My prayer:
Just about the time I think I have life figured out, something happens to show me that I do not even have a clue. Do we ever figure it out? Is there ever a time where everything makes sense. Or should I give up? Should I just accept that I will never understand this life or how to live it and just do all I can to follow your lead?
Maybe that really is the answer. Stop trying to figure things out and focus unerringly on following your lead. That sounds easy but it isn't. Praying for your help God.
What God Said Tonight:
Answers are not within you and answers are not within the world. Your only answer is me. I am the beginning and the end. I am the Alpha and the Omega. Nothing exists except through me and by me. I am the source and the Lord of all.
Who else would have your answers? You can not conceive of a world, a universe that you did not make and have not even seen. I can. I do. Leaning on me for the answers is not a cop out. It does not mean you have given up. It is the only logical approach to life. Why would you ask anyone but me?
I am the answer. I am your answer. And I love you more than anything.