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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, January 31, 2020

Hidden is revealed...

My prayer:

One step in front of another God. That is how I am living life right now, trusting you to guide each one. You are building a testimony in our lives right now which is exciting and terrifying all at the same time. 

Thank you for the adventure and thank you for bringing us through it, day by day. 

I choose to trust you, again.

What God Said Tonight:

The days of doubt and confusion are behind you. Today is a new day where all things are revealed. You will see those things that have been hidden and you will know how to react to them. 

Today is not a day to be shocked at the revelation. Today is a day to be joyous that the hidden is revealed. I have brought it to the light, in the right timing with a plan. 

You are my joy and my plans for you are truly good. I shall kiss your head and hold you close as we walk into the future together.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Father in charge...

My prayer:

These are really exciting times God. Thank you for all that you are doing. I pray for your continued guidance and protection throughout this journey that we are on. Thank you for your favor and your timing. You really are working it all out and I LOVE YOU AND AM SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I have you protected and fully in my hand and my will. You need not fear what man can do to you. You need not worry about any single thing. 

I am your Father. I am the King of the universe. I am all powerful and I am all knowing. Who can come against you, my daughter. I am yours and you are mine and that you can always rely on. 

Rest now, I have some more work to do for you.

Sunday, January 26, 2020


My prayer:

Awesome God!! THANK YOU is never big enough to tell you how grateful I am. You are so good! This thing required a lot of waiting, a lot of trust, a lot of faith, but you made it all come together!

We have a lot more to do and I will need your continued help every step of the way but for tonight, all I want to do is praise you and say thank you Jesus!! Thank you Father!!

What God Said Tonight:

Alignment, much of life is about alignment. Sometimes, it takes some time to bring it all into alignment. 

I will never make you wait longer than is needed. I will never let your disappointments be the final answer. If you trust me, follow me, I will see every disappointment turned around and I will heal every hurt. Your life with me is guaranteed. I will not let you go. 

I love you my child, now and forever.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Prepared and ready...

My prayer:

Thank you for this tremendous peace tonight God. I don't know why but I am so confident that you are in charge and that you are working everything out exactly how it is meant to be. This is a truly wonderful feeling and it makes a time that could be super stressful, super easy instead. 

You are amazing and I love you like crazy God.

What God Said Tonight:

A place, a time, a purpose, a reason....these are all things I have promised you and all things that you are beginning to see. This last season has been hard on you but it has brought you to this place where you can trust me in the middle of the unknown, in the middle of chaos. It has brought you to this place of finding peace no matter the circumstances. 

This will serve yo well for the rest of your life. I love you now and forever my child. We will walk this journey together.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

No words...

My prayer:

I am having trouble slowing down my thoughts enough to actually forms words of a prayer tonight God. I am excited and also worried. I am making a conscious choice to trust you. I am confident that your will shall be done in my life.

I pray for peace and rest God. Leaving every worry at your feet.

What God Said Tonight:

I have no words to share because you have heard them and you are saying them to yourself already. I have no direction to provide because you are following my will, just in your instincts alone. I have no concern for your future because it is preordained. 

I love you now and forever. Go and rest in the peace that you are mine and I am yours, now and forever my love.

Friday, January 17, 2020


My prayer:

I feel like a broken record God but my prayer is for clarity and direction. Guide me on the path you want me to take. Close doors on opportunities you don't want me to follow and open doors on those you do. 

Help me to see the purpose, the plan, if there isn't a larger reason why you would rather not. You know I always do better when I know the destination, or at least I feel better. That is what has been the hardest about this last year. Not knowing where we are headed. 

I love you. I trust you. I want your will in my life.

What God Said Tonight:

A destination that is truly worth the journey takes time to find. It is in the journey, in the wandering, in the exploring that you find the true destination that you were searching for. 

There has not been a wasted moment in this last year. Each plan, each path, each journey has had purpose and has been a step in the path to the destination. You will have the rest of your life at the destination. Enjoy the journey getting there. It will make it more precious when you arrive.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Open door...

My prayer:

Working with all I know how to trust you God. I think I see you placing an opportunity in front of me. If it is not from you, please make that clear. If it is, please let me know. I love you and am fully invested in your will in my life.

What God Said Tonight:

A door is open for a reason. It will let you in or let others out. Some doors are better left unopened. This is not that door. This door is open.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Infant dependency...

My prayer:

Thank you for all of your help today God. You gave me favor in so many situations and resolved some things that were really bothering me. 

I think I just realized, today was a really good day. Funny how sometimes I don't realize that until I take the time to be grateful to you and recognize all of the good you have done. That probably means I should spend more time being grateful.

Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

A child half grown can get into much more trouble than an infant. An infant recognizes that it is completely dependent. A half grown child thinks they can do it on their own but they don't yet have the skills or the maturity to do it well and without getting hurt. 

Be like the infant in this season. There is so much you don't know. I will take care of it all. Let me. 

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Know it when you see it...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Show me your heart. Show me your will. I continue to seek you but I am not seeing with real clarity. I still find myself going down a road, just to question it the next day. 

I pray for your peace and your clarity for direction in this life.

What God Said Tonight:

I have the perfect place and the perfect plan. Wait for it to develop. You will not miss it. You are not going down the wrong roads. You are only premature in wanting to arrive now. 

You will know it when you see it, I promise. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Peace and healing...

My prayer:

I am praying tonight for the hurt people who are hurting people. The circle of violence created by physical and emotional abuse is so deadly. And the crazy thing is, almost every perpetrator of violence has also been a victim of it. 

SO tonight God I pray against violence and pray for healing in people's lives. I pray that you make people whole. I pray that you teach us to act in love and kindness instead of fear and violence. 

I pray for your peace to rule us and this world.

What God Said Tonight:

Seek first the Kingdom of God and all of these things will be given unto you. The key to your healing, the key to your peace, is to seek after my Kingdom. 

In my Kingdom is everlasting peace. I my Kingdom is divine health and healing. Apart from my Kingdom is chaos and pain. 

I have built for you a haven in this world and in the next. You will find it in my presence. Come sit with me and find your peace, find your healing, right here and right now my love.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The promises of tomorrow...

My prayer:

Awesome God. On a personal level, I have this picture in my mind of how things should be right now and none of it matches up with what I see. I can see things moving toward that picture, maybe, but it is not here yet. This is a frustrating way to live right now.

On a global level, I see your prophecies coming to life all around me. It is all so clear. The only question is how long will it all last until we move on to the new heaven and the new earth. 

This living in limbo, with vision of where we are headed but not being able to be there yet, is really hard, frustrating, discouraging, and many other feelings that don't have names. 

I pray for your help to be patient and wait on your timing and your will. I will need your help because I so clearly cannot do it on my own.

What God Said Tonight:

I have many things in motion. Sometimes, those things that you find to be annoyances, delays, road blocks, are merely steps in the process of moving my will forward. 

A victor can always look back and see the purpose in his struggles. There will be day in the near future that will allow you to look back and see the necessity of every step, every action, every inaction, every stalled day. 

I have you VERY best interest at heart my love. I am planning and creating a future for you that will last an eternity. 

I know the wait is hard. I know you do not want to hear me talk about trust again. I also know you will make it through this season. You will see the promises of tomorrow. You will look back on this time and it will seem as nothing, as a brief breath in time. I love you.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Enjoy the view...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I have been pretty wrapped up in my own stuff lately. So, not asking for anything tonight but to hear your voice. I love you!

What God Said Tonight:

Ice is thawing and life is coming back to earth but you are worried that it is in vain and that winter will grab back a hold. The season is a true reflection and metaphor of our life right now. 

The opportunities you see opening are real. The timing is still veiled. The result is a certainty. 

I love you and I have your life covered. Sit with me and enjoy the view. 

Friday, January 3, 2020

Sacrifice and cost...

My prayer:

I pray for guidance God. It seems like much of the last year was about all the things that didn't happen. I am ready for a year of things actually happening, but only if they are things that are in your will. 

Guide my steps God. I will do all that I can to follow your will.

What God Said Tonight:

A sacrifice has no meaning and no power unless it costs you some things. 

Remember the widow's mite. I was so impressed with that small offering because it cost her so much and yet she brought it willingly. 

I need you to understand and to see that your path, your future will cost you some things. I want you to understand that the benefit will far out weigh the cost, but it will cost you some things. 

I have waited for you to be ready to let go. I have waited for the offering to be genuine and given in joy. I think that time is here. We will be moving forward but do not get discouraged when it cost you something. Take that as a confirmation that you are on the right path.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for this mirror that you are giving me. Some of the things you are showing me are definitely uncomfortable but I think it is really important. 

It is funny how I can go my whole life believing certain things about myself and now, at this point, recognize that there are complete dimensions of my life and my choices that I honestly did not see before. 

It reminds me of the scripture where it says our righteousness is like filthy rags. I saw myself as compassionate and now realize how self centered I actually am. I saw myself as generous and now see that I was only giving on my terms. 

So, while I don't like what I am seeing, I am grateful for the mirror and I pray that you help me to be a better person. Help me to be the person I thought I was. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

Mirrors only reflect what is there now and they do not prescribe what the future will be. 

A mirror is there to show the imperfections, the things you want to change, and then you go and change them. Never let your current reflection limit where you are going or who you can become. It is a snapshot in time that is a tool, not an end in itself. 

I love you my child and I will help you, in all things.