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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Monday, November 22, 2021

For tonight, rest...


My prayer:

Thank you for your kindness and your healing power God. Thank you for giving me favor with you and man. Thank you for loving me so much better than I even know how to love. I am yours, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

Tonight, rest. Do not let your mind dwell on the challenges of today or the blessings of tomorrow. Let your mind, your spirit, and your soul rest in me. Quiet them all to find their rest in me. Surrender them all to me and I will give you rest. 

There is  nothing that tomorrow will bring that will be improved by your thoughts or worries about it tonight. I promise, I will bring you each thing that needs to be done as it needs to be done. I will guide your every step. Let me do the planning and you do the following. 

But for tonight, rest, find your peace in me and rest. I love you now and forever my child. Rest in that love.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Call out to Jesus...


My prayer:

Sweet Father. Thank you for today, for the healing and the rest. Thank you for the calm assurances and for taking care of everything. You are such a good Father. I am grateful to live in your loving care.

What God Said Tonight:

The people, the crowds, they are lost without a leader and in danger without their Father. I am here. I am waiting. I am broken hearted to hear their cries. Their cries for help, their cries for justice. It they will just call out my name. If they would just invite me in. I will help. 

It is my greatest desire to help my children in this time of great termination. I love you and I will help, if you will just ask. My heart is breaking for the many who will not make it. The many who will not call out, will not believe. I know what is coming and you cannot face it without me. 

Please, let me kn, let me help you. All of you.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Worth and identity...


My prayer:

Awesome Father. You know what is coming tomorrow, much better than I do. I pray for your help and your favor. So many things could go wrong but I know, you have shown me so many times, that with you in charge, it can all turn out perfectly. 

Cover my inability and errors and have them hear what you would have them hear. You destine me to succeed and I am so grateful.

What God Said Tonight:

Do not become dependent on man's assessment of your success and your failures. Do not become complicit with man's opinion of you. I will destine you to succeed and I will give you favor wherever you go. But your worth and your identity does not come from those around you. It does not come form those I give you success and favor with. 

Your worth and your identity come from me. What I say about you is who you are and what you are worth. They may praise you one minute and tear you down the next. Do not get caught up in either. It is not a reflection of who you are. It is a reflection of who they are. 

I have you and won't let go. Let's walk though the lion den together my child. You shall overcome.

Monday, November 15, 2021

The purpose of the path...


My prayer:

Amazing God. Thank you for the intense deja vu today! That is always such a great assurance that I am on your path for my life. This is not the easiest path, that is for sure, but I appreciate your multiple assurances that it is the right one. 

Wherever you want to go God, I want to go with you. 

What God Said Tonight:

A path shows the direction to go but it doesn't actually take you anywhere. You have to walk, bike, drive, that path for it to fulfill the purpose it has for you. 

I love you and I will lead you always but there are times, like now, like most times, where the path alone will not accomplish much. It takes your action, your willingness to follow the path, and your propelling forward on the path to see what it has for you. 

Keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will see the purpose of this path. I love you my daughter, now and forever.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Forever together...


My prayer:

Sweet Father. You are my everything. Thank you for every blessing, healing, and teaching you provided today. But mainly, thank you for being you and living out this life with me. I truly cannot and do not want to imagine life without you in it. Without your presence, there is no point to any of it. Thank you for being my God, my Father, my savior, my teacher, and my friend.

What God Said Tonight:

We have amazing times together my child and so many more to come. Whether it is in the glory of victory or in the peace of healing, together, that is what really matters. 

I will never leave you. I will never turn my back on you. If you don't feel me, know that I am still here, I haven't left, and whatever is keeping you from feeling my presence at a given time, cannot stand. It cannot stay. 

I will not allow separation from my children again. I paid too much to redeem you. I won't walk away now. I love you my child, now and forever.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The journey...


My prayer: 

Awesome God. Thank you for answered prayers and for getting me through the rough spots today. 

What God Said Tonight:

Today is done. Today is not the rest of your life. This season is only a season. There is nothing more reliable than change. 

I have a lot to show you and teach you in this season but do not get discouraged in thinking it will always be like it is today. It is not going to stay the same and in very little time, you will look back and be amazed at how far you have come. 

This journey is one of growth and distance. Where you end up will be very different than where you started. 

I love you sweet daughter and I am walking through this season with you, every day.

Monday, November 8, 2021

One step forward...


My prayer:

I am learning Father. Each day, a little more trust in what you can do and a little less reliance on my own abilities. Each day, a little better. 

This is not an easy lesson for me but I know it is important. 

Help me continue to let go and trust in your power and sovereignty in my life. You are amazing and I am so grateful that I get to live life as your daughter.

What God Said Tonight:

One step forward is still forward. I don't need you to be a sprinter. I don't need you to finish first. I only need you to keep trying, to keeping moving forward. 

We have all of eternity together and each season, each lesson, each increase in faith is a part of that eternity. You will walk sometimes, other times you will run. You will sometimes be lucky to even crawl one step forward. None of that matters. 

You are my child and I will help you grow for your own sake.