you for granted. Life is better when we walk through it arm in arm. LOVE YOU!!

What God Said Tonight:

A waterfall of blessings is on its way. I am about to pour out again. Get ready to be rained on. 

I love you and my blessings have been waiting for this time. Lean back , lift your head, and receive. 

Friday, March 9, 2018

Taken for granted...

My prayer:

I feel like I have run out of things to talk about lately God. Things are reasonably good. Each day with some joy and some challenges. But, really, nothing that rises to the level of bothering you about. Maybe this is just one of those stable periods and if it is, I should just be grateful for it. 

But, I worry that, if I am running out of things to say to you, does that mean that we are not as close as we should be or as we used to be? Am I less connected with you than I was? 

That, more than anything, is my greatest fear. A separation from you, no matter how small or how partial, is my greatest fear. 

What God Said Tonight:

You know the answer before I even start to speak. To be closer to me, seek me out. If you want me to be closer to you, get closer to me. Seek me, search me, study my word. 

There is no magic. It is like any relationship. Spend time with me. Talk with me. Love me. You will find the intimacy you think you have lost. 

The truth is, you have not lost anything. The intimacy we have always had is right here. But, those things that are always present are the first things that you tend to take for granted. Maybe you have taken our intimacy for granted. That has left you in this place. 

So, stop. Now that you see it, stop taking it for granted and remember how precious our relationship is. I cherish it. I know you do too. I love you.

Thursday, March 8, 2018


My prayer:

I only ask for one thing tonight God. Let me hear your voice.

What God Said Tonight:

Enough. It is enough. You don't have to try any harder. You don't have to do any more. It is enough. 

Everyone just relax a minute, Allow me to repair and heal you. Allow me to love and comfort you. 

Stop trying to fix it all yourself. I never intended that. 

I love you. Stop, rest, and let me show you. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Coming back...

My prayer:

Thank you for all of the protection today God! I am exhausted but I am home safe and there were several times today where I was not sure that would happen. What a great protector you are!

What God Said Tonight:

You don't have much longer to wait, I am on my way. Restoration is near and we won't go to sleep hungry. 

No matter what you see, I am near. No matter what your fear, I am still on my way. The second coming is not a fantasy. I am on my way back and the time will be here before you know it. 

I love you and I will see you soon.

Monday, March 5, 2018

A bump in the road...

My prayer:

Today was pretty rotten God. I try to find the positive in every day but the only positive thing about today is it is over. Everything was so hard today! Things that normally are no problem, even little things, went wrong and took 10 times the effort and 10 times the time to get done. Uggghhhh!

I pray and ask for rest and restoration, knowing that every day is a new day with you and that my hope is in you.

What God Said Tonight:

Take a deep breath. Things are not as bad as they seem. Today was a bump in the road, not a permanent destination. 

Sometimes the battle gets a bit rough and the flotsam spills over into the physical world. But remember, the battle is not yours. Rest and trust in me to defeat our enemy. Hold on a bit more. 

I need you to to remember one thing. As hard as everything was today, in the end, you got it done. in the end, it is taken care of. In the end, we win. In the midst of the struggle, remember we always win in the end. 

I love you. Hang tough daughter.