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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Circus mirror...

My prayer:
Mighty God, thank you for your favor during the meeting today.  You always take care of me God.  I am so completely grateful to you.  I am nothing but you destine me to succeed every time.  You are so amazing.  God I am not worthy but I am grateful. 

God I feel like I haven't really sat and talked to you about what is on my heart in awhile.  I have been so tired by the end of the day, all I can do is be grateful for what you have done and I don't have a lot of time or energy to think or talk much beyond that. 

Fact is that life remains pretty amazing right now.  I am busy but happy.  I am tired but it is the tired that comes from honest work.  I am not getting everything done that I want but I am getting a lot done. 

And, fact is, everything I need, you provide. Every time I pray, you are there waiting.  Every time I need you for me or for someone else, you show up and show out.  How could I ask for more than that?  I love you God and I love this season we are in.  Thank you for life and for the blessings you are pouring out on me.

What God Said Tonight:
I want you to know something.  I want you to hear something.  It is something I have told you before.  It is something that you have learned the hard way before.  Tonight I don't want you to learn the hard way, I want you to listen to me so you can adjust before there are consequences. 

You are more than your accomplishments.  You don't have to "do anything" for me.  You don't have to do anything for my love.  I appreciate your service.  I appreciate that you want to do things for me but your worth is never based on that. 

You talk of being unworthy and it is true.  But my son came and sacrificed so you could be worthy.  If you don't accept your worth in him it is as if he died for nothing.  I need you to focus on who you are in Christ.  I need you to get your focus off your accomplishments.  I need you to get your eyes off of the approval of others. 

You are falling back into the performance trap and I can't afford to let you.  I need you  too much.  I need you to know who you are in my son.  I need you to see your reflection as clearly as I see you. 

You have been looking in a distorted mirror again, just like the funny mirrors at the circus.  You have been looking in a distorted mirror but you think it is real.  You are not what others say about you.  You are not what have done or what you have accomplished. 

You are a precious child of the most high God.  You are a royal priesthood.  You are a blood bought daughter who's life is so precious to me I sacrificed my own son to have you.  I laid down my life that you could have yours.  Now that you are redeemed and washed clean of your sin, stop seeing it as a part of you.  Stop looking to others to validate who you are and your worth.  Look in the clear reflection of my Word and see who you really are. 

I love you and I want you to remember your position through my son.  I want you to remember your authority that I have given you.  I need you to remember those things and not the circus mirror reflection.  You are who I say you are.  You are successful because I have told you that you are above and not beneath, the head and not the tail. 

See me in you and see clearly.  I love you daughter.  You need to rest tomorrow and recenter.  Get this right and the rest comes easy.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Guide in the storm...

My prayer:
Awesome God, Father, Lord and teacher.  God I am pooped tonight!  So much happening today, it is kind of a blur.  But, I love you and I don't ever want to miss our night time together.  Ending my day with you is perfect.  Starting my day with you is perfect.  Spending my day with you is perfect. 

God I pray and ask for your favor tomorrow.  I have another important meeting tomorrow and I need your help. Thank you God for blessing the work of my hands.

What is on your mind tonight God?  If you want to talk about anything, I am here.  I love you Daddy.

What God Said Tonight:
Bet you thought that today would never end.  All things end except our life together.  Hard times end.  Good times end.  Challenges end and blessings end.  Everything in this world is temporal except for you and me.  You , your brothers and sisters and me are eternal.  All else is temporary. 

Part of why I tell you not to worry is because whatever you are worried about today, will not be there tomorrow, or maybe the day after.  All things change, except my love for you.  All things have a season except for our relationship.  We are the constants in a world, an existence of constant change. 

You will always know and trust me. I will be your home base forever.  I will be your safe home for ever.  I will be yours forever.  Don't get lost in thoughts and worry over the temporary.  Keep you mind focused on the permanent, the unchanging, keep your mind on me. 

I will be the stability in the chaos.  I will be the guide in the storm.  I will be the zip line in the blizzard.  I am your true north and I will guide you through this constantly changing world. 

I love you daughter.  Rest and prepare for more tomorrow.  There is much left to do this week. There are things that you have put off that need your attention.  Rest and I will give you the time you need, tomorrow.  Sleep sweetly.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dance with me...

My prayer:
My God I am so grateful tonight.  Grateful for your healing power and you healing the cold that was after me this morning. 

Grateful for you answering prayers for jobs and provision for friends.  Grateful that you have filled my life with amazing, smart, beautiful and loving people. 

Grateful that you continue to lead, guide, protect, teach and forgive me when I get it all wrong. 

Grateful that you have planted me in a home church that loves you above everything else, no religion, no extra rules, just you and your word. 

Grateful that you have given me a safe and warm home to live in.  Grateful for the smartest cat in the world to keep me company. 

Grateful for an amazing mom who loves me no matter what.  Grateful for reconciling me with the rest of my family. 

Grateful for the opportunities to serve you.  Grateful for the ability to worship you freely. 

Grateful for you.  So very grateful for you.

What God Said Tonight:
Your life is a beautiful dance right now.  Dance with me my daughter.  Dance with me.  The music is beautiful, the setting is perfect and the steps we take together are in perfect sync with each other. 

The dance we dance is a joy to us and a joy to watch.  The dance we dance is for others as much as it is for us.  Our dance is a dance of intimacy and of joy.  Our dance is a dance of communion and of celebration. 

Dance with me through life.  Dance with me forever.  I will lead, stay in sync with me and we will create such beauty as you cannot imagine.  I love you my sweet dance partner.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Constant love...

My prayer:
Awesome God, you made my way prosperous today!  Thank you for the successful meetings today.  I love the way you bless the works of my hands.  You are so amazing. Everything I do in your name is blessed! 

I am so grateful for all that you do God.  You are everything.  What more can I do for you God?  How can I let you know how much you mean to me.  They sang "More than words" at church on Sunday and I keep thinking about that.  I tell you I love you all of the time but do I show you enough?  Do I show you that I love you the way that you show me every day? 

What can I do to show you God?  What can I do so you feel my love for you like I feel your love for me?  Maybe I can't, I mean you are God and I am not.  Maybe you have to be God to show someone that kind of love?  I don't know but if there is more that I can do, something different that I can do that will better show my love for you, tell me and I will do it.  They are just words but, I love you God!

What God Said Tonight:
Words are good.  I like it when you tell me you love me, just like you like it when I tell you, but actions are more meaningful. 

Your heart is shown in how you spend your time, what you think about and where you invest yourself.  Every time you choose to be with me, to serve me, to serve my people, you are showing me your love. 

You must remember though that you cannot earn my love nor do you need to.  My love for you is unconditional and is not effected by your behavior or your actions.  I loved you when you were knee deep in sin and couldn't see a way out.  I loved you before you were born.  I love you now and I will love you forever.  My love for you does not change.  My love for you is constant and everlasting.  My love for you is greater than any ocean and deeper than any valley.  I will never leave you. 

Your actions, the ways you show me love do not effect my love for you but they do make me feel good.  And, more importantly, they keep you on track. Doing the things that are good for you, things that will make your own way prosperous, things that make you the person you were intended to be. 

When you want to know what to do to show me love, look at the things my son did and do that.  You can never go wrong when you use him as your model.  That saying you have now of What Would Jesus Do? is a good one.  Ask it and then copy him.  I will know you love me and you will be blessed.  I want you to be fully confident in my love for you, never doubt and never wonder.  It is the one constant that you never have to question.  I love you now and forever, no matter what.  It is complete.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love counts...

My prayer:
Awesome God and lover of my soul.  God I love you and I am so grateful that you love me.  Here we are on Valentines Day, my second least favorite day of the year. 

God, I don't mean to be ungrateful.  I do so appreciate your love for me.  I am so grateful for how you show me that love every day.  I am so grateful for the amazing people you have put in my life that show me love every day.  All of that is entirely true and most of the time I can focus on that. 

But once in awhile, especially on a day like this, I can't help thinking of what I don't have.  I can't help but wonder if that husband you have talked to me about is ever really going to show up. It makes me wonder, maybe I am not good enough.  Maybe there is too much stuff in me that is messed up.  Maybe I am not cut out for marriage.  Maybe what I have today, you, amazing friends and family is what I will have for the rest of my life.  Is it enough?  Sometimes. 

Above all God, your will be done.  Your love truly is better than any love that exists.  I would rather have your love and no one else's than have the love of the whole world without your love.

What God Said Tonight:
What is this my love?  Why are you letting pressure of the world system make you doubt my purpose and plan for your life?  What is Valentines Day?  It is not a celebration that I called for although I like the idea of celebrating love. 

Love is inherently good and it is a absolute necessity for your life.  I am love and you were made in my image.  Your very existence requires love.  You are my love displayed on the earth.  You are the expression of my love to my people.  You are surrounded by so much love that it blankets you. 

You will have all of the love you dream of.  There is still time.  You will not want for any good thing.  I love you and I will make sure that you are loved every minute of every day.  Experience the love that is with you now and know that there is more to come. 

You know the promise I have given you.  Do not doubt it, especially not because of external pressure.  My promise is real.  My love is real.  My purpose for you is real.  Valentines Day, not so much.  Rest in my love my precious child and remember what counts.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The bunker...

My prayer:
Awesome God.  What an honor and privilege it is to serve you.  What an amazing experience to pray and watch you change people's circumstances.  What an incredible thing to see you time after time show up and heal people God. 

Two manifest praise reports of immediate healing today.  Your healing power has no boundaries.  Whether it is a headache, a common cold or cancer, you heal.  Thank you God for being our healer.  Thank you God for letting me be a part of your healing power.  God you get all the honor and the praise.  You are our healer.

I praise you God.  I thank you God.  I am in awe of you God. 

What God Said Tonight:
Healing is easy, it was already taken care of years ago.  I have a plan and a purpose that you don't see yet. You know pieces and parts and today was a part of it.  Your connections, your relationships are key to your future.  Your experiences today are the bedrock of your tomorrow.  Your decisions today lay the path for your tomorrow. 

You stay focused on what I put in front of you. But know that it is a part of a bigger pattern. 

I am having trouble getting through to you tonight daughter.  You have been distracted much of today.  Where is your mind and your thoughts? Why are you not able to focus on me tonight?  Keep me at the center and everything else will fall into place.  But, concentrate and keep me at the center.  Basic principles.  Keep me first, my people second and everything else will fall into place. Rest but renew your focus on me.  Keep your mind stayed on me. 

Wall yourself in with me like a bunker.  We are about to be in a battle.  The first volleys have already begun.  Keep in the bunker with me.  Stay protected and be my medic.  Pray for the injured. Pray for the injured in body, mind and soul. 

There will be casualties in this war.  Pray for them.  Be my light and my hands in this war.  I will do the fighting.  You be my medic.  Together we will see victory, I promise.  Now, go and rest, with your mind focused on me, and we will be ready for tomorrow.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


My prayer:
Awesome God.  I am in a bit of an introspective mood tonight. Today was great.  I love these sabbath rest days.  You are right, I need one a week or things get too out of whack. 

God, I have so many different thoughts and questions running through my head tonight, I am not sure where to start.  I am thinking about the point of life.  The meaning, or I guess not really the meaning, but how life is best spent. 

I spent a lot of years focusing on being "successful" in life.  I focused on excelling at work, always winning, always being first, always working harder and doing more.  I valued the accomplishment.  

You have shown me in the last several years that there is more.  That people, relationships are much more important than accomplishments.  So, is that it?  Is that how I am supposed to focus my time, on people and relationships?  Is there more beyond that? 

Of course, you are my first focus God.  You are above everything.  You have that verse that says seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.  Maybe that is the key?

I guess, there is so much going on right now, most all of it good, but everything is moving so fast, life is a blur and I feel like I am lacking focus.  I feel like I am losing track of basic principles.  God, I ask for your help and for wisdom.  I pray God that you show me where to focus.  I pray God that you make me a blessing to the people in my life and to you. 

I also pray over worship services throughout the world God.  I pray that your presence and power be present.  That people get to experience you personally and in a significant life changing way.  I love you God.

What God Said Tonight:
Your life feels like a blur and out of focus right now but that is ok.  I am in charge still.  You are uncomfortable because you are not in charge, you are not in control.  You always feel safer when you think you are in control, but you are not.  You are safest when you give in and let me take control. 

Stop trying to put boundaries or limits on this experience you are in right now.  Stop trying to make sense of it.  Just experience it.  You can't put your arms around this thing because you are living my dream for you and my dreams are bigger that you can imagine.  You can't fully comprehend everything going on or even everything you need to do right now because it is bigger than you. 

I love you so much. I know you can do this.  I know you can trust me for each breath.  I know you can follow my lead in the little and the big things.  I trust you to do it.  Now, trust yourself.  Trust that you have been prepared for this and you do not need to be in control.  Understand that if you were in control, you would ruin this.  Not on purpose but simply through the limitations you have in being human, you would ruin it. 

Trust me for each direction and continue to follow me.  I have such a plan and a purpose for you .  Trust me and stop trying to reason it out.  Pay attention to me, love me and love the people around you.  Anything more specific and I will tell you personally.  Keep moving forward and we will do more than you can imagine. 

Trust me and you will see things beyond your ability to imagine.  You will be a part of something that you won't be able to believe, even as it is happening.  You already are and it seems like you are loving it.  So, trust me for the next steps just as you trusted me to get you here.  I love you daughter.  Be mine forever. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Worry meter...

My prayer:
Mighty and awesome Lord.  Another amazing day.  Opportunities to pray with people, to share you, what more could I want. 

I am ready for a little rest again.  It has been a phenomenal week and I am so grateful.  I pray God that you give me rest and peace tomorrow to refuel for more. 

I love you God and really just want to hear what you have to say tonight.  What you have to say is always a lot more interesting than my stuff.  Probably due to you being the all knowing, all powerful and ultimate King of the Universe! :)  Love you Daddy.  What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
My mind is at rest and at peace tonight. I am pleased with you and with my children.  I am pleased with your faith.  I am pleased with your faithfulness. I am at peace knowing that everything is happening according to my plan and in my perfect timing.  I am always at peace because I always know the end from the beginning. I never have to worry because I know who wins. 

You know too, by the way.  If you trust me. If you believe me, you know that we win in the end.  You know that nothing can stop my will and my way in this world.  You know that we are more than conquers and we will win this war.  You know that we are destined to rule and to reign together for eternity.  You know this because I have told you. 

Do you believe it?  Your worry or lack of worry is the barometer of that trust.  When you worry, you should recognize it as a lack of trust in me.  Worry is your enemy.  It keeps you from the peace that I have for you and it does not add one positive thing to your life.  Worry is a thief.  Worry is a symptom that something is wrong in our relationship. 

A child who is confident in the love of her father, who is confident in her father's ability to take care of her, does not worry.  Check your worry meter regularly.  When it starts to crank up, come to me and spend time with me so we can repair whatever has damaged your trust of me.  Spend time with me so I can remind you how much I love  you and that I will take care of you, always.  Come to me to repair the damage. 

I love you daughter and your life can be worry free if everything is solid between you and me.  I love you.  Remember that aways.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

God's treat...

My prayer:
Awesome God I continue to rejoice in you.  God, you are so awesome and I continue to be amazed every day at what you do.  You are healing, providing, guiding and prospering us every day and I continue to be so excited to be a part of it God. 

God I know that all of life is about cycles and I know this cycle may not last forever.  I am going to enjoy every last minute of it while I can.  I am going to squeeze out every last drop of joy out of this time and I will remember it during the next season of waiting, trials or whatever.  But for right now, it is ALL JOY!!!! 

I think people might be getting a little sick and tired of me.  No one can stand someone who is the happy all the time!  God I pray that they see the joy is straight from you and that they can have it too.  I pray God that you fill their lives with this intense joy. 


There is a tiny part of me that worries about when this will end.  A tiny part that is waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I am sorry for that tiny part.  I am sorry for my doubt and my fear.  I don't want them and I give them up to you right now God.  I pray that you replace them with peace and trust in you.  I REALLY DO LOVE YOU!!!

What God Said Tonight:
What is it that you fear? You fear the joy ending? You fear that because you don't deserve the joy and the blessings that you will somehow have to pay for them someday?  Think about that a second.  You don't deserve it on your own and that is true, but I already paid the price for it so you can have it. 

If someone takes you out to dinner and pays the bill, do you worry for the rest of the night that the restaurant is going to hunt you down and demand that you pay?  No, of course not. They have already been paid.  You were the one being treated so your only job was to show up, enjoy it and show a little appreciation.  Your job was not to pay for it.  That was taken care of. 

It is the same way with your forgiveness/salvation, your healing, your blessings.  You don't have to pay for them. You just need to show up, enjoy them and show a little appreciation.  No one is going to come after you to pay the bill.  I already paid it.  I love you too daughter and I am with you always.  I will always "treat" you in this life. Just enjoy. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A party for God...

My prayer:
My God and Father.  What an awesome day God.  What a day of joy!  I am just giddy with joy tonight.  Not for any particular reason, although you are doing some mighty great things right now.  But I am filled with joy. 

I celebrate you God.  I celebrate all that you do.  I celebrate how your work in my life.  I celebrate how you work in others' lives.  I celebrate your healing power that never fails to amaze and delight me.  God you are truly awesome. 

God, what can I do to praise you appropriately?  I understand worship. I understand how to get to that intimate place of being with you and I love it. But tonight, I want to celebrate you.  I want to praise you!  And I feel so inadequate to do so in a way that reflects how I feel about you.  I feel like I want to throw you a party!  I want to gather together a bunch of people you love and have a party for you!  Now, you know God, that sounds like a good idea.  How would you like a party to celebrate you?  Not during Christmas or Easter or anything like that but just because we love you.  What do you think?

What God Said Tonight:
I would love a party my daughter.  I love to celebrate with my children.  I work pretty hard to make sure you are blessed and I love it when you appreciate it.  Much like a surly teenager, my children can sometimes forget to be thankful and appreciate.  Especially when what they get is not what they think they want. 

Celebrate me and your life in me every day.  Find ways to celebrate and you will have more joy tomorrow than you did today.  Find a way to remember all that I have done, find your way, and you will be blessed by it.  That is truly the reason I want you to celebrate.  I know how it will bless you. 

That's why I want you to do all of the things I tell you to do. It is all for your good.  It isn't so I can see if you will obey me and somehow affirm my position as God.  I already know who I am.  I already know that I am the master of the universe and the almighty creator.  I don't need your celebration to show that.  But you need the celebration to live the life of joy I have for you. 

Celebrate the little things and celebrate the big things.  Celebrate the breath in your lungs each day and celebrate the miraculous.  Celebrate and let the world see you celebrate.  Let them see what it is to be my child.  Let them see the joy that only comes from a life with Christ.  Celebrate for your sake and celebrate for their sake. 

Know that in that celebration I am always pleased.  Not just because you are celebrating me and that feels awfully nice but because of what I know it will do for you and the people around you.  Be my lighthouse daughter.  Don't forget to shine.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Greatest blessing...

My prayer:
Awesome Father, incredible God, great Creator, complete Healer, ultimate Teacher, final Redeemer, God of my life, soul, spirit and body, I worship you.  I worship you for who you are and I worship you for who you are in my life. 

I worship you because you dream bigger than I do.  I worship you because you know more than I do or ever will.  I worship you because you love me in a way that is greater than what I can even imagine.  God you think so big and I am so small.  My thoughts, my concerns are so small compared to you and what you can do. 

I am more than a little in awe of you God.  There are times, like tonight, that I sit here literally with my mouth hanging open, in stunned awe of your power and what you do.  Thank you God for loving me and choosing me.  I will never understand why you love and chose me but I will always be grateful. 

I love you God.  Have your way in my life.  Please don't be constrained by my limited ability to imagine or think.  God I want the things you see for me, not just he things I can imagine for me. 

What God Said Tonight:
Walking with you in this life is a blast.  I love that you take time to realize this stuff.  You have no idea what I have planned for you.  You will be so amazed.

I don't have to be in a box with you anymore and that is good.  I am free to do exceedingly, abundantly and above all that you have seen or hoped for.  I am free to bless you to overflow.  You should get ready because your greatest blessing yet is on the way.  Prepare for the intense joy like you have never known.  Get ready to be out of your mind with joy.  Be ready to experience me, my kingdom, my blessing in a way that you never have before. 

I will show my blessing in every area of you life.  Your finances will be blessed, your family will be blessed, your church will be blessed, your friends will be blessed, every where you walk will be blessed.  I am getting ready to pour it out on you and you will be stunned and possibly a little hysterical with joy.  I can't wait to see you laugh with the joy of it all.  I can't wait to see what you do with it.  I can't wait to just see your face my dear. 

I love you and the blessing has been loosed...get ready because here it comes!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Heavy lifting...

My prayer:
Awesome God this was a long day but a good one.  You blessed me all day God and I am grateful.  I am also really tired again.  I have been saying that a lot lately.  I love that you have so many exciting opportunities for me these days.  As a result, (notice how carefully I did not say "but" :)) I also get to the end of the day with barely the ability to put two thoughts together. 

Thank you God for renewing my strength every night.  Thank you that even when I think I have nothing left, you always have more for me.  More strength, more endurance, more of whatever I need.  Thank you God for always being whatever I need.  I love you.  What do you want to talk about tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
What is the difference between your strength and mine?  Mine never wears out.  As you try to do things in your own strength, you will always fail in the end.  Your strength will always wear out sooner or later.  Mine never will. 

You are getting tired because you are trying to do much of it in our own strength.  Rest in me and remember that when you rely on my strength you will never grow weary.  I love you and I love that you want to try, but stop wasting your time and energy spinning your own wheels.  Give it all over to me. 

I will guide and direct you always.  I will give you each thing in the right time.  You don't have to push so hard right now.  You don't have to try so hard right now.  Give your will over to me and rely on my strength and you will not faint or stumble.  Go rest now.  Tomorrow follow my lead and let me do the heavy lifting.  Love you sweetheart.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


My prayer:
Awesome God, I love you and I thank you for today.  Thank you for keeping me safe.  Thank you for incredible opportunities to serve you and your people.  Thank you for amazing friends and time to spend with them.  Thank you God for multiplying the hours of this day to get it all done!

God, I am teaching/training tomorrow and it has been a month or so.  I am excited, but I ask God that your favor be on me.  I ask God that you help me to do a good job and the work of my hands be blessed by you.  Help me to teach well.  Thank you God for the gifts you have given me and I ask that you help those gifts shine through tomorrow.

Awesome healing Father, you also know the prayers today for you to do a true and mighty miracle in my friend.  God, I pray that we get the praise report of your healing power tomorrow morning.  I thank you God that you have already done the miracle, you have already healed, but I ask now for that confirmation tomorrow am at the doctor's appt.

Thank you God for being everything I need.  Thank you for being more than I can hope for.  I love you God!

What God Said Tonight:
Waiting on me and my timing is not fun, but it is necessary.  I hear your thoughts now, you think I am saying that I won't give you the praise report tomorrow a.m. and that is not necessarily so.  But remember regardless of the report tomorrow,  I am God and I will handle this situation that you have brought to me as I have promised to handle every situation you have brought to me. 

I am your Father and I will always take care of you and the things that are important to you.  Some things are important to me for no other reason than they are important to you.  I love you so much that the things you care about, the people and the situations you care about, I automatically care about. 

Can you say the same about me?  Is your love for me enough that you care about things just because they are important to me?  Saving souls is important to me.  To do that, I need witnesses.  Are you willing to tell people about me even when it is uncomfortable, just because it is important to me?  I hope so. 

I have gifted you with many things,  I have given you many talents.  I appreciate that you use them all for me and my kingdom.  Sometimes, I need you to do more.  Sometimes I need you to step out and do things that you are not talented with, you are not gifted with just because it is important to me that it get done. 

I know you and I know you are faithful.  I know that anything I ask of you you will do.  I love that.  Know that I may need to ask you to do some things soon that are not things that come naturally to you.  I am going to need you to do some things just because they are important to me and I need a willing servant to do them. Will you do the stuff you aren't good at?  I promise I will fill the gaps and make it work but I need you to step out and do things that you are not good at so we can get them done. 

Are you up for it?  I hope so.  I need you daughter.  I love you and time is short.  We need to finish some things now.  Rest well and know that I am with you now and forever.  I am yours my dear. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Greater view...

My prayer:
Awesome and incredible God, my Father.  Thank you for today! Thank you for rest.  Thank you God!!! I needed it. 

Now tonight, I am looking out my window at more snow that has fallen leaving snow packed roads and it has me worried.  God, tomorrow is the Superbowl and it is going to be hard enough for people to make it to church.  Add bad roads to that and they have a lot of excuses not to go.  I don't want people to miss out. 

But you say that I should worry over nothing and pray over everything.  So, God, I pray and ask that take care of this.  I put it into your hands.  I pray God that you encourage your people to gather and to worship tomorrow.  I pray God that you take care of the roads and protect us all as we travel to church.  God I pray your hedge of protection around us.  I thank you God that you are all powerful and you can handle this. In Jesus name, I ask God. amen.

What God Said Tonight:
I knew that it would snow today. I knew that it would be on Superbowl Sunday.  I know all of it. 

Sweet daughter, there are often plans that you don't understand.  One of the reasons I tell you not to worry, not to fear is because your fear and worry are often a result of your limited view.  I have a greater plan that you don't see yet.  I need you to trust me. 

I need you to know that things that may appear to be a a hindrance are actually carefully planned to meet my will in a given situation.  They are often the things that I use to make a miracle.  They are often the things I use to show you that it is my power and my omnipotence that is in charge.  If I always did things the way you expected me to, you would never know for certain that it is me.  I need to use the foolish things, the things that don't make sense , so you know that it is me and not coincidence or your own will, power or skill. 

I love you daughter.  I will take care of this and every situations.  When things don't seem to go your way, step back and trust me to use it anyway.  Rest well and be ready to serve.  My love for you is greater than the mountains are beautiful.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Much needed rest...

My prayer:
Awesome Father, my God.  This was a long week and I am all out of words, thoughts and energy.  All I really want right now is a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.  But I couldn't miss meeting with you.  I couldn't miss talking to you and hearing what you have to say.  It is the best part of my day.  Tell me God, what  is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:
You do not need to rely on your own strength in times like this.  Let me be your strength.  I will never fail you daughter. 

Your week was long but it was good.  You were able to see many new things, new blessings, new accomplishments in the kingdom of God and that is important. 

You rest tomorrow.  Take that sabbath that I have explained is so important and I promise you will be ready to get back at it on Sunday.  I love you and I will renew you.  I will replenish you.  I will refill you.  So, go, rest and we will meet back here tomorrow. 

I love you daughter now and forever. You are more precious than the most dear jewels and you are worth more to me than you will ever be able imagine.  I promise I will take care of you always.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Answered prayer...

My prayer:
Mighty God.  I feel like all I have done this week is ask you for help.  For me, for friends, for countries, there have been so many needs this week.  And you God have shown up every time and taken care of it. 

I am so grateful that you allow me to bring you all of these problems and I am so beyond grateful that you answer every prayer.  Sometimes you answer right away (I love when you do that!) and sometimes I have to wait but you always answer. 

God thank you for answered prayer.  I don't want to ask for anymore right now God.  I just want to know what you want, what you need.  What can I do for you God?

What God Said Tonight:
I will always answer your prayer.  I will always listen and respond to you.  You are my daughter and my creation.  I love to hear from you. 

I understand when you have many needs and I am glad that you bring them to me.  That is the right response to life's struggles.  I am the answer, always.  I don't get tired of hearing from you.  I don't get tired of helping you. 

I also love when we just spend time together though.  I appreciate when you come, like tonight, without an agenda just to be with me.  I love you so much and that means I want to spend time with you, I want to give you things. I want to take care of you.  You are never a burden.  You are my love.  You are the object of my love. 

You worry about people, you worry about their circumstances. You said tonight that your heart breaks.  My heart breaks sometimes too.  But, as you give these things to me, you can stop worrying about them.  I will take care of them.  You do not have to worry about whether I hear.  You don't have to worry if I will respond.  I will.  I promise.  While you are yet praying, my answer is on the way. 

I love you daughter.  Keep praying.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Know God's heart...

My prayer:
Awesome and mighty God.  I love you God.  I am so grateful that you, through your grace and mercy, love me. I am so grateful for you in my life.  I am so grateful that I get to experience your power and your presence every day.  Not everyone does.

Thank you for hearing my many prayers throughout this day.  Thank you in advance for what you are going to do in each of those situations.

What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
Your prayers were heard and I am already answering them.  Thank you for bringing them to me.  Thank you for pointing out those needs.  Thank you for being an intercessor when others need you to agree or to just pray for them. 

I am desperate search of true relationship with my people.  I am desperate for people to know me.  I am desperate for you to know me even more.  I need you to know my heart in every situation.  You have learned obedience, now I need you to know for certain what my will is in every situation. 

You will know it as you know me.  As you understand what is important to me, what I care about, you will always know my will and you can work with me and not against me.  I need, I want us to be on the same side always.  I am yours and you are mine. 

I am your Father, your King, your teacher, your Lord and I will love and guide you always.  I am anxiously waiting for the day when all of my children know me.  Really know me and know my heart so that we can all be working together to accomplish all that we need to in these last days. 

I love you daughter, draw closer to me, learn more about me, spend more time with me.  Let us find the way to live, love and work together each day for our commons dreams.  I love you daughter and we have a lot to do.  All of it will be easier if you know what I want instead of needing to ask me each time for my will and my guidance. 

I love you.  Show me off.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Come running back...

My Prayer:
Awesome God.  My heart is hurting tonight.  How is it that we, your children, who know you, love you and know your love allow ourselves to get separated from you?  Even when we know better.  We know that when we allow it, we end up in a pit of despair that is meant to destroy us.  And yet, time and again, we seem to forget and let satan, the world or even just our own bad decisions and laziness get in between you and us. 

I've done it.  My very best friends who have loved you their entire lives have done it.  Everyone, every Christian, I know has done it.  Even Adam and Eve did it. 

God I am so sorry for every time that I allowed something to get between you and I.  Thank you for your grace and your mercy to always bring me back to you.  Thank you for never giving up on me. 

God I pray for every person who has allowed something to get in between you and them tonight.  Whether they did it consciously or unconsciously, God I pray that you draw them back to you.  I pray that you give them a very real experience of you tonight.  I pray God that you remind them of your love for them. Let them feel that love tonight. 

Thank you God that you always take us "prodigal sons" back.  Thank you that as long as we are alive, we never run out of chances to return to you.  I love you God.  I don't ever want anything to come between me and you again.

What God Said Tonight:
I will never leave you or forsake you.  I said it and I meant it.  You are mine and I love you.  I will always take you back.  I will pursue you when start to drift away. 

You are asking "why" tonight and I am not sure if I can explain it.  It hurts my heart, my Spirit, when you allow things to get between us.  But I am God and I can take it.  I will never stop loving you even if you stop loving me.  My love is forever.  I will always welcome you back because I can't help myself.  My love for you is so complete that I can have no other response. 

That is perfect love.  When you have perfect love, you won't allow anything to ever come between us again.  Until then, you are perfecting your love for me.  In that process, there will be setbacks.  There will be times when you get it wrong.  Those times are not to be despised. Those times help you to grow and help you to get to that place of perfect love.  It is all a learning process. 

My love for the prodigal son is not less because he left me and returned.  If anything, it is more. He was faced with a choice and chose me.  He considered the alternative, tried it and chose me. His choice, his love for me is stronger upon his return than it ever would have been had he not left. 

But the important thing is to come back.  Don't get lost out there.  I understand that there are these times of growth, but don't get caught out there.  As soon as you realize we have gotten separated, come running back to me.  I will take you up in my arms and I will love you.  But come running back. 

It is kind of like when you were a kid and you got lost in the store.  When you realized you were lost and then when you saw your mom in the distance, you went running to her as fast as you could and she gathered you up in her arms, so glad to see you safe. 

That is how it is with us.  I don't get angry at you for straying, but I worry for you.  There are so many bad things that can happen to you when we are separated.  So, come running back to me.  I will gather you up, safe in my arms and our love will be even better than before.  I love you so much and I will never let you go.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Protection in the word...

My Prayer: Mighty Father God.  Thank you for your protection today.  Today was dangerous.  There were so many accidents on the roads, it was so cold, a lot of people are not safe at home tonight.

Thank you for taking care of me, my family and my friends.  You are an awesome protector.  You are my protective covering and you keep me from harm.  God I love that.  I love when you keep me from harm. 

There is a part of me that still fears a little though.  As much as I love and trust you, I still see bad things happen to good people and it is hard for me to understand.  I know you have explained it to me before.  I know it is a result of the sin in the world and choices made around that sin, consequences of those choices.  And, most of the time, that makes sense and I am able to concentrate on your promises over my life and the fact that you so completely protect me.  That even when something seemingly bad happens to me, like a car accident, you make sure I am not hurt, the other people in the accident aren't hurt, that the insurance covers the repair costs and that everything is taken care of. 

I guess that is what your protection really means.  You can 't always keep the circumstances from occurring but you can keep them from hurting me.  You can arrange it so that the bad thing that happens doesn't effect me the way it would otherwise.  I need to remember that.  I need to remember that you will take care of everything and not let fear in. 

I love you God.  I love that you protect me.  I love that I can trust that protection.  Thank you for protecting me.

What God Said Tonight:
Thank you for remembering the lessons I have taught you in the past, the things I have taught you.  I don't mind repeating myself, but it is a sign of growth when you can remember the lesson and remind your self instead of needing me to remind you. 

You spoke truth, I can't always change the circumstance but I can always bring you through it as long as you lean on me and trust me.  You have to follow me and hold onto my word, my direction through every circumstance.  That is where the protection is. 

The protection is when you hear and trust my word.  The protection is when you are obedient to my word. I gave you every instruction, all of the knowledge you will ever need.  I gave it to you in the Bible.  Read it, study it and learn it so that you have the tools I provided for you.  

When you don't learn my word, you are handicapping yourself and living with less than I want you to have.  You are keeping yourself from having the tools and blessings that I want for you. 

You will need to study the word everyday.  Mainly because there is so much in it that even if you studied everyday for the rest of your life you could not cover it all; but also because it is living and active and will speak into your unique situation.  Don't get lazy or complacent.  Really study the word every day so you have the tools I intended you to have to fight this fight of faith. 

I love you and I want all of the very best for you.  I want you to have every weapon possible.  I want you to remain safe in my arms and in my word every day.  Read, study learn and be better equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

God's plans...

My Prayer:
Awesome God, my Father.  God, I want to thank you tonight for the amazing church you put me in.  Thank you for an amazing Pastor who knows how to encourage and release us into our ministry for you like no one I have ever seen.  Thank you for the amazing worship band that leads us to that intimate place of worship with you every week.  Thank you for the staff, the volunteers, the prayer warriors, and the incredible loving people. 

You have blessed me more than I could have ever known or expected.  When you first told me it was time to change church homes, I thought I must be hearing you wrong.  Why would I want to leave my church home of 12 years?  I loved it there.  I had family there. I had a place to serve there. 

What I didn't see was that you had a bigger plan.  You had a better plan.  I pray God that you always help me to remember that.  To remember that you always have a bigger and better plan.  To remember that no matter how great I think something is, you have something greater. 

I am running out of words again.  There are some things that are so wonderful that I don't have enough words to talk about it.  But, I am more grateful than I can say. 

I pray God that you lead each and every one of your children to that church home that is as perfect for them as Reverb is for me.  A place where they can learn, grow, serve and get to know you better.  A place where they can take all of that and spread to the rest of their lives and their week. 

God, thank you for an amazing church home.  Thank you for your guidance.  I love you God.  What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
Well, you said a mouthful tonight daughter.  You are welcome for your church home.  I am glad that you were obedient to my leading even when it didn't make sense to you.  I promise that every time you follow me and what I have told you to do, even when it doesn't make sense, even when it seems crazy, I promise, it will always be for your good and the good of the kingdom. 

You are learning to hear my voice more clearly every day.  You are learning to follow my lead more closely and more quickly every day.  That is good.  The better you get at that the more sensitive and the more obedient you are, the more we can do together. 

I love doing things with you.  I love hanging out with you but I love doing things with you.  You always get such a kick out of seeing my power and your joy makes me happy.  It is fun to do things with you. 

You are where I need and want you to be.  I know that you were skeptical at the beginning.  But now you see my plan.  Thank you for being obedient before you could see the plan.  You will need to do that more and more.  As you grow, I will stretch your faith because it will make you stronger.  It will make you more of what I need and want you to be. 

Your future and my plans for you are truly glorious.  I have a plan and a purpose on your life.  To get there, these are the steps we must take.  These are the things I need you to learn.  It is so good that you are documenting these things.  The next time I ask you to do something that seems crazy, come back and read this as your reminder that my plan for you is truly greater than what you can imagine or think of for yourself.  Remind your self that I can do more with one act of faith than you can do on your own in a lifetime. 

I am the power and the strength behind the dream and I will always be on your side.  You are about to embark on another week.  This one will not be quite like the ones in the past.  You will have surprises this week.  You will be blessed and you will be stretched.  You will have opposition and you will have favor.  In the midst of it all, remember I have a plan and purpose and I will guide you always.  Trust in me and trust in the plan. 

I love you daughter.  Rest  in my presence tonight.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


My Prayer:
God my God.  I am coming to you tonight from a place of...want?  I am not sure how to explain it God.  When I look at my life, the richness of it, the amazing people, the amazing opportunities, I think, who am I to want more?  Who am I to say it is not enough. 

It, my life is more than I could have ever imagined even a couple of years ago.  I should be satisfied.  But, I am not very good at being satisfied. It seems like I always want more God.  Is that greedy?  Is it wrong God?  Should I be content with the amazing blessings you have poured out on my life? 

Paul talked about being content.  I think I should be content, but I am not.  I want more.  No matter how much you give me, how much you bless me, I always want more.  Yep, that sounds greedy.  God, I guess it is true.  I am greedy for you.  I am greedy for all that you have for me.  I am greedy for the promises you have on my life.  I want it all and I want it now.  I want all that you have God.  Call me greedy, but I want it all.

What God Said Tonight:
You are greedy my child but it is a greediness I can support.  You want what I want.  You want what I have already planned for you.  It is good, you should want that.  You should be greedy for me. 

I am greedy for you.  I am greedy for your attention, for your time, for your presence.  I want to be with you all  the time.  I hate those times when I am excluded from you life.  They are less and less frequent but they break my heart.  When you exclude me, push me outside of your life, that breaks my heart. 

I am as greedy for you as you are for me and for my will.  I want more for you than you want for yourself.  It is all moving as fast as is possible and is proper.  There are some stages of preparation that are needed so you can handle the next things.  But t is all coming your way.

Your "greed" for this is not a negative thing.  It is not  thing to be ashamed of or to be self conscious about.  This greed is a good thing.  If you are going to be greedy, be greedy for me as I am for you.  Be greedy for my kingdom and my promises. Be greedy for the plan that I have for your life. 

You are destined and set aside for this purpose.  You are ordained for my service and you will have all that you desire because your desires are in perfect alignment with mine.  I love you daughter.  Keep striving for me and you will get what you desire. 

I love you my sweetness.  You are like a young child, full of promise. Your best days, your future is ahead of you yet.  Each day is one day better, one day closer and one day more of opportunity to live the dream that I have placed in you.  You will see it all my daughter  but go ahead and be greedy in this case.  It will serve you well to be greedy for me and my purpose. 

Each step, each process and each new step is ordained by me and will be perfect as long as you are following me.  Trust me, it is all coming your way.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Walk in the garden...

My prayer:
Awesome, amazing, wonderful father God.  I love you so much.  I worship you for who you are.  I am grateful for all that you do.  I praise you for what you accomplish. 

You are phenomenal God.  You created everything that is.  You are Lord of all.  The universe is your creation and I bow down and worship you.  I remain in awe of you every day.  I am stunned by your power, your love, your knowledge, your peace, your victory.  I am in awe of you. 

You are everything I could ever hope for.  You are my hope God.  Because of you, I know that i always have a hope and a future.  Because of you, I can accomplish things that I could never do on my own.  Because of you, I am assured a future forever in heaven with you.  I am assured of eternal life. 

Wow!  I think I take that for granted sometimes.  I can't really wrap my mind around forever, eternity and so I say the words, but I don't really understand it.  I am assured ETERNAL life because you died for me.  I am trying to let that sink in a minute. 

I have been feeling kind of old lately but if I think about it in terms of eternity, age really has NO meaning.  I have just begun my eternal life.  God, I can never thank you adequately for your sacrifice but I can give you my life.  I can dedicate my life to you.  I can be available and faithful to be your hands and feet anywhere and any time.  God I am yours.  Tell me anything you need and I will do anything I can to see it happen.  I love you Daddy!

What God Said Tonight:
Your faithfulness and your willingness is not in question. You remain one of my front line soldiers daughter.  I love your willingness to see my power work in people's lives. 

You will need some preparation for this next phase.  You will stretch further than you have in the past.  You will need to do some things that are uncomfortable, but you should be getting use to that. 

I love you and I am so grateful that I have you.  You are what I intended you to be.  I need your brothers and sisters to catch the servants heart that you have.  You prayed for it and I was more than happy to provide it for you.  It is how I intended you to be from the beginning.  Before pride, before sin, Adam and Eve were faithful servants and it was perfect for awhile. 

Now, there is much that is not perfect but when you take on the servant's heart, when you serve me and my people, when you give first and worry about getting yours later, that is close to that perfection we started with.  That is close to where I want us all to be. 

I want more than you know to move into the age of peace.  I am so ready to walk in the garden with you.  But, there are more that need to come to me.  There are some who don't know about me yet.  There are some that have only heard the religious rhetoric.  There are those who have been hurt by religion and people and have run from me.  There are even those who have never heard of me. 

I need every person to have the opportunity to choose.  When that is accomplished, we can leave the evil that has run rampant in this world and live in peace and joy.

Until that time, keep talking to me, keep listening to me and spend time with me in the garden.  I love you daughter. You will do great things.  You will reach many of those that I am talking about, the ones that don't know me.  Show me to them.  Help them to know me. 

Thank you daughter.  Rest in my love tonight.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lean on me...

My Prayer:
Mighty God.  I am wiped out again tonight.  I love all the wonderful opportunities and all that we are doing.  At the end of the day, like now, I just am out of energy and ready to fall into bed...if I make it there! 

But, I am not complaining.  I truly love this time.  I love all the opportunities to minister, to pray to love on your people.  I love the opportunities at work to do new things every day.  I love that life is not stagnant right now but it is moving and full of purpose.  I truly love it God.  Thank you for this time and for all that you are doing.  You are my God, my Lord, my Father, my teacher and my redeemer and I love you more than I can ever say. 

What God Said Tonight:
My daughter, my love.  You are walking in my Spirit now and that is why it is so exciting.  You are where I need you to be.  I know that there is a lot, but I will continue to provide all that you need.  One step at a time, one moment at a time, one task at a time.  Just do a little each day and before you know it, we will have accomplished all that I set out for you to do. 

I have not and I will not give you more than you can handle.  But, I will give you enough that you can only handle it if you lean on me and trust me to help you through it.  I will give you enough that you can't quite carry it on your own so that you will always need me. 

I gave you skills, abilities and strength and all of that is good.  But I have to push you a bit so you don't rely on those things but you rely on me.  That is the only way you can truly be successful and accomplish everything that your heart desires.  Your dreams are bigger than your abilities.  That is where I come in. I am here to fill the gap and to make you more than you can ever be on your own. 

I will, I have destined you to succeed.  You are above and not beneath.  You will come out on top.  I promise.  I am with you and I always win.  Stay with it, one moment at a time.  I will continue to guide you and direct you.  Lean on me and trust me and we will get there before you know it.  Our destination is assured.  I love you daughter.  Rest and we will go at it again tomorrow, together.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

You are worth it...

My prayer:
Glorious and awesome Lord.  Thank you for your protection.  Thank you for healing more people today! 

God you are incredible.  I love you so much.  I love being a part of your kingdom, your family and getting to be a part of your ministry.  Life is so crazy and exciting right now!  So much to do and all of it is fantastic!  I want to hold onto this season but part of what I love about it is that is constantly changing...kind of crazy, I want a season that is full of constant change to not change by keeping up with all of the changes...God, I am glad you know what I mean because I don't think I am doing a very good job of explaining it myself tonight. 

Bottom line, thank you for life, opportunity, salvation, healing, power, protection and every wonderful thing you do for us every day.  I love you more than life.

What God Said Tonight:
You are so very precious to me.  You mean the world to me my daughter  I have been teaching you a lot lately.  Thank you for your obedience and faithfulness. Thank you for listening and for being open to instruction.  But tonight, I want to love on you.  I want to remind you of how amazing you are.  You use that word with me all of the time.  You are covered by me, you are covered in my blood.  As such, you get to wear that "amazingness" as your cloak. 

My covering doesn't just sit on you like clothing though.  It soaks into you changing you into the person I intended you to be before sin polluted your life.  You are washed clean and more beautiful than any sunrise. You are more precious than the finest gold.  You are everything I hoped you would be.  You are perfect in my covering.  You are a royal priesthood.  I designed you for great things. 

You have begun a journey with me that will never be fully complete.  You and I get to travel on this road for eternity and I can't imagine anyone I would rather be with.  My children are my whole purpose. 

I am not disappointed in this side track we have taken as a result of sin.  I knew it would happen before I first created man.  I knew it and decided it was worth it.  I knew that I would need to sacrifice my son for your sin and I decided that you were worth it.  I knew that there would be wars and conflict and I decided you were worth it.  You are worth it daughter.  This time together is worth it.  Our future together is worth it.  I treasure my children and every moment with each of them.  I treasure my time with you.  You are worth it.  Know your worth in me. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The secret of patience...

My Prayer:
Incredible Father God!  You are so amazing!  God I want to thank you for your patience with me.  You told me to start the new fan page for praise reports and answered prayers almost a week ago and I drug my feet a bit and almost talked myself out of it.  I decided that no one would want it or want to post on it. 

But then, I started thinking about every time that you have told me to do something that I have delayed doing and I knew I would be stuck right there until I did what you had told me to do.  So, today, I did it and you are already blessing it and spreading your word! 

Why do I doubt?  Why do I delay?  When am I going to learn?  I am asking you these questions but they are really the questions that you should be asking me.  But, you don't.  You just wait on me to figure it out.  You wait for me to realize that you have already taught me about this and even then, you let me choose.  God you are awesome.  What amazing patience you have.  

Thank you for teaching me.  Thank you for your patience.  Thank you for giving me room to learn and figure it out.  You are awesome God!  I really need to come up with some other words to describe you but my vocabulary simply isn't big enough.  Please don't ever give up on me God.

What God Said Tonight:
Why would I give up on you?  You are my daughter and my creation.  I know your potential.  I know your future.  It is easy to be patient when you know the end from the beginning.  It is easy to be patient when you know how it will all work out.  I know already every struggle you will face.  I know every battle you will try to fight.  I know every victory and every blessing in your life. 

I have all the patience in the world because I have an eternity with you.  You are still thinking of time in a worldly way and that is when you get impatient. But I see time for what it is.  I see time as an imperfect yard stick in a vast never ending existence that has no end.  How can you measure something with out end?  You can't.  There are no borders on time with me so time itself, as a measurement, has no meaning.  We have all the time we need. 

That does not mean that I don't have a schedule.  There are a series of events that need to happen.  I have laid them out for you.  Each and every one will happen and will happen "on time" according to my will.  But I am in charge of the timing.  Just as I am in charge of the timing in your life.  Once you realize that and stop fighting it.  Stop rushing some things, stop delaying other things and get into the river of my will and timing, your life will be much less stressful. 

I love you daughter and I promise, I will NEVER give up on you. NEVER.  Rest in my blessing for you tonight.