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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, October 30, 2021

Live free...


My prayer:

Sweet Father. Thank you for this day of fun and rest. It was wonderful. You are wonderful. This life is wonderful.

What God Said Tonight:

Your protection is solid and your future is secure. Live each day knowing I have it all under control and you can enjoy the moment you are in. 

Let me be concerned about tomorrow and you can live free in today. 

I love you my child and I want every good thing for you and your life.

Thursday, October 28, 2021



My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for bringing me home and thank you for helping me to see the opportunity you have laid before me. I am still a bit nervous but I am beginning to see that this is all coming together and that I have a chance to make a real difference here. Or, to be more accurate, I have a chance to watch you make a difference through my life.

I love you God and I should have known that you would only take me into something that was for my good. You are amazing and I am so grateful that you are in charge of my life.

What God Said Tonight:

Your life has so many more days and paths and purposes within it. I have such great plans for you. 

A minute, an hour, a day, a year, the time frame does not matter in the face of eternity. What does matter is they are each ordained by me and as such, I will work every one of them for your good. I will not be distracted from blessing my children. Not now and not ever. 

Go rest my child. Tomorrow will be filled.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Who to believe...


My prayer:

Sweet Father. I find myself worrying tonight. Did I make a wrong choice, did I not hear you correctly. I believed that this was the path you had chosen for me, the direction I was to go but what if I got it wrong? What if I gave up the better path?

Please help me to see things the way you do. Help me to know where I fit.

What God Said Tonight:

This doubt, this insecurity, this is not from me. You have let the enemy speak things to you that are not true. You cannot stop him but you don't have to believe him. 

Believe me and what I say about you. I destine you to succeed. I make a way for you when there is no way. I bless the work of your hands. 

Do not believe in your talents and abilities, although I gave them to you and expect you to use them. But rather, believe in my talents and my promises. Those are what will never falter and will never fail. 

I love you sweet daughter. See this for the adventure it is. You will not fail if you keep your focus.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

New adventure, same goals...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I begin the new adventure tomorrow. I pray for your guidance, your favor, and that you destine me to succeed. You are amazing and with you, I know from very personal experience, all things are possible. Thank you for this new chapter in my life.

What God Said Tonight:

A blessing, a success, these things are already yours. Pray instead that you are a blessing to those around you. That is where your work comes in. That is where your focus should be. 

It is a new adventure but the goals are the same. Be a blessing, lift up those around you, show people what my love is really like. Stay focused on those things and I will ensure the rest is taken care of. Don't let solving the problem get in the way of loving the people. 

I love you sweet daughter, now and forever.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

What God wants...


My prayer:

Awesome Father. You have given me everything and more. What is on your mind? What can I give you? I love you now and forever Lord.

What God Said Tonight:

I love you sweet child. There is nothing that I need from you except your love. There is nothing I want from you except your trust and your faith. Not for me, please know. 

I want your love because as you love me, you learn to love others and you learn to receive that love. A life filled with love is better than anything else. 

I want your trust and your faith because when you are trusting in me, when your faith is in me, anything is possible and you can live without worry plaguing you. 

I want from you only the things that will make your life whole. I love you now and forever my child. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Don't change...


My prayer:

Thank you for tonight God. Today wiped me out and the last thing I thought I wanted or needed was fellowship but as usual, you knew what I needed more than I did. Thank you for good friends, for insight, and for revelation. 

What God Said Tonight:

Dew and frost come from the same origin but look very different. 

I have a purpose and a plan for each of my children. You all come from me but how you live out your journey can look very different. Never presume to know the journey someone else should be on. You will have enough of a challenge discovering the journey you are on. 

I love you, each of you, in your similarity and your uniqueness. Don't change who you are for anyone, least of all me. 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Paved road...


My prayer:

Sweet Father. What an amazing couple of days of refreshing and refueling. YOU are so AMAZING and always bring me exactly what I need. 

I pray for you help throughout this week. It could be pretty challenging but I know with you, I will end this in excellence. Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

I have paved the road ahead for you. I have made the way easy. There is much to do but it is all completely achievable and I will bless you in it all. 

A life of freedom, joy and fulfillment. That is my plan for you my child. 

I love you now and forever and there will never be a moment in your life, where I am not there with you. I have dedicated myself to you, to your joy, to your wholeness. I have a love for you that you may never fully understand. I am yours and you are mine, now and forever my child. Now and forever.

Friday, October 15, 2021



My prayer: 

Thank you for getting me through this week God. It was an emotional roller coaster for sure. Thank you for your guidance and reassurance throughout the week. I pray for help to just relax and detox the next couple of days. You are truly amazing to me God.

What God Said Tonight:

Grounded. Keep yourself grounded in me, in the truth, in the promises on your life. That grounding and foundation will take you through any storm. Keep your feet firmly planted in my truth and no wind can knock you over. 

A wind, a distraction, can come from many sources. It can come from adversity but it can also come from blessings. The love you feel and have felt was real and was for a purpose, for a time. It is a new part of your foundation and will guide you well in your next journey. Do not let go of it but do not allow it to distract you from your path. 

I love you and my plans for you are good. So very good. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021



My prayer: 

Today was not easy God. I am grateful that you showed me so clearly the path I am supposed to take. If you hadn't, today may have changed my mind. 

I hate that this choice is causing pain. I hate that this choice has me leaving people I have come to love and who love me. I know it is the right choice. I know you have something more for me in the new place. But it is hard to see the pain.

Awesome God, I ask that you ease their pain and give them comfort. I pray that you guide and direct their steps as you have mine. I pray that my being in their lives has been more blessing than pain. I pray for your continued help in this transition.

What God Said Tonight:

You are not leaving them. Those who are meant to be a part of your future, will be. Those who were meant to be a part of this season alone, will be that. 

I am in you so where you go, I go. Am I not more blessing than I am pain? You brought me into their lives. They can keep me in their lives if they choose. If not, they at least met me in you. 

I love you daughter. Do not let the pain pass without recognition but do not dwell in it either. I love you now and forever.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Challenges and blessings...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I will need your help tomorrow to do this hard thing. I ask for our favor and guidance to do it well and in love.

What God Said Tonight:

Everyday has its challenges and its blessings. Sometimes the thing you see as a challenge ends up being a blessing for you and for them. 

I love you sweet daughter and I would not steer you wrong. Go in peace and know that I am with you.

Friday, October 8, 2021

The choice...


My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for the clarity today and the blessings. I am excited for this new season and chapter. I am even more excited that you made the choice so clear. I was so unsure last night. I really didn't know what to do but every moment of today, you guided me and showed me the path forward. 

I am SO GRATEFUL! You are amazing.

What God Said Tonight:

The choice was less about you and more about the people I am taking you to. You blessed those where you were and that will be remembered. But I have more people for you to bless and for you to share my love with. They have been waiting for you and it is time. 

I will bless you in it. You know that I will. But you will be a blessing to those around you. Be at peace tonight my child.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Your heart...


My prayer:

More than ever, God I pray your will is done. I do not know what the right path forward is. I know what I believe you are telling me, but this is a big one and I don't want to mess it up. 

Guide my steps, my decisions, and my words God. Your plans for me are always so good.

What God Said Tonight:

It is not in your heart to do or act against my will. You have given yourself and your life to me. You have given your heart to me. Your path is clear because your heart is purified by my blood and through my sacrifice. 

Believe your heart, trust your heart, it is my voice speaking. Your future is secure because I am in it and in you.

Monday, October 4, 2021



My prayer:

Sweet and awesome God. Thank you for your guidance, provision, and peace today. In the middle of chaos, I had your peace. In the middle of bad news, I had complete confidence that you had a path through it. 

Living this life with you is so much better than trying to live it on my own terms. Thank you for being all that you are, for choosing me, and letting me have a relationship with you. Wrapping my mind around that is always a little challenging. You, the God of all the universe loved me so much that you provided a way that I could overcome every barrier and have a relationship with you. Wow.

What God Said Tonight:

Is it so amazing that I would want to be with my own children? You are the children of my Spirit and made in my image. What parent would not do everything they could to be close to their child, even after the child had strayed way? If it is within their power, they will reconcile to that child. 

How much more, me, your true and Spiritual Father, would do to reconcile to my children. I gave my life for you and now we can live in eternity together. That is what I always wanted. I love you now and forever my child.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Faith and love...


My prayer:

Sweet Father. Thank you for a perfect day. I stand in awe of you and all that you do for me. Now, I will get quiet so I can hear what you have to say tonight:

What God Said Tonight:

I want to give you some clarity and peace. I want you to see the road ahead as I see it, from the end of the road. I want to show you that everything is truly for a reason and that nothing in your life is ever wasted, it will always serve a purpose in both your life and the lives of others. 

I want to show you all of that  but if I do, faith no longer has a place in your life. If I do, you trust the future but you don't need to trust me. 

How much better to trust that I will work everything for your good, no matter what it is. How much better to trust in me than have to know every detail of what will happen next. It is in that trust and in that faith that our relationship grows, out love for each other grows. And, at the end of everything else, that is what truly matters. In the end it is the love that is shared that truly matters. 

Knowing how everything will work out, does not increase the love. Trusting in me, does. 

I love you now and forever and I promise that everything I do is for your good. You are my precious child and I cannot let you forget that.