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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, January 14, 2022



My prayer:

Amazing Father. Thank you for bringing me through this week. I am exhausted but we made it through. I am ready for that restoration that only you can bring. 

What God Said Tonight:

I have more for you. I will restore you. I will see you whole. I will also see you blessed beyond measure. 

Do not let your dreams and your vision stop at what you have already experienced in life. With me, I can bring you to new heights and new joy that you have not even imagined. Dream with me. See a future through my eyes and with my vision. Then you may truly live. 

I love you sweet daughter rest and prepare for more.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

God's path...


My prayer:

I am amazed at your favor God. It makes life so much easier. Thank you for paving the way and showing me the way through situations. Thank you for softening other people's hearts towards me. Thank you for always making me succeed. You are amazing.

What God Said Tonight:

A walk, when you are on my path, is always going to leave you breathless. 

You may be in awe of what you see along the way or you may be in awe of making the climb but it will always amaze you. Walking in my path for your life you will see things you could not see otherwise. You will experience things you would not experience otherwise. And, you will succeed in things that you could not succeed in otherwise. 

There is not better place in the world than being in the middle of my path for you life. Follow your nose, follow your heart and find your way on my path. 

I love you my child.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Building faith and trust...


My prayer:

You were pretty amazing today God. Thank you for helping me through every challenge. Thank you for giving me favor with those around me. Thank you for showing me the way forward. I am so grateful for you. Every good thing in me is because of you.

What God Said Tonight:

I will help you to succeed, I have promised you that. But days like today are more about you practicing trusting in me. Practicing leaning on me. 

Your faith, your trust, is like a muscle in that the more you work it, the more you practice it, the stronger it becomes. The stronger your faith, the better your life. I want the very best for you and much of it comes through your faith. 

I love you daughter. Every experience and every challenge is nothing more than another chance to build your faith and trust. 

Saturday, January 8, 2022



My prayer:

Thank you God for a wonderful day of rest. I certainly needed it and you just made sure that everything was calm and taken care of. Not a single crisis or worry all day. That it is a bit of a miracle these days. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

How was your day? What is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:

Today was as much about restoration as it was rest. These things are not necessarily the same. 

I came to restore you. I came to make you whole. 

Rest is something that is good for a moment but you will always need more. Restoration makes you whole and well so you can move forward. 

I have a season of restoration that is just beginning for you. You will see holes and areas of neglect that you did not even realize were there, being restored and made whole. 

I want so much for you my child I love you now and forever.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A rotten season...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I seem to be in a season that is not a lot of fun right now. It seems like so many things are going wrong. Every time I turn around, something weird and new to deal with. It is exhausting. 

I am certain that this is one of those seasons where you are going to really show up and take care of it all, which is wonderful. It is just this time period of waiting. This period where I don't know where the next hit is coming from. This is definitely not my favorite. 

Ok, I am done complaining. Thanks for listening.

What God Said Tonight:

A season is just that, a season. It is not forever. The one thing you can always count on is that a season will end and a new season will come. 

This season, is not as bad as it seems to you right now. There is much joy and peace in this season, but it is hard for you to see. There is cause for celebration in this season, but you are blinded to it. Even in the worst of seasons, there is always more to it than you can see and know. 

One thing you must always remember, I am with you in every season and I will bring you through it. 

Go and rest tonight. I have you covered. 

Monday, January 3, 2022

Rely on God...


My prayer:

Awesome Father. It is back to work tomorrow. I pray for your help, your strength, your guidance, and your favor. In some ways, I am ready. I am ready to feel productive again. But I also worry that I am not ready physically or mentally. I pray that you cover my deficits.

What God Said Tonight:

If you rely on your strengths and abilities, you will always eventually fail. If you rely on me and my abilities, you must always eventually win. 

Lean on me, trust in me, and see the success continue to roll in. 

You have very little time to be concerned about it. There is a future greater than you can imagine. There are things for you to do in that future that make tomorrow very insignificant. 

I am here with you and I will guide you, always.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Come and sit...


My prayer:

Awesome God. This new year snuck up on me. Usually, I would spend some time at the end of the year to reflect on all that has passed and look out to what the next year might provide. I haven't really done that yet.

When I think about it, 2021 was a pretty eventful year for me. You brought me opportunity after opportunity and you blessed me like crazy. There were a fair amount of challenges mixed in, especially toward the end of the year but all in all, I can't complain. 

You are amazing and living life with you is better than anything else. Thank you Father.

What God Said Tonight:

Come, sit with me in the light and warmth of my Holy Spirit fire. Let's just sit a moment, not looking back, not looking forward, but just being together and knowing whatever comes next, we will be in it together. 

That is where your hope comes from. That is what allows you to just be in my presence with no worry and no fear. Sit with me and let me hold you close.