My prayer:
What a great day! You are so wonderful to me. Thank you for lining up today to be exactly what I needed. Not what I planned but exactly what I needed. Thank you for the chance to connect with friends that I have neglected.You are so patient and kind and wonderful. The gifts you give me are so powerful and meaningful. Your love is more precious than anything else in the world.
Thank you for choosing me and letting me choose you!
What God Said Tonight:
Wait until you see what we have for tomorrow!I do love you and I love seeing you blessed. I love that we get time, away from the stresses and pressures of your everyday life. I am always with you but sometimes it is nice when you slow down enough to truly feel my presence.
I love you and I am always on our side. I am always looking for new ways to bless you. Watch for them. The blessings are headed right for you.