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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, November 3, 2017

God love...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I realized something today. You almost always give me what I ask for but sometimes it is so subtle or it takes awhile and I don't even realize what you have done until later. Several years ago, I remember saying I would like to spend more time in a particular area but I didn't have any reason to go there so I forgot about it. Now, you have moved the salon right in the middle of the neighborhood so I will be going there all the time. 

Such a small thing but when I realized it, I started thinking of all of the other things like that. When I need more business, I ask, you provide. Sometimes before I even get done asking! Other things take longer, but you always come through for me. 

Don't get me wrong, it is not like you are some giant Santa Claus or ATM. But you bless me, over and over and over again. Thank you for every blessing, even those that I didn't recognize at the time.

What God Said Tonight:

A kiss and hug is a reflection of love. The depth of love is felt through action. 

I, not living in a body on earth right now, don't have the luxury of giving you a hug and a kiss in the physical realm. I do have the ability to rain blessings on you. I do have the ability to show you favor in every situation. I have the ability to remind you of my love each day. 

See my love in the blessings of your life. Feel my love through the struggles of your life. Live in my love always.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Waiting and hope...

My prayer:

It has been a week of gaining new perspective. Seeing life and me from different angles. Thank you God for new perspective! It is amazing how different everything can look when you look through someone else's eyes. 

You are wonderful and always giving me what I need, even when I don't know what to ask for.

What God Said Tonight:

Waiting a day, waiting a lifetime. The;y can seem like the same thing. In the waiting you never know when it will end so all waiting seems as though it will go on forever. 

It won't. As a matter of fact, I can promise you that all waiting will end, sooner or later. 

Your times of waiting are valuable. They give you time to get ready and they give you a sense of anticipation and hope. 

Hope is one of my greatest gifts I give to you. There is healing, there is salvation, there is peace, and there is hope. Hope is the fire that drives you. Never let go of your hope in me. I love you.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

In God's hands...

My prayer:

Satan had all of his demons out for sure today God but you protected me. You helped me. You made impossible things possible. How many car accidents to you protect me from, just this morning alone? I counted at least three.

I am so grateful for you in my life. I am so grateful for your power and your love. I love being on the winning side.

What God Said Tonight:

I have you engraved in the palm of my hand. You are in my heart and on my mind, always. 

I have not and will not forget your troubles and your needs. 

I think you are beginning to see the options laid out for you. There are more to come. And, just like this morning, if you do not find your way to follow my first directions, I will work out another way that is just as good. 

You are in my hands, quite literally, and I am never letting go. I love you beyond what you can know or understand. Rest in the peace of my love tonight.

Monday, October 30, 2017


My prayer:

Thank you for giving me opportunities to be a blessing today. Thank you that the experiences you have brought me through (good, bad and indifferent) can be a blessing to other people.

I am asking for direction God. What is next?

What God Said Tonight:

Opportunities. You are asking for new opportunities. I am a God of opportunities. I work in opportunities and open doors. 

You have more opportunities at your feet, right now than you realize. Some take more courage than others but always remember you are free in me. You are free to do and to choose whatever you want. 

Have the courage to believe in my blessing on your life.

Sunday, October 29, 2017


My prayer:

Sweet Father. You know me better than I know myself. I pray your will be done on earth, in my life, as it is in heaven. I pray for your perfect will to be accomplished.

Thank you Jesus for providing me the access to ask and to pray.

What God Said Tonight:

Adventure is a life well lived. Joy is a life well loved. You have what you need for a beautiful life. You are who you need to be. 

I have planted beauty around you. Please remember to look. Not everything. Some things are truly horrible and ugly. Those things seem to catch your attention. 

It is not the death but the life everlasting that should be your focus. I sacrificed on the cross. That had to be done and was important. But when you think of me, I would rather you think of the resurrection, the evidence that I have bought your freedom from sin. That is the part that is most important. 

The death was needed, it was real, I am not asking you to forget it. However, when you think life, when you think of the resurrection, you have a path forward. That Is what I want for you. Life and a path forward. 

Spend some time meditating on the resurrection. I will show you new revelation as you do.

Saturday, October 28, 2017


My prayer:

Praising you God for all the of 'little' things that I tend to take for granted. Thank you for a warm and peaceful home, thank you for a Mom who is amazing and who loves me, thank you for friends who love me and want my opinion on things, thank you for food and water whenever I want it, thank you for the best kitty in the world, thank you for a new haircut, thank you for freedom, and more than all the rest, thank you for loving me.

The little things really mean a lot!

What God Said Tonight:

You can relax, I am in control. You can relax, I am working on your behalf. You can relax, I am your God. I love you and I have everything under control. Even those things that look completely out of control. 

Know that while I may not take care of things in the way that you expect, I will take care of them and I will make them work for your good. I love you, now and forever.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Love each other...

My prayer:

Thank you God for the luxury of a lazy day. I feel quite decadent. The world is still crazy and the needs are still great and I am trusting you to take care of it all. Let me know what I can do to help.

I love you and I want to help if I can. 

What God Said Tonight:

A day and a night can fly by so quickly but can be so significant. It is nothing but a whisper in time but the events of that moment can change history. Your actions, especially those you don't even think about, have great impact. 

A smile, a kind word, helping someone who can't help you back, talking to the person that others avoid. These small acts of love and kindness make all the difference. 

This world is nearing its end and you all need each other to move through it and get to the new world, the new heaven. I am your strength but your strength magnifies in numbers. Come to together in love every time you can. Each time,  you get stronger, they get stronger, and you all make it through another day. 

I love you, love each other.

Thursday, October 26, 2017


My prayer:
I am grateful to have survived this week and looking forward to a few days of rest. I pray for peace and protection God. Those two things seem more and more precious every day.

I love you and I trust you to turn all things for my good.

What God Said Tonight:

You have less to worry about than you think you do. The circumstances that seem out of control and hopeless are the ones that I will use first to show my glory. They  are the ones that if you let go and hand them to me, I will show you great things. 

I will always be here for you and I will always see you succeed. You are my child and I have great things planned for you. Get ready to see me shine.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Infinite possibilities of tomorrow...

My prayer:

I am out of words tonight God. I have lots of needs, mine and my friends, but I am out of words. Hear the prayers of my heart tonight God.

What God Said Tonight:

You have fallen into the trap of believing you know what is next because of what happened in the past. Your past is not your future. I am not done with you yet. 

I have new things for you. Things you have not seen, heard or imagined. I have joy for you. I have miracles for you. 

Keep your mind and heart open to he infinite possibilities of tomorrow. Tomorrow anything is possible. The only thing that is set is stone is yesterday. And, even that, I can change for your good. 

Believe in me. Believe in my healing power. Believe in my love for you. I love you more than you can ever imagine and we are not done yet.

Monday, October 23, 2017

God's residence...

My prayer:

A day of challenges and multiple challenges to experience humility. It doesn't sound too bad when I say it like that. 

Thank you for your help in this day God. Thank you for reminding me not to take it all too seriously. Thank you for helping me to find some joy in the midst of the problems.

You are very good to me.

What God Said Tonight:

Seek me with all your might. Find me within your heart. I am never far from you. I dwell in you. I have taken up residence in your heart and in your soul. You have made for me a tabernacle to dwell in. 

I have made for you a heaven to live in for eternity. My heaven is filled with your brothers and sisters and I have prepared your place here. It is grand and I hope you will love it. 

I live in you and you live in me and together we will conquer the world and live in peace for eternity. It is within your reach. To see a world that has completely turned its back on evil and has fully embraced me. That world is not a dream. It is the fact of your future. 

I love you, now and forever.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Miracles and joy...

My prayer:

I wonder what this week will hold God? It doesn't really matter as long as you are with me through it all. I pray that you help me to be a blessing to those around me. I pray that you help me to reflect your love and not the emotions that seem to grab at me. I pray, above all things, your will is done.

What God Said Tonight:

There are miracles and joy on the way. There are great moments that will warm your soul. 

I have your best in front of me and I will see you blessed. My child, my love. 

It is here. It is ready, It is done.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Deeply rooted...

My prayer:

Today was a really great day God. Thank you. It had potential to be pretty dreadful but it was wonderful. Thank you for hearing our prayers and making something wonderful out of it all. 

Everything you touch turns into something wonderful. Keep touching my life, constantly.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

You are wrapped in my grace and beauty. You are comforted in my embrace. You are safe within my arms. You are where you are meant to be. You are with me. 

We have a great and exciting future together but the best part of it is that we will be together. I will show you amazing miracles. I will bless you in ways that might be distracting. 

I needed this time with you, these years of not 'doing' a lot, to get you in a place where you are 100% confident that your relationship with me is your priority. Not because you were taught that and not because you feared a life without me. But because you choose me, each day, regardless of what the day holds. 

Now, as we move into this future, the miracles, the blessings will not distract you from your relationship with me. You have learned to be reliant on me and to choose me in all situations. You are deeply rooted in the Kingdom of God, right where you should be. 

I love you.

Friday, October 20, 2017


My prayer:

It seems like you are trying to tell me something God. Something about what you want to do next...HALLELUJAH!!!! My answer is YES. Whatever you want to do. Whenever you want to do it. However you want to do it, YES. 

Keep talking to me. Show me the steps. My answer is YES!

What God Said Tonight:

A season of giving is on its way, and I am not talking about Christmas. A season of doing is nearly here. A season of prayer, active prayer, in the battlefield. A season of joy. 

I am with you and the time is here. Your season is here.

Thursday, October 19, 2017


My prayer:

Today was certainly interesting. I was definitely not bored! I am looking forward to hearing your voice tonight God. Hearing your wisdom seems important, more than ever.

What God Said Tonight:

Today you saw other people, all day, who reached their limit and had their buttons pushed. I wanted you to see that you are not alone in that experience. But I also wanted to show you that the things that push their buttons are not always as serious as they seem to them. I wanted you to see that some of the things that set you off are not as serious in reality as they seem to you at the time.

Gaining perspective is an amazing thing. Approached carefully, you can find true treasures in people. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Dependent on God...

My prayer:

It felt like the world was against me a bit today God.

Days like today are great reminders of how typically, on most days, I am living in your divine favor. Days like today are exhausting. Days like today make me LONG for your return!

I love you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I was there with you in this day. I was there every time you called on me. 

I know days like today are not fun but I love when you turn to me in the midst of your trouble and ask for help. You are always so independent and you want to do things for yourself. It is nice when you are willing to let me help and do things for you. 

I love you and above all I want to see you happy, well, and fulfilled. I want to see you living out eternity with me in the midst of my love for you. 

I love you and I love all you learned today.You are mine.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Go and love...

My prayer:

Why do I let myself get so worked up over things that truly don't matter? It is the little things that seem so important at the time. Even now, thinking about it, I get myself all worked up again. Inefficiency, people who do their job poorly, people who make me late due to their issues...arrrgggg! 

Ok, I think I am done. I absolutely know that getting upset about this stuff does NO good. All it does is make me miserable, and often makes the people around me miserable.

God, I pray and ask for your peace, your wisdom and your help. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

Not everyone has the same talents and not everyone needs the efficiency that you do. You were made to find value in meeting deadlines and getting things done. Not everyone else was made for that. 

You must remember that all of my kids are unique. You must remember that there is value in every single person, not just those that are most like you. You must remember because I need you to love them all. It is my love on earth that will change people's hearts. My love is best seen through my people. 

When you start to feel that pressure and annoyance, try to remember that I need you to love them anyway. When you feel that pressure, remember that it is about more than that situation. Maybe, when you are in that situation you can take a moment for a quick prayer and ask me how I want to use the situation. My answer will most likely always be the same. Go and love.

Monday, October 16, 2017


My prayer:

Whooohoo did I get offended today! I know I am not supposed to. I know I am supposed to turn the other cheek. But, in the moment, as a big pile of proverbial crap was being dumped in my lap...yea, I am not proud of my reaction.

God I pray for peace and strength to brush that stuff off. I know, in my more lucid moments, that it doesn't really matter. I know that you will take care of it and show me crazy favor like always. I just need to remember that earlier.

Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

An offense is not something that is taken on lightly. Especially as my child, you know the consequences of offense. You know that it can fester into bitterness and cause poison in you. 

I don't expect for you to let go of offense immediately but I do expect you to let go. I will help. 

Hanging on will destroy you. Letting go will free  you. The sooner you let go, the sooner you are free. The longer you hang on, the longer you are trapped. 

I love you, now and forever. Release it all to me.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

God's direction...

My prayer:

I had a lot of fun today God but I am pretty worn out. Fun can be exhausting! Thank you for the luxury of a day of fun. Thank you for keeping me healthy to enjoy it. 

My request tonight God is for direction and inspiration. Were the things we talked about tonight from you or is just us getting bored and wanting to force things to get moving? I really don't have the energy to chase after anything that is not of you. 

Please give us wisdom and insight into what you want to do next. We will get right in there with you, if you want us to.

What God Said Tonight:

There is very little of what you want to do that is not also in my will. You have my heart and that heart drives your desires for the most part. Once in a while, something comes in that is not of me but those times are pretty obvious. This is not one of those times. 

Move forward in the direction you choose. I will be there with you.  We are living this life together.

Friday, October 13, 2017

You and me and Glory...

My prayer:

Today was a good day. Thank you for all that you did today. I pray your will continues to be done, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

I see a day in your future where there is no pain, there are no doubts, there is nothing but you and me and Glory. 

That day will be like none before it. The Glory of that day will live forever. 

There are days that do not end. They are so powerful, so meaningful, that they last long after the night comes. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017


My prayer:

Today was a long one! Very glad to be done and here with you God. 

My prayer tonight is for all of us who had a long, rough day. I ask God that you give us peaceful rest a new hope and inspiration in the morning. Wake us up with your vision, your direction, and your fire. Remind us of our purpose and help us to carry it out.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

Life is fragile and beautiful. One good smack in the right spot and your life can fall to pieces like a shattered glass globe. However, even broken glass has beauty and use. 

Sometimes it is the brokenness that brings out the true purpose. A glass globe is beautiful to look at but it has very little use. Break the globe and you have sharp edges to cut with, you have points to make tools. You have many uses. 

It can be the same with people, with your life. An unbroken life is beautiful to behold; however, it is not much use. When troubles come, someone who has not had any brokenness in the past will have no idea how to cope. Someone who has been broken and has survived knows what to do, knows they will make it through, and can help others around them. 

I don't break you but I know how to give the pieces of your life meaning and purpose. I don't break you but I know how to heal you, right in your brokenness. 

I love you, brokenness and all.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Every good thing...

My prayer:

I found some joy today God. Not a big heaping helping of it but I found some. I enjoyed every second of it too!

Thank you for moments of joy. Sometimes, that is all I need.

What God Said Tonight:

Every good thing comes from me. When you need "good" seek me out and you will find it. When you need joy, call out to me and you will have the joy you need. When you need blessings, call on me, seek me and when you find me, you will find the blessings. 

I am the Good Father. I will share with you all good things. 

Instead of chasing after the 'good things', running yourself ragged as they run away and dart around, just seek me and you will find every good thing. 

I love you and I am not stingy.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


My prayer:

Thank you God for hearing my prayer and helping me today. What could have been a really bad thing turned into no big deal because you helped me say what needed to be said and gave me favor with "man." THANK YOU!

Your favor is amazing. We often think about your favor in relation to finances (and that is wonderful) but it goes way beyond that. It is someone telling me my backpack is unzipped on the train. It is someone taking bad news with grace and generosity. It is all the things that go right, not because of any reason except you decided that they should go right.


What God Said Tonight:

A child of God is born with privilege. It is the privilege of being the King's kid. 

Walk in your privilege but always remember to share the blessing and the favor. They are for you but your love and generosity is what draws others to me. Share your blessings and I will multiply them. Always. 

I love you and I love blessing you.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Small blessings...

My prayer:

Thank you for all of the small blessings today God. They are not much on there own but they add up to make a pretty rotten day more bearable. Thank you also for your protection. You certainly rebuked the devourer for my sake several times today. As I look back on today, it was not great but it could have been so much worse.

Father, protector, redeemer, and giver of all good things. I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

A blessing's size is dependent primarily on the need. A well placed 'I love you' can make all the difference. Take a new look at those circumstances looming and see them through the lens of blessing.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Power to choose...

My prayer:

Headed into another week God. I pray that you help me to see the opportunities to help people. I pray for your patience and love to flow through me. I pray that you guide every step, every word, and every action of my week. I pray that your will is done.

What God Said Tonight:

There is little left to say and little left to know. 

There is joy around every corner and tragedy in the way. There is peace that passes all understanding and there is fear looking for release. 

This life, here in this world, is filled with contradictions. You , as a child of God, get to choose how and where you will live in it. You get the wisdom of seeing it all and the power to choose your path. 

I love you and I will provide for you every good thing. Seek out your blessing and pick it up. 

Saturday, October 7, 2017


My prayer:

Insecurity. You know God that this is not normally a problem for me but every once in a while, the right person says the wrong thing and I sit here questioning my self worth. The person probably did not mean anything by it, I know they didn't mean to hurt me in any way. I bet, if I asked, they would not even remember saying it. And yet, here I sit wondering if I am getting it all wrong.

The only opinion that really matters when it comes to me and my life, is yours. Am I on the right path? Am I missing something? Do I need to be doing something different, something more? Please, God, let me know.

What God Said Tonight:

It is not a matter of what you should or shouldn't be doing. 

Tonight was a reflection of your own self condemnation. It is the voice in side of you that has gotten quieter but has not yet been silenced that makes you think you need to perform in order to be good enough. It is the voice that tells you anything less than perfect is not enough. 

You are perfected in Christ. That is really all you need to know. Your path, your journey, your purpose has an eternity to roll out. 

I am with you. There is nothing more you need to know. 

If you want to do more, do it, but not out of a sense of obligation and not because you have to show me or anyone else you are good enough. You are good enough, right now, because I live in you. 

I love you, now and forever.

Friday, October 6, 2017

The joy of the Father...

My prayer:

Such great, deep peace tonight God. Not peace that comes from circumstances, that is for sure. But, great, deep peace from you. Thank you for a wonderfully slow day. It seemed like the world slowed down a bit today or maybe just I slowed down. Regardless, it was a really nice change. 

This moment, deep in your peace is so beautiful. I could stay here forever. I love you

What God Said Tonight:

I have prepared a place for you tonight. It is a celebration and a reunion. It is the joy of a Father whose daughter has put aside everything in her life to spend time only with her Father. 

I honor this time with you. I crave it. I cherish it. Spending time with you, loving you, it is why I created man in the first place. All I wanted was to live life with you and love you. Things got complicated, but my initial desire, that has not changed. 

Thank you for sitting with me tonight. Let my love be your blanket and my peace be your bed. I love you.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Ask and pray...

My prayer:

What a strange week this has been so far! I am left a little dazed and confused but grateful for you God. Your constant presence in my life is the core of my hope and my joy. 

This week in particular, I feel like I am praying pretty much all day every day so when I get here with you for this quiet time tonight, any prayers I might have are redundant. It seems far better to listen than to talk.

I am here, with love and hope, waiting for your voice.

What God Said Tonight:

Thanks for setting aside some time a bit earlier tonight. The struggles of this week are draining your reserves a bit and I did not want to miss that time together. I have a few things to tell you tonight. 

There is something on the horizon that will change the circumstances around you. You have been waiting for the change and you will like it but just a heads up that change is coming. 

Also, continue to pray for the hurting around you. Your prayers are activators for my kingdom to come down on earth and reign. I can do more, help more, intervene more when I am called into a situation. I am sovereign in all but as I gave you free will, I will keep my hands off of situations unless asked. So, ask. For yourself, for others, ask and pray. Activate my full power and grace in you and the world around you. 

I love you.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Divide and conquer...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I have been hearing conversations lately that convince me more than ever that I do not fit in this world. I know you have told me that I am not meant to fit in here, but, sometimes it is harder than other times. 

I definitely do not want to be somewhere everyone is the same or everyone agrees with me. I like diversity. I like challenging each others opinions. But, when the basic foundation of who someone is and what they care about is in direct conflict with my foundation and what I care about, it is hard to find any common ground.

Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed...I got that one down! Now, how do I live it out without getting so frustrated?

I love you. Thank you for listening to my whine.

What God Said Tonight:

Be aware and remember that one of satan's primary tactics is to divide, separate, and isolate people. If he can get you isolated, he has an easier access to mess with you. 

Don't let him do it. Reach out to those around you and find a commonality. Or, if you can't, find a way to love them anyhow. 

Love is more important right now than it ever was before. Learn to love everyone, always.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Love is our weapon...

My prayers:

I am horrified by the violence in Las Vegas God. These horrible massacres just continue to take lives. Almost every week and sometimes every day, there is something reported somewhere. Millions of people being terrorized. It has to stop. 

God, I pray for comfort and healing for the victims and their families. I pray for healing of this world so we stop killing each other. 

Please, Jesus, come back soon.

What God Said Tonight:

My angels and Holy Spirit are working overtime to see to the people who were hurt in this latest horrible outbreak of pain. 

A man, in great pain, chose to kill all that he could. There is no logic to this decision. It is born of pain and evil. Evil takes root in pain and flourishes. Love is the weapon against evil and pain. You can fight these horrors with love. 

Find a way to love and show compassion to everyone around you. Watch how it heals. 

Don't allow bitterness and pain to take root in you. Evil will nest in it and take you places you do not want to go. 

I am coming back, as soon as I can. While you wait, love like crazy. Love like me. 

Sunday, October 1, 2017


My prayer:

Today was different. There were a lot of surprises. Some good. Some not so good. But everything worked out in the end. Thank you for the opportunity to help today God. Thank you for putting me in the right place at the right time with the right people to help. That gentleman likely would have died today if you had not put us all there to help. Thank you for loving him enough to bring us together when he needed us. 

What God Said Tonight:

Sometimes I am in the wind. Today, I was in the wind. The wind that brought you to the place of need and the wind that created the need. The same impetus can  create both the problem and the solution. 

My glory reigns. My love triumphs in every situation. I love you. 

Trust in me and know that I can use anything for your rescue, I can even use the source of your problem to bring you your rescue. 

I love you  now and forever.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

God's assurance and mystery...

My prayer:

Every day we are faced with things that seem too difficult to bear and every day you get us through. I know I have said this before but I truly cannot imagine how people make it through one day without you. I would be completely lost, hopeless, and destroyed without you. 

Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for being you.

What God Said Tonight:

Your assurance is that I will always come through for you.. The mystery and excitement of life is waiting to see how I will do it. That will always change. 

How I work in your life is always changing so you remember it is me and not a formula. But, the truth that I will show up and take care of you is the constant and never changing truth you an rely on.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Love, empathy, and grace...

My prayer:

Thank you God for closing a door today. I love all of the opportunities you provide for me but I love it just as much when you make it clear what opportunities I should not follow. I love being your kid and I love walking your path in my life. 

What God Said Tonight:

When you see other people dance in celebration and joy and you feel their joy like your joy, that is love. When you see someone's sorrow and you heart hurts for their pain, that is empathy. When  you see someone deliberately try to harm you and you forgive and let it go, that is grace. 

Show off your love, empathy, and your grace. They come from me. I have planted them deep in your DNA. 

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Impossible situations...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I need to pray for something that I don't even have words for tonight. I need to pray for your help for my friends and I can't even say what that help looks like. 

They are in a situation that looks hopeless but their hope remains in you. They are facing things and fears they never thought they would have to face and they are believing in you to bring them through. 

I add my faith and my prayers to theirs. Hear our prayers, even those that have no words. In Jesus name we ask for your help.

What God Said Tonight:

When you run out of words, use mine. Let my Holy Spirit pray thorough you. 

I am on the job. I am not asleep and I am not somewhere else. I am with them. I am with you. I will not let them perish. 

I will be with them. I will strengthen them. I will help them through every impossible situation. 

There are things you do not know or understand in this situation. There is a love and a hope that I have nurtured in them for this time. I will give them everything they need to ride this storm. 

This is an opportunity for a great glory to be shown. This is a testimony in the making that will change lives. 

I love you. I have heard you. I am on it.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


My prayer:

Another day where nothing went as I planned but everything worked out. Thank you for your guidance God. Thank you for showing me the roadblocks for what they were. Thank you for understanding my frustration and giving me another path. You are so good to me!

What God Said Tonight:

Focus on the goodness surrounding you. I have placed you in the center of goodness. 

There are other things you can see and focus on. There is terror and there is war. There is the doom of a time you cannot change. But there is goodness too. 

Take all of your effort for the rest of the week and focus that energy on seeing with new eyes, the goodness I have placed around you. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Are you a follower...

My prayer:

Thanks for the time away God. It was so beautiful up there, like always. I feel like that is a special spot in the world that you save for me. Being there always soothes my nerves and revitalizes my soul. Thank you for the luxury of taking time from work and being able to really get away. 

While I have been disconnected, it looks like the world kept moving. So many needs, so many tragedies, so many dangers and I pray for your help in every single situation. I pray that you reach out and protect and heal your people. Thank you for being big enough, powerful enough, and loving enough to take care of it all.

I am ready for the day when the old world and the old heaven go away and you replace it with a new heaven and earth. I am ready for the day that we walk and live together, just as you had planned way back in the garden. I look forward to the day when my full time occupation is to give you praise. 

I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

Are you a follower? Are you one who will follow the lead of your Master? 

Not every leader is a follower and not every follower is a leader. I need you to be both. I need you to lead, as you follow me. I need you to recognize your place in eternity and stand in it. 

There are times I need you to stand up and make witness of me and my glory. There are times when I need you to follow my lead, stay silent and let my will be accomplished. 

The real challenge is understanding when you need to be each. The real challenge is not getting confused and leading when you should follow or following when you should lead. 

I love you. I will help.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Never worry...

My prayer:

So, a lot can change in a day. I guess you knew this was going to happen the whole time which is why you kept saying to wait? I really need to remember that nothing is impossible with you and just about the time I think I have it all figured out, you will change it up. 

Thank you for guiding, directing, teaching and helping me every day God!

What God Said Tonight:

Remember today as a perfect example of why you need never worry. 

I will always take care of you. I will always make sure you come out on top. I love you and I will see you prosper. Now and forever.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Glory within the tragedy...

My prayer:

Earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, head spins with the tragedy and need in this world. The best I know to do is pray God because only you are big enough to help us through this much trouble.

I pray God that you provide and protect the hundreds of thousands of people effected by tragedy this month, whether it was nature-made or man-made tragedy. Give them hope. Give them shelter. Give them food and give them love. I pray your healing power over their minds, their bodies, and their lives. 

Thank you God for your help.

What God Said Tonight:

I am your ever present help. I have sent legions of angels around the world to minister to my people. Some you will see and some you will not. 

Always remember that while there definitely is tragedy, there is also opportunities to love, to bless, and to heal. The outcome of tragedy does not have to be pain. When Lazarus died, his death was a tragedy but God the Father chose to use that tragedy to show his glory. In raising Lazarus from the dead, I took something that was meant for evil and pain and turned it into something to inspire and cause great awe. 

Look within the tragedy and see the glory I create. There is glory in rescue. There is glory in healing. There is glory in people coming together to help each other.

I love you.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

You will know...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am praying for wisdom and understanding tonight. 

I am not sure if what I am looking at is an opportunity from you or if it is temptation trying to get me out of position. It might not be either. It might be me grasping at straws, hoping for change. I don't know but I know you do. 

Please help me to understand. Guide me to the right decisions. Keep me in your will. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I know and understand why you are looking for the way out. I promise, when it comes, it will not be ambiguous. You will not have to question, "Is this it?" You will know and there will be little choice other than to move in that direction. 

A timing is preset for this. It is good to keep our eyes open but you will not miss this next change, opportunity. I will not let you. 

I love you and I want every good thing for you. You are mine and I am yours forever.

Monday, September 18, 2017


My prayer:

Whooo! What a difference a day makes! From peace and contentment to strife, struggle, and craziness, all in 24 hours! 

Thanks for being with me and getting me through no matter what is going on. And thank you for the good news to end this bad day! It didn't make all the bad of the day go away but it did remind me that you will bless me no matter what. 


What God Said Tonight:

Every piece fits together, eventually and for your good. 

I know things look rotten on the face of it all. You were slogging through mud today. But even mud has it's purpose. Used to build, it can be great. Walking through it can be tough and slow going. Whether the mud is holding your house together or dragging off your boots, the mud is still just the mud. It does not have intentions, good or bad. It just is. It is what you do with it that changes its usefulness. 

The same is true of the circumstances in your life. You can use them to help you build or you can try to walk through them and let them bog you down. Choose to build and you won't be sorry. 

I love you and we will build something amazing out of the mud from today.

Sunday, September 17, 2017


My prayer:

I spend so much time trying to figure this life out, but tonight, I am just happy to be here with you. I am at peace. I am rested. I am content. For once, I don't need anything, I am not asking for answers, and I am not complaining. I love you Abba.

What God Said Tonight:

Enjoy this moment. Contentment is not so easy to find in this world. 

Your  peace is lasting because it is not born from circumstance. Your peace is born in me. I never change so your peace does not change. 

Your contentment, however requires a stillness and maturity that is often hard won and difficult to keep. Contentment is meant to be transitory. If it was permanent, you would never grow and you would never change. 

Enjoy this moment of contentment. Hold it dear to you. But let go when it is time. 

I love you.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

God's survival kit...

My prayer:

Praising you for my life tonight God. I know I tend to complain but the truth is, I have it pretty good. A roof over my head, food on my table, a group of wonderful friends and family around me and, in the center of it all YOU! It doesn't get much better than that. 

I apologize for every time I have forgotten that. Thanks for loving me anyway!

What God Said Tonight:

A time of reflection is healing and can recenter your life and priorities. It is good. 

A life of joy, my joy, just is. You don't have to work for it, you just have to receive it. I give joy away freely with no strings attached. Connect with the joy I have put in you and you can weather any storm. 

Peace settles you and joy lights you up. Find my peace and joy in you and you will have all you need to survive. 

I love you, I am with you, I am never leaving you.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Freedom to...

My prayer:

What a great day God. Thank you for every minute. 

Thank you for freedom. Living the free life that you provide for me is pretty wonderful. When I was young I thought freedom came from being an adult. But, as I became an adult, I realized I had even less freedom. It wasn't until I truly began to understand your grace over my life that I began to experience freedom. 

I pray that everyone of your people gets to have the joy of your freedom in their life. No more guilt and no more shackles. 

I love you!

What God Said Tonight:

A freedom from something feels good for a moment. Freedom to something feels good forever. 

I give you freedom to. I give you the freedom to love me and be loved by me, no matter what. I give you the freedom to know that whatever happens in life, I have and will take care of you. You have the freedom to share this love and this freedom with everyone you meet. 

I love you.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Drink him in...

My prayer:

Thank you for the moments of joy today God. They were welcome little oasis.

My prayers tonight are for the usual, provision, protection, health, and peace for me, my family, my friends, and all of your kids throughout the world. Not very original but I feel like I need to get back to basics tonight. And, in that vein, I pray above all things that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I love you!

What God Said Tonight:

 It is not important to hear my words tonight. It is important to spend time together in the presence of my Holy Spirit. Drink him in. You need that refreshment. I love you.