My prayer:
I am trying to switch it up God. Trying new things, new perspectives. Not because I think I can really make a difference but because if I don't do anything, well, I don't think I can keep doing nothing. The season is too long to wait out and do nothing.
So, please know, I am not making the changes to take control. I am not making changes because I don't trust you. I am making changes because I am tired of not making changes.
I don't know if this is right or wrong. I don't know how it will turn out. I do know that above and beyond anything I think and do, I pray your will is done, in everything.
I love you.
What God Said Tonight:
Changes are not an issue. I never want you to be my puppet. I only want you to be my child. To grow in my love. To know that I am your strong tower and your safety net. I am your Father who takes care of you no matter what.
That does not mean that you can't make choices and changes, take risks. It means you can and I will be there with you in all of it.
Obedience is no longer an issue for you. Authority is no longer an issue for you. You have grown your way through those. You are now in a time, where your maturity, the maturity that you have earned, can guide your choices.
In that maturity, you seek me and my will and I will show you. I will speak, but only when needed. Your choices will guide you in this season. My will shall be your light, your vision for the future but your choices will guide you.
I love you, now and forever.
This is comforting and reassuring that God is with me and cares for me. I am going through a major life change and I am fully trusting God for guidance. Praise God!