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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, March 6, 2020


My prayer:

Another day another HUGE PRAISE! Thank you Jesus for the GOOD REPORT today! I had real peace about it long before the call came in but when it came and they said it is 100% benign...that was GOOD NEWS!

Thank you God for your divine health and healing. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for all that you do in my life. YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I have good plans for you. I truly do. I have not brought you this far to leave you. You have a future and a hope. 

These are all promises that you know like the back of your hand but know this tonight, they are true and they are real and they are manifesting in your life, now. 

I love you. I love to bless you. Your season of waiting and trust was not for no reason. I am yours forever my child and I will never let leave you.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A beacon and a flag...

My prayer:

Awesome God, what a year of blessings this has been so far! Your goodness is so abundant. Your blessings are so apparent! Last year was a year of near misses but this year has been a year of fulfilled promises and turning it all around. Living in your blessing, in  your peace, and in your joy is a pretty amazing place to be. Thank you for being so amazing!

What God Said Tonight:

No blessing, no struggle, no triumph, and no defeat are ever experienced without a purpose. I will use all things for your good. I will turn every situation around for your good. I will make every moment a moment of purpose and planned strategy. 

I will never let you suffer or experience great joy without a greater purpose in it. 

Your pain is your testimony about to be revealed. Your joy is your garment that you wear for the world to see. 

I will bless you all of the days of your life and your blessing will be seen by the world. It will be a beacon to those who have yet to know me. It will be a flag marking the life of a child of God. 

I love you and my blessings will go with you all of the days of your life.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Every moment...

My prayer:

Awesome God! Thank you for all that you have done in the last 24 hours! You are incredible. You take care of everything and you make it all just perfect. You are so GOOD! I am so grateful to be your kid!

What God Said Tonight:

Every moment is an opportunity to recognize what is right in your life or what is wrong in your life. Every moment has elements of both and it truly is up to you which you decide to spend your time focusing on. 

A life that celebrates all of the blessings in it is a life well lived. A life spent worrying about all of the things not yet realized, is a life wasted. 

Do not waste your life. Live the life that you are in and count each blessing. Savor it. Turn it over and look at it from every angle. Every moment yo spend looking at your blessings is one more moment that you do not get mired in worry. 

I love you daughter, every moment.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Critical moment...

My prayer:

My awesome Father. I am in awe of all that you are and all that you do. I am living in complete trust of you, your will, and your timing and it is a wonderful way to live. 

I pray that you help me to maintain this place of peace and trust. I like it here!

My life is yours God.

What God Said Tonight:

I have waited for an eternity for this  moment in time. You do not realize it fully but this is a critical moment in the history and the future of mankind. 

I have prepared you. I have prepared my children and the day is nearly here. 

Know that no part of what you have experienced in this life will be wasted. Every moment is for a purpose. Your joy and your pain will serve the Kingdom of God and have a place in the final days. 

I love you sweet daughter. Rest in my will for your life. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Fear and faith...

My prayer:

Awesome God, thank you for the insight. It has made all of the difference. Now, I just have to hold onto that truth and trust you to take care of the details. 

You are so amazing. I am truly in awe of you and all that you do. Watching you work in our lives is like a beautiful symphony, every instrument and every note coming together to make beautiful music.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

Fear is not a static thing. It is always growing or shrinking. It constantly responds to the level of your faith. Fear is not from me. Faith is from me. 

Faith is how you communicate with me. Faith is how you show your love for me. Fear is a weapon and a tool to chip away at your faith. 

You can think of it as a two sided scale, like the ones they use to use to measure gold. On one side is your faith and on the other is fear. The less fear you have, the more your faith raises up and vice a versa. 

It is the time now to completely wipe away that fear. Brush it off of the scale all together. This is a season of faith fulfilled and fear does not belong here. 

I love you wee child. Now and forever.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

New paths...

My prayer:

Thank you for a beautiful day God. All I really want tonight is to hear your voice. What is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:

New lanes, new paths are harder to walk than the old path you are use to but they take you new places. The path I have you on is not one that a lot have walked but it is one I have made especially for you. The journey and the destination are hand picked for you. 

Keep taking one step at a time and see what I will do. 

I love you sweet daughter.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Giving and receiving...

My prayer:

This journey of ever growing trust is not easy God but I believe it is worth the effort. Your blessings are unbelievable but they require trust that is not always easy to maintain. 

I pray God for your continued help, peace, and strength to walk this path that you have chosen for us. Thank you for giving us such amazing blessings. You are the BEST FATHER!

What God Said Tonight:

A journey worth taking involves work to get there. Remember not too long ago I spoke to you about sacrifice. It is still true. 

Giving and getting are intimately tied together. Give and you shall receive. 

I have the path carved out and there are times in the path that will require giving, sacrifice. As always, the initial step to give may be challenging Once you have given, it will be freeing and easy. 

I love you and this path is one of great joy. Joy in the giving and in the receiving.