My prayer:
Awesome God. Here we are at the end of one year and the cusp of a new year. I am normally a lot more introspective at this time. However, this year, this season doesn't seem to have the same kind of milestones that so many others have. You have given me a year of peace and blessings. You have taken me through every challenge as it came. And, ALL glory goes to you. It was a wonderful year, not because of anything I did but because of all that you did.
I pray God, in the year to come that your will is done. There is no better future than your will.
What God Said Tonight:
I know traditionally this is a time to look back and look forward. This year, tonight, I ask that you leave both the past and the future to me and that you stay focused on now.
I will heal all the hurts of the past. I will ordain your future. All that is left is for you to live this moment now. That will be the celebration of life and of our relationship. You, living your full life now. That will be my glory and my reflection to the world.
I love you now and forever my child.