My prayer:
Sweet Father. Thank you for this time of rest. It was very much needed. I pray for your help as we go back into the week tomorrow. I need your favor, your guidance, your peace, and your joy. Most of all, I need you.
What God Said Tonight:
Every minute of every day, you have me. I am with you now and always my child. I will never leave you. Now, that is reestablished. Let's talk about all the amazing glory we will see together.
It is time to begin remembering again that with me on your side, no one can come against you. It is time to remember that I will see you win in the worst of circumstances. It is time to remember that my children are highly favored and that I will bless you abundantly.
Look forward to tomorrow as it is a day when I will make my glory shine on you.
Thank you Lord. In Jesus name.