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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, November 11, 2012


My prayer:

Mighty God. My thoughts are scattered all over again tonight. Today was great. Wonderful opportunities to help people, great time with friends, great service, and then you top it off with the notice that the 501c3 was finally approved! All GREAT stuff!! 

I guess the common theme throughout today was prosperity and what makes the difference between someone prospering and them not prospering. God, if we could really figure that out, WOW, so many struggles and worry would be done. I know what you have taught me and you continue to prosper me way beyond what I deserve which I am SO GRATEFUL for. Then I see others who have the same knowledge I do, doing the same things I am doing and they are struggling. 

The message today at church was interesting and the scripture about those who conceal their sin do not prosper and those who confess it receive mercy. I had not noticed that scripture in the past. Is that all of it? On top of putting you first in everything and being in right standing with the tithe of course. That doesn't make complete sense because I know there have been times when I did not own up to my sin and you still took care of me and prospered me. 

God, I am tired of seeing your people, your precious children, living with less than enough. Can you help us/me to understand? 

What God Said Tonight:

I am the owner of a thousand cattle on a thousand hills. I created gold I can make gems at the blink of an eye. I have more than enough to take care of all of my children. What father denies his children the things they need to survive? A father, a loving father, only denies his children when having that thing they think they need will do more harm than good. 

I can't give you an answer that applies to every situation. Each situation is different. Each struggle has its own purpose and I have a plan for each and every one of my children. What I can tell you is that I am still in charge and I have a plan for each one. I can tell you that I will not let any of my children fall beyond the ability to get back up. I can tell you I will never turn my back on my children. I will never forsake them. I will never leave them behind. 

There are the basic principles that you have learned so well. Give and it will be given back to you pressed down, shaken together and running over. You know that I will never let you out give me. As much as you give, I will always multiply it back to you. You know that principles around tithing. You know the principles around the confession of sin. You know the bones of the plan. The rest, is me working things out for the good those that love me. It doesn't always look like I am working it out, but I am.

Trust me to love my children and to take care of them. Trust me and let them see your trust. I am here for you always and forever. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Miracle season...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I can't think of anything to say tonight. I love you and I am grateful for today. It was a good day. What do you want to talk about?

What God Said Tonight:

This is a time and place to see miracles. I will be doing more and more miraculous things not only to get people's attention but also because you will need the miracles to survive the season we are in. 

No matter what you see or what you hear, never stop remembering that I am in charge and I will take care of everything. When you start to feel overwhelmed and you start to worry, stop, remember who I am, and trust that I will take care of it. 

I am telling you this now because there are times coming up where you will need to know this but you won't be able to hear it at the time. I will remind you. I will remind you of this message tonight. 

In the meantime, let this message grow in you. Let this seed sprout in you so that you have so much confidence in who I am that it will be instinct by the time you need it. I love you daughter and I will never let you down.

Friday, November 9, 2012

True ministry...

My prayer:

Awesome night God! Thank you for the opportunity to pray with so many people and to hand out hats, gloves, socks etc. to so many people who needed them. I know the storm is blowing in right now and we couldn't help everyone but we helped some. God I pray for each person who is without a place to stay over the next couple of days. Please lead them and guide them to somewhere safe and warm to weather this storm. Thank you Jesus. 

What God Said Tonight:

Tonight was for you, for them and for me. True ministry blesses those who minister, those who are ministered to and me. When you are there for the right reasons doing what I have led you to do, you will always be a blessing and you will always be blessed. 

Keep following my lead and we will do great things together. We will see this blessing multiplied beyond your imagination. Love you daughter. Go rest now.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


My prayer:

Mighty God. I don't always know what to do but I always know that you will work it out. That is a truly great way to live! I haven't always known how to live that way. I don't always remember it. But when I do, when I remember that you are in charge and that you will work everything to my good and the good of those who love you...that is truly living. Thank you for a day of confident assurance in you.

What God Said Tonight:

You have been experiencing that deja vu feeling a lot lately and that is because you are right where I want you. You are in the exact position to do exactly what I need you to do. Everything, and I mean everything in your life is working together toward an event so amazing, you won't believe it. I have woven the experiences of your life together for this exact time, moment and situation. You are perfectly prepared, the environment is perfectly set, and, the people are ready. I will launch you soon. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

God's plan...

My prayer:

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind but now I see. That song is running through my head tonight God. It is an old one but SO TRUE. I definitely have not figured everything out but that much I know. I am better than I use to be and it is only because of your grace and your mercy. Thank YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

I have such great beauty for your life. I have plans for you that are truly amazing. My saving you was just the beginning. It was just the starting point of our relationship. And, it is wonderful to remember that start. It is wonderful to remember when our love was fresh and new. But, the mature love we have now is pretty great too. 

The life that I have given you and the plans that I have for you aree so amazing. I can't even tell you about them all because it might scare you off. Do hear me when I tell you that I saved you not only for heaven but I saved you for your life here on earth too. I saved you so I could know you and you know me. I saved you so you could live out the plan I have for you. 

I will prosper you. I will guide you. I will be with you always. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


My prayer:

Wonderful Lord of all creation. I got several big doses of "it could be worse" today. 

God, I need to pray for the children tonight, and their parents. I pray healing for the infant and her mom that I met this morning. That little baby had a stroke God and she needs your healing power. I pray and send your word of healing to her. I ask for another report where the doctors say, "I can't explain it but, she is healthy and whole!" 

God, I also need to pray for my friend's son who was hospitalized again for suicidal thoughts. I pray God for that young man and ask that you heal his heart and his soul. I bind whatever evil that has gotten a hold of him and cast it to the pit of hell. God I pray for your freedom in his life, freedom from depression, freedom for hopelessness, freedom from suicidal thinking, and I pray that you flood him with your hope and strength. 

God, please take care of our kids who are your kids too. Thank you.

What God Said Tonight:

I have a special heart for the children. One of my favorite things about my time on earth as Jesus/Yeshua was getting to be with the children. There is a purity and sweetness in a child that is so precious. They have an ability to believe and trust me that is so beautiful. 

As I have shown you before, children are going to be a big part of what we do in this next season. Not just as participants but as active workers in the kingdom. I will see children pray and I will work through them for miracles. 

I love children, of all ages, and I have heard your prayers. these two children have my covering and I will be with them all the days of their lives, forever. I will care for them and I will protect them. I will heal them and I will restore them. I will, because of my love for them and because they had you to ask me for help. 

Go rest my child. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

The real truth...

My prayer:

Today, blech. It was definitely a Monday. Sometimes the best part of a day is to say that it is over. But, when I really look at it, there were definitely some bright moments. So much of life seems to be about attitude and viewpoint. Two people can look at the same situation and see it two completely different ways. I can look at the same situation, at two different times, and see it completely differently. 

I guess it is really true that we can't trust our perceptions. You are the truth. Seeing the world through your eyes is the only unshakable truth. You see us all as your children that you love and who you have redeemed. You see us through the mantle of your sacrificial blood. You see us for what you made us to be.

God I ask for help in looking at things from your perspective and viewpoint more often. Help me look at things from the point of truth instead of my perception which is all distorted based on my experiences. THANK YOU for hearing my prayer and for being YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

You are on one of your perfect kicks again aren't you? I will tell you again that you will never be perfect and this world will never be perfect until I bring the new heaven and the new earth. 

The only perfect thing is me. Sin has distorted all else and is meant to blind you to the truth. You are a daughter of the truth and you have access to me, the truth, the way and the light. You are safe and you are mine. 

When you lack wisdom, ask for it. When your perception is off, bring it to me and I will show you the truth. 

The truth of your day today is that there was good and there was bad. You served me well but missed some chances. You were a blessing to some and not to others. You can work to be a blessing to everyone you meet. You are healthy and whole which is a lot more than many can say. I am truth. 

Come to me when you are in doubt. Come to me when you need help. Come to me when you want to celebrate. Come to me...just because.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Wake up call...

My prayer:

Incredible God! Thank  you for healing, comforting and helping your people today. What a great privileged it is to pray for people and see you work in their lives! I never get tired of that God. I love seeing you change the situation, heal the pain, restore the lives of your people. Thank you for meeting every need God and for being more than enough for what we need. I love you God. 

I am not sure if I am ready for a new week. I am still feeling pretty wiped out but it doesn't seem like sleep and rest are helping so I might as well get back to work. I ask for your help, your strength, and your will to be done in my life. I am nothing without you but I can truly do all things through you. Love, love, love you!

What God Said Tonight:

I have new colors and new patterns for your life. Your life has become somewhat grayed out lately and that is part of what is wearing you out. I have a new design for you. I have new passion and new excitement. I have a new design for you. 

It is still the same plan but I think I need to mix up the details a bit to bring back the fire in you. I am your strength and I am your peace. I am your reason to live and  I will guide you into such great things. 

I will rekindle the fire in you and give you new eyes to see. I am lifting the veil from your eyes so you can see clearly the beauty I have for you. 

I love you my daughter and I am with you every step of the way. Your rest has been accomplished  Now you need to be awakened. And, I will awaken you. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Missing you...

My prayer:

Awesome God, I feel like I have been awfully whiny lately and I don't like that. You are so wonderful and amazing and the love that you show us is so incredible. I will not take that for granted. I will be thankful for you every day. I love you God. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

Good to hear from you tonight. I missed you today. I know you were resting and that is good. It is what I wanted for you. But, you forgot to make me a part of your rest. You filled your time and your mind with movies, with books, with stuff and you forgot to talk to me. 

I missed you. 

I miss you when you forget to involve me. I love you and I am always here for you. Don't forget me. We have an eternity together but that does not mean that each moment is not precious. 

Let's spend some time, just you and me, tonight. Before you go to bed. Before you do anything more, let's spend some time together so I can remind you of my love for you. Just you and me.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Tired of being tired...

My prayer:

Awesome Father. So much great news today. Prayers answered, grandbabies on the way, new friendships and opportunities. What a great day! You are wonderful, kind, giving, and full of grace and mercy. I am nothing but grateful. 

God, I really have just one request tonight. I ask for rest, sleep and for peace. There was so much happening for the last several weeks, months, years (or at least it feels like years) and I really want to rest and get rejuvenated. I am tired of being tired. That you for being the God of peace and for giving me rest.

What God Said Tonight:

Rest comes when you let go. When you stop trying to make it all happen and you trust me to make it happen for you. I don't mean for you to be lazy. There will always be plenty for you to do. But you don't have to worry about the big picture. You don't have to worry about the outcome. 

Take each step as I give it to you and trust me with the outcome. When you can do that, you will find the rest and peace you are looking for. I am your peace. I am your assurance that everything will work out. I love you daughter. Go to sleep and I will bring you rest.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

God is in control...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I have been thinking about success and failure today. What makes people succeed or fail? Sometimes it is obvious. The guy today who wanted a job but did not even know what our company was pretty obvious why he did not succeed in getting an interview, let alone a job. Other times, it is a matter of drive, effort, and/or skill. Then there is the crazy God favor that you give your kids. I know that I succeed at things I have no business succeed at because of your favor.  

I don't know if I tell people about that enough. I know I hold back sometimes because I don't want people to get jealous or think that I am some big deal (which we both know I am not). But maybe I am cheating them. I would like to learn how to share the truth of your favor with people in a way that they know that it is for them as much as it is for me. Can you help me with that? I want people to know that living with you in their lives is a truly good thing. I love you God!

What God Said Tonight:

Your job is to share with people. It is up to me to soften their heart to receive. You cannot and should not control how other people feel or react. You are not in charge of their response. You are in charge of you and what you do. That should keep you busy enough. 

Tell people when you are blessed. Tell people when you struggle. Tell people how I step in to help, every time. Tell them about your life. It is a living tribute to my love for you and the sacrifice of my son. Your life will be the the thing that makes it real to the people around you. You are the best billboard I could hope for. Not because you are perfect but because you are not and yet, I still favor you, I still am able to use you, I still love you more than I can say. 

Let the world see your life and the world will know me. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

God's guidance...

My prayer:

Mighty God of wisdom. I need wisdom tonight. I don't know if my anxiousness is the normal anxiousness of change and stepping out in faith or if it is fear. I don't know if it is healthy and logical or if it is an indication that I am not trusting you enough. 

I guess if I really look at it, I am not afraid, I am just a bit wary. But regardless of what I call it, is it from you to let me know that I am headed down the wrong path or is it from me and a lack of faith?

God, I pray and ask for your wisdom, understanding and peace. 

P.S. Thanks for the awesome sleep and rest last night!

What God Said Tonight:

I have been guiding you all of your life, why would I stop now? Why would I stop when we are about to go into a season where you are going to do more for the Kingdom than you ever imagined? 

I am here, guiding you, leading you down the path of my choosing for your life. I will never leave you. 

Stay focused on me and my voice and you will not go wrong. When you get nervous, focus on me. When you get worried, focus on me. I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power and of love and  a sound mind. I will lead you all the days of your life. I will be a light unto your feet and lamp unto your path. That is what you can trust. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


My prayer:

50 hours with only 5.5 hours of sleep God... so tired. I need your help to sleep and to rest tonight. I don't understand what the problem is but you are my problem solver and the solution to any problem so I am asking for your help. 

I know that you promise in your word to pour out upon me the spirit of deep sleep and you close my eyes. I know that I lay me down to sleep and my sleep is sweet because you are with me. I know the promises God but I am not experiencing the reality of them right now and I am so tired. Please help. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

Who knows what you need better than me your creator? I know that you have wanted sleep as usual the last few nights, but it is not what you need  

What you need is to face the thing that is keeping you up. Stop pushing it under the carpet. Stop getting angry with things that are not even related. Face the root issue and your rest will come. 

In the meantime, I am still here with you and I will make sure that you have everything you truly need. I will make sure that you are protected, cared for, sheltered, fed. I will make sure you have the time to face the demon you are running from. 

I love you daughter and you are not in it alone but I can't stand by you when you are running away.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Are you ready?

My prayer:

Amazing God! YOU ARE AMAZING! Thank you for answered prayer! Thank you for doing it in a way that was so unexpected! Thank you God for being so AMAZING! 

What God Said Tonight:

Are you ready? I have been telling you about the wave, about the new things to come. Are you ready? The time is here and it is now and it is wonderful. You will have every opportunity you can imagine and even some you can't. Anything you want to do for me, it is yours fro the taking. I will take you as far as you want to go. 

Will you ride it all the way or will you get scared and stop it before you see all that I can do? Will you trust me even when you are scared? Will you believe that I am in charge even when you know clearly that you are not? 

We have prepared for this time for awhile. Are you ready? Good.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wisdom and direction...

My prayer:

Awesome God. What a great day again. I love the people you put in my life. Such amazing, talented, encouraging, loving people. I am pretty sure I don't deserve them but I am super grateful for them. 

Seemed like wisdom and direction were the big issues for a lot of people today. That is the funny thing. Once we decide we want to live for you and want your will in our lives, then we struggle with understanding what that is in any given situation. 

Some things are easy. If it is against you, if it is evil, if it is sin, we know that is the wrong choice. But there are so many choices where it isn't between right and wrong  but it is between good and best. Knowing the difference between good and best is not so easy.

Give us wisdom God so we can follow your will. Let us know the best decisions so we can live the life you intended for us. Help us to figure out this puzzle called life please God. Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

When faced with those hard decisions,change your focus. Seek me first and I will take care of the rest. Keep your thoughts and mind on me and I will show you the best. I will show you what my best for you is. 

I am that light unto your feet and a lamp unto your path. I will guide you always. I have promised  these things to you. If you quiet yourself, focus on me, I will show you the way. I never meant for you to have to figure it all out on our own. I am here with you always and I will help you but you have to be listening to me. You have to be focused on me. 

Instead of asking the same question over and over, rehearsing the possible outcomes, how about you spend some time in sincere worship. Get your mind off of the decision and get it on me. I tell you, by the time you are so lost in worship that you have forgotten about the question, that is the time when the answer will become crystal clear. I know it does not make logical sense but it is true. Try it and see. Love you!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Great love...

My prayer:

My awesome God. Today was good. Really good. Life with you is simply good. I don't ever want to be without you, not even for a second. I love you. That is really it. I love you for who you are. I love you for who I am with you in my life. I love you for all that you do for me. I love you because my life is better when you are in it. I know I don't tell you enough. I let life get me distracted sometimes. But don't ever doubt my love, please. You are my everything God.

What God Said Tonight:

I love you too sweet daughter. I made the oceans and the beaches for you. I made the mountains and the trees for you. I made the rivers and the lakes for you. I made the day time and the night time, just for you. I made the animals for you. I made the stars for you. I made it all for you because I love you . I made it all for you joy and your pleasure. 

I will make you a new heaven and a new earth too. I will make a future for you that is beyond yor imagination. I will make for you...the desires of your heart. 

I love you so much and there is nothing I won't do for you. My children are so precious to me. I will never leave you, ever.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Ride the wave...

My prayer:

Amazing God. This was a long day, a long week, but I get to end it here with you so that makes it all worthwhile. Thank you for bringing me through, giving me energy and favor, keeping me healthy, showing me what to do and when to do it in order to have the best results possible. 

Thanks for the reminder today that how I treat people matters. I will do my best to remember that and to treat people as well as I know how. 

All I ask tonight is to hear your voice and then to sleep well. Those are the simple desires of my heart tonight. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

A wave is coming but you will ride the wave. Waves can be powerful and destructive unless you stay on top of them. Then, they can take you places faster and farther than you could have gone on your own. Ride the wave that I am bringing and it will take you like a catapult into your future. 

I don't have time to wait around anymore. Time is so short. I have a lot to do in a very short time so I need you, my sons and daughters who are willing, to go farther and do more than you have ever done. 

I love you and I promise we will have some fun in the process but get ready to fly.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


My prayer:

Long day, mind racing, falling asleep sitting up, need to hear your voice...Love yoU!

What God Said Tonight:

Now that was an efficient prayer. I think the only one that I hear that is more efficient is God, HELP! 

I love you daughter and your worries tonight are not fruitful. You do not have to run through all of the what ifs. I have your life in my hands and I will not let you fall. I love you and I have great plans for you to prosper and not to fail. You are going to see even greater things and the future is bright. I will take care of it. 

Listen to my voice and tune out the voice of worry. Worry is not your friend and does not have your best interest at heart. Worry is designed to eat away at you until you are a jagged edged mess. Worry is a tool that is used to eat away at your self esteem and confidence and it is not worthy of a daughter of mine. 

Rest in the full assurance that I am in charge and I will guide you. I will make sure you know what to do at what times to live in the future I have for you. Choose to follow me and you will always be making the right choice. I love you now and forever. Rest.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Why pray?

My prayer:

What an honor it is to live for you God. Thank you for the opportunities to pray for your people today. I love getting to be a part of that and then seeing you take care of everything. I don't know why you need us to pray in order for you act in a situation. Or, I guess I should say, I don't know why you set it up so we pray and then you act instead of you just acting on things when you want to. But, I have to say, I love that I get to be a part of it. I love when people come to me with that impossible situation(s), we pray and then you show up and fix everything. That is wonderful, amazing, awe inspiring and A LOT OF FUN! Thanks for letting me be a part of it God.

What God Said Tonight:

I have many reasons why I want you to pray. First, I love to hear from you. Not everyone remembers to talk with me everyday but everyone remembers to talk with me when they need me. Prayer keeps us connected. 

I also want to be sure that you know what you want and that you know who will provide it. Prayer accomplishes both of those things 

I would like it a whole lot better if everyone felt comfortable praying and talking to me at anytime. However, I know that some are intimidated by that. That is what churches and Church staff are there for. They can help you pray when you don't know how.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Yielded heart...

My prayer:

My Father God. What can I say about you that has not been said a trillion times before. You are the reason my life is worth living. You are the purpose and the direction in my life. You are my everything God and I love you. What is on your mind tonight? Did you have a good day? Were people saved today? Love you and am anxious to hear you tonight.

What God Said Tonight:

A yielded heart is a beautiful thing. When you are so yielded to my will, we can do anything. I can't wait for you to see what comes next. Everything up to this point is preparation for what comes next. You are going to have so much fun! 

There will be some tough times too. It won't all be easy but it will all be worth it. 

I am excited about the coming season. It is going to be unlike any you have seen. You are going to see and do things in this season that will completely go beyond your ability to imagine. I love you daughter and you have been made for such a time as this. Get ready!

Monday, October 22, 2012


My prayer:

Awesome God. Today sure turned out better than I thought it was going to. Thank you for hearing my prayer this morning and taking care of my crazy schedule today! Everything is always better when you are in charge and your timing is at work. 

I would like to state, for the record, that I ALWAYS want you timing to be in charge. I know that I can sometimes get impatient, but the truth is, your timing is so much better than mine. I will wait on you God for however long it takes, no matter what "it" is.

What God Said Tonight:

Your life is a diamond  perfectly and wonderfully made to reflect my light. Every facet, every angle, every surface is being shaped and polished to perfection. Your purpose is to reflect light. However, it turns out that the best way to do that also makes you undeniably beautiful in the process. 

I had to make you and your life out of diamond because nothing else was strong enough to withstand the pressure that would come against you. But, just as coal is turned into diamond with pressure, the pressure in your life has yielded and formed you into the beautiful diamond that you are. 

Trust in me and that I will always use everything you encounter for your good and for the good of the people around. you. Sit back and trust me, I have got this.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Who do you work for?

My prayer:

Agape God. Today I had the chance to step out of myself and see my culture through someone else's eyes and it was not so pretty. So much intolerance, violence, misunderstanding, and cruelty. I know there was a lot of good in between but why do we treat each other so badly? Seems like we are doing satan's job for him. 

I love you God. Help me to love people better, treat them with kindness, and give rather than take.

What God Said Tonight:

You are right to recognize that you are doing satan's job for him when you hate, steal, and destroy. You are his instrument when you do those things. When you lie, you become his servant. You spread the word for him. 

It is harsh and I know you don't want to think about it but it is true. 

When you love, treat people with kindness,give and care for people, you are being my agent. When you speak the truth, you are spreading my word. You make choices every day on who you work for. 

Think of that the next time you get angry and you want to act out of hate. Remember who you are helping when you do that. I love you very much and I promise, there is always another way.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Who wants it...?

My prayer:

Mighty god. I am falling asleep at teh computer again. Super tired from a full day but a day is not complete until I get to end it with your voice. What is on your mind tonight God? Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

Do you know how sometimes  when you give someone a gift, and they don't accept it? It may be because they think they don't deserve it. It may be because they are worried about what is in it and they don't want to commit to keeping it until they see it. It may be because they don't want to be indebted to you. There are a thousand reasons for not receiving a gift. I have heard them all. 

I have the gift of salvation fr anyone who wants it. I have the gift of healing for anyone who wants it. I have the gift of redemption for anyone who wants it. I am looking for people who want it. I am looking for people who are tired of sitting around and watching their lives go by, without direction and without purpose. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Love is the key...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. What a wonderful end to a rather blah week! Thank you God. I love soaking in your presence. I pray God that everyone of your kids gets to experience that amazing presence of getting alone with you. There is nothing better. I am all yours God.

What God Said Tonight:

I am the maker of all that you see. There is nothing that is on the earth that I did not make. You are here because I made you. You are a product of my intense love and desire to have someone to love. I created you for love and to be loved. I created you that you would love me and love the people around you. 

Love is the key, the center, the reason for it all. Love is worth any price. I paid for our love with my life. I redeemed our love with my resurrection  I treasure our love beyond measure.I am your Father who loves you.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

God's deal...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I have typed and deleted the beginning of two prayers now God. Every thing that I think of to talk about tonight is coming out whiny and that is not worthy of you and is not who I want to be. Sounds like I need to change my focus. 

Let's talk about you. Let's talk about how amazing you are. Let's talk about how you provide for absolutely everything I need. You bring me peace when I am stressed, joy when I am sad, healing when I am sick, knowledge when I am ignorant, and favor...always. 

Why do you treat me so good? I definitely do not deserve it. Thank you for being a God that is big enough to handle anything and everything.

What God Said Tonight:

You and I have a deal. In the past we called it a covenant. I made you, I love you, I redeemed you, and I have claimed you as my own. You are my child You are the apple of my eye. You are wonderful in my eyes. 

You don't have to deserve my love. My love is. You don't have to earn my favor. I favor you because you are mine. 

Here is our deal. You proclaim me as your God, do your best to follow my path for your life and I will make sure that you are taken care of forever. That is it. Pretty simple but it covers everything. 

I love you so much. Rest and know that I am God and that is enough.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Uniquely peculiar...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I am feeling out of place tonight. Sometimes, like tonight, I realize that there is no one really like me, that I am different, weird, or as you might say, peculiar. Most of the time, I am happy being unique but, sometimes, like tonight, I just feel isolated. 

In some ways, we are all the same. We are all your kids. We all have struggles and we all have joys. But, in the particulars, in the choices we make, we are different. Those differences can separate us and can make me feel alone. 

Anyway, this too shall pass. Just wanted to tell you about it. Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

Different is good, not bad. Unique is important, not something to be ashamed of. I have made you each unique. I have a unique plan on each of my kids lives. I have a specific job for each of you to accomplish. 

Life would be so boring if everyone was the same. You would also not be able to accomplish much. There is only so much that any one person can door be good at. If you were all good at the same things, we could only ever do that one thing well. Having each person with their own strengths and weaknesses, we can, as a team, accomplish so much more. 

Appreciate the differences and understand that each difference has a purpose. You are exactly as I made you. When you put yourself down, you are insulting my daughter and I will not allow it. Go and rest, knowing that you are perfectly and wonderfully made, just as you are.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


My prayer:

Amazing God. I literally have nothing to talk about tonight. Not something that happens very often. You can usually count on me for some stray thought at least but tonight is going to have to be all you. I love you SO MUCH!

What God Said Tonight:

What if I had nothing to say too? What would you do? You can sometimes get complacent with me and with hearing my voice. 

I love you and I love the closeness we have but don't take it for granted. Complacency is like cancer to a relationship, any relationship, even ours. 

I will always be here for you, loving you, taking care of you, but that doesn't mean you should stop being amazed by it. When you do, you open up the opportunity for our enemy to come in and steal you away with promises of excitement and pleasure. 

I promise, I will never take you for granted. I will always appreciate you and the time we spend together. I will always want to spend more time with you because I am so crazy about you. Spend at least a moment every day reminding yourself of how amazing our relationship is. 

Monday, October 15, 2012


My prayer:

Best Monday ever God!! Thank you for all of the great news today!! Thank you for your favor!! Thank you for the little and the big pleasures today God!! You are awesome God and I am grateful for your blessings on my life!!

What God Said Tonight:

Give and I will give it back to you, multiplied. You gave, I gave back, multiplied. That is how it works. You know it, you have read it, you have seen it, you have experienced it. Whenever you give, I will give to you, multiplied. That is the simple truth of commerce in my Kingdom. 

Love you daughter and I am celebrating with you tonight!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Totality of trust...

My prayer:

Awesome God. The message at church today was about how indescribably big you are. After church I helped K finish up some things as she gets ready to start her year long mission in Africa. 

As I think about those two things, it makes me think about how you ask us to do things that seem so big to us, more than we can do. But, to you, they are very small things. It must get frustrating to you when we hesitate or worse, when we refuse to do the "big" stuff because we are afraid or think we can't do it. 

I think the next time I feel like I can't do something you have asked me to do, I will try to remember to look up at the stars and remember that you are the creator of the universe and that anything you ask me to do is SO EASY compared to that!

What God Said Tonight:

It isn't really about the size of the thing I ask you to do, it is about the totality of your obedience to my will and my voice. When you are able to follow my will, my voice without question, no matter what I ask, then you will live in such great peace. 

I hear your mind questioning that. I hear you saying, that is like a cult. I am not asking you to follow me blindly. Quite the opposite. I am asking you to think carefully and make a rational choice. I am asking that you choose my will in all circumstances so you can live in the divine joy and peace that I have for you. I am asking that you trust me as much as I love you. 

I promise, I will never lead you into something that will hurt you and I promise that I will always show you out of the trouble you find. When you flow in the river of my will, there is no worry, there is no fear, there is no doubt. There is peace, purpose, and understanding of where you are meant to be and an ease in every thing you do. 

Don't think of the size of the task, think of the totality of your trust.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Cold and dark vs. warm and light...

My prayer:

Ah God, and unexpected day of rest. Thank you for today! The run with the fall colors was beautiful. I love how fall looks but I hate that it means winter is on the way. I am not ready for cold and snow. If I could pick up all of the wonderful people you have put in my life and take them with me, I would move somewhere tropical tomorrow. 

Wow, I sound like quite the whiner. If the worst problem I have is a little cold weather, I am doing pretty good. I love you God and I appreciate this amazing life that you have given me. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

You have come to appreciate the light and that is good. There was a time in your life when you were most comfortable with rain and cold weather. You liked being inside and closed off from the world. Those days are over.  Now you like to be out in the light. 

It is a reflection of your spiritual life. You once were in darkness but now you are in the light. You once relished the dark closed away places but now you crave the light and the open space. You once were a loner and now you surround yourself with people. 

You are a new creature. You are new in me. Your life now is not what is was and that is how it is meant to be. 

Know that I will be your light in the darkness. I will be your warmth in the cold. I will bring you through whatever season we are in because we will be in it together. I can't always have you in the beautiful sunshine. Sometimes I need you to go into the dark and reflect my light. But I will always bring you back to the light, the warmth. 

I love you daughter. Rest tonight in my light and my warmth. 

Friday, October 12, 2012


My prayer:

Awesome God, I am too tired to think but never too tired to listen. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

Life is a series of reflections. People reflect the attitudes and the ideas of the people around them. Spirits reflect the spirits that are around them. There is a saying that birds of a feather flock together, which is true; but I say, birds that flock together become more like each other. 

Always consider the people you are spending the most time with. Know that whatever you see in them, it is likely reflected in you whether you realize it or not, both the good and the bad. 

That is one of the reasons I want to hang out with you all of the time. The more time we spend together, the more you reflect me. The more you reflect me, the more the people around you reflect me. The more they reflect me, the more the people around them reflect me. That is how we win the world for my Kingdom. 

I love you. Let my love be reflected in you.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Think on good things...

My prayer:

What a wild week God! Struggles and triumphs, sickness and health, rest and hectic business. Kind of a week of opposites. I have no idea what to expect from tomorrow. But really, I don't ever know what to expect from tomorrow. You said it best when you said we are not promised tomorrow. Tomorrow might not even come. 

I think I forget that and get complacent thinking that I know what tomorrow will bring, but I really don't. Thank God I know you are in charge so even though I don't know, I know that you do and you will take care of everything. Mmmm, now that is a good thought to rest on tonight.

What God Said Tonight:

Look around. Everything is paused for a second. Like a painting, you can capture snapshots of life sometimes. Sometimes those pictures are good and sometimes they are bead. It is easy to remember the bad ones but you have to work to hang onto the good ones. 

Bad times come to everyone. My people, choose to remember the good times. Keep them fresh by reliving and retelling them. Keep the art of storytelling alive and share your blessings, your blessed moments with all that you know. It will multiply the blessing out and back. 

There are some things you can't order or control but you can control what you think on. THINK ON GOOD THINGS and your life will be better regardless of what you go through. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


My prayer:

Wow, wow, WOW!!! Amazing God! I could not have asked for a better day! You took care of everything again! From the moment the first song played and was so perfect, I knew that you were completely in charge and everything else simply fell into place. I stepped out in faith and you took care of the rest. THANK YOU!! Then, the confirmation of Mom's complete healing, THANK YOU!!!! Then, the completion of your healing in me, THANK YOU!!!!! You are awesome God and I am SO GRATEFUL!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I had fun today too. Thank you for trusting me and believing that I would do what I said. You would be surprised how often that does not happen. 

I love you and I have more adventures for us. Today is a beginning, not an end. Today is the launching pad, not the landing pad. Wait until you see tomorrow and the next day. You are going to be amazed at all that we will do together. 

I have waited for a long time to be able trust that you will do what I say when I say it, knowing that I know what I am doing. There is a deep love and trust that is required for that kind of obedience.  Obedience in fear is an ugly and destructive thing. Obedience in love strengthens the love and accomplishes great things.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Stepping out in faith...

My prayer:

Awesome God! I am feeling so much better! Thank you for healing me!!

Tomorrow, you have asked me, or provided for me an opportunity that is so far out of my comfort zone, I am a bit freaked out. I don't know how to do this thing on my own talents so I really need you to show up. God, I need you to give me the words you want to be said. I need you to be in charge of the whole thing and I need you to anoint what they say and what I say so people are encouraged. 

Wow, I am pretty needy tonight! I am "stepping out in faith" on this one God and I don't want to make a fool out of you or of me. Thank you for listening.

What God Said Tonight:

I have told you that if you stand up for me, I will stand up for you. You are standing up for me tomorrow so I will stand up for you. 

The past years have been preparation for this time. Your life has been preparation for this time. Each new opportunity, each time where you need to go beyond your natural abilities, those are the times to take everything you know and you have learned about trusting me and walk into the new season with courage and with hope. 

I love you and I will not let you down. You will see my glory in this. You will be my light and my ambassador and you will not let me down. I love you. I love you. I love you. If you forget everything else, remember that.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Stomach flu...

My prayer:

Awesome healing God, tonight I need to ask for me. I need healing. This stomach flu kicked my butt today and I need complete restoration to do all the amazing things that you have for me this week. God, I thank you that by your stripes and your sacrifice, I am healed. I know you are Jehovah Rapha, my healer and I put my faith in your healing power. Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

My healing power is active and working in you right now. You will have all that you need to do all that you have been called to do. I do not call you to things that I will not make a way for you. 

Trust in me and all that you know of me and get some rest. Tomorrow is a new day.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Not good enough...again...

My prayer:

All knowing God. My thoughts are scattered again tonight. I am not as good of a person as I want to be. I get tired of messing up, hurting people, not being all that you called me to be. I know I will never be perfect but I want to be better than I was today. 

God, help me to be better tomorrow than I was today. Help me to be a bigger and better blessing to the people around me. Help me to better recognize your opportunities. I can live with myself tonight if I have hope that you will make me better tomorrow. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

You my dear are in a constant state of construction. As long as you are alive, you have the opportunity to be and do better. You have the opportunity to grow and to learn. Life, is a great opportunity to be the best you that can be. 

However, remember that even at your best, it is never good enough to earn your salvation. I provided that for you. You don't ever have to earn that. It is my gift and is not earned but received. 

Being the daughter of the most high God gives you a starting place that is better than you could have ever hoped for on our own. The rest is up to you. The level of maturing and blessing in your life is up to you. How you treat other people and what you do with the gifts I have given you is up to you. Each choice you make that is in agreement with my will shall result in greater levels of blessing, joy and peace. 

Make good choices, repent when you mess up, and remember that I am your God and your salvation. My mercies are new every day. Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Into the details...

My prayer:

My God. You showed up and showed out again tonight and I am so grateful that I get to serve you!!! You literally took care of every last detail of this event, down to the last second. That is so like YOU! :D LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU!!! 

What God Said Tonight:

I am into the details. I care about the details. I am a big vision God but I also care about the hairs on your head. 

I know that tonight was important to you. It was important to me too. When you trust me, fully trust me like you did tonight, I can take care of every last detail. 

I still need you though. I need you to show up. I need you to follow my voice and be my hands, be my feet. I need you to hear and follow my voice. Not everyone can hear me yet so those who do, I need you to hear and to do. 

I have an army of volunteers that I am growing and training daily. Where we are going will require great trust and great obedience. Tonight was good training for that time. 

I love you daughter. You did good. Not in what you did bit in how you trusted.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The fire of heaven...

My prayer:

All knowing God. It sure is amazing how you put everything together. There are times where life seems so random but then, I look around and see how every last thing has a purpose and a place. I love how you use EVERY experience in my life for your purpose. The good stuff and the bad stuff, it all gives glory to you! You are phenomenal and I am grateful that you are in my life.

What God Said Tonight:

I have shown you the fires in heaven tonight. Most people know about the fire of hell.  That is the destructive and painful fire. The fire of heaven is pure and beautiful. It lights the dark places. It brings warmth and light and life. 

It is beautiful and it will guide you through the dark places. I will be a light unto your feet and a lamp for your path. I will guide you with the light that comes from me. I will guide you with the fire that is within me. I will place that fire within you to guide and direct you. I will place that fire in you to be the light in the dark. I will place that fire in you to be the life in the middle of death. 

I will anoint you with fire, the fire of heaven. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The coming darkness...

My prayer:

Mighty God, I am out of words tonight. I have been so busy, meeting with so many people, talking so much, I think I have used all of my allotted words for the week. I will just use a couple more. I love you and I am here to listen...

What God Said Tonight:

Do you see the multitudes?  Do you see the millions and billions of people around the world? 

The light is getting dim because we are approaching the end of this time. The thing about the lights going dim, it gets the attention of those who know what is to come. For them, it is a sign that the end is near. It is about to go completely dark. For those who know, for those who are prepared, they will seek shelter. They will bring out their lanterns. They will be ready to fight back the dark with light. 

For those who don't know. For those who have not been told or who did not listen, they don't notice the approaching dark. It comes on so slowly that they don't realizes it is getting dark until there is almost no light left. For those people, the realization that something has gone terribly wrong, may come to late. 

Please, tell as many people as you can abut the coming end. Not to frighten them but to prepare them. Tell then how if I am in them, if they accept me, they can have everlasting life. Tell them that if they accept me, they can fight off the darkness when it comes. Tell them, please. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


My prayer:

Awesome God. I am blessed to live in a country of great freedom and privilege  I am blessed to live in a country where I get to make choices over who is in leadership. But, sometimes, there does not seem to be a right choice. I don't want to be ambivalent and give up the privilege of voting, but I don't see a right choice this time. 

God, you say when I lack wisdom I should ask you for it and you will give it to me. I ask tonight for wisdom. Show me the right choice, please. Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

I have a plan and a purpose that will be accomplished in this world regardless of who hold the role of governmental leadership. I have a new government that will soon be in place. I have a new heaven and a new earth that is on the way. We are putting the final touches on them all. 

Don't get too caught up in the things of this world. It is truly temporary and you belong to the eternal world. My plan is bigger than any election. I have seen the future. I know the end from the beginning and I promise you that we win. 

Rest in the calm assurance that I am still in charge and the rest becomes easy.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Healed and saved...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for healing me today. Woke up with the beginning of cold symptoms, prayed and agreed in prayer with others and felt better and better as the day went on and here I am tonight with no symptoms! YOU ARE SO AWESOME!! 

I love when you heal the big stuff like cancer, that is always amazing and wonderful. But I also love when you heal the small stuff that gets in the way of everyday life like a cold. You are the great physician and I am grateful that I get to come to you with all my healing needs. Thank you for paying for it all so long ago.

What God Said Tonight:

I made your body perfect so that it would never be sick. Sin changed that but I provided a way to overcome. I created you to live in perfect relationship with me. Sin changed that but I provided a way to overcome. You will be all that I intended you to be because I provided a way to overcome. 

Receive these free gifts from me and become everything you were created to be. If you don't receive it. If you decide that you are not good enough to be healed, that you are not good enough to be saved. If you decide that what you have done is too rotten to ever have a relationship with me, first of all, you are wrong. I know what you did and I am telling you right now, my blood, my sacrifice was sufficient to cover it. I am telling you right now, I have provided a way for you to overcome. 

But you have to choose it. I don't heal when people do not want to be healed. I don't save when people don't want to be saved. Choose to receive me and my gifts everyday and you will be all that I made you to be.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Your worth...

My prayer:

Mighty God...wooooosh! Today was long but fun. Ready to sit and focus on nothing but you. I ask God that you help me to quiet my mind from the craziness of today so I can hear you clearly. What is on your mind tonight God?

What God Said Tonight:

I love you. My children are so precious and most don't know it. I am ready for a wave to go through the world that will show my children their value, once and for all. 

I am tired of my children thinking of themselves as second class citizens. I am tired of them looking for their worth in the world and from people. 

I am tired of you not understanding how amazing you are and how I have gifted you with all that you need. I want you to hear me tonight. You are perfect. You are covered in my blood and made perfect. You do not have to prove that to anyone. It just is. Not because of you but because of me. 

You are whole and complete with nothing missing ad nothing lacking. You are a royal priesthood, chosen from the beginning of time for this time and this place. You are my chosen people. You are who I have hand picked for this time. You don't have to feel it but you have to know it. You have to be confident in your stature in me if you are going to do what I need you to do. 

I love you. The God above all gods, the maker of the universe, the Lord of all, LOVES YOU. You have ultimate worth in me. Your worth cannot be measured. You can never lose your worth because it is based on my sacrifice for you. You cannot be stripped of your worth. You are exactly who I created you to be. 

Hear me, and let it sink in. Read about it again and again until you really believe it. I love you and you are worth more than rubies and diamonds. Know who you are and we can move into the next season of what you do.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

God's protection...

My prayer:

Amazing and wonderful God. I am so grateful that I know you God. I am grateful that you put excellent teachers around me to teach me about you before I was able to hear you for myself. 

Thank you for making it plain in your word and leaving that so any of us can get to know you. Thank you God that you are always true to who you are and that every experience in this life reinforces the God that I know. God, thank you for being love. Thank you for not being angry with me. Thank you for being ever patient with me. Thank you for providing a way to salvation for me that did not require me to be perfect. Thank you God for loving me today, yesterday and tomorrow. 

I love you God!

God, this world can be a bit scary sometimes. I was reminded today of that. I pray and ask that you put your hedge of protection around me, my family, my friends and keep us safe. Please always remember to keep that army of warrior angels around me. And, make sure they know how much I appreciate them too!

What God Said Tonight:

There is a cloud over you tonight but it does not have to be there. I will ALWAYS protect you. I will never let the enemy hurt you in that way again. 

I think what you realized today was something that you use to know but maybe forgot. You forgot that people, even really good people, can make bad choices. I think you forgot that even though you are protected and in my will that you will see things sometimes that are ugly. I think you forgot that sometimes you make choices and do things that are not so pretty either. 

Do not judge and rest in the absolute knowledge that I am with you and I will protect you now and forever. I love you and I am your defense against the enemy. I am your Father and your protector. I am your guard and your army. I am your offense and your defense. 

I love you daughter and I will keep you safe.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Listening to God...

My prayer:

Well, today wasn't anything like I thought it would be. If I had just listened to you, I could saved myself some time. Holy Spirit, you try to help me out all the time with that still small voice. I want to be better about listening to you during the day. You try to help, but I get so busy or so intent on what I think I should be doing that I ignore you and end up wasting time and energy. I feel pretty stupid God. Help me to listen better?

What God Said Tonight:

I can speak but I can't make you hear. I can lead, but I can't make you follow. I gave you free will. I gave you the choice. I will always speak, guide, help you  but it is really up to you to pay attention and to receive the help. 

That being said, today was no big deal. You needed a day of rest, you had one, even though it was somewhat imposed upon you. Things turned out just as they should. My will is still sovereign and in charge of your life. Your destination is set. How you get there is up to you.

Friday, September 28, 2012

How to get blessed...

My prayer:

What a weird day God. It was different and I said I wanted different. Careful for what you ask for, right? 

God, we have the big event tomorrow night. I pray and ask that you be in charge of every aspect. I ask that you bring every volunteer that you want  to be there to be the perfect team for what you want to do. I pray over the speakers that you anoint them to speak your words. I pray over the technology and the sound/lights that nothing can interfere with what you have to say. I pray that it touches people's hearts so that your ministry can continue to do what you want it to do. Thank you God for the opportunity to be a part of it.

What God Said Tonight:

If you are living in my will, you don't really have to pray for me to bless it. You can still pray. It will make you feel more assured but I will bless the things that I want to happen. I will bless those that follow my lead. I will bless the things that I want to move forward and succeed. 

I am with you my daughter and I am blessing your steps because they are ordered by me. You will always win in the end when you walk in my steps for you. You are destined to succeed. Remember that? How many times have you been told that? Well, it is true. Bit it is true because you are in my will. 

Rest assured that I am with you and I want you to be blessed as much or even more than you want to be blessed. I want to see the event prosper as much or more than you do. It is my desire to see you prosper and I will see that it happens. 

I love you daughter. Get some rest for tomorrow will be a long day but a good one. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

If at first you don't succeed...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I am looking forward to a change of pace tomorrow God. Still a busy day but doing different things at least. Definitely fell into a rut these last couple of weeks of crazed busyness. I love that you are always fresh and you are always new, even though you never change. It is one of those mysteries of you God that doesn't make sense when you say it out loud but somehow is entirely true anyway. You go beyond our ability to explain you and that is pretty cool. I love you God and can't wait to see what you have in mind next.

What God Said Tonight:

I have just a few words tonight. Your life is full of purpose. Don;t always take the easy road. So many things come easy to you because of the favor I have on your life.  However, every once in awhile, I have something for you but you will need to work for it. I will need you to keep trying even when you are not very good at it the first time. I have a few things for you that I need you to fail at first so that when you go back and succeed, you know that you only succeed because of me in you. I love you so much and can't wait to see you breakthrough.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Beautiful love...

My prayer:

Amazing God you are so beautiful. Your love is so beautiful. Your promises are so beautiful. Your will is so beautiful. You are so beautiful. There is a clarity and a beauty in your presence that I don't find anywhere else. God, I honor your beauty tonight.

What God Said Tonight:

Mmmm. Let me love you tonight. Let me show you how much I love you. Let me wrap my arms around you so you can feel my love. Let me blanket you with peace and joy so you might know my love for you. Let me show you visions of the future so you might know my love for you. Let me shower you with blessings so you might know my love for you. Let me rain my love down on your so it covers all that you are and nourishes you to grow into all that I have for you. 

My love for you is NEVER in question. It is the one thing you can ALWAYS count on. I love, love love you!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Enjoy the mystery...

My Prayer:

Awesome God. I just want to listen tonight. What do you want to talk about? I am all ears...

What God Said Tonight:

I am going to ask one thing of you tonight. Stop trying to figure it all out. Get out of your head for a little while and understand that there are mysteries in this life that you may never fully know and understand. 

Then, instead of getting angry about that, try and recognize the beauty of the mystery. It is the mystery of life that keeps it interesting. You do not need to always have the answer. Only I have that. Only I can know everything. And, because I am your father, I will always make sure you know what you need to know when you need it. 

But, for now, stop. Study to gain knowledge but know that you will never know it all. Don't expect that or try for it. Enjoy the beauty of mystery.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Right here...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Today was a day of remembering lessons you have already taught me like how to battle through when the enemy comes at me from every direction. 

God, thank you for all that you have taught me over the years about battle. Thank you for being my protector and my rear guard. Thank you God that you and your will are ALWAYS victorious in the end. 

God, I am fighting off fear tonight because you have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. I love you, I trust you, I am grateful for you and for all that you teach me. Leaving it in your hands tonight God.

What God Said Tonight:

I am right here, I am right with you. The struggle has a purpose and the battle has a reason. You are getting stronger in this season and you are trusting me. You not the reason for this battle but you will benefit from it in the end. You are the vehicle I need to do this thing and I am grateful that you are willing. 

I will not let it last any longer than absolutely necessary. I am at the controls watching for the exact moment that I can switch the rails and see you victorious in my glory. You will see the glory of God in this. 

Keep your eyes on me. When fear comes, keep your eyes on me. When attacks come, remember that I am right with you to fight. You are NEVER ALONE. I am ALWAYS RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. I love you too much to ever leave you. And, when I am with you, who or what can cause you to be afraid? 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Missing peace...

My prayer:

Mighty God, I ask that you clear my mind tonight. So many thoughts crowding in and I just want rest. I want to turn it all off for just a little while. Your blessings are amazing and you are filling my life with more wonderful opportunities than I know what to do with. I just need, or I just want a few hours to turn it all off and be at peace. 

Huh, I bet that is the key. It is not that there is too much going on, it is that I have lost focus and contact with your peace that passes all understanding. God, I pray for you peace tonight. Flood me with your peace that I can rest and be ready for tomorrow. Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

My peace is yours and always has been. Turn from your worry and your thoughts and turn toward my peace. Remember that I knew that all of this was going to happen and I knew it was going to happen right now. I am not surprised by the events of today. I am not even surprised by the events of tomorrow. 

I promise, you are still on the right track. I promise I will not leave you. I promise that I really will finish the work I have begun in you. I promise. Rest in the complete assurance that I will take care of you now and forever. 

I will make sure that you know what to do and when to do it. You do not have to try to predict what comes next I already know and I will let you know when you need to know it. I promise. I love you and I will not make you walk this life alone.