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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, April 12, 2013


My prayer:

Good friends, lots of laughs, thank you God! I needed that. I am ready for a rest, I am ready for Sabbath. 

I can't wait to rest all day with you tomorrow God. I can't wait to get quiet with you on the top of a mountain. 

Those are some of my most favorite times, just alone with you on top of the world. Nothing better than that. Although, these nightly talks are pretty awesome too. Then there are the times when I get to pray for people and watch you change their lives and meet every need, that is probably the most awesome time with you. There is NOTHING like laying hands on someone and watching you heal them before my eyes. Yea, maybe that is my favorite time with you. Or...I guess any time with you is my favorite! 

What God Said Tonight:

You are my favorite. Just like you can't really pick a favorite time, because they are all your favorites, that is how I feel about each of my children. They are all my favorites but that doesn't make any one of them less special. They really are all my favorites. 

So, I can honestly look you in the eye and tell you that you are my favorite. I adore you. I will always take care of you. I will always help you. You will always be my favorite. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

You pick the time...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I am worn out tonight for sure. All I want is to hear your voice and go to bed. My brain is much too tired for anything else. 

I sometimes feel guilty about being so tired by the end of the day when we hang out like this. It sure doesn't seem like I am bringing you my best. But, I also love to end my day with your voice. What do you think God? Should we change the time of day that we have this quiet time together? I want whatever is best for you. LOVE YOU!!

What God Said Tonight:

I don't care what time of day it is, I just care that we get time together. I will always take you right where you are at. If you wake up in the middle of the night and want to talk, I am here. If  you want to talk first thing in the morning, I am here. You are not quite "all there" first thing in the morning but I am there for whatever you need. If you want to talk at noon, I am there. 

It is all the same to me. I am always here for you. Just don't forget to talk to me. Life gets so crazy and so busy that it is not hard to get distracted and forget to take the time for us to spend time alone. I cherish our time together and I don't want to miss that, ever. 

So, you pick the time or times and I will always show up. LOVE YOU!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The garden...

My prayer:

Mighty and incredible God. What an amazing night of celebrating what you can and have done!! You have told me so many times in the past that I could not even imagine what you were going to do in my life and you were SO RIGHT!! I look around and all I can say is "WOW." I am in awe of you.

It has not always been easy but it is always worth it. I love you God and can't wait to see what you do tomorrow!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Eye has not seen and ear has not have only begun my dear. 

It is like a garden that has been planted. You are only seeing the early bloomers right now. Wait until you see the garden in full bloom! I have so much more for you. I have seeds that have been planted, seeds that you planted years ago, that are beginning to break ground. 

You will not believe the diversity, the beauty of the garden we have planted. You have such joy in your cannot imagine. I love you and I will see you blessed.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


My prayer:

Amazing God. I do not want to complain, I don't want to search out new depths of anything tonight. I only want to celebrate you tonight. I only want to love you tonight. I only want to focus on how amazing you are. You are everything, everywhere, and all powerful. 

One of the things that I love so about having you in my life is how you work everything out. A young friend needs to earn some money to buy a prom dress and you provide a short term job for her. A snow storm hits on a day when I have back to back meetings at work that can't be rescheduled, or more accurately  shouldn't be rescheduled, and you keep the roads clear during what was supposed to be a horrible blizzard. Then there are those flat out miracles where you heal busted up knees and broken down backs and so much more. 

Thank you for being you and always taking care of us!

What God Said Tonight:

How long will you wait? How long will you wait for me to speak? How long will you wait for me to move. 

The number one thing that keeps people from living out my promises for their lives is impatience. They get tired of waiting for it and they try to make it happen. They think they are helping me but they are not. I don''t need help to see my promises unfold in your life. I just need your agreement and your patience. 

Patience is a virtue. You will be amazed what you will see when you simply wait for me. Waiting is not fun, it is not sexy, it is not popular but it is necessary. I love you warts and all.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Good news bad news...

My prayer:

Well God, this was an interesting day with interesting challenges, that is for sure! What a crazy mix of good news, bad news, and bad news that might be good news and vice versa. It was kind of hard to keep up today. 

But here we are, just you and me and I can't wait to hear your news. I can't wait to hear your voice. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

All things work together for the good of those who love me. All things. No matter what the news, no matter the circumstances, I will work it for your good in the end. 

Joseph had a life of good news, bad news, but in the end, I elevated him to a position of great power that allowed him to save his family and eventually his people. 

It is when you don't give up on me, ride it out, that you get to see my purpose in all of the good and the bad news. I am the artist, the carver and the potter of your life and I will make sure that your life is a masterpiece.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Saying yes to everything...

My prayer:

I am confused tonight God. Way too many opinions competing for top spot right now. And the thing is, they all have the tremendous and wonderful goal of bringing people closer to you. But, can I, should I try to be a part of all of them or by trying to do it all am I actually short changing everyone including you and me? 

I sometimes envy the people who have that one thing they are really good at and passionate about and they spend their whole lives focused on perfecting that one thing. That is clearly not me. No matter where I go, I seem to get involved in 5 million different things and anything less feels like I am not contributing. Maybe I am just trying to make everyone happy again? I don't think so. I really just don't want to miss out on anything that you have for me. 

I pray for wisdom, direction, and understanding God. The rewards of seeing people get to know you are SO GREAT that it makes me want to say yes to everything. But maybe saying yes to everything means I am not really saying yes to anything? help please...

What God Said Tonight:

  1. Have I ever, in your life, when you have asked for my help, have I ever not helped? 
  2. Have you ever, in your life, not been able to accomplish everything that I have given you? 
  3. Is there anything you are doing now that is contrary to my will? 
  4. Finally, are you keeping the Sabbath holy? 
That is your checklist and your promises my girl. We have been here before and it is good that you take stock. 

Those are the questions you need to ask. Assure yourself first of my faithfulness. Hold up each thing to the microscope of my will and purpose. Measure your balance by the Sabbath. 

I love you sweet girl. You don't have to say yes to everything that everyone brings to you. You don't have to say yes to anything. I hope you will always say yes to me. Sweet dreams tonight my love.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

God's voice...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I think you asking me to fast. You know I don't like fasting, for a lot of reasons but if it is really you asking, I will do it. It is so much easier to hear and believe that I have heard from you when you tell me things that I already believe or already want to do. It's only when you tell me things that don't line up with what I think or things that I don't want to do that I start to question if it is really you speaking. 

Pretty silly when I think about it. What I should be paying attention to is whether what I think you have said lines up with what you already said in the Bible. That is really the litmus test to know if it is you. What I think or what I want to do has nothing to do with it. Love you God. Thank you for teaching me new things every day!

What God Said Tonight:

My sheep know my voice. I don't speak in a whisper but I don't shout either. It takes effort from you to listen and then to understand. It takes even more effort to act on what I tell you. 

I know you don't like to fast. I know you so well. I would not ask if it was not important. It will blow your mind. Trust me.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Failing religion...

My prayer:

Amazing night God!! You healed, you prophesied  you released, and you set us on your path for our lives. Who could ask for anything more. YOU ARE AWESOME!! I LOVE YOU!!! I am exhausted but need to hear your voice one more time before I go to bed...

What God Said Tonight:

I am drawing in the sand for the whole world to see. A day is coming where the pharisees and the sadducees will no longer rule in this world. The religious rule makers will fall and those who have relied on the rules will be lost and looking for me but, they won't know where to find me. 

Their rules are failing them even now. 

Be their guides. When they come wandering to you lost, do not judge, do not turn away. Teach them about me, show them who I am. Help them to find me. 

Their hearts are true and earnest but they have been deceived. When that deceptions becomes clearer, be waiting to help. 

I love you daughter. Go and rest.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Getting to know God...

My prayer:

Another great day God. You spoil me. I am NOT complaining, at all! I love that you spoil me. I love that you bless me like crazy. Life isn't perfect but it is clearly blessed and I will always be grateful. 

All glory and honor to you God. We say that all the time, but really, ALL glory and honor to you God. I worship you. I adore you. I am fascinated by you. I want to know you better, deeper. I want to know everything about you. And, I don't want to just know it with my head. I don't want to just read about you, I want to experience you. I want to get to know everything about you on a emotional and spiritual level as well as an intellectual level. I just want all of you that I can handle. LOVE YOU!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Yes my daughter. that is what these quiet times together are all about. That is what worship is all about. It is in those times, when you focus is completely on me, that I can show you more of who I am. I can let you feel how much I love you. I can give you the peace that passes understanding and comes from knowing that you are the daughter of the most high God who is on your side and will always be your advocate. 

I love you. I crave more quiet time with you. I know your life is busy. Most of it is with things that I asked you to do. But when you can, when you can make time, when you can quiet your mind, spend it with me. I am here for you any time and any place. Quiet your mind and your spirit and you will here me. You will know my voice. You will learn all there is to know about me. We have eternity together to find it all out. LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Relationship with God...

My prayer:

Wonderful Lord. I have been studying your relationship with Moses lately and it is kind of fascinating. He argued with you and contradicted you a lot. Sometimes you listened to him and even changed your mind. 

I am not sure that I would have the confidence to argue with you the way he did. I mean, you are the God of the universe, all knowing, all powerful, and existing at all times and places. How could I even think that I would know better than you on anything? 

But then, when I think about it, every time something doesn't go the way I think it should, I may not argue with you but I definitely question you and ask you what is up. I guess that is kind of like what he did. But, in the end, I usually recognize that you had the best plan all along. Moses didn't always see it that way. 

Anyway, it is interesting. I have always thought of Moses as this really holy guy, leading the Israelites out of Egypt and into the promised land, setting up your laws, and he was. But, he wasn't an obedient or meek guy who just did what you told him. He fought you on things and sometimes he won the fight or convinced you of his point. 

What God Said Tonight:

My relationship with each person is unique. Not because I change but because you are all, each one of you, unique. I have some relationships that are sweet peace and love almost all of the time. David was a relationship like that. Not that he was perfect but his heart for worship made an environment of joy and love for us. Then there are the fighters, like Moses. Most people are a mix of both. 

The point is, I can and will meet you right where you are. My relationship with you will be perfectly suited to who you are. That is why every person needs to get to know me personally in order to experience the fullness of what I have for them. You can tell people about your relationship with me but until they experience a relationship with me in their life, it will not mean that much to them. 

I have said it before, but I am everything you need. That is because I am everything. But it is also because I know how unique you are and I know your personal needs. I made you. And it is with that knowledge that we begin to build a relationship. 

Get to know me like I know you and we can build something beautiful.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Never alone...

My prayer:

Awesome Father. I don't know what to talk about tonight. I have been having a hard time knowing what to talk about during our quiet time. Life is good, really good. You have done so much and continue to prosper me in every area. I am SO GRATEFUL for that I can't say it enough. And, it seems like most of my prayers right now are all about other people. Which, is ok and probably good in a lot of ways. 

But sometimes I know that when I am completely focused on other people it is because I am avoiding something in my life that I need to be dealing with. I guess I always kind of worry about that. I worry and wonder if there is some big old plank in my eye that I do not see and instead am praying for help for everyone else. But, if I am avoiding something, I am avoiding it pretty successfully because I don't know what it is.

God, I ask that if there is something I am missing, something I am avoiding, point it out to me. If there is something I need to change, make it crystal clear to me. I want to be the person you need me to be to do the things you need me to do. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

You know that I love you too much to allow you to stay in sin or to live in a way that keeps you from me. I will always point out to you the things that need to change. And then, if you let me, I will change them for you. I don't expect you to be perfect and I don't expect you to make changes on your own. We are in this together. 

You are in a season where I have you on a steady keel. this is a time to build and to intercede for others. When it is time to change, I will change you. When you need to move, I will guide you. 

You are not in this fight alone. I am your ever present help. Part of that help means that I will not let you avoid those things that you need to face. I just know the perfect rime for you to face them and I will not rush you before that time. I have plans for your life and they are good. Trust me in all things including your own growth. I love you daughter, so much.

Monday, April 1, 2013

All that you need...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I am so tired my thoughts are mush tonight. 2.5 hours of sleep is not enough. I pray God that you pour out upon me the spirit of deep sleep tonight. I pray that I will awaken for you sustain me. 

I love you God and I love that I can come to you with anything and everything and you have a solution. You have a way out. No matter how big or how small, you have the answer for everything. I love that you are omniscient, that you know everything. I would hate to have to trust a God that only knew part of the story. But, it is easy to trust you because you already kow the end from the beginning.

I should probably shut up know. I am hitting that goofy tired stage where I could go on forever if you let me with random thoughts flying in from here and there. Much better to stop talking and start listening to you. 

What God Said Tonight:

I am the bread of life. but I could just as easily say that I am the pasta of life. The point is I am what sustains you. I am what nourishes you. I am what gives you the energy and the strength to grow and do and be. 

My blood, is the life fluid that saved you but that also quenches your thirst. It gives you the fluid you need to survive. A human body can go many days without food but very little time without fluid. I am the the water that will never run dry and when you drink of me you will never go thirsty. I will quench your thirst in the physical and in the spiritual realms. 

I am all that you need and I will never run out of me for you. I love you and I am with you always. You shall not want. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Renewed, refreshed and redeemed...

My prayer:

What an amazing day God! Thank you is just a couple of words and can never convey my gratitude! This whole weekend has been the best Easter weekend I have ever experienced and I am simply in awe of you. So, since they are the only words I have, Thank you, Hallelujah! If somebody makes up some more words to say thank you, I will use them too. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

This weekend was like fresh dew on your faith. You have been renewed in the participation of seeing others renewed and saved and it is good. 

Life will still throw challenges at you but you are renewed and refreshed in the living water of my Spirit. I love you daughter and this weekend together was wonderful.

Keep up the good fight of faith and be renewed, refreshed and redeemed. 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

He has risen...

My prayer:

What a wonderful day God! You were glorified for sure! Thank you for every person you brought to us to bless. Thank you for all the beautiful children who we got to pray with and give clothes and toys to! It was a truly beautiful day. Then, to end the day with a great service and dinner with wonderful friends, as soon as I take a bath and fall off to sleep, this will be a nearly perfect day. THANK YOU SAVIOR LORD!!!!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I have stirred up the spiritual realm around you for a reason. I know you have sensed and seen that things are disturbed. It is in that disturbance that truly great things can happen. It is in the status quo that people get complacent and luke warm. 

I am stirring up the spiritual realm to ignite the fire in you to see the great miracles you have prayed for. The time is here and now and it is already happening. 

I have risen. not I will rise, not I am rising, I have risen and it is done. Nothing more needs to be done for you to be reconciled to me. All that needs to be done now is for you to walk into the full promises I have for your life. 

I love you and I am with you every step of this journey.

Friday, March 29, 2013

God first...

My prayer:

Mighty and powerful God. I am a bit too tired to make rationale sense tonight I think. Thank you for getting me through this week and thank you for what you are going to do this weekend. 

Let me hear your voice tonight before I fall asleep in this chair?

What God Said Tonight:

I alone am your God. If that is true, if there is no one and nothing that you put above me, than there are no distractions in your life. There is no need for following the stringent rules. 

When I am first in your life, you live out my purpose and will for your life. So many people try to make this life with me so difficult but it really is not. Put me first, love me and love the people around you. Never lose the simple truth of that. 

I love you daughter. Sleep well, you will need it.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


My prayer:

Sweet Father. Thank you for another pretty wonderful day. 

I am getting excited for this weekend. So many great plans around the city to celebrate what you did for us. 

God I pray that this weekend be a time when people who you have been chasing after finally say yes to you. I pray that people hear your story in a whole new way this weekend and realize like they never have before what you have done for us. I pray God, that you reach people and give them an undeniable experience of your presence this weekend. 

Hallelujah! I praise you in advance for every saved soul. I CAN'T WAIT!!! :)

What God Said Tonight:

I will take any and every opportunity to get my message out. My children need to know and understand what they have been given. Many think they know but with a little more study they could see all that I have for them. 

I have provided salvation from hell, yes. And if my children do not get anything else from my sacrifice, that is still worth everything. But my sacrifice was for so much more. I came to give you life and life more abundantly. I came so you could be healed and set free. I came so you did not have to live in bondage to sin any more. I came so you could live healthy and long lives. I came so you could live in this world but not be overtaken by the sin and evil of this world. I came for you. 

This Easter celebration, spend some time really studying my promises for your life. I have more for you than what you have received so far. I love you and want you to have all that I have provided for you today and forever. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


My prayer:

Awesome Lord. I sure have been dreaming a lot. Detailed, very realistic dreams. I am not sure what they mean, if anything. Last nights dream has been really sticking with me. It was very realistic and not a lot of fun. Not really a nightmare, just a lot of things that I did not want to happen were happening. 

If I am supposed to be getting some understanding or knowledge from these dreams, I need some help. I am not getting it on my own. Or, if it is just my imagination, or if (like Pastor Mark says) it's the pizza can you let me know and I will do my best to just forget them?

Thank you for never getting bored of listening to my rambling thoughts God. I love that I can talk to you about anything and you will always listen.

What God Said Tonight:

You hear me when I speak because you are on the look out for me. You hear me because you look for me everywhere. You look for me in your dreams. You look for me in circumstances. You look for me in the words of those you love and those you don't even know yet. You are always on the look out for my voice and you hear me. You listen. You actively listen. 

I will always listen for you because it is in my nature and because I love you so. When you seek my voice in every situation, you show me you love me too. 

Your dreams are often a place we can talk about things that are hard to express in words. Your dreams right now are a reflection of your destination and what you need to do to get there. Each has its purpose. Some are removing barriers. Some are preparing you. All are  pointers to the change that is coming. 

I love you daughter. Keep listening. I have more to tell you.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

One came back...

My prayer:

What a great day God! Filled with little examples of your favor. I love living this life with you!! Life with you is so GOOD!! I celebrate you tonight God. I celebrate all that you do for us. I celebrate all of the amazing promises you have over us. I celebrate that you are my Lord and I am ALL YOURS!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Ten were healed and one came back to say thank you. Thank you for being one who comes back to say thank you. I loved all ten, I healed all ten, I have plans for all ten, but there is something special about the one who comes back to say thank you. 

That is the one after my own heart. That is the one that I can move mountains for. That is the one that I will remember first when they call out for my help. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Unprepared for change...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I feel a change in the air. My dreams, my spirit, everything is pointing toward change. Which is awesome, I love change. You know how easily I get bored. But I also get the sense that I am not fully prepared for this change. Or is that just me lacking confidence and being worried about what comes next? Or, am I putting way too much credit into a dream? 

You are not the author of confusion, I am clearly confused, and that is clearly not from you. God, Lord, I ask for wisdom and understanding so I can best serve you. Thank you.

What God Said Tonight:

I do not change. I am the same yesterday today and tomorrow. I have a plan on your life and that has not changed. I have many changes for you to go through still in this life. I have many new things and new seasons for you. But, I will never lead you into a season that I have not prepared you for. 

I am not a mean or sadistic father that I would set you up to fail. I prepare you, I gift you with abilities beyond your own. I will give you everything you need for everything that I lead you into and everything I want you to do. 

You can be at peace. You do not need to worry. The rules have not changed and I have not changed. You and me, we will take on each day together. You will never run into a situation you are not prepared for because I am always with you and I am prepared for anything. 

Turn to me in times of confusion. Turn to me when you don't know what to do. I will always know what to do and I will tell you. Love you sweet child. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

God's rhythm...

My prayer:

Amazing God! Thank you for all of the miracles today! Miracle healings! Miracle deliverances from bondage! You are THE answer to EVERY prayer and EVERY need and I am so grateful that you have made a way that we can access you and your power whenever we need you!

Now, if we can just be smart enough to ask for the things that we truly need and the things that will better our lives and the lives around us...If we can just learn to follow your will and plan for our lives, then everything will be PERFECT!

As we start a new week God, I pray that you help us to make good decisions and guide us every minute of every day. I pray that your wisdom be our guide, not our own.

What God Said Tonight:

There is a heart beat to life. More than your individual heart beat. There is a heart beat to the people, to my people. There is a rhythm.

Sometimes it speeds up and sometimes it slows down, but as long as there is life, there is a heart beat. When you are in my will, you are moving to the timing of the rhythm of my people. When you are outside of that rhythm, everything feels  a little off. I still love you but things, life seems harder.

Follow the rhythm I have for your life and you will find yourself with great stamina and able to endure much. I love you and I will guide you always.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

No more hiding...

My prayer:

Awesome and all mighty God. Life has been very unpredictable lately. But, that is good. I was getting a little bored with the status quo. Thank you for a wonderful day of rest. I needed it and did not even realize it. 

My thoughts tonight keep circling around all of the wonderful people you have put in my life. Praying and hoping they are safe, warm, healthy and filled with your joy tonight. I love the people that you surround me with God. They are all so wonderful, talented, and loving. Not that we all don't have our moments and our baggage. We do. But past that stuff, they are just phenomenal people. I often wonder why you keep connecting me with such amazing people. I don't know why but I am very grateful! They make life better.

Anyway, I hope you had a good Sabbath too. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

The truth will be revealed. I am making it harder and harder for people and sin to hide in this world and I am doing it for a purpose. The days of sweeping issues under the carpet are over. I need people to realize what they have allowed in their lives so they can receive the salvation that I have provided for them. 

I don't want to lose one more person because they think they don't need to be saved. The truth is that everyone on this earth is in sin. Even the "really good" people. And therefore, everyone needs the salvation that my death bought for them. I know that some people will be deceived and others will simply choose death instead of life. But I can't allow people to die in sin because they don't see the sin in their own lives. 

It is not about judging others but it is about transparency and getting really honest. I know it is not comfortable but it is necessary. 

Remember this, no matter what, I love you. Remember that no matter what you have done or what you do in the future, I love you and I have provided a way for you. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Just for you...

My prayer:

You are good, you are great, you are wonderful beyond words. Not because of anything you have done, although you have done and continue to do the most amazing things, you just are. When you said, "I AM" that really said so much. You are that you are. You are wonderful because you are. You are almighty because you are. You are my Lord because you are. You are my healer because you are. 

I get so sad and it hurts my heart when I hear people who don't know you and don't believe you exist. They ask for proof. My proof is simple. You are. And because you are, my life is completely changed and completely better than it was before you were in it.

No fancy theology. Just the simple facts. Thank you God for being you.

What God Said Tonight:

I am. I am the great I am. I was, I am and I always will be. There is no getting away from those facts. Many have tried to hide from that truth, many have tried to run. But the truth is the truth no matter what. 

What people believe does not effect who I am. I still am if no one believes. 

I am eternal and as such, I can wait forever and never get lonely as long as one of my children is with me. As long as you are with me, I am not alone. I would save the world for just one who loved me and chose me. I would save the world for just you. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013


My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for healing me again today. I don't understand why I keep getting sick. That is not normal for me and that is not what you want for me. You have said that it is your desire that I walk in divine health, and I have for A LOT of years, but not the last few weeks. 

If I am doing something wrong that is letting sickness in, please show me so I can change. No matter what it is, just let me know and I will change it. If it is not something I am doing but something else causing this I pray that you rebuke it God. 

Thank you God that I can know without a doubt what your will in this is. Thank you for moving anything that is blocking your will out of the way. LOVE YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

Tolerance. Tolerance can be a good thing but what you tolerate, what you allow in your life can hurt you. If you tolerate and make excuses for sickness in  your life, you will have sickness in your life. If you tolerate sin in your life, you will have sin in your life. What ever you tolerate, whatever you allow in your life, you will have. 

You do not have to accept anything in your life that is not in my promises for you. If I have not said that you should have it, you don't have to accept in your life. Be intolerant of sickness. Be intolerant of things that are harmful to you. If you don't tolerate them, they cannot stay.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The river of God's will...

My prayer:

My God and Lord. My thoughts are pretty scattered tonight. There is so much happening, almost all good, but I am just keeping up. I don't feel like I am making decisions about direction or even goals. Maybe that is ok? Maybe that means that I am relying more on you to direct my path. 

Fact is, with you making the decisions, I am in a lot better place now than when I was trying to make the decisions. But sometimes, like tonight, I feel like I am not being proactive, effective, directive enough. Should I be planning more instead of just looking for your open doors? Or, is looking for your open doors of opportunity the best way to plan?

I don't know but I guess if that is my biggest thing to worry about tonight, I am doing pretty good! Your blessings and favor, especially lately, have been almost unbelievable God and I am VERY grateful. You are so wonderful to me and I don't ever want you to think that I don't understand how blessed I am.

What God Said Tonight:

I will give you the desires of your heart. That is my promise to you. You are in me and your life is being lived for me so whatever you want to do, whatever you want to accomplish, I am right beside you.  You can make plans and goals and if you include me, I will make sure you see them come to pass. 

You can also rest in knowing that I have a plan for your life and as long as you have me first and the center of what you do and who you are, you will be in your purpose and my plan for you. 

If I could ask one thing of you it would be for you to let up on yourself a bit. Stop worrying so much about what you should be doing and just live, enjoy, love, and be with me. It is ok to just live now and then. I promise, you are not done achieving great things for me and for the Kingdom. I promise that we have many more things to do but you don't have to push yourself quite so hard to do them. There is time for it all. 

Remember the river. We have talked about it before. You are happiest and accomplishing the most for me when you ride in the river of my will. Don't try to paddle up stream, just ride on the current and I will take you where you need to go at the speed you need to get there. If you see a spot you want to stop, let me know and we can stop. We are in this together. 

Rely on me for guidance in my purpose for your life and let me know the things you want to do. There will be time for it all. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Everywhere with God...

My prayer:

God I celebrate you sweet presence tonight. There is nothing like it. It settles over me like a soft blanket making everything ok. There is comfort, warmth, protection and love in your presence. How did I ever live without it? Your presence is sweet like caramel. You surround me with your peace and I am whole. 

What God Said Tonight:

Nothing missing and nothing lacking. That is what life with me is all about. When I am first in your life, when your life revolves around me and centers on me, I will make sure that you lack for nothing. 

I am your provider and your teacher. I am your healer and I am your Lord. I am everything you need and I will make sure that you are well provided for. Keep me first, keep me at the center. Don't let the distractions tear you away from me. 

You can live your life and enjoy your life. I want you to enjoy your life. But live your life with me. Enjoy your life with me. As long as I am a part of what you are doing, I can bless it and bless you in it. Take me with you everywhere and everywhere will be blessed.  

I love you sweet daughter. Rest well.

Monday, March 18, 2013


My prayer:

You are SO WONDERFUL GOD!! I can hardly keep up with all of the amazing things you are doing and how you are blessing me and the people around me. Just looking at my work day, I spent this whole day at work just trying to keep up with your blessings. Between successful meetings with new clients that were planned, with new clients that fell out of the sky, with clients who I thought were going to tell us "no" who said "yes", and getting more than we asked for on the grant...I mean, come on, that is not "normal!" Only my God can show that kind of favor. 

BEING YOUR KID IS WONDERFUL!!!! You get all the glory God! LOVE YOU and love watching you work everything out!

What God Said Tonight:

I have more for you. Not because you need more but because you know how to handle more. You have shown your self faithful with a little so I will trust you with much. You have shown that you will put me first at all times so I can trust you with more. 

Your Pastor was right on Sunday, most people get it backward. Give and I will give it back to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over. That is a true promise from me but remember always that step one is to give. Once you give, I have something that I can multiply back to you. If you  don't give first, I can't multiply zero. That is basic math. Zero times anything is still zero. Give me something to work with and I will multiply it back to you. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring is coming...

My prayer:

My mind is scattered tonight God. I think it is one of those nights that it is better for me to listen than to talk. What is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:

This winter has been difficult for you I know. You feel dried out and cracked up and you think you are not producing fruit. You think that you are cold and frozen. But that is just the environment, the season, that you have been in. You are not defined by your environment. 

Spring is coming. I promise. You will feel the joy of growth again soon. You will see the fruit, the flowers that have been lying dormant. They are about to spring up. Your fruit is there and is waiting for the right conditions to rise up. 

You have been planting and tending. you have been following my lead. You will soon see the harvest. You will soon see the produce. Do not be discouraged. Lift up your eyes and see the spring coming. I love you.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

New generation...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I think I realized tonight that we are a bunch of messed up kids just trying to figure it all out. And, that is OK. It is that second part that is new for me. It is ok that we are messed up and that we mess up. You expect it. You provided salvation through your son because you knew we would mess up. 

The goal really isn't to stop messing up. The goal is to have you with me wherever I am. The goal is to be present with you no matter where I am and what I am doing. How many times have you told me that all you want from me is to love you and love the people around me? Enough so I have lost count.

I think I am finally starting to get it God or at least get the next level of this understanding. I will never be good enough and that is ok. I can stop trying to be good enough. 

Living in your presence is easy. I love you and I love having you in my life. 

I feel like a big weight that I didn't even know was there, has been lifted tonight God. You have been trying to teach me this for awhile now I think. Thank you for sticking with it until I got it!

What God Said Tonight:

I am raising up a new generation unlike those that have been before. This generation is going to be free in me and free to see and do all that I have been planning since the beginning of time. 

It is a great time to be alive and a great time to be in the world. There are great challenges, great tragedies right now for certain but there are also immense opportunities to see the miraculous. 

Every thing you learn,m everything you do and everything you see is a part of a plan that has been in place since the beginning of time. I love you and I have truly prepared you for such a time as this. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Glory of God...

My prayer:

God, you are an AWESOME GOD!!!! Thank you for the miracles tonight! Thank you for answering prayer in such an immediate and specific way!!! You are INCREDIBLE!!! My God is an awesome God you reign from heaven above in wisdom, power and love my God you're an awesome God!!!!! LOVE YOU LIKE CRAZY!!!

What God Said Tonight:

You have only just begun to see what I can and will do in your life and in the lives around you. I have been waiting for this time and this season and the time has come. The time to see me do the things you have only heard about is here. 

I have a purpose and a plan in this time. I needed you to get to the place where you had no doubt that it was me and nothing or no one else who will effect these changes. You needed to get to the place where you know that I am God and I will not fail. I need you to be in the place where you know that you are here for a reason but that it is my power alone that makes the change happen. 

You are there and I am ready and we will see great miracles on this earth, in this time, and with these people. Get ready to CELEBRATE! THE GLORY OF GOD IS AT HAND!!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

At peace...

My prayer:

Awesome God of peace. I am so relaxed tonight. It was wonderful to feel strong enough to really get a good run and work out in tonight. I have missed that endorphin rush and the peace that comes afterward. Without it, I get all out of balance. 

Anyway, life looks awfully good tonight. Thank you for all that you did today. You are wonderful. Thank you healing D, making me prosper, and all of the many other things you did today that I may not have even realized. 

What God Said Tonight:

I like it here with you right now. I can abide in a soul that is at peace. When you are at peace, you can hear me more easily, you can make better decisions, you can keep things like anger in check. When you are at peace, you can do more for me. 

Peace is a wonderful and beautiful condition. It is an environment that allows all good things to flow. Evil cannot stand in the face of true peace. 

Live in the midst of peace and you will find your life becomes richer and more satisfying. I am the Prince of peace for this reason. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

1000 posts...

My prayer:

Wow God, tonight is the 1000 prayer we have posted on this blog!! Who (other than you) could have known what you had planned for this when it started 3.5 years ago? That is how you are though. You start with just planting an idea, a seed. Then, if I/we say yes, you take that seed and grow it into the biggest tree we have ever seen!

Thank you for the honor of getting to listen to you each night and for the honor of sharing you with the world each night. Please don't ever stop talking to me. A day without you is unthinkable. I am not sure I could survive even one day.

I love you God!!

What God Said Tonight:

Round numbers are fun milestones to chart where you have been but the real marker of success is the lives that are changed. One life, one person who chooses me because of anything you do is worth the world. One person who is saved sends the heavens into high praise and celebration. I don't count success by numbers but I do count success my soul impact. 

I love you daughter and each of the last 1000 nights has been precious to me. But then, every night that I get to talk to and listen to my kids is precious to me. I love spending time with my children who love me. 

See you for 1001.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


My prayer:

Not sure what to pray about tonight God. I am simply grateful to be feeling better and stronger. That is the only good thing about when I do get sick, it makes me appreciate being well at a whole new level! Thank you God for always taking care of me, healing me, providing for me, teaching me, loving me, and being my Lord. I love you SO MUCH!!

What God Said Tonight:

Your dreams, your hopes, your fears are all so precious to me. I don't take any of them lightly. I want you to know that you are my child, my creation, my love. 

I want you to understand tonight, like you never have before, that I love you, period. Not I love you if... Not I love you when... Not  I love you unless... Just, I love you. I will always love you. I will never not love you. 

Think of any moment in time for the rest of you have that time period in mind? Good, I will love you then. 

I don't need you to perform for me to love you. I don't need you to be good for me to love you. I don't need you to do or be anything other than you for me to love you. 

I know that kind of love is hard to understand. I will spend the rest of eternity teaching you about it. But tonight is one of the lessons. No matter when, no matter where, no matter what, I love you. Remember that.

Monday, March 11, 2013

When evil dies...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am trying to imagine what life will be like after your second coming to earth, when there is a new earth, a new heaven, satan is cast into the lake of fire with all of his demons, and evil is no longer roaming around causing havoc. What will it be like? Having never experienced a place or a time when evil did not exist, I am having a hard time imagining it. 

I am certain it will be wonderful. I would imagine that we will have a lot more joy and peace. We should be able to relax a bit maybe? See, I have a hard time truly imagining it. If you are willing and if I can understand, can you tell me what it will be like? 

Thanks for today. My strength is returned and it was a very good day. Thank you God.

What God Said Tonight:

I am not sure if I can explain so you understand but I will try. It is hard to describe the absence of something. What will the world be like in the absence of evil? 

It is like looking at a big tree and asking what it will be like when thee tree is gone. Obviously, you won't see the tree anymore. However, you will see the effects of the tree. You will see new growth out of the tree. You will see new plants out of the tree. You will see sunshine and light where there was shade and darkness. You will see the things that were on the other side of the tree the whole time but you did not know they were there. You  may see things that you don't recognize. 

In the new kingdom, when evil is gone, you will see like you have never seen before. You will not longer be blinded by sin and by bondage. You will experience my light like you never have before with no interference. You will have room to grow and to dance and to love. New life will spring up in the place of where evil lived. 

I celbrate in anticipation of that day. It will be so very good. Sleep well in peace. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Celebrate beauty...

My prayer:

The God who makes the impossible possible! Thank you God for the very good news today! I had really lost hope and then, all of a sudden you show up and it is done! YOU ARE WONDERFUL!! 

I pray and ask for the completion. I pray that now that you have him where you want him, you lead him to your salvation. I CAN'T WAIT TO CELEBRATE THIS ONE WITH YOU!!! Never, never, never give up hope...I HAVE to remember that! 

What God Said Tonight:

It will be good to celebrate with you again. It has been too long. Your life has been very serious of late and it is time to smile, enjoy, and revel in the goodness in your life. Celebrate me, celebrate life, celebrate all of the beauty that is around you. 

Is there ugliness too, absolutely. I do not ask you to deny the ugly. But I ask you to focus on the beauty for a while. The beauty in you, the beauty in others, the beauty in me. Refresh your spirit with the beauty of the Lord and the blessings I give you. 

Enjoy, smile, dance, sing...with me. I love you.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Changing perspective...

My prayer:

My mighty God and Lord. I close my eyes tonight and I see the green of the forest in springtime. I open my eyes and I see the snow and cold of March in Colorado. I was watching Nick Vujicic tonight and listening to how his story changes people's perspective. 

So much of what I experience in life is a direct result of my perspective and not so much a result of the circumstances. It has taken me a long time to learn that and I keep having to relearn it in parts of my life. 

God, I ask for a Godly perspective in every aspect of my life. Help me to see the truth and the potential in every situation, every person in my life. Help me to look away from discouragement and anything that is in opposition to how you think about things. I know that your thoughts are greater than my thoughts but you have also said that I have the mind of Christ. Help me God to look at life with the mind of Christ and not with my fallible, sinful mind. Your perspective is always better than mine.

What God Said Tonight:

How you look at yourself and your life may change over time. How you look at me will also change. Not because I change but because your understanding of me will change. Perspective is not a concrete stable thing. It is by it's very nature, constantly changing. The key is to guide it and herd it toward a positive outlook on a constant basis. 

You must not let your guard down in this respect. It is one of the areas that satan will first come after you. If he can change your perspective, as he did with Eve and Adam in the garden, he can get you to believe and do almost anything. 

Guard against it. Take your thoughts captive and keep yourself surrounded by things that give you a right perspective on life. Stay in my word, include inspiring people in your life, give yourself the opportunity to see and do inspiring acts. 

I will help but this is an area where you have to be an active participant. Your perspective is your responsibility. I love you daughter rest well for a new day tomorrow.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The essence of God...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am dead tired. Thanks for helping me through the day at work. I am anxious to be back to 100%. This bout with this cold/flu or whatever name the evil spawn wants to take has reminded me how wonderfully blessed I am with divine health 99.9% of the time. 

God I send your word of healing to every person struggling with poor health tonight. God we join together and praise you for your healing power. If we can connect with even the smallest part of that power, we can be completely whole. Just like the woman with issue of blood. All she needed was to touch the hem of your garment. We are reaching out to you tonight Jesus, to touch the merest part of you and your healing power that we can have your miracle healing power working in our bodies. 


What God Said Tonight:

I am not just a healing God, I am healing power. I am not just a God of peace, I am peace. I am the substance of what you need. I don't just know about these things, they are the essence of who I am. 

So, if you need more healing in your life, for you or for others, you need to know me more, have more of me you. Like Paul, when I am completely present in you, so much so that people see me instead of you, when there is no line between your soul and mine, that is when you will see the crazy healing miracles. That is when even just the shadow that you cast will heal. My power will be spilling out of you. 

In the meantime, study me, know me, experience me and you will have all you need to see people healed, I love you sweet woman of God

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Walking with God...

My prayer:

Mighty God, my brain is empty tonight. Sounds like the perfect opportunity to hear what you want to say! LOVE YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

I have walked a lot of steps with a lot of people over the years. Sometimes they were steps of joy and sometimes steps of pain. Sometimes we danced and sometimes we limped. I am your ever present help. 

Just because you get discouraged or angry does not mean that I go anywhere. I can handle your disappointment. I can handle your anger. I will NEVER leave you. I will walk every single step of your experience, for eternity with you. 

It is a promise I have made and I always keep my promises. I know you are not use to people who keep their commitments but I am God and I am a covenant God. That means, I will never let you down. 

Know that every step you take, every step, I am right there with you and I am ready for whatever you need. You don't have to scream to catch my attention, I am right there with you. ALWAYS.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


My prayer:

Awesome Jehovah Rapha. I am believing for the completion of your healing in me. I hate being sick for a lot of reasons but the biggest reason is because I know that it is not your will for your kids to be sick. So, on the rare occasions like now when I get sick, I know that I have something in me that is not of your will and I want it out NOW! I love you God and I leave this thing in your hands. Thank you for your healing power in my life!

What God Said Tonight:

I am your healing balm and I am covering you now. I am restoring you now. I am strengthening you now. I love you and I will see you made well and whole. I lvoe you daughter. Just rest in my healing power tonight. You will see a new day with new hopes tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Multiple vision...

My prayer:

Awesome God. My thoughts are so jumbled tonight. I am super tired but extremely grateful for you healing me. I am convicted and motivated to do more for you but in the competing voices of what people want to do, am I losing sight of your will and your vision? 

I could continue with the contradictory thoughts in my head but maybe it is best if I hush up and listen. Love you God.

What God Said Tonight:

Who is responsible for outcomes? Is that you or me? Why do I call you to do Kingdom work? Because you say yes. You can say yes to  people too. I give many people vision and plans for the future and sometimes I want you to help them. Sometimes they want you to help them and sometimes you want to help them. That is all ok. I will bless the work of your hands. 

Anything that gets people closer to me and provides them the opportunity to choose me is in my will. Anything you do to support those things is good and right. 

I will tell you when you are down a wrong path. I will shut it down. You have already given your life to me and continue to commit your will to mine daily. I honor that prayer, that commitment and our covenant. 

Relax, know that I am God and that I am in charge. Do what is good and right. Love people and love me. Simple. Go and rest now. It will look better in the morning. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

One more...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for your favor again today. You work out everything to the good of those that love you. That is a real, true, today, promise and I am SO GRATEFUL. 

I love your presence. I love your love. I love how you take care of us. You are about ten levels above wonderful! God I ask for one more blessing tonight. Tell me what is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:

I wait., I wait and wait and then I wait some more. My patience is long suffering but it is not quite infinite. I will not wait forever. I will at some point have to call an end to this season so we can go onto the next. 

I made a promise that one day, satan and his minions would be headed to the lake of fire where they can no longer torment this world and I intend to keep that promise.

But, each time I consider it, and I have considered it often, I see one more face, one more soul that hasn't chosen me yet and I think, one more day. One more day to give that one a chance. My compassion is ruling at this time. But a time will come when I have to put an end to it. 

I will keep my promise. But I will weep for those who don't make it. My heart already aches for them. Those who have not chosen me at the time of destruction will not have another choice and that breaks my heart. 

I love you child and it was my great pleasure to show you favor today. You have many more of those days to come. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Slow change...

My prayer:

Amazing God. It seems like I am surrounded with messages of true worship and living with your promises in our lives. That seems to be the themes of this season. I love both of those ideas but I am not sure how to help make them happen. I need your help, wisdom, guidance, to know what to do. 

Telling people about it has not changed anything. Showing people has not changed anything. Teaching people has not changed anything. What will change it? Maybe I need to stop trying and let you take care of it? I don't know but I am here and wiling if there is anything I can do.

What God Said Tonight:

I challenge your assumption that nothing has changed. People are changing all the time. Sometimes those changes are like changes to rock. They are small and they are slow but eventually rock turns into to sand and the change is dramatic. Sometimes changes are fast and more easily discernible. However, after all is said and done, the change is no more real in the slow change than in the fast changes. 

You, live your life. Live it for me and tell people about it. Show people what living with me is like. You keep doing that and I promise you the change is happening, whether you see it or not. Be faithful, be patient, and be confident in me. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013


My prayer:

What an interesting and full day this was God! I should be exhausted but I am not. I saw for the first time tonight where we might be able to go with The Rock Church. I saw that we just might be able to provide an atmosphere to connect people to you in a real way that is definitely not "church as usual." That gets me excited God! 

I realized tonight that I had allowed myself to get a little numb to you and the miraculous life you have for us. I lost a spark somewhere along the way and I want it back. I don't want to do things for you because of what I remember. I want to do things for you because of who you are. I don't want to just remember your glorious miracles. I want to live in the midst of them every day! 

You have promised us so many things and I want EVERY ONE OF THEM. Not just because I am greedy for the things of you but also because I want to show the world that it is possible. I want the world to know that your promises are real and they can have them in their lives. It is not just a story or a nice idea. It is the almighty powerful miraculous life that you have given us!

What God Said Tonight:

Looks like the spark is back. Your Pastor tonight said it well. Every forest fire begins with a spark. You have been reignited tonight and you will burn for me. Your light will be seen around the world. Your life will be a testimony and your love will make a way for you. 

I love you and I have carefully constructed you and your life for this time. You are right where you need to be, doing what you need to do, surrounded by the ones I have chosen and you will see my miracles in your life daily. 

Burn bright my child. I will breathe on your fire and you will see it rage. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Visit with the King...

My prayer:

Mmmm, your perfect peace God. What a difference a day, worship and prayer makes! I am at peace within myself and with you. Your presence is sweet. I rest in you tonight God. No worry, no stress, no  anything except the precious peace that comes from you. 

I love you!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I am washing you and soaking you in my presence tonight to prepare you and restore you. 

You know how the bride is washed for her wedding and then treated with oils and perfumes? You know how Esther was prepared for her visit and time with the King? You are being prepared for your visit with the king. The  King has been waiting and your time is nearly here. 

You have been prepared and you are ready. You will have favor with the Kind. He will see your heart and you will see his. You need not worry. It is ordained. I lov eyou and I am with you now and always.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


My prayer:

Awesome God. I hate conflict. I know that conflict can be good and can stimulate growth but I hate it. I hate how it feels. When I have conflict in my life, I just want to fix it and make it go away. 

I had a lot of conflict in my life today and it left me really stressed out. The work out helped tonight but I am still just a bit on edge. 

You said it best, blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God. Peace is so much better than conflict. God, help me be a peacemaker.

What God Said Tonight:

Peace, true peace, peace that comes from me is not reliant on the situation. You can be in the middle of a storm and have peace when you are concentrated on me. 

Being a peacemaker means you bring me into every situation. My presence will bring peace. Remember when I was in the boat and told the storm, peace, be still? The storm obeyed but I had to have peace within me first before I could command peace on the situation. The same is true for you. You must first have peace within you. Then you can speak tot he stormy situations and command peace into them. That is how an effective peacemaker works. 

In my presence is perfect peace.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thought control...

My prayer:

Hi God! Today sure wasn't what I expected. One of the things that I love about living life with you is that it never gets boring, You are always changing things up and then making them work out even better than what I had planned. I need help remembering that sometimes though. When all my plans for the day are slowing going down the drain, I need to remember more quickly that you are in charge and not worry about it. 

Kind of like how I have been worried about filing the tax form for the 501c3 because I had not done it before. I have been worried about that for three months thinking it was going to be really difficult, what if I don't have all the documents I need, what if I don't understand what they are asking for, what if...fill in the blank. Then today, I go on line and realize it is SUPER easy. All that wasted time in worry. 

I would like to remove worry from my life. It serves NO purpose. From now on I am a WORRY FREE ZONE! I refuse to worry because you are in charge of my life. Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

Your mind is your own and you have more control over your thoughts than you realize. The idea that thoughts control you is a myth. It is a myth that is encouraged by your enemy so he can use thoughts against you. 

You know how I tell you to take every thought captive. I never tell you to do something you can't do. Take every thought captive and rule over your thoughts. Don't allow thoughts that are not of me and not edifying to you. Simply tell them to flee. Then concentrate on good things. Concentrate on me. I promise, it is possible. 

It is time that you switch the paradigm and make sure that you are in charge, not your thoughts and not your emotions. Your spirit man  will rise up and take the lead. I love you.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Simple, not easy

My prayer:

Wonderful God. Thank you for a day full of your grace, mercy, and protection. You are really wonderful and I know I don't appreciate that enough. It is awfully easy to get accustomed to you working out the details of my life. But, every once and awhile, I stop and look how you truly work all things together for my good and I literally stand in awe. My jaw drops and all I can do is thank you. Thank you amazing God!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Walking out the life I have planned for you is not always easy but it is always simple. I will guide you always and I will not lead you into temptations. I will deliver you from evil. All you have to do is say yes and take a step forward. Simple but almost never easy. 

I may ask you to do thins that don't make sense to you. I may ask you to take a step out on water. But, if you say yes and step out, I will always make sure you don't sink. I will make sure that you live out the amazing destiny I have for you. 

If you say no and you don't step out, I can't give you all of the things that I want so deeply to give you. I will still love you. I will always love you. But in order to get you all of the blessings I want to give you, I need you to say yes and step out. Trust me and I will not let you down.

Monday, February 25, 2013

I just want to love you...

My prayer:

Sweet Father Lord. You are wonderful and I am very grateful for the worship experience of your presence tonight. Thank you for reminding me how precious our time together is. Thank you for letting me feel your presence and your love. There is NOTHING better than your love! 

Your love drowns out every worry, every fear, every sickness, every rotten thing in this world. Your love overpowers and smashes each and every one. I barely remember life before I knew  your love. I just remember it as dark and meaningless. 

God, I hope at some point today I was a blessing to you. 

What God Said Tonight:

Tonight was wonderful because there was nothing between you and me. No sin to separate you, no worry to distract you. Your mind was clear and ready to receive what I wanted to show you. 

I really just want to love you. That is the thing. Everything I do and everything I am just wants to love you. People over the years have confused it with so many other things, so many rules, but the truth is, I just want to love you. 

Forget everything once and awhile and just let me love you. My love will heal and restore you like nothing else. Sweet dreams my love.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Want vs. need...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am not sure what to pray about tonight. Everything I think of sounds pretty whiny even before it comes out of my mouth. There is so much to be grateful for but I have not been very good at focusing on the good things today. 

Thank you for the rest today God. It was not what I had planned but was apparently what I needed. 

Ok, I am going to shut up now. Everything that comes to my mind is a complaint tonight. I would rather listen to you God than get caught up in my own thoughts. What is on your mind tonight God. Your thoughts are not my thoughts and I am VERY grateful for that. 

What God Said Tonight:

You didn't want what you got today but it is what you needed most. Sometimes I need you to trust that I know best. I know what is coming so I know what you need today. You had your plans for today but they were not plans that were going to prepare you for what is coming next. My plans for today were what you need for tomorrow. 

You pray all of the time that you want my will accomplished in your life. Sometimes that means that you don't get what you think you want. Sometimes that means stepping out and doing something that you don't want to do. Other times, that means staying home when you want to be out doing things. 

I am in charge and will stay that way until you or unless you change your mind. But know that I make decisions based on what is coming. Not just on what you need today but on what you will need for tomorrow. I love you daughter. rest and know that you are well prepared.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Promises and blessings...

My prayer:

Amazing and incredible God. Thank you for the divine appointment tonight. I still don't know exactly what you are doing but you are definitely up to something. I can't wait to see what it is! 

This is clearly a season of change and I ask God for your very firm guidance. Help me please to make right decisions that are your perfect plan for me. I don't want to miss it. I want every last promise that you have for me. I want every last promise that you have for your people. 

We talked about it tonight God, we have forgotten your promises. Or maybe it is that we have forgotten that your promises are real and should be happening in our lives. When did we decide it was ok to live with less than the best? You have said we are a royal priesthood. I don't see any of really living like a royal priesthood. I am not sure I even know what that would look like. 

Dearest Father, remind me, remind us of your promises. Show us how to live with them active in our lives. 

What God Said Tonight:

Your greatest hour is at hand. You are walking into a time of great prosperity and joy. I can see your tomorrow and it is truly wonderful. 

You haven't earned this season but that is the point. It is a season of blessing, not of reward. You can't be good enough to earn what I have for you. What I have for you is greater than anyone could deserve. 

I hear your doubts. I am not promising something just to encourage you and get your hopes up. I am informing you of the future that is to come. I am glad you are writing this down because I want you to come back to this in a week, a month, a year and see how true it is. 

I love you and I have great promises on your life. You will see those promises and they are greater than you imagine. Don't doubt, don't worry, just trust and see what I will do for you.

Friday, February 22, 2013

What you don't know...

My prayer:

Gave everything I had and a little more to this day God. I am ready for sleep and Sabbath! But first, what is on your mind? What do you want to talk about tonight? I am all ears my Lord.

What God Said Tonight:

You know how sometimes you think you know what is going on and later you realize that you had no idea what was really going on? Well there is some of that going on right now in your life. There are some events, some things happening that you think you know the reasons for. You think you know why it is happening; however, there is so much you don't know. So much that if you did know, would help to make sense of the situation. 

I can't tell you everything that is happening although I would like to. What I can tell you is I am still in charge. Trust in me and I will lead you and guide you. One day, you will see the truth. Until that day, just know that not everything is as it seems. Some things have greater depth than you can imagine. 

I am yours and you are mine and I will not let you be taken away from me. You and I are together forever.