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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Show up...

My prayer:
My God, Father, teacher, healer, provider, King and love of my life.  You are my everything and I remain in awe of you. 

God, sometimes I get worried.  What if some night I show up and I can't hear you?  What happens if I have stuff going on or I get too distracted or whatever?  I don't want to let people down.  I try not to think about the incredible people that you draw to the blog while I am praying, mainly because it kind of freaks me out.  I mean, who am I that thousands of people come to see what you and I talk about.  There's the thing God, they don't come to see what I talk about, they come to see what you talk about, which is exactly how it should be.  But, what happens if some night, I don't hear you? 

I know you are always here with me and you will never leave me or forsake me.  I know you have promised me that and I believe it.  However, I know from my past, that there are times when I hear you clearly and times that I don't hear you so clearly.  What happens if one of those times when I don't hear you as well happens during our nightly meetings? 

I don't know why I am so worried about this tonight God, but it has been on my mind and I figure it is about time I bring it up to you and see what you have to say about it.  I love you God. I am honored to be able to meet you every night.  I love that you talk to me.  I don't mean to be selfish, but please don't ever stop.

What God Said Tonight:
What are you so afraid of tonight?  Do you still think that some part of this is coming from you?  It isn't.  It is my prompting every night and my voice responding. 

I will continue to do this every night as long as you are willing.  As long as you show up, I will be here.  Will there be some night when you don't hear me? Maybe.  And, if it happens, you will be as transparent about that as you have learned to be about every other part of your life. 

You have told me repeatedly that you give me your whole life.  I am using your life to teach others and help them.  I will continue as long as you are willing.  When you choose to stop, we will stop.  While you are willing, we will continue. 

I love you daughter and I love your willingness to meet with me, to share to listen.  I am constant.  I will not leave.  I am here any time you look for me.  I am always here.  I can't not be here.  It is not possible.  I am omnipresent.  I am always present. 

You worry that you won't hear me because there have been times in the past when you haven't heard my voice.  But, those days are over.  Remember that new commitment you made several months ago?  The result of that was there would be no more roller coaster in our relationship.  Have you not noticed a new stability since that time?  That stability is a direct result of your commitment to me. 

We have reached a point that if you stop hearing me, it will be so bothersome and so painful, you will stop and do what ever you have to get back.  You won't allow the distance that you have allowed in the past.  Now that you know how good it can be between us, you won't go back.  I know it and trust but you need to trust it too. 

Remember what you learned way back in Prison Ministry.  Your job is to show up.  I will take care of the rest.  You don't have to worry, just show up.  I love you daughter.  I am yours forever.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Spending time...

My prayer:
Mighty and awesome God.  I love you God. I cherish you. I am so grateful for you, I can never express it enough.  I am also so very tired tonight God.  I don't know what to say or what to pray; but, I love you and I always want to hear what you have to say no matter how tired I am.  What's on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:
My daughter.  I love you and our time together should never be a burden.  If you are tired, you should rest.  But I am glad that you want to spend time with me anyway.  Doing this, spending this time together at night, the last thing before you rest is good.  It gives us a chance to review the day. 

I like being the last thing you think about each day.  I like being the first thing you think about each day.  I love that you keep me in your mind and your heart every day.  You are my desire, my love and the apple of my eye.  I don't have one moment that you aren't on my mind.  You are my focus and my love, the target of my love. 

When you want to spend time with me, it just makes my heart swell.  It makes me so proud to be your Father.  It makes me proud to know you.  It may seem simple but your simple desire to want to be with me means more to me than anything else you can ever do. 

I love that you serve me and my kingdom. I love that you are constantly looking for ways to bless and be a blessing.  But more than any of that, your desire to spend time with me, talk with me, listen to me and love me, that means more than all the rest put together.  It is simple but it is true. 

We can share our love story for all eternity.  Every day getting closer.  Can you imagine how wonderful our relationship will be after ten thousand years of loving each other?  I can. 

I love you daughter.  Rest now and keep me in your mind and in your heart.  Let me be a part of everything you do and everything you are.  Keep me close.  I love it when you do that.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fear and Sin...

Picture by Anthony Stuart:z
My prayer:
Mighty God, you are doing so much in my life right now.  I truly stand in awe.  You told me that there would be a time, a time that I have waited for so long, and that in that time, I would look around me and say, "Whoa, how did I get here."  You were SO right!  I look around right now and see all that you are doing, all the amazing opportunities to minister, the favor at work and the amazing relationships you have brought to me and I say, "Whoa, how DID I get here?"  I am so grateful God.  I love these seasons when things are all happening so fast, when you are opening every door, when life just seems so blessed.  These are the truly good times God and I thank you for them.

But God, I also have to ask your forgiveness tonight. The woman at the bus stop by the gas station who asked for money, God, I lied to her.  I don't even know why.  When she asked me for money, it was dark, I was alone and I felt vulnerable.  At first I told her I only had my credit card for gas.  Then you gave me another chance when she came back and asked if I was sure.  Then I lied again and told her I only had a couple of dollars and gave her three dollars saying that was all I had when I had another $5 in my purse.  God, what is $5?  Why did I hold back?  I feel so small. I am sorry God.  I was not a good reflection of you.  I am sorry that I let fear stop me from being a blessing. Mostly God, I am sorry that I lied. God, I will do better in the future.  Forgive me God and I pray that you find a way to provide for her tonight.

What God Said Tonight:
My daughter, I have said that if you repent and ask for forgiveness you are forgiven.  You are forgiven, now forgive yourself. 

You learned something valuable tonight.  You learned that fear can make you do things that you otherwise wouldn't do.  You learned that your generosity  can be overwhelmed by fear.  Remember that lesson and the next time fear tries to take a hold of you, be ready.  Be ready and do the opposite of what fear is telling you to do. 

Fear is not from me.  I have not given you a sprit of fear.  I gave you my strength, my protection and a sound mind.  I gave you my son and I give you my Holy Spirit to guide you.  Listen to my voice in those situations.  I will tell you the right thing to do and I will never let you walk into danger if you listen to me. 

Don't listen to fear.  It will always lead you down the wrong road.  It will always lead you away from me.  There is no fear in me.  There is no fear in the you that I made you to be.  Fear is a corruption that corrupts you.  Banish it from your life.  It has no place in my daughter. 

Trust me daughter and do not fear.  There is a reason I said that so much throughout the Bible.  Fear is one of the more effective weapons that your enemy uses against you.  Stop letting him.  Rely on me for the strength, protection and peace that I provide and let that banish the fear. 

I love you daughter.  Remember this night and do it differently next time.  That is all I ask, turn from your sin, call on me and I will forgive.  I will remember the sin no longer.  You are washed clean in the blood of my son and I love you more every day.  Be whole and move on.  Love you so much. Sit with me a little longer tonight.  Just be with me and let me heal you. Mmm, that is good. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Relationships and Purpose...

My prayer:
What an interesting day God.  Not the day I thought I was going to have but interesting!  I love when you change things up and work it all out anyway! 

God, it seems like today was all about making new connections, or maybe, enhancing previous connections.  You really are all about relationships.  Someone once described that you, being three in one, are constantly in relationship with yourself.  So, clearly, anything you created in your image would have a basic need to be in constant relationship. 

I love the people you have put in my life God.  They are all so amazing in their own ways.  They are each so talented, smart, supportive, loving and just down right amazing! I pray God that you continue to connect me with the people you want me to be connected with.  I pray God that you make me at least as much of a blessing in their lives as they are in mine.  God I pray for their needs and dreams, spoken and unspoken. I pray that you meet each need out of your riches in glory.  I pray God that you give them the desires of their hearts and fulfill those dreams that you put in them.  I pray your blessing, peace, joy, and love over each of their lives.  I thank you again for them in my life and I thank you for blessing them tonight. 

You are so awesome God.

What God Said Tonight:
You are in a good mood today.  Thanks for rolling with the changes today.  I needed to make a few things happen to move things forward.  It is good that you have learned to be flexible.  It has not always been that way. 

You have learned a lot in the last several years, most of it from people I put in your life.  Every person I put in your life is there for a purpose.  That purpose may be to provide you with something or to teach you something.  That purpose may be for you to provide something to them or to teach them something.  The purpose may simply be to love.  Actually you can count on it that the primary purpose of every person in your life is to love them and be loved by them.  Anything else is frosting. 

But know there is a purpose in every person and everything that I do in your life.  There are no coincidences.  You are on a planned path.  You are on the way as they used to say.  You are on my path and I will guide you always. 

Recognize the purpose in your life, in the lives of those around you.  When you have recognized it, fulfill it.  That is the goal.  Find your purpose in each situation and in each relationship and fulfill that purpose.  Can you do that for me? 

I love you daughter.  In every relationship, never forget our relationship must come first.  You and I have to stay close, aligned and of one mind for the rest of it to work out the way I intended it.  Be assured, there is a purpose in every last thing.  I don't waste anything.  Rest now.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


My prayer:
All knowing God.  Why is it that it is so easy for other people to see us clearly and so hard for us to see ourselves clearly? Ask any 5 of my friends and they could clearly identify my strengths and my weaknesses.  They could tell you the things that make me valuable to the people around me and the things that take value away from the people around me.  They may come up with slightly different answers based on their relationship with me and their own values, but in general, I would bet the answers would be similar.  But, ask me the same question and I will struggle a bit. 

God we had the message on Reverb online church tonight about "If you really knew you" and it seems like a really simple question, who are you? But, while it is a simple question, the answer is anything but simple. 

God I pray that you help me see me more clearly.  I pray God that you help me see my strengths and my weaknesses with a clarity that allows me to make changes and become a better person for you and for the people in my life.  God I pray that if there is anything that is keeping me from seeing me, like pride or fear, remove those things so that I can truly see me. 

God I also pray that you give me wisdom with the people around me.  I pray that you show me when and how to share insights.  I pray God that you show me how to always do it in love and never in judgement.  I pray God that you help me to always build people up and never tear them down.

God make me a better person so I can serve you better.  That is my prayer tonight God.  I love you.  What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
I can absolutely help you to see yourself more clearly but you have to be open to see it all.  You have to be willing to see the good , the bad and the ugly.  You are always so quick to be critical of yourself, which can be useful for correction.  But what I need you to do is see the other side of the coin.  I need you to see the good that I put in you.  I need you to be ok with the fact that I have given you gifts and recognizing those gifts is not a prideful thing.  It does not have to be something you hide.  It should be something that you show to the world.  That is why I gave you those gifts so you would use them.  Not hide them. 

Don't ever try to to hide.  Don't hide your gifts or your weakness.  It is a waste of time and it inhibits my ability to use you and heal you.  You are my servant daughter and I know you love it when I use you for the kingdom.  Know that hiding from yourself makes it really hard for me to use you.  When you are hiding from yourself, you can't trust yourself.  When you can't trust yourself, I can't trust you. 

So let down your guard daughter.  You may be surprised at what you see. You may find that the truth is more beautiful than you could imagine.  You will see yourself through my eyes and believe me, there is nothing more beautiful to me than you.  My child, my love, you are the most beautiful thing in the world and I love you in your glorious beauty.  Peel back the layers and discover the beauty that I have grown inside of you.  You are like a budding flower that is about to open to the sunshine. 

Your beauty is just beginning to reveal itself.  Do not be afraid of it.  I made you beautiful.  Your beauty that I put in you will draw people to you and in turn to me.  Draw them in my beautiful daughter.  Shine in your beauty.  I love you so very much.  It is time to shine.

Monday, November 8, 2010


My prayer:
Awesome ruler, King of everything,My Lord and savior.  God you are in charge of everything and your perfect will is being accomplished right now throughout the world.  God I thank you for being all powerful.  I pray God that you continue to show up in our lives, healing, loving, fixing and guiding every aspect. 

God I love you and I love that my God is all powerful.  God I am grateful that I have that power working on my side. What good would having a God be if that God was not the most powerful thing ever created?  I need a God that will win every time.  I need you God, the God of victory.  The all mighty and powerful God.  You are everything to me God. 

I kneel in your presence out of respect but even more so out of complete awe.  You, the most powerful force ever, loves me and treats me with a gentleness that is beyond words.  You are my everything.  I love being your daughter.

What do you want to say tonight God? I am here to listen.

What God Said Tonight:
You focus on my power to belay your own fear and that is good.  Everything you say is true, I am the most powerful force that has ever been or ever will be.  And, I will use that power to protect you and insure that you win. 

I love you and my power has no greater purpose than to protect you, my child.  My power is often misrepresented.  Power is meant to be used out of love, not out of hate or manipulation.  Remember always that manipulation is witchcraft.  I will always only use my power for love. 

Even when the day of judgement comes and I will use my power to separate the wheat from the chaff, the children of God from the children of satan.  Even in those days, I will do it out of love.  I will also do it with a heavy heart, knowing there are people who will be condemned to hell that did not have to be.

There are people in the end who, had they made one different decision, if they just once, decided to give me try...those are the ones that break my heart. Just one moment, one decision one minute away from everlasting joy in heaven.  Instead, they will rot in Sheol. 

Thank you daughter for always choosing me.  Be alert to opportunities to share me even more.  Be my lighthouse, but be my moving lighthouse.  Don't stay where you are; take my word around the world.  Let me show you what I can really do!  I have so much more to show you.  

I love you. Go and rest now while the night is still fairly new. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Remember the dream...

My Prayer,
Another awesome night of worship in my car with a great friend.  Why is it some of the most amazing experiences of worshiping you seem to happen in my car? Guess it doesn't matter where it happens, as long as it happens! 

God, I am a little goofy tonight.  I'm not sure this prayer will make any sense.  Sometimes, when I spend time in the presence of your Holy Spirit, it just messes me up and leaves me goofy. 

I love you so much.  Thank you God for taking care of me, my friends, my family, and your children throughout the world  Thank you God for ALWAYS being there.  Every time I look for  you, you are always right there.  There is a song that says you are in the same place third time as you were the first time, that you aren't trying to hide.  Thank you for never hiding God.  Thank you that no matter how many times I lose my way, turn my back, get distracted or make a wrong choice, that you are always right there waiting for me in the last place I saw you. 

You make it so easy on us Lord.  We make it so hard but you make it so easy on us.  God I give you my whole life.  Every good bad and indifferent part of it.  I give you my work, my mind, my body and my spirit.  I give you my thoughts and my heart.  God I give you everything.  Laying everything down for you tonight God, not because you asked but just because I want to.  Just because you are my God and I trust you more than I even trust myself.  I am yours God.

What God Said Tonight;
Tonight has been beautiful and wonderful.  You ask why you have such amazing worship times in your car.  It is simple really, that is where you are taking time to worship me with no one watching, with no need to serve, with no need to be concerned that someone else is getting what they need.  You are just in direct contact with me, worshipping and loving me. 

There are those special people that I have put in your life that you can share those times with.  The people who give as much as they get.  The ones who can see those moments of worship for what they are and join you in worship of me.  Those are even more precious times because I am in the midst of you.  You are gathered in my name and I am in the midst of it. 

I love you daughter so much.  I enjoyed tonight as much or even more than you did.  You're going to remember tonight as significant in the days to come.  The prophecies of tonight were real and were from me.  Trust what you hear from me.  Don't doubt right now.  I need your whole faith.  You have given me your heart, your mind, your body and your spirit tonight.  Give me also your full faith.  Give me your trust that I will do what I said I will do.  I am not a man that I would lie.  I will do what I said I would do. 

You have several promises on your life and don't give up, I am not done fulfilling them yet.  You had the message on Joseph today.  I know you don't particularly like that one because it hits a bit too close to home but it is good and true and you must remember it. 

I want you to know that I am with you.  I want you to remember every dream I have given you and I want you to trust me to complete it. 

Rest awhile and be ready to go in the morning.  The next phase is nearly here.  I am watching over your dream and I will see it accomplished.  My love will assure it and my word is your promise.  I love you like fresh mown hay.  You are golden and ready to be gathered up for our true purpose.  Be quiet now and rest.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


My prayer:
God my God.  Lord of all creation and the one who loved me enough to die for me. I am not sure what to pray about tonight God.  You have heard the many prayer requests today for healing, protection, guidance and blessings.  Thank you God for hearing each and every one.  Thank you God for meeting the needs of your people. 

Thank you for meeting my needs.  Maybe that's what I need to be doing tonight God.  I need to thank you for ending what has been a many year battle.  There were many times that I did not think I would make it; but here I am, still standing and he is gone.  No more intimidation and no more manipulation.  Today, I am free.  God thank you for freedom.  Thank you God for giving me the strength to walk through that battle, withstand and survive through the end of it.  Thank you God for deliverance out of it. 

Thank you God for showing me the real battle, the real source and teaching me so many things despite it being designed to destroy me.  God you are so good!  Thank you!!! 

I love you so much God.  You are mine and I am yours forever.

What God Said Tonight:
You don't have to be afraid.  You don't have to be afraid of anyone, anything, not even of yourself.  You are protected and safe in my care.  I will always protect you and make sure you survive each battle.  No more fear. 

There will be struggles and pain but never more than I can heal.  Please remember that in the midst of the pain and the struggle that I will always bring you back to this place of joy, this place of freedom.  I will always care for you my child.  I will never leave you nor abandon you.  You will always be safe within my arms.  You will always survive.  You have eternal life with me.  You cannot be killed.  You cannot be destroyed.  Your future is assured and it lies with me.  I love you and I will always make sure that you are safe and whole. 

You have grown much in the last several years and the growth was painful at times.  I needed you to learn fast to be ready for what I need you to do so I allowed some rough things to help teach you. But, never once did I remove my protection from you.  Never once did I doubt that we would be here one day. 

Never forget this time.  Never forget the power of one person to effect the lives around them, either for positive or for negative.  One person can influence millions.  Make your choice if that influence will build people up or tear them down.  You are in a position to influence many. Make your choice and follow through purposefully. 

I love you daughter and it was my pleasure to free you this week.  Those who are free in me are free indeed.  Now that you are free, don't ever put anyone else in bondage.  Don't put others into the bondage I have delivered you out of, ever. 

I love you dear.  Rest, you have service tomorrow and I will need you to be ready.  I have some new stuff for you to do tomorrow.  Love you tons.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Don't forget your neighbor...

My prayer:
What a week God.  Who could have predicted all of the changes of this week.  Talk about your suddenlies!  I am still spinning a bit.  But in the middle of it all, I got to know that you were in charge and working it all out.  What an amazing blessing that is. I mean really, how great is that.  In the middle of chaos, I get to know and trust that

my Daddy is in charge and taking care of me. Nothing better than that. 

God I love you so much.  What would I do without you?  What would I have done if I had never known you?  If no one had ever told me about you and taught me how to get to know you?  God, that's why it is so important to me to show your people how to really know you.  I can't imagine life without this relationship with you and I don't want anyone to miss out on it.  You are so amazing and people need you even if they don't realize it. 

God I pray that you continue to show me ways to teach people how to get to know you.  New ways that really show you to people.  That really show people how to know you and be in a relationship with you.  I know that is what you want too so please help me to teach or show people how to get to know you. 

Thank you God for every amazing person you put in my life that showed me and show me how to know you better every day.  Continue please God to show yourself to me.  Please continue to take me deeper into this relationship.  God Let's go deeper.  I never want to live one day without you my God.

What God Said Tonight:
You are the teacher I made you to be and you can't help but teach.  I will keep showing you ways to do it because we are in this thing together.  We, my girl, are a team. 

You are so very precious to me.  I love how much you want to help.  I am so glad that you don't keep silent about our relationship.  I am so glad that you want others to share it. 

Remember to share the relationship with others both by showing what you have found with me but also in loving them.  Love the unlovable.  Show them that they are sons and daughters of the most high God no matter who they think they are, no matter where they came from, no matter what they have done.  Show people that I love them and always will through loving on them yourself. 

You have gotten so good at worshiping me and loving on me and I love that more than you can know.  But don't forget your neighbor.  Don't forget your friends.  Don't forget the life that you have still to live. 

You have so much to do so many new people to meet and to love.  You have a lifetime of amazing people that I will continue to bring into your life.  Before you realize it you will have friends and neighbors in every country around the world.  Be a good friend.  Be a good sister to them.  Remember to love them with the same love that you have for me. 

I am trusting you with many things right now but none of it is worth anything if you don't have love.  You need to love and be loved everyday.  I designed you for it. 

You also need to rest and I see you fading now.  Rest and sleep and tomorrow we will do,see and experience even more.  This week was big but wait until you see what is next.  You are ready.  Love you my daughter.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

ALWAYS right...

My Prayer:
Mighty powerful God.  I love you and I am here but I am exhausted tonight.  Today was good but exhausting. 

You were so right about the changes that felt so chaotic earlier this week turning into great opportunities.  You are really always right.  That shouldn't come as a surprise.  I mean you are God after all.  But you are ALWAYS right. 

So, if that is so obvious and so true, why am I not faster to trust you?  Why do I ever have one moment of worry?  I know your promises.  I know that you have promised to always prosper me, to open the windows of heaven on my life, to make me the head and not the tail, to provide for me out of your riches in glory.  With promises like that, if I could ever truly understand that you are ALWAYS right, I would never have one minute of worry for the rest of my life. 

God I pray for increased understanding in this.  God help me to get the understanding of that from my head to my gut.  Help me to know without a shadow of  a doubt that you are always right.  Help me to remember it.  I think this is really important God.  If I can really get this, I think the rest of my life is going to be a whole lot easier and happier.  God I make a conscious choice to believe you tonight in every promise you have given me and to trust that you are always right.  I love you Father.

What God Said Tonight:
Yes my daughter, I am always right.  I can't really help it.  When you are the creator of the universe, all powerful and all knowing, everything I say becomes reality.  I am the great creator and my word creates reality.  You have heard it preached that I cannot lie because once I have said something, that thing becomes the truth, becomes real.  When I speak, there is life in my words.  That life goes into the world and creates. 

That is one way you can always tell my work from the devil's work.  My work will always build and bring life,  His will always tear down and kill. 

You are farther in this area of trust than you think.  You don't worry nearly like you use to but I am glad that you are ready to go even farther.  Worry is such a waste of time and it really is just a declaration that you don't trust me to take care of you.  That hurts me and it really discourages those kids of mine that have not decided to live for me yet.  They see you, a follower of Christ and you are just as worried and stressed out about life as they are...well, why would they want any part of me then? 

Your worry is destructive to yourself and those around you.  It also doesn't make me feel very good.  Imagine someone tells  you they are going to trust you to take care of their home or their kids.  You agree and then they call you every five minutes to check in and make sure everything is ok.  At some point you will likely wonder and maybe ask, why did they ask me to take care of this house, these kids in the first place if they didn't believe I could do it? 

I wonder sometimes, when you bring me something to take care of and you immediately and repeatedly come back and try to take the controls again; it makes me wonder why you brought it to me in the first place.  When you bring me your problems, your troubles, your struggles, leave them with me.  Don't keep taking them back.  Trust me you don't want the problem and you definitely don't want the worry. 

I love you daughter.  Keep studying and keep striving.  My love will overflow you and you will prosper.  I love you now and forever.  Let's do this thing!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Let me love you...

My prayer:
God my God.  King of the Universe.  My Lord.  How are you tonight God?  What is on our mind and your heart tonight.  What do you need tonight God.  If you need someone to listen, I am here.  I love the sound of your voice.  I love the experience of your presence. I love you God and just want to be with you tonight. 

What God Said Tonight:
You are my precious child.  I am reminded of what I thought of, what I was thinking when I created you.  I remember that day when I created you and knit you in your mother's womb.  That was a beautiful day full of hope and promise. 

I have created, ordained, planned such a great future for you.  I am so excited to see it all coming together.  I am happy to just spend time with you.  I am pleased to be with my precious daughter who I created specially for this time and this purpose.  You are walking into your full purpose and it is going to be so good. 

I want to hold you tonight.  I want you to rest in my arms and let me love you.  I want to be your covering and your peace tonight.  I want my love to envelop you like a soft fog of the ocean shore.  I want to surround you with my love.  I want you to know my love in a new way and a new level tonight.  My love for you is limitless.  Your experience of it is limited.  I want to move that limit tonight so you can have a new measure, a new level of my love. 

Will you receive it?  Will you let me love you more? Will you let me show you my love tonight?

You, my precious daughter mean the world to me.  I would do it all again just for you.  I will love you beyond the end of time.  Receive it, please don't turn your back on my love.  There is nothing more important and nothing you need more than my love so please receive it, fill up on it, sate yourself with it.  You will need it later. 

Are you full or can you take a little more?  I look at you and see you as perfect.  I see you through the blood of your sacrifice and you are perfect.  You are everything I ever hoped you would be.  You are washed clean and ready for the next phase of this thing called life.  You will succeed.  We will succeed. We will prosper you wherever you go.  Rest daughter and stay wrapped in my love tonight.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


My prayer:
My Lord and God. I am sure glad you are in charge. Today had so many surprises, I am left just a little stunned and not knowing what to think. God, in the middle of this sudden chaos in my life I pray for your peace. I pray God that you say to this situation, "peace, be still." I pray for the peace that passes all understanding. I need your peace tonight God. I pray for your peace and your help to make sense of the sudden change.

I need to shut up tonight God and listen to you. My thoughts are too chaotic and all over the place. I leave it all in your hands God. What do you have to say tonight God?

What God Said Tonight:
It isn't really chaos. It was all planned since the beginning of time. I know it seems like chaos to you because you didn't see it coming. If I told you everything that was coming, life would be so boring.

You don't yet realize it, but this is a great opportunity. This sudden change isn't something to fear but something to cherish. I can and will use anything to bless you. I will turn every situation around to your good. I love doing that. I love taking the very thing that was intended to take you out and turning it around into your biggest blessing. I love seeing your face when I do it. I love the testimony and story that it gives you to share with others. I love that I can always count on you to share it!

I will bring you through this chaos, this storm and you will prosper. Trust and rest knowing that today was not a surprise to me. Rest knowing that I have everything under control and I will not let you fall.

You are just beginning. There is so much more to do. You will see me in every country and every part of this world working personally in each individual life. You will see it. I know you are thinking, "How is that possible." But, wait and see if it isn't true.

I love you daughter. Remember who I am and trust in me. Don't look at the waves, the storm the chaos. Look at me. Don't take your eyes off of me. Look at me with the steady gaze of a first love. Don't take you eyes off of me and everything else will fall into place. I love you so much. Rest, trust, live. I love you.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Receive the good...

My prayer:
Awesome teacher, mighty God. I am not sure what to pray about tonight. Thank you for a good day. I got to check a lot of stuff off of the to do list.

But, I sit here tonight with the picture of those starving kids in my head. God, there are people in such desperate need all over the world today. How can I make a difference? How can I help even a little? It is so big, so overwhelming. Puts my life in perspective for sure. I live this truly privileged life and I have the nerve to complain? I ask for forgiveness for every ungrateful thought I have ever had or expressed to you God.

God I pray that you wrap yourself around every hurting, hurt, starving, crying, abused, and sweet child throughout the world. I can't do much but you can. Bring them angels to take care of them. Bring them people, your people, to rescue them. Love them God so that they can feel it. And God, let it be enough. Let your grace and mercy be enough. Comfort them and cradle them and let them know a love like no other.

I love you God. I thank you for a life of privilege and abundance God; even though right now that privilege and abundance is making me feel pretty guilty in the face of the needs. What do I do God? What do I give? How can I make a difference? I love you God and I need your help for their sake and for mine.

What God Said Tonight:
I have much to tell you tonight but I don't want to overwhelm you so one thing at a time. You should never feel guilty for being blessed. I bless you out of my love for you. You share that blessing every day which allows me to bless you more. You give away the blessing making room for more blessing in our life. That is beautiful. That is not something to feel guilty about.

Guilt is not from me. When you feel guilty you are receiving and accepting a gift from satan. He cannot give good gifts and it is within your rights to refuse to accept it. You are not required to accept any thing from him, least of all guilt.

You are right the need is so great. There are people, children (although you are all children to me) that are suffering right now and it breaks my heart. It hurts me more than you can know. The pain is truly staggering. Much of the need that is created is a result of the sin in the world. Each time I see that need I can feel the whips on my back again, the nails in my hands, the blood on my face and as much as it hurts, the pain gives me hope, knowing that the sin is paid for if people will only accept my gift.

You are so quick to receive gifts from satan like guilt. Why is it so hard to receive my gifts which are always so good? I don't need an answer but I want you to think about it. Why do you accept the bad, the hurt, the painful things and refuse the good? I need you to receive the good that I have for you. The more you receive the good and share the good, the more good there is in the world and the less tragic need. Receive it and spread it around.

You ask how you can help in a meaningful way. That's is what you do. Receive the good that I have for you and spread it as far and as wide as you can. Let everybody have a taste so that they come to me for more. It is a sweet , sweet gift that I have for you. Don't be afraid of the good gifts I have for you. Reject the bad gift and receive the good.

I love you daughter. I want you to rest in my arms tonight and let me comfort you. Know that tomorrow there are more opportunities to help but for now, rest in my arms and let me wipe away your tears. I will do it for you just as I am doing it for them, just as you asked. I love you sweet daughter. Rest in me.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Beyond the words...

My prayer:
Lord God, my provider, my healer, my joy and my peace. God You are and remain so incredible and I stand in awe of you. The way you orchestrate everything is so amazing. The way you bring us all together at just the right times to be the most effective at getting your work done God...I've said it a lot lately God, but WOW! You are truly amazing.

I praise you tonight God. I don't want to talk about my needs tonight, or ask for anything. I just want you to know how much I appreciate all that you are doing. I get so frustrated at times like this because I just don't have the right words or enough words to communicate what I feel. I want you to know God how amazing I think you are. I want you to know that I recognize that my life is worth less than nothing without you. I want you to know that it is only because of you that I get out of bed each day. I want you to know that because of what you do, have done and will do in my life, my life has meaning.

My life has purpose because of you. How do I say thank you for something as huge as that? How do I say thank you for sacrificing your life, paying my debt, conquering hell for me so that I get to know you and live forever with you? That is just so crazy big, no one has ever made that sacrifice for someone else. No one else ever could. How do I thank you for doing something that no one else ever could. Something I could never pay back?

It comes back to asking you God to see my heart. Hear my words through my heart to know the depth and the extent of them. I love you so much.

God thank you for showing me the vision today of all of the individual lives, the individual people with individual needs and joys throughout the world. Again, not something I can describe in words, but I will never forget that feeling, that experience. Each life, with unique needs but a commonality among us all and above all, a need for you.

Thank you for being you and for all that you do.

What God Said Tonight:
There is a golden reflection on the dark water tonight. My light is shining in the darkness. I don't mean to get too weird on you but picture that light. It is beautiful and provides the hope that the world needs. The world is filled with darkness but the light remains and is beautiful.

One day the light will completely overwhelm the dark. Until then, I need you all to reflect my light. Each reflection makes this world brighter. I have a plan, a purpose and a job for each of my children. You have begun to really see your job and your purpose. It is a bit different than what you thought. The rest will come too. For now, this is what I need you to do.

I hear your heart daughter and I love you so much too. I am glad that we are not limited to words when we communicate. I am glad that we have words. I am glad that you talk to me and I can talk to you. Words are important and create reality. But we can also "talk" to each other in pictures and in the unexplainable like the "vision" I gave you today. Just as I can show you those things that go beyond speech, when you are pouring out your heart in truth, I experience the purpose and heart behind your words.

I get it daughter. I love that you work so hard to make sure I know your appreciation. Don't stop. When you do it, when you strive to let me know how much you love me, it strengthens our relationship and reminds you how important the realtionship is to you. It keeps you from growing complacent, so don't stop; but know that I do "hear" you. I hear the whole of it, not just the words.

You are entering a new level a new season. It is a wild ride, but you are prepared and you will love it. Stay connected to the people I have brought to you. Stay on the path putting one foot in front of the other and trust me to bring you each thing as it needs to get done. You have been in these seasons before where there is more to accomplish than there is time to accomplish it. You know how to do it. Just do each thing as I put it in front of you and it will all get accomplished.

I love you daughter. Sleep well and rest in my full experience of love for you, beyond the words. Experience me tonight as I have experienced you.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


My prayer:
Mighty God, Awesome Lord, Wonderful Father, thank you for today. Thank you for rest and thank you for the ability and opportunities to bless some folks.

Tomorrow God is church, a time for us to come together and worship you. It is also Halloween. I am not sure but I don't remember the two falling on the same day, although clearly it would have had to. It sounds like a set up for you to do amazing things.

God I pray that your presence is so powerful and so present tomorrow that nothing gets in the way of it. I pray God that you draw people to the services that will mean the most to them and help them to know you. I pray that you direct each of us, not only where to worship, but how to serve you and your people. Thank you for opportunities to serve. Thank you for blessing us. Thank you for hearing us and thank you for talking to us.

God you are so very good to me. When things are going badly, you show me the way out, the answer. When things are going good, you just pour on blessing after blessing. When I am alone, you are with me. When I am angry, you bring me peace. When I an sad you bring me joy and when I am happy you celebrate with me. You really are my everything God.

I pray that I get to know you even better. I pray God that you make me a blessing in others lives. I pray God that you help me to respond with love, always.

I guess that is about it God. It doesn't feel like enough of a prayer with all of the amazing things you are doing right now. I feel pretty inadequate in the shadow of what you are doing. The good part of that is I don't forget who is doing it. It is all you God and I am so grateful you let me be a part of it. God I love you. Please receive our corporate worship tomorrow as a sweet fragrance and small representation of how we, how I love you.

What God Said Tonight:
Wait just a little longer. There is more. You are so enjoying this season and it is good, but more is coming.

I value faithfulness. I value your faithfulness. I appreciate that when you tell me or anyone else that you will do something you make sure that you do it. Meeting me every night like this, that is faithfulness.

Faithfulness allows me to bless you in new and abundant ways. Faithfulness is the key to unlocking your potential. There is a steadiness, a trustworthiness in a faithful person that allows me to add responsibility, opportunity and blessings into their lives at a level that is not possible without it.

I value many things. I value you and your brothers and sisters above everything. One of the top three things I value is faithfulness. Their is honesty reflected in faithfulness. There is respect reflected in faithfulness. There are so many things that are included in being faithful. There is obedience in being faithful.

Remain faithful my daughter and there is really no end to what we will do. Each day, remember your promises and keep them. Every day remember your commitments and fulfill them. Ask me for help when you need it, but fulfill your commitments every day.

I love you so much. I will remain faithful to you in every promise. I will never go back on my word. I will never forget a promise to you. I will always provide for you my precious daughter. I love you. Go rest and prepare for tomorrow.

Friday, October 29, 2010


My prayer:
Wow God! What a roller coaster of a day! Today started with so many challenges, most of them small, annoying, stupid annoyances building to the news of a prayer not answered yet for a friend. I was so discouraged and angry! Before I say anything else, thank you God for not turning your back on me when I get angry. Thank you for listening to me even then. Thank you for loving me even then.

But then, tonight...WOW! Talk about a suddenly God! All of a sudden, the book is ready and published and more and more people are coming from all over to see what you are doing God! This is so exciting. I know I have said it a lot lately but thank you so much for letting me be a part of all this! Thank you God for talking to me each night, the ideas, the amazing people that you have brought to help and just everything. This is ALL YOU God! You get all the glory. Only the most high God can spread through the world this fast!!!

Thank you God for not letting me give up this morning. You know I was close! It all seemed like too much. And then, what a difference a couple of hours make! I am SO EXCITED!!! I can't wait to see what you do next! And, I'm also a little scared...I promise I will get over that but when you said the future would hold more than I could imagine, you were not kidding!

I love you God and pray that you pour our your blessing on my friends, my family, and your people throughout the world. I pray God that your love and your compassion surround your people tonight. I love you now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:
Didn't I say that everything was getting ready? Didn't I say this would be an exciting season and you would love it? Haven't I said for months and years that this time was coming?

I know it was hard to wait, but the wait prepared you. The wait allowed for everything to come into alignment. And, now, everything is right where it should be.

Do not be afraid. We are in this together. You will never have to walk this road alone. I made the road and I will guide you down it.

I love you and love that we are here now. You are where I need you to be and this is going to be awesome, amazing and incredible. Your future is bright. As my lighthouse, my reflected light, you will shine into the future. You will help others to see their dreams. You will help others to realize the life they can have in and with me. You will be an example of what relationship with me can be like, if they want it. I wish more would want it.

I love you daughter. Today was exciting, tomorrow is time to rest a bit. Stay balanced. Don't burn out now. I know you want to ride this momentum and rush ahead because it so exciting, but wait on my and my guidance and I promise it will all continue to happen in my perfect timing and excellence. I love you, rest now and prepare for the next thing!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


My prayer:
God, I am overwhelmed by you. I am overwhelmed by what you are doing. I am overwhelmed by how you are spreading your word to people and countries I never could have imagined. You told me for so long to hold on, that I wouldn't believe how amazing the future would be. You said I wouldn't be able to even comprehend all that you would do. Well, we are there!

I am astonished by all that you are doing and you have done. God I thank you that you continue to hear our prayers every day and every night. God thank you for taking care of me, my family, my friends. God thank you for adding new amazing friends into my life everyday.

Thank you for letting me be a part of what you are doing. I am so grateful to be yours God. I pray God that you continue to lead and guide me. I pray that you continue to show me opportunities to be a blessing. I pray God that you always let me know when to act and when to shut up.

I love you Daddy. I am so privileged to be able to have a relationship with the most powerful God. I am so privileged to know you. Thank you for sending your son to die for my sin. Thank you for making a way for me to know you. You know I am not great with rules so I know I never could have made it under the law. I never could have been good enough or made enough sacrifices to be in right standing with you. Thank you Jesus for being my sacrifice for all time that I can know you! You are first and most important in my life and in my eternity. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

What God Said Tonight:
You are beautiful my daughter. I love when you take time to recognize the wonder of our relationship. It is unique but available to all who would choose it. Available to anyone who would choose me. It is so good and it is what you were created for. You were made to be in relationship with me. You were made to know me and to love me. You were made to be my daughter.

We have so much more to do. You are amazed right now, but you haven't seen anything yet. The best is still to come. You will continue to be in awe. I like when you look around with your jaw dropped. It means that you remember and realize the enormity of it all and that it is me that is making it all happen.

We will go to amazing places, meet amazing people and do amazing things. I plan to keep you amazed all the days of your life. You are ready to see the next level of miracles. You have seen many but it is time to see the next level. Greater things than this shall you do in my name. Remember when I said that? It remains true and it is true for you. Great and mighty things. That is what we will do, great and mighty things.

I love you and I am with you every step of the way. Each day, look for me and my plan. Don't get side tracked. Not now. I need you to stay focused now. Be my focused beam of light. I love you, you know.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Get it done...

My prayer:
Awesome God. You were right (ha, that sounds funny, of course YOU were right!). Today was better. I kept better focus, did each thing you had for me and am here tonight feeling like I spent a day doing things that were worthwhile and accomplishing the things that needed to get done.

That is important to me. Being able to see progress, being able to check things off the to do list, make me feel like I am worthwhile. I know that you have said that I don't have to perform for you. You have said that you don't need me to accomplish things for you to love me and I appreciate that so much. But for me to feel good about me, I need to accomplish things and get them done.

I thank you God for the opportunities to accomplish things for your kingdom, your people and for you. I am so grateful that you let me help. I love watching you work in people's lives more than anything; but I also love that you let me be a part of it all. What a huge privilege it is to be able to help with the plan of the Most High God of ALL Creation! I say it but I can't really wrap my mind around it. That you, I mean, YOU, would let me and more than even let me, want me to help! God I am so grateful that you can use anyone. I am so grateful that you don't need me to be perfect. I am so grateful that you can use my imperfectness to help accomplish what you need to get done.

God, I worship you, thank you, praise you and remain in awe of you and all that you are.

What God Said Tonight:
You are learning my daughter and that is so good. You are listening to me in the day-to-day as well as in the big plan, the big picture. You are hearing me and understanding what it means for you. Do you know how huge that is?

As long as you keep listening and keep hearing me, in these times together, in reading the word, in other people, in circumstances in all the ways that I try to get it across to you. As long as you keep hearing my voice in all things, there is no stopping us. There is nothing we cannot accomplish.

I know you love to get things done. I made you that way and I have a lot more for you to do. The way we will get it all done is by you hearing me and acting on what you hear. Don't be bashful. Don't worry about waiting to see if you should act. The time to act is now. It is time for decisive action. When I say move, move. When I say go, go When I say talk, talk. When I say stop, stop.

You, YOU, I love. I love you my lighthouse. Shine in darkness, shine in the fog. The darkness is evil, the fog is confusion. Be my reflected light and make the way clear for your brothers and sisters. I have to say it one more time, I LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Change your focus...

My prayer:
Mighty God, I am spent, done in, nothing left. But enough about me. You are my strength. What do you have on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
When in doubt, change your focus. When things don't seem to make sense, change what you are looking at. When you look at me, when you look at my plan, when you look at how I see things, do things and plan things, you will get the perspective you need.

Your attitude determines where you go and your attitude is determined by having the right perspective. I am always the right perspective. If your attitude isn't where it should be, change your focus. You spent most of today looking at the situations and not enough time looking to me. That is when you get exhausted and frustrated like you are right now. You don't have to tell me, I see it. I know that you are here only out of obedience tonight and that is ok. I am glad you are here. But change your focus and you will let go of the anger, the frustration and you will be able to enjoy me and enjoy our time together.

It is so much better that way. I love you so much. I will always love you. I love you when you love me back and I love you when you get angry. I love you when you are frustrated and I love you when you are happy. But the thing is, life is better for you when you can be happy and not angry, at peace and not frustrated.

You can get into the good place, the right place just by changing your focus. Focus on me and eventually, you can't help but feel loved, feel joy, feel peace, because, that is who I am.

I love you my sweet daughter. Rest tonight. Tomorrow will be better. You and me forever.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Dancing with God...

My prayer:
All knowing God, my father. God, today was definitely full of surprises but they weren't very good. Or at least I don't think they were good. Seems like I have a fair number of friends in sad or desperate situations. God I give you each of their situations tonight. You know them God and I pray that you take special care of them and their situations tonight. God I pray for comfort in mourning, peace in chaos, protection in danger and favor in conflict. I pray God that you meet each of their needs in the name of Jesus Christ. I ask God that as our Father, our caretaker, our protection, our peace and our joy God that you just turn around each and every situation to their good.

God I love you. I am so grateful that I can bring you this stuff. Stuff that I can't do anything much about on my own but I can give it to you and you can turn it around in an instant. I love you so much God. Thank you for a day of opportunities to love and be loved. I worship you God knowing that you are everything that I will ever need.

What God Said Tonight:
Peace I bring to you tonight my daughter. I bring you my peace that is not determined by the circumstance but is determined by my presence. I am love and I bring your peace.

Your prayers are heard. I am working in each of their situations right now. I have dispatched angles and there will be praise reports to celebrate soon. You do love those praise reports.

Be encouraged daughter. What you are doing makes a difference. Your prayers do not just bounce off the walls or off of the computer screen. I hear each one and I am busy attending to each one.

I love that you bring me the needs. I love that sometimes you just come to be with me. I love that as we continue to grow in this relationship that no matter the reason, we can be glad to spend time together.

I get to trust you with more every day as you grow in this relationship. You will accomplish things you cannot imagine today. And the main reason you will accomplish these things is that you will get out of the way and let me work. You will do your part but then step aside to let me work.

You are learning that dance with me very well. You are learning the difference between the time to act and the time to step aside. It can be hard for some people to learn but it is essential in ministry. Yes, pray, love, comfort, and be my hands and feet. But when it comes time for power, for change, and for my manifest sovereignty, step aside and let me work.

I love you daughter. Keep doing your part and I promise I will always do mine. Keep dancing with me, let me lead.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My missing piece...

My prayer:
My God, Lord and friend. Today was a pretty great day. Great service, opportunities to serve, good food, bull riding, friends, family...can't ask for much more.

I love you God and I am so grateful for everything you are doing right now. The opportunities are tremendous. I feel like I should be more grateful and more thankful though. I get mad at myself when I focus on the things that have not yet happened but that I so desperately want. With all that you are doing, with all that you are blessing me with now, it really should be enough.

Maybe I'm just greedy. I want it all God. I want the whole package. As great as everything is, I am missing a piece and I want that piece. But then, even as I say that, I feel so small for being ungrateful for all you have done. I want to be satisfied and content. In some ways I am. I don't know, I know I am being vague tonight. Mainly because I don't want to admit this stuff to myself let alone you. I still want the whole package, the marriage and the ministry. There, I said it. You are moving forward the ministry in ways I couldn't even imagine a few months ago. It is so exciting. When do I get to see the other half?

I love you and please forgive me for my ungratefulness. Help me to be a blessing this week. Help me to do everything that you need me to do and in the spirit of excellence that you have called me to. I love you and I am sorry that I keep whining about the same thing.

What God Said Tonight:
You aren't whining. It was like pulling teeth to get you to even admit it tonight. Why do you still worry about what you bring to me? You know that I want to know it all, I want to take care of it all. I want to be your everything and I want to meet all of your needs.

You have a predestined plan on your life, your whole life. I know that it can be hard and lonely sometimes. I want you to remember that I am always with you. I want you to look around and see the people I have surrounded you with. I want you to understand that there is so much love in your life. Your love is multiplied back to you.

There will yet be time for the love and marriage that you now want. It will all happen in the predestined timing that is mine. Until then, we still have a lot to do. Until then, I want to be a little selfish with you. Until then, I want to keep you for myself. I want your full attention.

When you have that husband, your time, your attention will be somewhat divided. There will be times when you will have to remind yourself to have time like this with me, especially in the beginning when things are all exciting with your husband. So, for now, I am reveling in your full attention. I love being your one and only.

But I am not a selfish God and I will not keep you from your dream. I will not keep you from the vision. I am the one who gave it you. For now, love me and receive my love. For now, trust me and my timing. For now, stay with me awhile and let me be your number one as you are mine.

I love you sweetheart. Sleep well in preparation for a great day tomorrow. I have a few surprises to keep you busy and guessing tomorrow! Love you to pieces!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Love being with you...

My prayer:
Mighty God of all creation. I am not in a peaceful mood tonight. I am not in the quiet and worshipful place that I normally am. I am in that place of wanting to just let loose. Go a little crazy. God you know in the old days that meant, well a it meant a lot of things that I don't do anymore. Now it means just getting into a radical place of praise with you!

You are so amazing. Thank you God so much for changing my life!! You are everything God. You are so incredible! You are everything. You set me on fire and let me loose in this world to do your work! God I am on fire for you! You...well you are you and there is nothing better!!! You are so awesome and beyond words.

You are my everything. You are my father, my teacher, my covering, my redemption, my healing, my husband, my love, my peace, my truth, my love, my God, my everything. You provide for everything I ever need and I trust you God to provide everything I will ever need. God I love you so much!!! I love you, I dance for you, I sing for you, I blog for you, I live for you God!!!!!

I am here for you God. What do you have to say tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
This is fun and different tonight. We haven't been here in awhile. You don't need to worry, I love this time with you too. It doesn't always have to be quiet and worship filled. It can be fun and loud and out of control sometimes too.

I love being with you. That is what it comes down to. I love being with you. The only times that it hurts to be with you are when you are not in my will, when you are rebelling against what I know is best for you. But as long as you are listening to me, following me, seeking me I don't care if you are quiet or loud. I don't care if you are listening to Jason or Foundry. I don't care as long as I can be with you.

I love you and love to be with you. I love being with you during the day and I love these times when you really concentrate on me and what I need and want to tell you. You are my great creation and my precious daughter. You are what I intended from the dawn of time and my love for you will never diminish. You are the dream that I had before the dawn of time. I love you and all of this day to day will make sense one day.

In the mean time, let's enjoy our time together. Let's be together and love on each other. Let's share that love everywhere I go. You will continue to have those unexpected blessings (like lunch today, free dessert is just the beginning!). I will bless you coming in and going out. I know you will share the blessings so I know I can trust you with them.

I love you and will never stop, couldn't even if I wanted to and I don't want to. Be my love and share it every day. Let them see what love really looks like.

Friday, October 22, 2010

On the way...

My prayer:
Awesome, incredible, amazing God. I am and remain in awe of you. You truly do have it all figured out and and you work everything to my good. I will try to be better at remembering that when things aren't going the way I think they should. It is easy to think that and know that when everything is turning out great but I will try to remember this moment for the times that I question and I am not sure whether it will all work out

I love you Father. You are so very good to me. I pray God for every yet unanswered prayer tonight God. I pray for every, as of yet, unmet need. I pray God as our great provider, our redeemer, our daddy, that you will take care of it all.

For those situations that for what ever reason cannot be immediately resolved, I pray God that you give us the peace to know that it is in your hands and that you will take care of it all. God I leave it all in your hands tonight resting in the assurance of your love.

God I praise you for everything that you have done and all that you are about to do. I worship you simply for who you are. Let me know you better every day God. Show me more of you every day. Make me more like you every day. I love you forever.

What God Said Tonight:
You had a long day with much to do. Thank you for being with me here tonight anyway. Thank you for following my lead today. You avoided many pitfalls today just by following me.

I love you so very much. I love these seasons where I get to bless you. Sweet daughter I know so well that there are still some things that you want so badly in your heart. Know that they are on the way. I sent them the moment you prayed but they have been delayed in getting here.

Notice please I said delayed. They are still coming. There will be plenty of time to enjoy them. Once they are here, your waiting will seem like nothing. Your joy will be complete. You will still find new things to do and new things to want, don't get me wrong. You are absolutely created to want the next new thing and to be always looking ahead. It is who I need you to be. But soon, you will have a level of contentment that makes all waiting easy.

I love you so much. Rest tonight. Have your Sabbath tomorrow and rest. Sunday we have work to do. Love you. Rest well my sweet.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


My prayer:
My God, I hope you have something to say tonight because I am just a little brain dead. So much happening, I am just trying to keep up. I am not complaining. I love the fast pace, new stuff everyday kind of life you have for me right now, but I think I have thought all the thoughts I can think for one day.

I love you God. What do you have to say tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
Rest your mind and let me fill it.

You don't have to plan or worry. I have it all planned out. You just have to follow. You just have to keep listening and follow me and my plan. You know it is good. You know that my plan is the very best for you.

Don't worry about things falling through the cracks. As I have done in the past, I will bring to you each thing as it needs to happen. I will help you with each new thing. You just follow. I will lead you but you must follow.

Don't lose your way, keep your eyes on me. Keep your focus on me. There are things that will try to grab your attention right now. Things that are not of me and things that are not bad in themselves, but not for you right now. Keep focused on me and follow where I will take you and you will never be sorry.

You will never regret following me. You will be blessed all the days of your life and goodness and mercy will follow you just as you follow me.

Rest tonight. There is much more to do but time to get it all done. You will accomplish every last thing that I have for you. Rest in me darling daughter and know that I am God. I love you more than you can imagine. I love you more than pizza! Smile and enjoy this time girl. You have waiting a long time for it...enjoy!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Too good...

My prayer:
Wow God. I don't even know what to say! So many praise reports this week, it feels like a party! There is a part of me that is almost a little scared it is all so good. That is kind of crazy I guess. Getting scared because things are all turning out too good? Talk about never satisfied!

But God, you are so amazing. You make everything work out. Simple as that, waiting on you, trusting in you, doing whatever I know to do and you work it all out. I almost don't care what is next. Knowing that you have it planned out is enough for me for a change!

Lot's of exclamation points tonight!! I really am so excited! Thank you for getting the book published on Amazon. Thank you for the praise report on my friend's biopsies today, NO CANCER!!! You are so awesome God! Thank you for letting me see you and be a part of your healing. It is one of my favorite things to see you do. Thank you God for the breakthrough at my job. Thank you, THANK you, THANK YOU!!! Gracias, Merci...ok those are the only other languages I know, but THANK YOU!!!

God I love you.

What God Said Tonight:
I celebrate with you! I love seeing you excited. I love the trust that you have right now. I want you to trust me like this when things don't seem to be going right too; but, consider this practice.

I love you so much and it is my great pleasure to bless you. It is my great pleasure to have you be a part of spreading my word, healing people. I love doing these things with you as much as you love them, maybe more.

I love being with you. I love each of you so much. I know I say it a lot, but you don't always hear it or believe it. I will keep saying it, keep showing you and keep at it till you know without doubt how much I love you. And more, that the love that I have for you will supply all of your needs, guide you always and insure that you are never alone.

My love is your provision. I will not let you go without. I will let you go through some things so you grow into everything that you were intended to be but I will always provide and always bless you.

You are walking into greatness and I am your guide. Rest and be ready for tomorrow. It is another opportunity to celebrate!!!