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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Word bricks...

My prayer:

The power of life and death really is in our tongue. I think I realize that more than ever tonight God. Our words can encourage someone and leave them flying high or they can crush them. Just through words. Careless words, my careless words, have caused more damage than I will probably ever know. 

Help me God to be more aware of my words and their effect. Help me to be more thoughtful about the things that I say. God help me to use my words to heal and not harm. Protect and not attack. God, let your words be my words.

What God Said Tonight:

Words are like bricks, they can build great things but they can destroy just as easy. It all depends on how they are wielded. If you carefully place them in the right place at the right time with other words, you can build a great pyramid or a mansion. If you throw them, one by one or even worse, as a big load, you can kill and destroy. 

Words were intended to be used to build, to encourage, to create. It is only when they are used for a purpose that they were not made for that we run into trouble. Be careful with your bricks.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Golden mist...

My prayer:

Following you is so easy God. Well, I guess what I mean is once I let go of my agenda and decide to follow you, it is all so easy from then on. When I wait on you, trust you, and follow you, it all comes so easy and is so amazing!!
Thank you for letting me be a part of what you are doing. Thank you for the amazing people you have put in my life that I get to love and who love me. Thank you God for the opportunities to see you do the amazing and the incredible in their lives! Love you SO MUCH!!

What God Said Tonight:

There is a mist on the horizon that is lit with a golden glow. It is a sign of what is to come. There is a fire and and a power that is on the way. I have told you of it before. I want you to be fully ready. 

The power that is coming in this wave is unlike anything you have ever seen. It will frighten many, but you have been prepared. You will know it for what it is. You will know it as a sign that I am near. You will recognize it as a sign that I am in charge and that things are about to change. 

I love you daughter and I will take you as far as you are willing to go in this journey.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Change in nature...

My prayer:

Amazing God. You have given each of us great gifts and talents. I want to be better about appreciating the gifts in others without being jealous of them. I want to be better about appreciating what you have given me and appreciating what you have given others and being satisfied in that. God, you know best. 

You know what I need to accomplish what you have for me in my life and you know what each other person needs to accomplish what you have for them. I pray that you help me to always appreciate that and to never envy. There is enough work to go around and I want to be sure I am doing what you want me to do and not what you had saved for someone else. Thank you Jesus for listening.

What God Said Tonight:

Now that is they kind of prayer that is easy to answer. And my answer to that kind of prayer is always going to be yes. When you pray for things to change so that they are in agreement with my word and my plan for you, the answer is always yes. I will always help you to live according to my word. 

You are coming back to the form and the nature that I intended for you. You are shucking off the sin nature and you are walking in the new nature that I have for you. It is not natural for you to hate, envy, lie, cheat or steal. It is not natural for you to kill. And yet those things have become the nature of man in sin. 

You are returning now to the nature that I intended for you . You are returning to the nature that is creative and not destructive, loving and not hateful, joyful and not morose. Welcome back my daughter. Your change in nature is nearly complete.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


My prayer:

All knowing God. Figuring out this life, what to do, what not to do, when to do it, how to do it, all of it, is hard sometimes. I am crazy grateful that I get to come to you and ask for help and guidance. I can't imagine trying to navigate life without your wisdom and help. 

There are so many choices. Sometimes, like tonight, I just get tired of needed to make choices. I would like just a little bit of time tonight to rest my mind and not choose...anything, except of course to love you and spend time with you. Just a little vacation from choosing.

What God Said Tonight:

You only have to make one choice and that is to chose me. Every other choice is a result of that one choice. 

You are taking too much on yourself again. You are trying to do it on your own. That is why you are feeling tired and overwhelmed. Trust in me, rest in me, know that I am still in control. I will guide you and direct you and show you each thing I need you to do as you need to do it. You know from experience that is true. 

You are not in this alone. I do not expect you to do it on your own. I never did. Lean on me my daughter and I will carry you through. I will make sure you are right where you need to be. Keep choosing me and everything else, I will take care of. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Appreciate the gift...

My prayer:

Here I am again Lord, asking for more, fill me up completely...I love that song God. It so fits tonight. Here I again Lord, asking for more, fill me up completely. You are what I want, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

You can't really appreciate a gift that you give to someone else unless you have first experienced that gift yourself. Until you have had something yourself you can't appreciate what a blessing it is to someone else. Everything that I give to people through you I will first give to you. I will anoint you first. Then, I will ask you to go and anoint others. 

I will never ask you to give something that I haven't already given to you. I am protecting you and the gifts. I am making sure each day that those gifts are with the people I have picked out for them. I have targeted the gifts for the people I believe will appreciate them. 

Have you ever spent a really long time picking out the perfect gift for someone only to have them barely notice when you give it to them? I feel that way sometimes. I give gifts and never see the joy or appreciation for the gift. 

Remember that every blessing I give you is for you but is for every person you ever meet as well. I share things with you so that I can multiply those blessings through you to the world. If you let me, I will multiply it all through you to bless the world and my people in it. Are you up for that? Love you.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fire is coming...

My prayer:

Amazing God. My thoughts are all over the place tonight. Thank you for the amazing favor today. Thank you for reconnecting me with an old friend. Thank you for the new insight you gave me while reading in the book of Luke tonight. I guess I am thanking you for blessing me, for love and for wisdom. That about covers it! Thank you for the little things that I often take for granted. Thank you for a roof over my head and food in my stomach. Thank you for health and for healing. Thank you for a family who loves me. Thank you for keeping me safe physically, emotionally and sprititually. Thank you for being the best Father I could ever hope for! Love you and can't wait to hear your voice...

What God Said Tonight:

A fire is coming that will burn out the overgrowth and will provide great nutrients for the coming spring. The fire is not bad. It is needed. The fire is a tool that seems destructive at first but leaves behind it the fodder, the fuel for new growth. 

No one likes the fire, although if you take the time to look, it really is quite beautiful. But, no one really likes the fire. But it is necessary. Nothing else can provide the environment for the type and extent of growth that we are going to need. 

I don't ask you to like the fire but I do ask you to trust me in the middle of it. Trust that I am still in charge and that I will not let it hurt you. I am with you every step of the way. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012


My prayer:

What an amazing day GOD!!! Thank you for letting me be a part of what you were doing today. Thank you for the saved lives. Thank you for the healed minds, bodies and spirits. Thank you for the baptisms into new life!!!! THANK YOU for making a way for us to have a new life in you. I love you so much and I am so excited to see more people getting to know you!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

It is party time here in heaven! We are celebrating with you. We are so excited about the new lives that were saved today that I can barely take the time to talk. We are too busy dancing and reveling in the new souls that were added to the Kingdom today. 

I have such great plans for these new souls. I can't wait to get started showing them who they are now. I can't wait to show them all that I have for them. I need you to help show them. Show them how to live a glorious life each day, in me. Show them the joy of living in Christ. Show them...everything. 

I love you daughter but I have to get back to the party! Sing, dance and celebrate with us for today was a glorious day!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


My prayer:

Today was wonderful God. I love your Sabbath. Thank you for teaching me the importance of rest. When I do it. When I take one day a week and rest, everything else goes so much better. It isn't easy. This crazy paced life and the demands on my time make it hard to have a whole day with no work. But, it is so worth it. 

There are so many things like that in your Word and in your Kingdom God. Things that you teach us because it will make our lives better that for so many years I thought was just tiresome religion. When did your advice on good living turn into burdensome rules? I guess the better way to ask that is when and why did we turn your advice into burdensome rules? I love you Daddy and love what you teach me!

What God Said Tonight:

Rules are logical and can be followed. When they are not followed you can point the finger at someone and say, "You messed up." There is something in human nature, sin nature, that likes that. There is something in sin nature that feels better about its own sin when it can point out sin in someone else. 

Rules are almost always for the other person, not you. You are a special case. You have special circumstances that excuse you from the rules...or at least that is what you think. 

Rules in themselves truly are not bad but the way people use them can be devastating. It is important to recognize my "rules" as key bits of knowledge to help you live a better life. They are in place to guide you and help you when you are lost and not sure what to do. They are your road map to life. 

They are not there as a set up for punishment. They are not there to use as a bat over someone else's head. They are there for you, to help you, not to hurt you. Take a careful look at every "rule" I have for you in my Word. Every one of them is to help you live a better, happier, more productive life. They are to give you peace, not guilt. 

I love you daughter and stay teachable. It is the best thing you can do.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Season of dreams...

My prayer:

Whew! Made through this week, THANK YOU GOD! I am pretty wiped out but as always, want to hear what you have to say. I am hear to listen if you are up for a talk. Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

I have dreams for you that have been hidden away and waiting for the right time. The time is here. I am going to ignite dreams in you that you have forgotten. I am going to birth new dreams in you that will be more than you can imagine. Tonight is the beginning of new dreams in your life. 

Dream big and dream often. The dream is the first step in getting anywhere good. Welcome to your season of dreams.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Forever changed...

My prayer:

Mighty and all knowing God. I am thinking about your blood tonight. The blood you shed that provided salvation for us. It is something that I grew up learning about and have always accepted but as I think about it, why blood? Why, before you came and died for us, did it require animal's blood to cover sin. Why did it require your blood to cover sin for us for all time? What is it about the blood that makes it the appropriate sacrifice? Sounds like I have some studying to do!

I love you God. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

My blood is pure. there is no tarnish or speck in it. It is pure and holy. Everything that is touched by my blood is forever changed. It is made pure just by being touched by my purity. My purity and my holiness is great enough to overcome any evil. 

It is important to understand that the essence of me covers you, cleanses you and makes you holy. Once white paint has a drop of red in it, it is never truly white again. The red changes it forever. The same is true of my blood. Once touched by my blood, you are never again the same. You are forever changed. 

I love you daughter and never stop being curious.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Not your battle...

My prayer:

My healing God. I want to say a humble thank you for all of the healing that you are accomplishing in me this week. Things that I got accustomed to and had lost hope of seeing healed, you are healing. Thank you. I am humbled by your generosity and goodness.

What God Said Tonight:

The battle is not yours and it never was. The weapons are not carnal and are not logical. You are in a battle for your soul every day, but it is not your fight. 

I have already fought the fight and won. The battle has always been between me and the enemy. You know how kids sometimes get hit with the crossfire during a divorce? It is kind of like that. The enemy hates me and wants to hurt me. He knows the best way to hurt me is to go after those who I love the most. That is why he targets you, my children.

Trust me to fight the battle and stay focused on me. I promise, I will win, I will protect you. I will never let him have you. You are mine and I will not let go. I love you and have waited too long for you to ever give you up.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Life's facets...

 My prayer: 

Wonderful God. This daily communion commitment I made with my church family has been AWESOME! I love ending each day in conscious remembrance of you and your sacrifice for me. I also love the healing that I have experienced! THANK THANK THANK YOU!!! I didn't know how much longer I was going to be able to stand those headaches and they have been completely gone for 24 hours now! I can't remember the last time I was completely pain free for 24 hours!! 

You are awesome and your power is humbling and wonderful. I love you so much and I am so grateful for YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

It really is all about what you choose to remember. It is about what you choose to think about. It is about what you decide is important in your life. Those are the things that will define your experience of life. 

Life is a many faceted thing. You get to choose what facets you focus on and that guides your experience in life. Do you know those people that are always miserable no matter what happens? How about the people that are always happy and at peace no matter what happens? The only difference between those two people is what they focus on. 

Both, all aspects of life are always present. But you define, you decide, what you are going to experience from it. There is no experience so bad that good can't come out of it and there is no experience so good that bad can't come out of it. You know the saying "Too much of a good thing..." well, it is true. 

Good, bad, indifferent, chose what you want to experience. If you don't like your experience today, take a look at what you are thinking about. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Your future...

My prayer:

Amazing God. There is so much hope when you are involved. That has really been on my mind the last week or so. When you are in something, I can hear news like someone is losing their job or someone is sick and instead of feeling bad, I can get excited to see how you are going to handle it. Same goes for when I get bad news. Instead of getting depressed and hopeless, I get to be excited and hopeful to see how you are going to work it all out.

That is the great thing about living for you God. I am SO GRATEFUL for the salvation you provided that allows me to live forever with you in heaven. But I am maybe even more grateful that you didn't stop there. I am grateful that you have blessings and help for me in this life because I am pretty sure I could not make it through one day without you. LOVE YOU GOD!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Your future is yours to discover. You don't HAVE to be any particular thing in the future. I have a great plan for your future and I know you will love it but if you want to try something else, you are free to do it. 

I will bless anything you choose to do as long as it is not sin. I will bless you because you are my daughter and I love you and I want you to succeed. 

If you want to trust me though, I do have a path that will lead to greater satisfaction and glory for my Kingdom than you can ever imagine. I have shown you the path. It is your choice of whether you will walk down it. I love you back sweet daughter, now and always.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Remember love...

My prayer:

What a privilege and an honor it is to know you God. I tend to forget sometimes how amazing it is that you want to know us, that you are willing to talk to us, lead us, guide us, help us, let alone save us from eternal damnation and hell. 

It is kind of like when you have been married a long time or have had a really good friend for a long time. I tend to forget how amazing they are until something happens that let's me see them through someone else's eyes and reminds me how amazing they really are. 

That happened today. Praying for a woman today and helping her to see that you really do love her and that you want to know her and seeing how incredible that was for her to reminded me of when I was still astonished by your love. 

God forgive me for ever taking your love for granted. Help me each day to remember how amazing this relationship with you really is. I will be more mindful and will find ways to appreciate you more. I love you God.

What God Said Tonight:

My love for you does not change. I love you more than you can imagine, always have and always will. It is good for you to remember that and to appreciate it, not for my sake but for your sake. 

When you remember how much I love you, it is easier for you to trust that I will work things out. It is easier for you to trust that I will heal you. It is easier to trust that I only have good plans for you. 

Please never forget that everything I have done and everything I will ever do is because of my love for you, my children. I am love and all that I do is a result of that love. Walk in the assurance of that love in your life. Good night and sweet dreams my love.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Messing up...

 My prayer:

What a weird day God. I messed up pretty bad but you made everything work out anyway! I have spent so much of my life worrying about messing up and failing. I have made myself pretty miserable over it at times. But today was such a great reminder that even when I really mess up, you can still work it out. 

Even when I am at my worst, you are always at your best and will take care of me. WOW! That is VERY COOL!! Thank you Daddy!

What God Said Tonight:

Your worst is never worse than my best. You can never mess up more than what I can fix. My blood was spilled for you and covers all sin. 

I still expect you to learn from mistakes but I don't ever expect you to carry guilt. I still expect you to recognize when you do wrong and turn from it but I never expect you to keep it in remembrance. 

You are covered now and always my daughter. My love is your covering, my blood is your salvation and my peace is your gift. I love you so much. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

God's produce...

My Prayer:

What a wonderful night of worship with friends who really are family!  Loved it God and loved that you do something different every time we get together with this group! Life with you is exciting God. Thank you for giving me everything I need right when I need it!

What God Said Tonight:

My Kingdom is like the produce section of a grocery store or market. It is filled to the brim with beautiful, colorful, nutritious things and you are welcome to try them all. I encourage you to try them all. The more variety the better it is for you. 

But, undoubtedly you will find some things that you like better than others and that is ok too. It is ok to return to the things that you love as long as you keep trying new things and avoid getting in the dreaded rut. 

I love you daughter and I will always have new things for you to try to spice up your everyday favorites. Rest well for tomorrow there is more for you to sample.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Constant change...

My prayer:

I am learning to appreciate change in a whole new way God. So often, when I am following you and your will for my life, when change comes, it doesn't look good at first but if I trust you in it, it all works out for my good. I have seen it so many times now that I am no longer afraid of change. I look forward to change and even crave it sometimes. But, only because I can trust you. 

God, thank you for changing how I think about change and thank you for always making things work out for my good. LOVE YOU!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Change is constant. Everything, live things, dead things, things that were never alive in the first place are still always changing. Somethings just change at a slower rate and it is hard to perceive the change. 

The same is true of people. Everybody is changing constantly. Some just change faster than others. 

The only thing constant in this world is me. I am your rock and I am immovable. I will be today as I was yesterday and as I will be tomorrow. I will n3ver change. 

However, everything around me is in constant change. To think you are not changing is a delusion and a lie. Don't listen to the lie. Know that I am constantly helping you to become everything I created you to be and that means change. Live this life of change with me and see your success. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Faith is...

My prayer:

Awesome God, I have got to get some sleep tonight. I just drove home in the dark with my sunglasses on and did not realize it until I was halfway home. Clearly, I am not fully functional. 

Please God, whatever I need to learn in this season, show me quick and make it plain for me. Not sure I can keep this up. Love you God and I remain hopeful and trusting in you.

What God Said Tonight:

Faith is substance of that which is hoped for and the evidence of that which is not yet seen. Faith is evidence. Faith is the proof that there are promises on your life that have not yet shown up. Faith is the evidence that I am active in your life no matter what the circumstances look like. 

Your faith will see you through. Your faith will hold you up. Your faith is real and is the evidence to those around you that you live a different life. That you live your life for me. Faith that is evident is powerful to all those who witness it. This is a time to show off your faith. Let people see that you trust me no matter what the circumstance. Show people that we are in this together and that you will lean on me at all times. Show people that trouble doesn't bring you to doubt but it brings you to your faith. 

I love you daughter. I will not let you down. Your faith in me is safe.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Just life...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I am a bit at a loss for words tonight. You know that doesn't happen very often! Today was good. Everything continues to kind of move forward, some things faster than others. I can see your crazy favor in some areas and I struggle in others. Just life I guess. Nothing profound, just life. 

Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention today? Moving through life with blinders on? Anyway, here I am at the best part of the day, getting to hang out with you and hear what you want to talk about. What is on your mind God?

What God Said Tonight:

Life is a miracle. You live it everyday so you don't realize it but life is a miracle. It is a gift. It is something that I wanted each of my kids to get to experience, if only for a moment. 

There is a preciousness and value to life that can only be fully appreciated when it is over. Don't miss the beauty in the life around you. Don't miss the colors, the scents, the joy in life. 

I gave you life and I intend that you should enjoy it. Enjoy the sunshine on your face. Enjoy the people I have put with you. Enjoy the food I have given you. Enjoy the feel of a late summer breeze on your cheek. Don't miss the simple pleasures. 

I love you daughter and don't get so complacent that you miss the joy in life. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Incomplete testimony...

My prayer:

Amazing God. I have seen you do mighty miracles in my life in the lives of those around me. I have seen you heal time and again. I have seen you take situations that look like there is no answer and work everything out perfectly. I love seeing you do that stuff! Not just because of what it does for the person that it helps but how it shows you to bigger than anything we run into.

Then there are the things that, despite years of prayer, prayer of agreement with others, doing all that we know to do, giving it up to you, etc. etc., some things are still there. These crazy headaches God are still here and many other things that plague me and my friends. What is the deal with those things? What are we missing? What am I missing?

It is clearly not your will for me to live in pain. So why is this head of mine not living in your will? What do I need to do or not do? 

I love you God and I know that all things are possible in you. I believe and trust you. I need some help.

What God Said Tonight:

It is definitely not my will for you to live in pain but as you know, I never waste pain either. I never let you suffer for no reason. I never let you have more than what you can learn from. I promise this thing will not kill you and I promise it will be used for the good of you and my Kingdom. I promise that there is no thing in your life, in any of my kids lives, that is there for no reason. 

I am your refuge and your strength. I am you ever present help in times of trouble. I am here for you and I will make sure that this is not wasted pain. 

There is more to learn. There is more to understand. There is more to experience victory in this. Your testimony is not complete. I love you. Stick in there.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


My prayer:

Today was pretty wonderful God, not because of any of my plans but because of your plans. You clearly had a day full of divine appointments and worked everything out. Thank you for the opportunities to be a blessing. thank you for blessing me. Thank you for always having a better plan than my plan. I love you God. What is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:

Life's interruptions are often opportunities in disguise. Thanks for going with it today and not getting stuck in "your" plans. I will always lead and guide you but I can't make you follow. I will never make you do anything. Your love is too important to me (just like the song says). 

I will never force you but I will always show you the way that is best for you and for me. I will never make you choose my way but I will always show you where it is.

I love you daughter and I am happy to see you becoming more flexible. We can do a lot more togehter when you are willing to change course just because I ask you to.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

God's diamonds...

My prayer:

This day wore me out God. I am practically falling asleep sitting up but I don't want to end this day without spending this time with you and hearing what you have to say tonight. Love you and I am all ears.

What God Said Tonight:

You, my children, are my diamonds. You have been cut and shaped and your facets shine brilliantly as they reflect my light. You are so valuable and beautiful. You are stronger than the things that come against you because you have been hardened by heat and by pressure. You were once coal but you are now my beautiful diamonds. 

I love you and while your preparation was difficult, the result is amazing. Shine for me sweet daughter. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Peace in every situation...

My prayer:

There was a lot of craziness around me today God but total peace in me. That is a pretty wonderful thing that you do for me. I love your peace. The peace that doesn't really make sense but it so complete. That peace to know that you will work everything out, even the small details. 

If I didn't have you and your peace in my life, I would be a constant worrier. There is plenty to worry about if I want to. But, with you, I don't need to. Thank you God for taking care of me and taking care of all of the details.

What God Said Tonight:

I am peace. I am the source of peace. I have total peace for you because I already know everything. Everything that ever was or ever will be. I am your peace in the midst of any storm. I am your refuge. I will never leave you and I will never walk away from you. 

When fear tries to come in, remember who I am. Remember what I know. Remember what I can do. And then, remember how much I love you. My love for you is beyond words and I will bring every bit of knowledge and every ounce of power that is in me to come to your defense in every situation. 

I am with you. No matter what the circumstances look like, I am right here and I will not let you down. In the end, you will see the glory of my Kingdom, every time. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Win every time...

My prayer: 

You are good, you are GOOD, YOU ARE GOOD GOD!!! I am continually amazed, impressed and in awe of you God and how you work everything out! Thank you is a ridiculously small tribute for all that you do. 

I bet that is why they never stop worshiping you in heaven. Because truth is, if everyone of us worshiped you non stop for eternity, it would still not be enough to repay all that you do. 

Forgive me God for every moment that I have forgotten the immense blessing you are and hear my heart tonight in complete gratitude to you for who you are and all that you do.

What God Said Tonight:

I make you to succeed because I can't help but win. As my kids, you can't help but win either. You are children of the ultimate champion and I have put in you the ability to do even greater things than I did when I was with you. 

If you can someday, allow yourself to receive all that I have for out world! You will be powerful beyond your imaginings and you will be successful in everything. Sounds great and you are thinking, yeah, I want THAT! But, with that level of blessing and favor, comes a lot of other problems and challenges. 

I need to prepare you for that kind of blessing. I need to heal your heart so you are humble enough to receive and not gloat. I need to soften your soul to know that you will share and give all that you get. I need to know that the blessings will never own you but that you will ALWAYS belong to me. 

Those are the things I am working on with you now. I know that it is not always fun but know that the purpose and the reward of what we are changing in you today will absolutely be worth it. Be encouraged my love.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Getting what you want...

My prayer:

Hi God! I have spent a lot of today thinking about what you said this morning on my way to work. You said, don't ask for something if you don't want it. That seems like such an obvious thing but the more I think about it, how many times have I asked you for something whether it was something tangible or something spiritual or whatever, and then when you bring it to me, I don't really appreciate it? More times than I want to admit, I know that. 

We were talking about it tonight in group, I need to be more mindful of what I ask you for. Thank you for the insight and for continuing to talk with me every day. A day without your voice is pretty unthinkable. I don't ever want to be without you God. Love you SO MUCH!

What God Said Tonight:

I don't know if it is always a mindfulness issue but sometimes it is a gratefulness issue. You long for something for so long thinking if you could only have that one thing, everything would be perfect. But, no one thing, other than me in your  life, has the power to make everything else right. So, when you get the thing you want and your life is not suddenly perfect, you become complacent and unappreciative. 

I am the one thing that truly satisfies. I am the one thing that is greater once I am in your life than I was when you were longing to be close to me. I am the one thing that only gets better and bigger with time. Long for me and be satisfied in all things. I love you my daughter. Rest well.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pouring out blessings....

My prayer:

Is there anything you won't do for us God? Your blessings are so amazing! I think I am finally starting to truly understand that ALL things are possible through you. There is NO "IMPOSSIBLES" in my life when you are in it. WOW. I am in awe God.

What God Said Tonight:

Every good thing is from me. I will always only give you good things. When there are things that you want that are not good for you, those things I will hold back from you for your good. But every good thing is yours. 

I have waited and eternity to spoil you a little. I have waited an eternity to bless you. I have waited an eternity for this time right now with you. I won't hold back anymore. I will pour out my blessings on you, my children. 

In these last days, there will be many hardships to endure. I will pour out my blessings on you to help you through. I love you and I will bless you all the days of your life.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Right time, right place, right person...

My prayer:

What an amazing blessing you made "C" and his wife "L" to be God! The way they are heading up this ministry banquet is so wonderful. I want to be like them someday. They are very organized but willing to hear everyone's ideas and change things that make sense. They don't get stuck in "their" way of doing it. It is pretty wonderful to be a part of a team like that God. Thank you for this opportunity and thank you for not letting me miss it. I almost said no because there was so much going on and I was so busy but I would have missed out on blessing people and learning from some great leaders. Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

Every person in place doing what they were called to do. That is why you found tonight so beautiful. Each person was using their gifts for me. It really is beautiful when that happens. When people simply trust that I have given them what they need to do what they have been called to do. It is so easy. 

It only gets hard when you start to try to do what I have called your brother or sister to do. When you step outside of your gifts and responsibilities and try to do what they are doing because it seems better in some way. 

There are no small jobs in my Kingdom when you are doing what you are prepared to do. I love you and I love the way I made you. I made you with a purpose in mind and it is a good purpose. 

Go rest now. We have more to do tomorrow.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

New love vs. Mature love...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Feeling restless tonight. It seems like there is something I should be doing but I don't know what it is. You are blessing me left and right and I am so very grateful. Some of the blessings are almost unexplainable and people don't really believe me when I tell them. I wish there was a better way to let people see what a blessing it is to have you in our lives. There are struggles and trials, sure. People everywhere have struggles. But with you, we always come out of the struggles on top.

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of praying for the new believer today. It was so phenomenal to see how excited he was and how he was already telling everybody he could about what happened in his life! No fear, no embarrassment, just utter joy at being forgiven and loved by you. That is the REALLY GOOD STUFF God! 

Maybe G had it right when she said that she was going to focus on getting the new believers out on the streets witnessing. That enthusiasm in them is infectious! I wonder if we can recapture that enthusiasm?

What God Said Tonight:

Newlyweds don't stay newlyweds forever but their love does not diminish. It matures and it grows. There is beauty in mature love. There is excitement in new love. There is fire and passion and energy in new love. New love is great but if new love stays new, it never has the chance to become the rooted and strong love of maturity. 

I love you so much my daughter and when our love was new, when you first came to love me, it was exciting and fun and you were energized in a brand new way. Our love has matured and is not so flashy but just as beautiful. As much as I enjoyed our new love, I appreciate the love and the trust that you have for me now even more than that first flush of love. 

This is a love that lasts, a love that grows, a love that strengthens. You don't have to worry about sharing the feeling of new love, they will get that all on their own. Show them the love you have now. Show them what our love can be. You are what I have made you to be right now, for this time and purpose. 

Appreciate the gifts of others and use the gifts I give you. When everyone is doing just what I have called them to, then everything will be covered.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Choose well...

My prayer:

Wow, no idea what to talk about tonight. Maybe I should just listen?

What God Said Tonight:

When you focus on me, there is hope and joy and peace. When you focus on what you don't have, there is angst and pain and torment. Why would you ever to choose to focus on anything but me? 

You have the absolute ability to choose what you will experience in this life. You don't get to choose the circumstances but you entirely get to choose how you respond and what you focus on. 

Make good choices. I hate to see you suffer. I want you to live in the joy I have for you. It is waiting for you.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Good change...

My prayer:

Change is in the wind God and it feels good!  Sometimes change seems a little frightening but this change, there is no fear. I somehow know that you are in complete charge and I am just excited to see what you want to do. I love you and trust you. Whatever you want to do next, let me know. I am here for whatever you want to do.

What God Said Tonight:

I have many changes for you and for your life. Your life will never be static. Your life is meant to be lived, not endured. Your life is meant for a purpose, not just an existence. 

You have been prepared and will do much with it. But in each new thing, you are being prepared for the next thing. Life is a continuous adventure if you will see as such. Start each day with me in your mind and in your heart and I will show you such things that you cannot imagine. 

Good news is, we will have a lot of fun along the way. People get caught up in the battle of following me. They worry too much sometimes about the enemy coming against them. You have to remember that I will always win against the enemy in the end. You don't really have to pay so much attention to him. I have him under control and it is only a matter of time before he is out of the picture. 

So much better to focus on me and what we can do together. I love you daughter and I love living this life with you. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Trails of light...

My prayer:

I am so tired tonight God, I probably won't make a lot of sense, but, you always seem to understand anyway :). Ok, now I know I am too tired...just used a smiley face in a prayer! Anyway, You gave me lots of great opportunities to be a blessing today and to see you bless people and that made it a really good day. You are so good! 

What God Said Tonight:

Everywhere you go you leave a trail of light. My light in a dark world. Your light, or my light in you, effects more than you. It lights up the things around you. As they are lit up, they begin to generate more light. 

If you just continue to shine my light, pretty soon the world will be light instead of dark. That is how we change the world. One light at a time. Shine on my little lighthouse.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Now and forever love...

My Prayer:

You are so awesome God. You are my ever present help. You take care of things before I even know there is a problem. You give me favor in every situation. You are WONDERFUL!!! I simply cannot come up with words to describe how amazing you are. 

I am eternally grateful that you saved me from my sin and provided a way for me to live with you forever in heaven. But, right now, today, I am SO GRATEFUL that I get to live this life with you on my side!!!!!!!! 

With you on my side, who can defeat me? The enemy has not real chance when you are with me. I LOVE YOU!!!! Please don't ever leave me.

What God Said Tonight:

I will never leave you or turn my back on you You are my precious child and I created you. I loved you before you were even conceived. I had a plan for your life before the dawn of time. I hold you precious and dear in my heart and I will never let you go. 

I love you more than you can know. You are beautiful to me, every part of you. I have waited for an eternity to have this time with you. I am serious. I have waited so long to be here with you tonight. 

You don't always feel lovable but I will ALWAYS love you. You don't always feel worthwhile, but you are prince and a priest. You are royalty in the Kingdom of God because you are my anointed child. 

I love all of my children with this same love. But, right now, tonight, I want you to KNOW my love for you. I don't want you to ever doubt again my love. I want you to live every moment in COMPLETE ASSURANCE that I am in love with you and will not let go of you. Now and foever my love.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


My prayer:

Sooo, sin. Doing stuff that is not in your will. I know we shouldn't and with the actions, it is a little easier to avoid sin. But I was just reading in Matthew tonight how you talk about even thinking sinful thoughts is a sin. 

I can do my best to "take thoughts captive" and "think on good things" but sometimes other thoughts sneak in. Sometimes, like tomorrow, I will be walking into a situation that I know will be ripe with sinful thoughts but it is not something that I can really get out of. The situation itself is not bad but I know that there is potential for my thoughts to go down a wrong path. 

But, I can't not go can I? You say to blind our right eye if it looks lustfully. That would make me think that you expect us to do anything and everything to avoid sin thoughts. God, I want to be in your will. I don't want to be in sin. But, when it comes to some everyday things, I am not sure how to avoid it? I pray for your help God.

What God Said Tonight:

Does the law define sin or does sin define the law? Think on that a minute. Is sin still sin if there is no law? 

Sin is something that will cost you. Sin is something that will take away from your life, your soul and your spirit. Sin will tear down the things that you have built. Avoiding sin is a very smart thing. When you get it wrong, when you sin anyway, you are covered in my blood and you do not have to pay the wages of sin that are death. However, you do have live with the consequences of your thoughts and actions. And, do not doubt it for a minute, there are ALWAYS consequences for sin. Sooner or later, there are always consequences.

I will help you tomorrow but you must follow my lead. You must trust me. You must do everything you know to do to focus on me and not on the situation. I love you daughter and we will walk through this together.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Life balance...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I am riddled with doubt tonight. Not doubt about you. Doubt about me. Doubt about the future. Doubt about am I doing the right things for your kingdom? Am I doing enough? Am I spending enough time with you? Am I loving you and people like I should? Am I getting this life "right" or am I deceiving myself and one day I will wake up and realize that I missed all of these amazing things that I could have been doing for you? 

Is there room for life balance when we are serving you God or are we supposed to be so sold out that there is nothing but you and serving you in our lives? 

Sorry to be such a pest with a million questions tonight God, but you know me. If there is a question to be asked, I will ask it. I love you God and I only want to be in the right place at the right time to be and do all that you have for me, seriously.

What God Said Tonight:

Life balance, that is an interesting concept that has really only come up recently in some ways. There is a part of it that goes back to how I created you. I created you to have a Sabbath. I created you so that you would work six days and on the seventh day you would rest with me. That rest is essential for the rest of what you do. 

Regarding balance in any other sense of the word, the way you get balance is when there is no difference between the you that serves me and the you that lives your everyday life There is a purpose and plan in every moment of your life. Whether you are preaching or whether you are having a sandwich for lunch, there is always the opportunity to be my ambassador. In your actions, in your inactions, in the way you treat people. In the things you talk about. In the things you don't talk about. In the the solutions you offer in the peace you walk in. All of it it is serving me and my Kingdom. 

The life you lead is a greater testimony than any sermon. I have told you before. I convinced more people to follow me when I was on the earth by how I lived than I ever did by what I taught. Let the people of the world see that the people of the Kingdom live differently, better. Let them see that life with me is awesome. Let them see you living with me. 

That is "life balance" when it comes to serving me. Love you sweet daughter.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Loving like God...

My prayer:

Sweet Father. I am in unfamiliar waters right now and I need your help and direction. I am doing my best to stay focused on you knowing that you will take care of everything else. It can be hard sometimes though. 

I pray God and ask that you block the distractions, anything that is trying to keep me from your will. Help me God to see myself how you see me and not what others say about me. Help me God to see others as you see them, for their promise and covered in your blood of forgiveness. Help me God to be so in touch with your love that I heal quickly from the emotional pain that comes with living life in this world. 

God I pray for a flood of your love tonight over the entire world. Flood us God so we can love like you love. 

What God Said Tonight:

Loving like me is a great goal. You will  love like me when your love is bigger than your ego. You will love like me when your love is more important that anything else. When you are willing to humble yourself and do anything just so someone knows they are loved. When you are ready to die to show someone how much you love them. 

Loving like me is not easy and is not always pleasant. It costs something to love like me. I love you and I don't expect you to love like me but I do expect you to love. I expect you to love as a response to my love. I expect you to love me and to love the people around you. I expect you to let offense roll off your back with the assurance that I am your Father and I give you your identity. 

I expect you to love the ones that no one else wants to love, when they are at their most unloveable. I expect you not to turn your back but look them in the face and love. 

You don't have to love like me but you do have to love like you, with the new heart I have given you. Love is a choice and love is your choice. Choose it daily.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I don't know...

My prayer:

I have nothing new to say tonight God. I love you. I am grateful for all that you do. I have the same struggles and the same challenges that seem to cycle back to me over and over which is SUPER frustrating. 

I wish I was a better student for you God. I wish I was a faster learner so I didn't have to go through the same thing over and over. But, I am not. So, here I am, at the end of me and completely open to whatever you have. Which, I guess is a pretty good place to be. I love you Daddy!

What God Said Tonight:

The people you most admire. What do they have in common? It is not that they are perfect? It is that they never give up. It is that they are transparent and admit that they struggle. 

You do not need to have the answer. There is much you do not yet know and that is ok. That is what makes life exciting and worth waking up tomorrow. You are not me. You do not know the end from the beginning. You are left in the difficult but enviable place of just trusting me . 

Trust me in ALL things. Trust me even in the things that you think are not going right. Trust me in the things that you think I don't care about. Truth is I care about everything that you care about because I love you so much. 

I an interested in everything that you are interested in because I love you like crazy, I can't stop thinking about you. You are my whole reason. You, and your brothers and sisters are my entire purpose. And, out of that deep love, I will take care of your heart, your dreams, your worries, your needs. Now and forever my love.

Friday, August 17, 2012

The power behind the process...

My prayer:

You are incredible God!! You heal us even when we aren't even praying for that. We were praying tonight for deliverance from smoking and you gave her new lungs! We were praying for healing for my head and you healed my heart...and then my head. In some ways you are super predictable. I mean, I know that you will always love me and work everything out for my good. But, the way you get there is ALWAYS a surprise. Thank you for surprising me daily God!

What God Said Tonight:

How we get to where we are going is not really important. However, I never want you to think it is the process that got us there. You must always remember that I got us there. 

That is why I change things around. That is why I healed one blind man by spitting on him and another through prayer. That way you can always remember that it is the power behind the process and not the process itself. If you start to get too tied up in the process, that becomes witchcraft and gets really dangerous. 

Trust in me and enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Truth, freedom, and dandelions...

My prayer:

Mighty God. Pastor Don said something last Sunday and we just were talking about in group tonight. The more I think about this, the more I am sure that it is true and completely changes how I look at the really big challenges in this life. He said that "Most people will tell you that God never gives you more than what you can handle; but, I think God never gives you more than He can handle." 

When I think about it that way, I NEVER have to worry about anything. There is nothing too big for you and as long as I have you, there is nothing that can take me out because you will handle it. That is really liberating! 

It is more than the saying that whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger. It is that my strength is not really the issue. I have your strength in me and you on my side so my strength isn't a part of what is necessary. Anyway, I am probably just blathering on at this point but I want to thank you for that wisdom. Thank you that you are always teaching me!

What God Said Tonight:

You are free. Free indeed. You have a bit more truth tonight and truth will always set you free. 

There is joy in freedom. Remember what it was like when you were young to chase the dried dandelions through the field as they floated on the breeze? Truth brings freedom like that. It brings a joyful abandon from worry and a celebration. 

Get as much truth as you can in your life. Run from lies and surround yourself in truth. Lies are the cancer of this world. They will destroy everything in their path and they multiply without any restraint. The truth will stand strong and unmovable forever. 

The more truth you have in your life, the less chance there is for lies to come in. Love you daughter. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Land of victory...

My prayer:

So, today was pretty great God. I had meetings all day and every single person said "yes!" Kind of making my head spin but, wow! Super amazing wonderful fantastic! You are so GOOD!! Life with you is so GREAT! 

You are my comfort when things go wrong. You are my provider when I am in need. You are my teacher when I an unwise. You are my salvation when I sin. You are my healer when I am sick. You are my joy...ALL THE TIME!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Living in victory. Victory is a country that I created just for you. I created it for you to live in. So often, my people get stuck in defeat. Defeat is like a thick mud puddle that sucks you in if you let it. If you stay for any length of time dwelling on defeat, you will sink down in it and it will be harder and harder to get out. 

Instead, recognize that you home, the place I created for you is a land of victory. I always planned for my family to be victorious. Not just in the end but to live in victory. I have made the place. Now, come live in it. 

Pull yourself out of defeat. Stop thinking that the mud puddle of defeat is your home. Pull yourself out and come live in the land of victory. You were made for it. 

Monday, August 13, 2012


My prayer:

Amazing God. I am so tired. Three hours of sleep is just not enough but somehow you brought me through this day. 

Best part of today was that idea you had last night of the Random Acts of Kindness Week. It has been so much fun seeing what your people are doing with that. I can see it as these great waves of goodness just going out around the world. Wow, that sounded a bit goofy but it is beautiful in my head. 

Ok, I should probably stop talking and just listen since my thoughts are so jumbled. Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

I like it when you are goofy. I like it when you let down the mask of self assuredness and just be yourself with me. 

I already know everything there is about you. There is no reason to ever have a mask on with me. I know that life is hard and sometimes you feel the need to protect yourself but you never have to protect yourself against me. I am always on your side. 

You can literally let it all hang out with me and I promise, I PROMISE, I will never reject you. I will always love you. No matter how ugly you think you are, I always see your beauty. I always see your potential. I always see the joy that I planted in the core of you. I LOVE YOU.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

What if...

My prayer:

Precious Father. Sitting here tonight, thinking, what if.. What if every part of my life was great at the exact same time? What if the physical, spiritual, and emotional parts of me were all fully satisfied at the same time? Maybe it would be too much good and I would just pass out? I would like to try it someday and see. 

I guess if I was fully satisfied in every area of my life, I would have nothing to strive for or to work for and that would get boring pretty quick. I am trying to find reasons tonight God to be at peace with the things that are not right. 

There are some things that are simply not right and I don't know what, if anything I can do to make them right. I hate "wrongness" in my life. But, there is SO MUCH that is right in my life, I feel ungrateful to even notice the things that are not right. Uggh! I just need to get out of my own head tonight God. How about I listen and stop talking...

What God Said Tonight:

Why are you disquieted, oh my soul? If you are going to focus on this, make sure you are focusing on the right thing. Look deep into your soul for the root of it. You know the roots, bitterness, fear, sin, name a few. 

Find the root and attack the root. When you get at the root, the plant, the result of the root, will right itself soon enough. I love you and it is the desire of my heart to give you the desires of your heart. Make sure you know what those are. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012


My prayer:

My God. You are so good to me that people would get jealous if they really knew. Your blessings are so amazing. Thank you is a paltry response for all that you have done for me. There are no words that really address what you have done. There are no words for what you do every day. Maybe that's why we, why I, feel the need to do more for you every day. I desperately want you to know how grateful I am and I search daily to find ways to show you. God, today was decadent and wonderful and I want to say, show, and in whatever way I can demonstrate how grateful I am.

What God Said Tonight:

Nothing missing and nothing lacking...true shalom. That is what I desire for you my daughter. There is a place and a purpose on your life that will create my ability to love the world in ways that have not been seen before. I am going to create in you a new way of showing the world my love.

I have seen your faithfulness and I have seen your heart. I don't have any illusions. You are not perfect, except thorough my blood and my sacrifice. But you are faithful to do what I ask you to do, no matter how crazy and I honor your faithfulness. I honor your willingness to stay with it until I say stop. I honor you tonight.

I have so much more for us to do. It will be wonderful. But, tonight, today, is all about me appreciating you and blessing you. It is as important to learn to receive as it is to give. Through both is the river of life.

I love you daughter and I will continue to give to you as long as you continue to give to others. I promise.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Satan's tricks...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am mad at the enemy tonight God. He is so predictable and so sneaky all at the same time. He has no new tricks up his sleeve. All he does is lie, cheat, steal, kill, and cause division. But, even though I know that, I still can get caught up in it. 

God I pray for a day when I don't let myself get caught up by the devil and his stupid tricks. I pray for the day when I can shake them off as easily as Paul did with the poisonous snake. God, I pray for your help to recognize his tricks earlier and walk away from them more completely. Thank you Jesus!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Satan has no power over your life. You are my redeemed child and I will protect you from him. End of story. 

Everything else is a lie. Live in the truth of your position as a redeemed child of me and you will not struggle against his tricks. My redemption, the price I paid for you, is stronger than anything he has. 

I love you daughter and will never relax my protection over you. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Missing the dream....

My prayer:

My God. There is one dream, you know the one, that I had given up on. I had decided that it hadn't happened yet so it wasn't going to. I thought I was at peace with that. But now, when it looks like maybe, it still could happen...maybe, now I am all excited and scared all over again. 

God, fact is, no matter what I think or feel, I want your will, nothing more and nothing less in my life. Your perfect will. I know that your will is greater than anything I can imagine. Your will be done God. That is my prayer. I love you. I will love your people. And, your will be done.

What God Said Tonight:

Rest in the calm assurance that I remain in charge. There is nothing happening and nothing that will happen in your life that I am not in complete charge. 

You worry that you will miss something. You worry that if you are not paying close enough attention that you will miss some move, some action that you will need to take. I tell you now, with no hesitation and no doubt, you will not miss what I have for you as long as you focus on me. There is no action or inaction that you can take that will make you miss my will if you are focued on me. If you are talking with me, if you are listening to me and if you are remembering me in all things, there is nothing n my wiill that will pass you by if your focus is directly on me. I will make sure of it. 

I love you daughter and I feel you anxiousness. I promise I will not make you wait one second longer than necessary for this dream. I love you .

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

One way to love...

My prayer:

Amazing God. I just want to thank you tonight for the freshness that you have brought in our relationship. In someways, it is like when I first decided to live for you. I am excited by the idea of hanging out with you. 

But in some ways, it is even better because now, I know you. I know how good you are. I know that you won't ever leave me. I know that you love me. Kind of like falling in love with your best friend. 

Maybe that is the difference God. I have always loved you but now, I am in love with you. I don't know if I am explaining it well, but it is amazing and wonderful. Thank you.

What God Said Tonight:

I only know one way to love and that is all in love. I have loved you since the beginning of time. I have treasured you each and every day. I save your tears because I love you so much. I am passionate about our life together. I love you and always will. 

My love is not dependent yon your love for me but your ability to receive my love is dependent on your love for me. You can't believe that I truly love you unless you love me. You can't believe that I truly know you unless you love me. You can't trust me unless you love me. Your love for me will determine what you can receive. I, for that reason, am so happy that you have found this new level with me. You will be able to do, see, experience more. It is going to be fun!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

God's path...

My prayer:

Hi God! My thoughts are really scattered tonight so I have no idea if this will make sense but hopefully you will hear my heart. So many opportunities and possibilities in life right now, I am not sure if I can keep up. God I pray for wisdom and for favor. I pray God that you open every door that you want open and you shut every door that you want shut. God, help me follow what you want in my life in every aspect. I don't really trust my own judgement right least in some areas. But, I trust you and I know that you know the end from the beginning so keep me on the right paths. Thank you!!!

What God Said Tonight:

My path is not always the easiest but it is always the best. My path is full of joy and with peace. It is not free of danger but it is free of death. It is free of the entanglements of sin. It is free of the guilt that comes with sin. 

It is the path that leads you to the future that I ordained for you and it is the path that leads to everlasting life. Every thing good in life can be found along my path. Every thing evil in life can be found on the other paths. 

Follow my path and you will see the beauty of the son rising in the new heaven and the new earth. Bring people with you and you will experience a multiplied joy in that sight. 

I love you daughter and I will guide you always. I am your Father and your teacher. I will not let you down. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Choose again...

My prayer:

God, my God. You are wonderful. I love you. I am anxious to hear your voice tonight.

What God Said Tonight:

You have given me your life. You have told me that I can use you in any way that I want to. You gave me permission to change you. 

Right now tonight, I need to know, I need to hear from you, do you still want those things? Do you still give me complete authority over your life? Do you still want to live your life for me and my purpose? 

Don't answer until you have thought about it. This is not something to be taken lightly. If the answer is "no", I will still love you. I will still guide you. I will still be here for you; however, you will not be living in the great promise I have for your life and you will miss out on great joy to me, the Kingdom, and you. 

If you say yes, I can promise you that it won't be easy. You know that the walk has been tough at times and that will not change. I will continue to push you to grow. I will continue to guide you, love you, keep you. But, if you choose me, I can lead you into the great promise that I have for your life. 

Tonight is a night to rededicate or to decide to walk away. I will love you no matter what. Choose carefully and don't choose until you mean it with every part of your being. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Season of change...

My prayer:

Today was good God. Just hanging out with you, nothing fancy, but good. I am feeling a bit back on course but I still have that feeling of something slightly off. I don't like feeling that way. It robs my peace. Is it you telling me something needs to change or is it just me? I love you God and it was so good to have a day to just focus on you. I haven't done that in TOO LONG. And, when I don't get that time with you, I am no good to anyone. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

You are sensing a season of change. I told you a little while ago that I needed you to wait. The wait is almost over and part of the unease is the awareness of that change. 

Change is hard but it will be good. I promise. I will guide you and direct you always. I will take you through this season just as I have every season.. You are not alone. You are never alone. I am with you and guiding you each step of the way. I will never leave you or turn my back. 

I will guide you. I won't let you stumble around in the dark. I am the light that guides you. Your job is simple, focus on me and me and everyone else. Love like crazy. You do those two things and I promise I will work all of the rest of the details out. Love you.


My prayer:

What a whirlwind today was. There was no predicting today. Nothing went as planned, or at least how I planned it but everything was perfect.  Thank you for reconciliation. Thank you for letting me be at the site of the motorcycle wreck so I could help and pray. And thank you for the reminder of the reality of love and the joy that it brings by letting me see two of the best people I know get married tonight God. 

I  know that I have a lot of work to do. I have gotten off track and I am totally willing to do what it takes to get back or I guess, move forward in my life and our relationship. I love you God. Thank you for all that you are.

What God Said Tonight:

Love, love love, that is it. that is the meaning and the purpose for everything.

Love has been made into such a sad shadow of its true existence. Love is not a pink heart valentine. Love is something that survives no matter what. Love is not swayed by the weather or the climate. Love is constant. Real love will love no matter what. It will love you when you at your best and it will love you when you at your worst.

That is love you deserve and that is the love I have for you. Trust my love because it will never change.

Friday, August 3, 2012


My prayer:

God, I am not in a good place tonight. My thoughts aren't right and my emotions aren't right. I am not sure how I got here but I don't want to stay here. Disunity and division are killers and I somehow let them into my life. 

I take authority in Jesus name right now and say to both, you must leave! One Spirit and one purpose. God, you are the only thing that matters. How we get to you doesn't matter. How we tell people about you doesn't matter (as long as we do it). 

Maybe I just lost track of the purpose as I got tangled in the details. 

Oh God, thank you! I feel the release already! I feel the anger and fatigue leaving! Thank you God!!! It doesn't seem like it should be that simple, but it is. So much better God, THANK YOU! Keep you first, keep you first, keep you first...and everything else you will take care of. So simple but so true!

What God Said Tonight:

You had some clouds, some fog that was blurring your vision and keeping you from seeing clearly. The fog comes from the distractions that you allow in your life. The fog comes from the things that you allow to get between us. 

Life has been pretty challenging lately and I understand why you are where you at; but, it is time to push the distractions out of the way and be totally focused on me again. We need some real time together so I can fill you up. We need some real time together so you can remember and feel my love. The five minute power prayers are not quite enough. 

I need more of you. I love you and I get jealous when you are away from me.