My prayer:
Amazing God. I pray that I made the best choices today. I thank you for your will in my life and I ask, whenever possible, that you let me in on what that will is, because I would love to help and at a minimum, I don't want to be an obstacle.
Living out your will in this life is really all that matters. When this is all done, that is all I really need to know that I have done. Help me to do it well.
Living out your will in this life is really all that matters. When this is all done, that is all I really need to know that I have done. Help me to do it well.
What God Said Tonight:
My will is always rooted in love. There are many things that grow from that root of love. The branches reach out into the heavens. But the root is always love.
If you cannot trace back the root of what you are doing, or not doing, to love, than you are likely not in my will for your life. I simply will not do anything that is not rooted in love.
I love you and I will help you, always. You are my child and I will never leave you. I never intended you to live this life alone. I am forever here with you to help.
If you cannot trace back the root of what you are doing, or not doing, to love, than you are likely not in my will for your life. I simply will not do anything that is not rooted in love.
I love you and I will help you, always. You are my child and I will never leave you. I never intended you to live this life alone. I am forever here with you to help.