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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pile of blessings...

My prayer:
God you are incredible! You listen, you love, you provide, you prosper and you save me. Today was more examples of how you destine me to succeed.  I barely do anything and you turn it into success.  You make me effective.  One tiny action with your favor is better than 80 hours of work without your favor.

Your favor is such an amazing and unmerited gift! You sure give good gifts God.

It is so important that I never live a single second outside of your presence. I need you so much.  Now that I know what life is like with you, I don't ever want to be without you.  

Thank you for favor on my job and the new potential client.  Thank you for hearing the prayers and healing N's sister.  Thank you for guiding me and showing me what to do.  Thank you for making me effective.  Thank you for choosing me God.  I love you so much!!

What God Said Tonight:
What you are experiencing now is what I have always hoped and wanted for you.  There were so many years when I wanted to give to you.  I wanted to bless you but you would not receive it. You had convinced yourself that you didn't deserve it and just closed yourself off to what I was trying to give you.  

So many of my children get caught in that.  Life beats you up and satan lies to you and you think you have to earn my gifts.  Since when is a gift earned?  Do you earn your birthday gifts each year?  No, a gift, by definition is something you have not earned but that someone wants to bless you with.  

I am so glad that you are finally willing to receive some of the gifts I have for you.  I have more, when you are ready.  I have been storing up gifts for you for years and hoping and waiting for the day that you would be ready to receive them.  You have only seen the tip of the iceberg.  

I love you so much and I want to lavish you with gifts. You know how I say that I will bless you to overflow?  That is the kind of gifts and blessing I am talking about.  I want to pile them up on top of you so you are so covered that all people see is the blessing.  Like a pile of Christmas presents towering and covering you.  So beautiful that people will want it for themselves.  That is the real point.  

I love to bless you because you are my daughter and I love to show you how I love you. But the real point of the blessing is to show others what they could have if they chose.  The real purpose of the blessing is to share it.  I will bless you all the days of your life, if you will let me.  I love you daughter.  Stay blessed.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spending time...

My prayer:
Incredible God.  Your plans and your purpose make so much sense, in hindsight. Looking back, I can see how everything had to happen how and when it did in order to turn out so wonderful. I didn't understand it as it was happening.  I couldn't see the end from the beginning like you can.  All I could see was the delays, the lack of progress.  But now, I can look back and see that everything was just waiting for the right time.  Now, I see how perfect you made it all.  Now I can see you purpose in it all. 

God I pray that you continue to help me to be better at trusting that you are working everything out, before I see how it is going to work out.  Even when it takes a LONG time, help me to remember nights like tonight where it all seems so clear and I "get it." 

Thank you God for always knowing what is best and when is best.  Thank you for making me wait for best even when I want what is right now.  Waiting for your best is always better.

I love you God and I am all yours.

What God Said Tonight:
Time matters  a lot more to you than it does to me.  I have always been and will always be.  In the landscape of eternity, time really has no meaning.  Time is a series of artificial benchmarks that don't have any meaning other than to categorize your day, your life.  

Stop being so time conscious.  Spend your time wisely but don't keep one eye on the clock.  Time is important only in how you spend it not in how much has passed.  Time is a currency that is more valuable than gold but is infinite.  Spend your time wisely.  

Spend time with me.  Spend time with your family, with your friends. Spend time focused on the things that matter.  Don't waste time.  Don't throw time away.  It is far too valuable for that.  But don't save time up or put it off.  It is infinite in your life but there will never be another now.  There will never be another opportunity to do what you are experiencing and doing right now.  Even one second later, it is changed and different.  

Now is fleeting and should be cherished.  Now is all you really have.  But with me, you have an infinite number of nows.  I don't mean to get so deep but it is important to understand what time is and what it isn't.  I am in all times at once  My now is infinite.  Don't stress so much about time but be a wise steward.  Care for it as carefully as you do your money.  

I love you daughter and I want to spend all of the time that you will allow me to with you.  I love to spend time with you. You and me forever.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


My prayer:
Mighty creator and King. My healer and teacher.  My Father and my friend. Today was tough but we made it to this time together.  I love ending every day with this quiet time with you.   I love that it is always a surprise, that I never know what I am going to say, let alone what you are going to say.  I love that it is just a time when I get to share my heart with you and I get to hear your heart.

Tonight I am grateful that you are in me and in my life.  Tonight I am grateful that no matter what happens, how hard life can be, no matter what people say or think about me, I know that you love me.  I know that you think I am wonderful.  Thank you God for telling me over and over that you love me until I finally believed it. Thank you for making your love more relentless than my doubt.  I love you God.

What God Said Tonight:
What was hard about today? It was not that there was so much to do.  You have had days much more full than this.  Your attitude slipped today and that is why you struggled.  You forgot to praise me.  You forgot that all of this favor is only because I love you.  You got complacent and when your attitude was off and things didn't go quite your way, you got frustrated and discouraged.  

Don't be discouraged. Today was not as bad as you think. You just need to re-frame a bit.  Remember who I am. Remember who you are. Remember that you are a Royal Priesthood and the first son of the most high God.  

That is why you have had so much favor.  You have had the favor because there is a lot we need to do.  I need you to remember who you are at all times so you have the confidence to do what is next.  I need you to have the confidence of knowing who you are, even when no one else knows.  Even when no one sees value in you, I need you to know where your value comes from and walk with confidence.  

These next things that we are going to do are going to take a lot of confidence and there will not always be people there to tell you are doing well or that they  are proud of you.  You will have to be motivated and satisfied with my approval and my direction.  You will have to be satisfied with doing right and doing well.  I need you  to be able to stand and walk independent of the support of others.  For awhile, you will need it.  

It is going to feel a bit like a trek through the desert but I will be your oasis.  Learn this one thing and you will accomplish many great things in the future.  The plan on your life is unchanged and it is destined.  I love you sweet daughter.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Basic need...

My prayer:
Awesome God, you gave me another fantastic day and I am grateful.  I am also so tired I can't even spit. No matter how tired I am, I still want to hear from you.  You are food to my soul.  Tonight is all you God.  What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
I am one of your basic needs.   I am food. I am water.  You were created to need me.  You cannot live a complete life without me.  Many try and they are miserable. 

You were created to hunger for me.  You were created to thirst for me.  You are specially crafted and created to fit with me perfectly.  I am your true soul mate.  I made you for me.  We fit like hand in glove, like peas and carrots.  We are meant for each other. 

I love you so much and I am glad you took a little time to meet tonight even though you were so tired. I am always so glad when we get to spend time together.  You are complete with me. 

Rest knowing that I complete you.  Rest knowing I love you.  Rest knowing that I will never leave you. Rest knowing that I am the light in your life and I will guide you always.  Rest knowing that this thing with you and me is real and forever.  I love you, now rest.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Covenant family...

My prayer:
My awesome God.  This weekend went too fast! I have a lot more I want to do, including sleep! :) Oh well, you always give me everything I need to meet the challenge of each day so I will trust that I will have enough of whatever I need for tomorrow. 

I love you God.  Plain and simple.  I love that you are who you are.  I love that you don't have hidden agendas.  I love that while you are so big that you seem mysterious, in reality you are an open book (literally) to any of us who want to know you. 

I love that you have given us so many promises of a good life.  I love that you have given us the ability to have and eternity with you.  I love that you have thought of and think of everything. 

My God, I can't think of anything I don't love about you, unless it is your timing.  You know I hate to wait.  But then again, I know your timing is always perfect.  I can always see that in hindsight.  Eventhough I don't like the wait, your timing is perfect, so really I even love that about you.

I love how you love me.  I love how you take care of me.  I love how you provide for me.  I love how you bless me.  I love how you teach me. I really do. 

I pray God that you continue to guide me this week, continue to pour out your favor on me.  I pray God for your help at work this week.  I pray that you help me see every opportunity to help people around me.  I pray God that you keep me living in divine health.  I pray God that you do all of that so I can accomplish whatever you have for me to do this week.  Thank you God.

What God Said Tonight: 
Three is a family walking through the desert.  Can you see them?  they are wearing blankets wrapped around them.  It is a mother, a father and a young boy traveling.  They are pushing a cart that is full.  They are tired but happy to be together.  They are my children.  They have a purpose and a destiny.  The journey to their destiny is not easy and it is not pleasant but because they are together they can  endure. 

You are not meant to live this life alone.  You are meant to live this life in family, in covenant agreement with the family around you.  I know you have a damaged idea of family from natural experiences, but you have been getting more and more delivered and healed from that. 

I have a great blessing waiting in the wings for you as soon as your are ready. Are you ready?  Can you feel the day?  Can you see the comfort of having a family around for the journey? 

I love you daughter so very much.  I have plans to fulfill every last desire of your heart.  I am in no hurry.  There is a time and a season for everything and it is not too late.  I am always on time.  I will see this accomplished in your life.  I will see you with every dream fulfilled. Do not lose hope.  The years of waiting will seem like a flash.  They will seem like nothing. 

I love you so much.  I want to give you so many great things.  Rest your head on my shoulder and receive my comfort, my peace and my love.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


My prayer:
All mighty, all powerful and all knowing God of all creation.  My God, I am worrying over a lot of things tonight and you say to worry over nothing and pray over everything.  So, I pray over everything tonight God. 

I pray over the world, the tragedies, the environmental troubles, the wars, the hunger, the sickness and the people involved in each of them.  I give it all up to you God and ask that you heal, repair, restore and provide. 

I pray over my church and our expansion tomorrow.  I pray God and ask that you make it all go smoothly and that people are drawn to you there.  I pray God that you help me to be a blessing to everyone I meet. 

I pray God for provision for friends who are struggling. I pray God for healing for friends who are sick.  I pray God for direction for friends who are lost.  I pray God for your love to surround all of us. 

I pray God for the animals.  Animal cruelty breaks my heart in ways that I can't even face.  God I pray that you watch over the animals and keep them safe from anyone who would hurt them maliciously. 

I pray God for protection for all of your children.  Keep us safe and sound. I pray God for hope for anyone who has lost hope.  I pray God for wisdom for anyone who needs it. 

I pray God above everything else that your will is done and that you be actively present in my life.  I pray God that your presence is so tangible and evident that people can't help but notice you.  I pray God that your presence show through me, covering my flaws, so people only see you. Once they see you, really see you, I know they will want you in their lives too.  Who wouldn't want the God that is love in their life, if they really knew you. 

I love you God.  That is everything I can think of, everything I am worrying about.  I give it all to you.  Thank you God for being big enough to handle everything.

What God Said Tonight:
Goodness daughter, you do have a lot on your mind tonight.  I will take care of it all.  I am in charge and I determine the outcome even though sometimes it may not feel like it.  Receive my peace tonight. 

These are good times.  Truly they are good times.  There are always things you can worry about, things to get upset about, but if you turn your focus to me and look on all of the good that is also here, even right now tonight, your spirit will lift and you will be able to celebrate with me, with us tonight. 

There is so much good right now.  Don't let the joy of it be stolen by worry and by focusing on the problems.  Don't sweep the problems under the rug, give them to me.  And then, rest, celebrate, look with joy on what I have done in your life.  It is ok to celebrate even when everything isn't perfect. 

I love you daughter.  I want to enjoy this time with you but I can't if you are stuck in worry and focused on the problem.  Look at me, see me, the solution, and the problem won't matter anymore. 

Have I ever not solved a problem you have brought to me? Sometimes it takes longer than you want but think about it, have I ever not taken care of a problem once you have brought it to me?  I always have and I always will. 

So, rest, enjoy.  Tomorrow is going to be a lot of fun, but only if you are looking at me and not the problems.  Love you more than life.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Truth and lies...

My prayer:
Awesome, amazing, incredible, giving, loving, victorious God!  Another great day! Thank you for every blessing God,  I have NO complaints.  I LOVE YOU!!! 

I was wondering something today.  I was wondering why it is so easy for me to see how amazing other people are and how hard it is to see or believe that there is anything amazing in me.  I look at my friends and I see the most giving, loving, talented and truly amazing people that I can imagine.  To me their awesomeness is so obvious but for the most part, they don't see it in themselves and they have a hard time believing me when I tell them.  Similarly, when they tell me great things about me, I assume it is just cause they are super nice people, not because the things they are saying are actually true. 

God, I often pray to see others through your eyes and you have given me those eyes.  I pray tonight that you help me and others see ourselves through your eyes.  God help me to see the truth about me, the good and the areas for improvement.  I pray for wisdom and understanding.  I think if we, if I, could see myself in truth, so many other things wouldn't be an issue and I could focus on the things that really need the work.

I love you God and I love this life you have given me.  I love the people you have put in it.  I love the opportunities you have given me.  I love the privilege of getting to know you, talk to you and hear from you.  That is really what makes it all worthwhile.  What is on your mind tonight sweet Father?

What God Said Tonight:
Ahh my daughter, the human condition is strange sometimes.  I see you covered in the blood of my Son's sacrifice so to me you are perfect.  You see yourself uncovered and you see the flaws.  When you look at yourself without the covering of my blood you will see every dark area, you will see every flaw.  They will seem so big that you are likely to see things that are not even there. 

Your enemy, satan, wants you to see those things.  He magnifies those things.  If he can get you to believe that they are the truth, that those dark areas are the true you, he can discourage you to a point of despair. 

Look at the blood not what the blood is covering.  The blood is the truth of your life.  My covering is the truth of who you are.  The truth is you accepted my forgiveness and you are forgiven.  The truth is that you are my adopted child and that makes you amazing.  The truth is that all of my children are amazingly gifted because they have my characteristics.  They mimic the Father.  They reflect me.  As my reflection, they are amazing. 

I am the truth.  Your reflection of me is the truth.  Believe the truth and not the lie.  Believe me, not the one who would see you fail and die in despair.  Believe the one who loves you not the one that hates you.  Believe me who wants to see you succeed, not the enemy who is desperate to see you fail. 

I love you so much.  You are the most precious thing to me. Your life means everything to me.  Your future is carefully planned by me.  Rest again and we will talk more tomorrow.  My love.