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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Everything's new...

My prayer:

I am so deeply grateful to you God. This latest core healing you did in me has truly given me a new life. Everything is new and I love it! I know I keep talking about this but it is just so magnificent!

God, Help me to share this with other people in a way that helps them to receive this kind of core healing for themselves. What an amazing world this could be if we were all healed and whole and living for you! That's the world I want to live in.


What God Said Tonight:

A new heaven. A new earth. A new you.

I am the God of a new thing and I will continue to do a new thing in you as long as you are willing.

I have plans for us in the new heaven and new earth. I have plans for eternity for us. I know it seems like it has been a long time coming but in the midst of eternity, this has been but a tiny blip.

I have such great plans. Plans that only work if you are whole and healed. I love seeing you healed. It is my heart's desire to see you whole.

Friday, September 11, 2015


My prayer:

What a wonderful day God! Thank you for rest and rejuvenation. Thank you for your favor. Thank you for hearing the prayers for healing and restoring the babies who were ill. You are awesome and I am proud to have you in my life.

What God Said Tonight:

I have more for you. I have so much more. Don't ever give up because where you are at is never the end. I have more.

Your life, sometimes very hard, other times not so hard, but don't ever give up or you will miss the "more" that I have for you.

We have eternity together my child. I will always have more for you.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

God's favorite thing to do...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am here because I love you and I love to hear your voice but truth is, there is not much left of me today. Physically and mentally I am worn out and really just want to crawl into bed.

I am very grateful for all that you have done for me this week. It has been a good week. I am also very grateful that tomorrow is Friday and we get a bit of a rest.

Let me hear your voice and feel your presence once more today.

What God Said Tonight:

My presence is in you and will never leave you. I am in you and you are in me, forever. I do love that you come to spend time with me not out of a sense of obligation but out of a true desire to commune with me.

Spending time with you and loving you, those are my favorite things to do. I love spending time with my kids.

I know you can't fully understand my love for you yet but you will some day. I know that you have to filter your understanding of my love with your experiences of love in life. But someday, someday you will experience the full force of my love for you.

You could not handle it right now but someday you will be able to take it. Someday, I will release the love and blessings I have been storing for you. That will be  a glorious day of great celebration in heaven and earth. It is going to be so exciting. The day I get to fully bless and restore my family will be the greatest day in the history of the universe.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

New life...

My prayer:

I feel like I should talk about something else but I can't stop talking about or thinking about how everything is changed since you provided this latest core healing in me. 


Life feels brand new. I walk into the same experiences and circumstances but my reaction, how I feel, is completely different. I have a new confidence and freedom that is truly phenomenal. 


Thank you so much God for healing me and for how that healing has improved my life. Only you could do that. Thank you for loving me enough to do it. 

What God Said Tonight:

I have promised you new life. That new life is not a one time deal. Your life with me is a continual process of renewing. 


All things are made new in me. I will create in you a new thing. Not just at the moment you first make a decision to walk with me, but ongoing, every day, throughout eternity as long as we are in relationship together. 


I will renew your strength. I will renew your spirit. I will renew your youth. I will renew you over and over. I don't run out of new things for you.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bubble over worship...

My prayer:

You have given me so much and helped me so much this week God. What can I give you? What would bless you?

What God Said Tonight:

I am blessed in  your worship. Your true worship.

Not the worship where you sing me a song because you think you should or because everyone else is. But the worship that comes from your heart. The worship that comes from your spirit. When you worship in spirit and in truth.

Where your love and awe of me just bubbles out of you in song, in prayer, in cries, in generosity, in almost any way. I love that bubble over worship. The kind you just can't hold in.

Monday, September 7, 2015


My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you so much for this new level of freedom. Even though nothing around me has changed, everything is changed because of the change you have made in me.

Thank you for your healing power, your love, your grace and for continuing to take me to new levels of wholeness, freedom and maturity in you. LOVE YOU!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I have a voice for those who will hear. I have a voice that will one day shake the world to its knees. I have a voice that created all that you know.

I have a voice. But not everyone knows it. Not everyone sees, or hears, that my voice is speaking today.

Not everyone understands that I am your God. Not I was your God. Not I will be your God in heaven but I am your God right here and right now.

I have a word for you today. I have a plan for you today. I have healing for you today. I have love for you today. My grace covers you always.

I am speaking, today. Hear my voice, listen for it. I have something for you today.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Worth it...

My prayer:

Thank you for today God. It really felt like a gift. So many things that could have gone wrong and not only did they not go wrong, you provided perfect and wonderful alternatives that were better than the initial plan. That is so like YOU!

You are amazing and wonderful and I am so grateful that you are in me and in my life. Let me hear your voice.

What God Said Tonight:

My way is not always the easiest way but it is always the best way. My way requires trust and facing the hard truth sometimes but I will always make it worth it to you.

I love you so much and I want to see you healed and whole. Keep trusting me and I promise it that I will make it worth it to you.

The wound of lies...

My prayer:

Ok God. I think I finally see it the hole, the dark wound at the core of me that I have not been willing to see, let alone ask for healing. I can even see where it came from.

What I can't see is how to get rid of it. It does not make logical sense so I can't reason it away. I have talked through all the causes of it and it is still there.

I can't heal this one God. I can't do anything about it. My only hope is your miraculous healing power. God I give up the ugly darkness to you and pray and ask that you heal me. Not because I deserve it, because I don't deserve it. But I ask in your love for me.

Now that I see it I don't want it in me for another minute. Please help heal what I cannot.

What God Said Tonight:

The hurt, the wound was formed out of lies. Lies that were told to you and lies that you believed about yourself. Lies only have power in isolation. Lies cannot stand up to the light of the truth.

The truth is you are my child and that makes you precious and wonderful.

I have allowed you to keep up the walls and keep people out because you thought you needed it. You thought it was keeping you safe. All the walls were really doing was keeping the lie in isolation where it could grow.

It is time for you to shine the truth on the lies and receive all that I have for you. I have great blessings that have been waiting for this time of healing.

Rest in me, I will heal you, I will fill the place where the wound has been. I will make you whole. In your wholeness, you will finally be able to receive all that I have been holding on for you.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Grace and love...

My prayer:

I saw something pretty powerful tonight God. I saw the power of grace in action.

True grace, true acceptance, love and support of another person, regardless of what they have done or not done...there is a powerful beauty in that.

When people really experience you grace, it can change their life. It can change the world. Our only real hope, my only real hope is in your grace.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

Grace is a product of my love for you. I have no other way to be with you except through grace. And, I so desperately want to be with you.

My love for you, my desire to be in your life is so strong. Grace is the bridge that allows us to be together.

I love you. I give you grace as a gift for us both.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


My prayer:

Awesome God. I had another one of those expereinces today where I could see so clearly how someone was sabotaging their own life.

They had created a view of who they are and what was happening in their life that was not true, not what the people around them were experiencing but they were so convinced that they were the "victim" in the situation that they walked away from what could have been a great opportunity. And the real shame of it is, if they don't get better clarity, they will repeat the same thing everywhere they go.

This is another one of those circumstances where it is so easy to see this from the outside but the person is completely blind to it.

When I see it, I start to really wonder if there are parts of me or my life that I have a similar blind spot and am sabotaging myself. Are some of the "tough" times that I go through nothing more than my own fabrication out of my own blindness?

God, I pray and ask for clarity of vision for myself and those around me. God, if I am deceiving myself and not seeing clearly, I ask that you remove the deception and bring clarity to my vision. Help me to see the reality of my life so I can see the things that need to change and come to you for help in changing them.

Don't let me be my own worst enemy.

What God Said Tonight:

What matters more than how you see yourself is how I see you. That is truly the only opinion tat maters. I see you in all of your imperfection and love you anyway. I see you covered in m sacrifice and find you perfect. I see you trying, which counts for a lot. I see you as my true child and precious to me.

I will heal you. I will refine you. I will shake out the things in you that have come from living in a less than perfect world. I will do all of that because I love you.

I will make sure you see what you need to see when you need to see it. Your trust in me to reveal all that you need to know is where your assurance comes from.

Your worries of deception are not unfounded. You live in a world that is full of deception both from within and without. But I am the truth. You can trust in my truth. There is no deception that is stronger than my truth.

Keep your eyes open and trust me.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Good fire...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I feel like I am right on the verge of...something. I don't know if it is something good or something bad but I have that sense of anticipation that is exciting but also a little uncomfortable.

Is that real? Is there a big...something coming or am I just jittery? If something is coming, cool. If not, I don't want to get all excited and be disappointed. I really don't need disappointment right now.

God, please lead me, guide me and give me wisdom.

What God Said Tonight:

I have a fire for you to walk through, but you will not be burned. I have a fire that is meant to bring beauty and power, not to destroy.

Sometimes you get confused by the appearance of something. You see it as dangerous and destructive but it is that very thing that you are afraid of that I want to use to bless you beyond your understanding.

Fear not. I tell you that a lot. I mean it. Fear not, I am with you. I will not let harm come to you.

As you face a challenge that fills you with fear, look to me and remember that I can and will use EVERYTHING to bless you. You greatest blessings will come out of situations that you thought were going to do you harm.

Trust me in the fire.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hang on to God...

My prayer:

Awesome God, creator of the universe, my savior and my first love.

My brain is spinning from this day. I am having a hard time slowing down the thoughts enough to know what to talk about.

I ask for your peace to quiet my mind so I can listen.

What God Said Tonight:

Your peace is not broken. It is buried under the flotsam of the day. I have given you peace that passes all understanding. I have placed it in you. To find it, your journey is inward to the Holy Spirit living in you.

Stop for just a minute and find the peace that I have put in you.

There you are. Hang on to me with all that you have. Wrap your arms around me and don't let go. We have many miles together yet to travel and we have many storms to pass through.

Wrap yourself around the peace I have put in you and you can weather any storm.

Monday, August 31, 2015

God's love...

My prayer:

Thanks for getting me through this day God. It always amazes me how you can give me strength when I have none, wisdom when I have none and talent when I have none. I would truly be nothing without you but with you, I am pretty unstoppable.

Thank you for renewed hope and renewed excitement. Thank you for a new sense of purpose.

What God Said Tonight:

I am not surprised or shocked when you get discouraged, even when you want to give up. I am not disappointed in you when you come to me with no strength left.

I am your Father and creator. I know everything there is to know about you, yesterday, today and tomorrow and I love all of you, every last bit.

I love you in your struggle and I love you in your victory. I love you when you think you have it all figured out and I love you when you realize you don't have it figured out. I love you when you find a way to bless your neighbor and I love you when you haven't found a way...yet.

I am yours and you are mine forever.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


My prayer:

What a great day, what a great night!

Thank you for your awesome power to heal us from the inside out. Thank you for healing our hearts and how that healing radiates out into every aspect of our lives.

And, thank you for this  crazy bright moon! It is pretty incredible. And you are AMAZING!

What God Said Tonight:

Where do you want to go and what do you want to do? I have a world of opportunities for you and I am up for just about anything right now.

Tell me the desire of your heart and see me bring it to you. I have a great desire to give to you tonight. I have a great desire to see you blessed.

Friday, August 28, 2015

What God Wants...

My prayer:

Hallelujah! Friday night, here with you, how could I ask for anything more.

Today was a nice surprise. Thank you! I am looking forward to seeing what you want to do this weekend.

What God Said Tonight:

I have not changed. I want the same things today as I did yesterday. I will want the same things tomorrow. I have very simple wants.

I want to love you and be loved by you . I want all of my kids to come to know me. I want a world where we can live together, side by side, like I planned in the beginning.

I want it and I will have what I want, with all those who chose me.

I love you.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

On the edge of a cliff...

My prayer:

I gave all that I could to this day God. My one last and most important thing to give is my ears to hear your voice. Speak to me God and let me hear your heart.

What God Said Tonight:

I have much to say but you are standing on the edge of  a cliff and looking down tonight. The water below is beautiful and enticing.

Don't get taken in by it. If you fall, if you jump, you will never get to see what I have for you around this next corner. This path right now is narrow, uncomfortable and it would be a lot easier to jump, but, don't.

Follow me around this bend and I will show you great things. I love you and I will never stop.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The relationship of trust and peace...

My prayer:

Thank you for your peace that doesn't make any sense today God.

Life and work was crazy as ever but somehow, it just did not get to me, at all. I had your peace so firmly cemented within me today that everything just kind of rolled off of my back.

I would LOVE to have that all of the time. Me and everyone around me would be a whole lot happier! Your peace is such a great gift. Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

My peace in you is a direct result of your trust in me. The more you trust, the more peace you experience. The less you trust, the more opportunity you give to stress and to the enemy to mess with your head.

I love you and it is my desire that you live in perfect peace.

Spend time each day getting to know me better. The more you know me, the more you will trust me, the more you can live within the peace that comes form me. I don't mean that the peace is some kind of reward for "doing good". I simply mean that the natural reaction of your trust in me is to experience peace that is unaffected by your circumstances. It is not mystical. It is just the way it is.

I love you sweet daughter and I am glad you lived firmly rooted in my peace today. Thank you for trusting me.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Under control...

My prayer:

A million thoughts are running through my head tonight God but none are worth talking about. Maybe I can just listen tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

I have things under control. Even the things that you forgot to ask me about. I have it all under control.

Nothing is happening that  does not result in my promises being carried out. Nothing can stop me or the plan that I have. No evil, no force of will, no surprises can stop me. I know everything that can and will happen and I have prepared for them.

Does it not make sense to trust me, the one who has already seen how things turn out, instead of trusting your own ability to see, plan and do?

I will lead you. I will guide you. I have so much more for you. Your life is not over. Your life is about to head to a new level of greatness. Trust me to get you there.

Monday, August 24, 2015


My prayer:

SO many things went wrong today God, it was almost comical! And yet, at the end of the day, sitting here with you, it is so clear that nothing that went wrong left any permanent damage. None of it really mattered in the bigger scheme of things.

Thanks for being there every time I called on you today. Thank you for helping me keep my least mostly. Thank you for helping me to find the laughter in the midst of total frustration.

What God Said Tonight:

An obstacle is not a "no" from me. I will tell you no when you are headed down a road that will harm you. I will not always clear the path.

Sometimes fighting through the obstacles gives you the strength you need to achieve the goal.

Like a baby bird in it's shell. Working to break through the shell makes it strong enough to stand on its own two feet once it is out.

Don't curse the obstacles. Thank them for giving you strength to stand once you are out.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

God's view of the problem...

My prayer:

Thank you awesome God for the insight today. I really needed it. I was very confused.

I don't know what it is about going for a run or a hike but something about it clears my mind and spirit in a way that lets your voice come through so clearly. Things that complete confound me throughout the day become crystal clear by the end of the run. I should probably run more often, maybe seven or ten times a day!

Can't wait to hear what else you have to say tonight God. You are wonderful. Thank you for always having the answers and always being there for me.

What God Said Tonight:

Things are always more complex than they look and simpler than they seem.

You see the issues in someone else life and the answers seem so clear and so easy because problems always look easy from the outside looking in. The opposite is true when you are looking at the problem from the inside looking out. When you are in it, you see more complications that are even there. It is magnified due to your viewpoint.

I take you to places, times, activities that help get you out of the middle of the mess, just for a minute, so you can see it for what it is. Not the simple view of an outsider but not the complicated view of the center of it.

I give you my view. When you get that, everything else seems easy. I lend you my eyes to see things for the truth of them. I love you.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Firmly rooted in God's heart...

My prayer:

What and unusual day God. Not bad, but unusual. It seemed like plans, or making a plan was not really a part of the day. That is weird for me.

I am grateful for the peace of today. I am grateful for the rest. I am grateful for the trail run and the health and strength to do it.

I am grateful that you, as always, were with me throughout the day, guiding, leading, and being my peace. I love you so much God. Anything you are a part of, I want to be a part of. Anything you want to do, I want to do it with you. Your presence, your love, is worth more to me than all the gold in the world.

You are my everything and you never let me down.

What God Said Tonight:

I have found a time and a place that is perfect for what you were designed for. I have lovingly prepared and taught you. I will gently move you into this new position that I have created and found just for you.

I have a perfect place for all of my kids. A place made for them and them alone. Life is a journey to find and stay at that place. That place is firmly rooted in my heart.

I love you.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

All in...

My prayer:

I gave this day every last thing I had God. Physically, mentally, emotionally, I am all drained out. But, spiritually, I am hungry as ever to hear your voice and to spend time in your palpable presence. What is on your mind tonight sweet Father?

What God Said Tonight:

I am in you and you are in me. That is something that is said a lot but I want you to truly understand it.

I have been invited into your life and your heart. When you did that, I took up residence in you. I made your body, your mind and your spirit, my home. As the years have gone by. As you have grown and learned and strove to know me better, I have become more embedded in you than ever.

I have covered your sin and washed you clean...yes, that is true. But I have also, made your bones my tabernacle.

I do this because it is the only way I know to be in relationship with you. I am all in. I don't hold back.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Life outside the lines...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. This day sure had its share of challenges. I did the best I could and I hope it was enough.

Seeing that truck accident this morning really threw me.In the blink of an eye his and possibly his whole family's lives were changed. It reminded me that we really never know what is going to hit us next.

Father God, I ask for your healing, comfort and help for the man in the accident and for his family. I thank you that you are always with me and that with you, I can face any challenge, life changing or not.

What God Said Tonight:

It is not in you to quit but sometimes it is the right choice. Sometimes, when something is not working, the best and kindest thing you can do is step back.

You can come back to it later but for now, move on. Time is too short to live within the lines. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


My prayer:

What great lessons on perspective today God. Everything is relative. The things that make me happy, the things that upset me, the things I think are so wrong can all be lined up against someone else's experience and suddenly that thing I was so certain about, doesn't seem so bad or so wrong or so great...comparatively.

I know we have been talking a lot about judgement and how it is not my place to judge and that sounds really easy. But, in reality, I am judging everything all the time. I have opinions all of the time. How do I stop that? Do I need to stop that? I think maybe I do, especially when you point out so poignantly to me that my opinions can fall apart when compared to what someone else is going through.

But, how?

What God Said Tonight:

Judgement is mine. I am the final and only judge that matters.

I have placed in you discernment. I have placed in you curiosity. I have placed in you a deep desire to know truth. I am your truth.

I will not let you go before your time. Your training and proving ground is here and now. Your future depends on your understanding of me.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Easy peace...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I cannot get over how much better I feel! Who knew that letting go could make such a difference!

You are amazing and wonderful. Your grace is stupendous and so much more than I ever realized! More encompassing, more powerful, more everything.

You are my God and I am your child, now and forever God. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I have an easy peace for you tonight.

There are times of struggle in your life. There are times that require great faith. There are times that require patience. There are times that require great love.

Tonight, I don't need anything from you. I have an easy peace for you. Rest in it, knowing how much I truly adore you.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

A reason...

My prayer:

I am so grateful, awesome God, for the first day of pain free, full energy, whole health in what feels like a very long time! You are so wonderful! 

Thank you for healing me God. Thank you for the insight of what I was holding onto that was contributing to the sickness. Thank you for a friend and Pastor who helped me to see it and let it go. 

What God Said Tonight:

I have so much for you. I have waited for this time. I have waited for this season. I have waited for everything to be in place. I have waited and now you will see the future I have for you. 

I have healed you for a reason. I have strengthened you for a reason. I have matured you for a reason. 

I have loved you for no reason, just because I do.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Jesus heals...

My prayer:

I am ready to be well God. I am ready to be whole. I have had enough of these various iterations of physical pain. I thank you for your healing power I thank you that you took the stripes that I can be healed. I pray that you go to the root of the issue and make it right. I receive the healing God. In the name and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

What God Said Tonight:

I have healed you. I am light to your soul. I am peace to your mind. I am strength to your spirit. I am all that you need. 

You will rest and you will be made whole. I have not made these promises to trick you. I have not made these promises to test you. I have made these promises out of my love for you and they are yours. 

Your healing is here. I am here. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

My team...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. I want to thank you tonight for being on my side. I want to thank you for all of the wonderful people that you have put in my life that are on my side. 

Life can be pretty tough but when I have a team of family and friends, with you as the coach, how can I help but win? Help me God to be as big of a support to the people in my life as they are to me. I will do all that I can to always be on your side.

What God Said Tonight:

Most things grow better when they are not left to grow alone. Plants, animals, people all grow better when they have help and companionship around them. 

I created you for relationships. I created you to live this life as family, as a team. When you isolate yourself, you rob  yourself of the nourishment, support and love that comes from having your team around you. 

I love you and you are never without me. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Getting what I asked for...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Help me to see the things I don't see but need to know. Help me to love better. Help me to leave things like judgement to you. Help me to forgive quickly and overflow with grace for people.

Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

Ok. You will. 

I am in you and when your focus on me, when you embrace me above all others, you will love without limit. You will forgive without hesitation. You will be a fountain of grace. You will see with fresh eyes that are unshielded by experience. 

I am in you and in me you have all that you asked for. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Why God heals our heart...

My prayer:

Amazing and awesome God. Thank you for your protection and your healing power today. You truly are wonderful to me. I am sorry that I forget that sometimes. 

What is on your mind tonight? I can't wait to hear your voice.

What God Said Tonight:

I have seen you grow in your faith and your trust. I have seen you move from a place of doubt and insecurity to a place of calm assurance. I have much more to do in you and with you. 

You will always have further to go but know now that you are not who you use to be. You are not where you use to be. You are closer to your perfected form than you were. You are closer to the person I intended you to be, before the world stepped in. 

I love you just as you are and you are perfect in my eyes as you are fully covered in my son. You will see that your view of yourself is changing. As you mature, as your faith grows, you will find that you see yourself in a different light. You will begin to see you as I intended for you to be. You will begin to see the great value in you. 

I love you and I always will. I heal you so you can love yourself and others.

Monday, August 10, 2015

In place...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for your peace today. Thank you for showing me answers and helping me get things done. Thank you for the frequent reminders that you always work things out in the end. 

You are amazing and your reminders are my safety net right now. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

What God Said Tonight:

Every day, every experience, every interaction, has purpose. I don't waste your time with things that do not matter. I lead you and I guide you and I promise, every last thing in your life has a greater purpose. 
You will often not recognize that purpose until much later, but it has purpose. 

Trust me to guide you life and lead you exactly where I need you to be. Trust that those things that seem so insignificant to you now, are very significant in the overall big picture. 

You are like a grain of sand but you are key. Your life is key. If you were removed or if you were not in place, the structure would break down. I have you in place. 

I love you.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

You be you...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am done with the whining. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for a whole day without having to live up to expectations, not even my own. 

I am going to do my best. I am going to trust you to know best. I am going to keep going because I know you and you always have something amazing for me on the other side of the rough times. 


What God Said Tonight:

Not every day is filled with roses and sunshine;but, everyday you have got me right there with you. I don't need you to be anything but you. I love you, just as you are, right where you are and I always will.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

God won't give up...

My prayer:

Problems with no answers in sight. Pain with only moments of relief. The only thing I know is you are here with me and you won't leave me here. You will find the answers. Maybe you will be the answer. You will be my healing. You will never leave me. That's what I know. 

 What God Said Tonight:

I'm here. I see you. I see what you are going through. I don't watch it from a distance. I am in you and you are in me and what you feel, what you go through, I go through. I don't judge you because I am in you. 

We are in this together and I won't give up. If you need to give up for a little while, don't worry, I will carry us. I won't give up. 

Your heart is in my hands and I am reforming it. I am making it new. I am taking all of the places where it has been sliced, bruised, beaten, and turned necrotic and I am renewing, healing, growing fresh new tissue so that you can love the way I make you to love. I am in you mending and making you whole. 

I won't give up. You will be whole. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Under control...

My prayer:

Awesome Father. I am not very proud of how I handled this week but I survived, and I guess that is something to celebrate. I am pretty sick of me tonight. What is on your mind? What do you want to talk about? I love your voice, your heart, your presence...everything that is you.

What God Said Tonight:

I am going to make you to lie in green pastures tonight. I am going to provide for you as you rest. 

I want you to free yourself of the grime of the week and rest while I take care of things for a bit. I don't need you to do anything but trust me and let go. Don't grab back on to it, just let go and leave it. 

I know there are many things right now that weigh heavy on your mind and your spirit. I know every one of them. I am working on every one of them. Trust me to work it out. 

Find your place in my peace and settle in for awhile. I love you and I have got it under control and in my will. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Worry demon...

My prayer:

Sweet Father. I pray and I ask for peace tonight. Stress and worry are taking up too much space in my life right now. 

I give it all up to you, knowing that you have all of the answers and you have a plan. God, I choose right now to release the worry and the fear. I choose right now to grab onto my faith and trust in you. 

Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

The darkness, the unknown, the what ifs can be some of the most relentless demons in your life. They nip away at you until you are chewed to pieces. 

Come into my arms. Let me wrap myself around you and keep them off of you. You are my precious child and you are not meant to be fodder for demons. 

I will keep you safe. I will heal and restore you. And, of course, I will work everything out for your good. I love you daughter.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

BAD day...

My prayer:

I feel like I kind of failed at life today God. I mean, in the end, everything worked out ok (because you always work it out in the end). But, throughout the day I let the stress get to me. I did not treat people very kindly. I could not seem to come up with solutions and got lost in the problems instead. All and all, pretty pitiful.

Thank you for working it all out anyway. Thank you for finding solutions when I couldn't. Please help me to do better tomorrow.

What God Said Tonight:

I have only one thing to point out to you about today. I would just say that when you ran into the problems, your response was to look inside yourself for the answers. It was only when you were completely overwhelmed that you turned to me. Your turning to me, was the turning point of the day. 

I will always help but I won't but in. If you want to try to figure it out yourself, I will let you. If you want my help, ask. When you are frustrated...ask sooner. 

I love you daughter and your day was not as bad as you think. You will see great things out of what you thought of as failures today. Your heart is in the right place but your mind got in the way today. Wash it off, shake it off and we will do better tomorrow. Love you to pieces!

Monday, August 3, 2015

You can do it...

My prayer:

Thank you God for big ideas and big dreams. Thank you for the courage to hold onto hope that life, this life can yet be more amazing, more impactful, more meaningful than I can imagine. Thank you for having bigger plans for me than what I can imagine for myself God. Thank you God for your big picture and all the souls saved because of it. LOVE YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

You are capable of so much more than you think you are. You have yet to see even the edges of your limitations. 

I live in you and because of that, you can do anything. You can accomplish anything. With me on your side, you really have no limits. 

I see you in your perfected form and in it, I see all that you can do. 

Trust me when I push a little. It will be ok. You can do it. You will do it if you don't lose hope. Don't be afraid. I know you can do it. Trust me and my opinion, even when you don't see it in yourself.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Holy Spirit guidance...

My prayer:

Holy Spirit. Thank you for your guidance today. Thank you for letting me know what to do, when to do it and who to do it for today. 

I love days like today where I don't have any plans and you can truly guide each step. I would love to discover how to live that way all the time. I mean, I try to be open and listen for your voice and guidance all day; but sometimes the noise of work and the day to day responsibilities of life make it harder to hear you. 

God, help me to keep my ears, my eyes and my soul open to you 24/7 no matter what else is going on.

What God Said Tonight:

I will guide you always. I just have to use different methods depending on how well you are hearing me. 

When you are listening, I can give you a slight nudge and that is all you need. When you are busy, stressed, distracted, sometimes I have to drop a boulder in front of you to catch your attention. 

But, I will always guide you. 

You have invited me into your life, your heart and I plan to stay. I plan to hold up my end of our relationship. I will see you through every season and I will guide you always. 

Love you.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Intimacy with God...

My prayer:

Craving intimacy tonight God. Craving that closeness that I can only get from you. That place where I can't tell the difference between my own thoughts and your thoughts. That place where nothing matters but you and your next word. 

God I crave that time with you. I crave those moments when the world disappears and it is just you and me. 

Sweet Father. Let's close out the world tonight and spend time together. Let's close out all the voices, the demands, the troubles, just for a few minutes. I love you God so much. 

What God Said Tonight:

I am here. I am always here for you. I wait for you to take the time. I wait for you to call my name. I wait for you. 

Come, sit with me. Let's talk, sing, or just sit together. I love every minute we have together. I want it more than even you do. 

Let's stay here for awhile, together, quiet and fully aware of the oneness of Spirit. I love you daughter. 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

No fear...

My prayer:

What stops us from going after what we want? Fear? An idea that we don't deserve it? Worry that us getting it will hurt someone else? I bet it is usually wrapped up in fear of some kind. I don't think of myself as a fearful person but I know, when I really look at things, fear keeps me from doing so mamy things that I really do want to do. 

God, I pray for help with fear tonight. I pray that you go to the source of those fears and heal me. I pray that you replace that fear with your confidence and strength. I pray that the only time that fear is allowed in my life is if it is truly guarding me against harm. Actual harm, not imagined harm and not someone else's idea of harm. And, that the fear leaves as soon as that harm is removed.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

There is potential for harm everywhere. The world you live in is rampant with it. The key to living in harms way without fear is your confidence in me. Your confidence in me and my love for you can overcome all fear.  

Through the assurance that love, my love will never allow you to come to harm. I will always rescue you when things try to come against you. That is the key to living without fear. 

It is not finding a safe place away from harm. There really is no place like that on earth right now. The only truly safe place is in my arms. In my arms, you can have the confidence to do whatever your heart and my Spirit guide you to do. 

I am with you always. Walk in the confidence of my love. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The calm before the storm...

My prayer:

I have no idea what to talk to you about tonight God. Everything was good today. Nothing super amazing but nothing super horrible. Everything got done that needed to get done. No complaints but nothing to write home about either. 

As I think about it, I should be and am grateful for a non-eventful day. With life so crazy normally, a quiet, decent day is definitely a gift. Thank you for a peaceful, vanilla kind of day!

What God Said Tonight:

One two three, get ready. The calm before the storm is a real thing. 

I give you times of rest to fill up your tanks for times of challenge.  

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

In a box...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am feeling a bit directionless tonight. What are we doing? What is the purpose? What is next? What is the goal? 

I am all for living in the moment but I need a bit more of the big picture and overall purpose of this season. Or, maybe I don't "need" it but I would really appreciate it. 

I know that you always have a bigger plan and purpose for the situations in our lives. And I trust that. It would just really help me to be on board and help me to make decisions if I understood a bit more about where we are headed.

What God Said Tonight:

Sometimes I can only give you one step at a time. Sometimes it is because where we are going is a bit overwhelming. Sometimes it is to help you build your trust. Sometimes it is so you can more fully follow my will and not fall into the temptation to control the situation yourself. Sometimes it is all of those things. 

I know you feel like you are in a box right now but the great thing about a box is that any side of it can be opened. There are six ways out of any box. Remove any side, open up any side and you can walk right out, up, down. I have a plan and it is not to leave you in the box. 

Follow my lead, but wait for the next step.

Monday, July 27, 2015

RIght action...

My prayer:
THANK YOU!!!!THANK YOU!!!!THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU JESUS for a wonderful day. Everything went so much better than I could have even hoped. 

Thank you for fixing broken things. Thank you for making the transition back to work so easy. Thank you for amazing people in my life. 

You bless me in so many ways God and I am very grateful! I honestly can't imagine life without you and I don't want to. 

What God Said Tonight:

Where so many people get tripped up is they are focused on doing good, doing the right things instead of focused on what I am doing or want to do in any given situations. This maybe hard to understand but it is more important that you be in my will than for you to do what you think is right just for the sake of doing it. 

Why it gets so confusing is often, what you think is "right" or "good" in a situation is exactly my will. In those times acting on that impulse for the right thing is exactly what you should do. But sometimes, I have a purpose. Sometimes I need you delay doing the "right" thing. Sometimes the thing you think is right will actually damage the situation and the people involved. 

Think back to the story of Lazarus a minute. Coming exactly when they called me, to save my dear friend from death, seemed like the "right" thing to do. But what they did not see and could not see at the time, was I had a bigger purpose in mind. I would still save my friend. I would still restore and heal him, but I needed him to die first to show the glory of the Father. 

So, my caution to you is, don't be so quick to act all of the time. Seek my voice and guidance so that your actions can be right and on time and in my will and therefore be the most effective for our Kingdom. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Ears and eyes open...

My prayer:

Thank you for an amazing day God. Thank you for letting me be a part of you providing tremendous healing in so many people today. I truly count it as a privilege that I get to pray with people and see you change their lives. 

Tomorrow it is back to regular life and work. I think I am ready. This has been such great break and a great rest. I feel recharged and ready to get back into the race...I think.

I pray and ask for your help God to hang onto the peace that you have provided in me even in the midst of great stress. I pray for your wisdom and guidance to make good choices. I pray for you help in everything.

 What God Said Tonight:

Sometimes, the best thing for you to do is to keep your ears open and your eyes shut. Your ears open to hear my voice and your eyes shut to block out the circumstances that seem overwhelming. Sometimes, that is the way to get through; but, you miss a lot when you do it that way. 

I am hoping that in this season, you will have the courage and faith to keep your ears open AND your eyes open so you can see fully what I can and will do for you. That is when you will see the greatest growth.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Maturing process...

My prayer:

Dear God. Show me the things I don't know about where I am at right now. Show me the things I am blind to in the situations and struggles that I am in. 

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I have given you eyes to see but I have not yet given you license to speak about what you see. I have a process that has begun that needs time to mature in you before it comes from you. 

I am not in a hurry for this. We will take our time and make sure everything is accomplished in right order. 

I have great purpose in this. Wait on me and I will show you all of it,

Friday, July 24, 2015

Knowledge and wisdom...

My prayer:

There are so many things in this world that I don't understand. Then there are all of the things I think I understand, just to find out later that I was wrong. I have heard it said before and I guess it is true, the older I get, the less I know. 

When I was younger, I was so confident that I was right about everything. I wasn't, but I was confident that I was. Life sure was a lot easier when I thought I had it all figured out.

Dearest Father. I understand that my knowledge is not good enough to get through life. I pray and ask for your knowledge and wisdom to guide my life.

What God Said Tonight:

Wisdom and age do not always come together. 

Who is more wise? The person who thinks they know it all but they are wrong or the person who thinks they know nothing but they are wrong? 

I am your Father and your guide. I will help you with each step of your life. Look to me, seek me and I will help, every time. It is in your lack of knowledge that I am shown to be wise.