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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, June 16, 2023

Set aside time...


My prayer:

How did the whole week go by without us spending this time together God? I apologize, I honestly had not realized the whole week had passed. It is definitely time to re-prioritize some things. I am too busy with things that don't matter the most and I am letting the things that do matter slip. 

I pray for your help Lord. Help me to recognize those things that matter and to keep my focus and time on those things. I pray that you clear the clutter, the things that don't matter, from my life and my time. Or show me how to clear it out. 

I love you and I am grateful to have this time with you.

What God Said Tonight:

I have missed this time together too, but I have been with you all week. 

I have been there every time you asked for help. I have been there every time you forgot to ask. I have been there when you have given me the glory and I have been there when  you have forgotten to give me the glory. I am with you, now and forever and I will never leave you. 

Our time together is not the issue but it is vital for you and for me to have these quiet times, times of worship, times of talking, and listening. These are the times that I can get through with more than a stray thought or a wave of peace. These are the times I can teach you the things that help make the rest of life easier. 

I have set aside time for you. It does not expire. I love you my child.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Ask, keep asking...


My prayer:

Awesome Father. Thank you for today. I want tomorrow to be different from last week. I want it to be better. I want to love better. I want to be more focused on you and the things that are truly important and less caught up in the transient but always so urgent needs that seem to be never ending. 

I love you God. Help me to be better.

What God Said Tonight:

I don't change but I am all things you need at all times. I am the God of everything and that makes me able to meet your every need, no matter what it is. 

Next week, you will need things that you did not need last week. Do not stop or get weary of coming to me, leaning on me, asking for my help. It is what I live for, literally. I lived for you. I died for you. There is nothing I will not do for you. 

Ask, just ask and keep asking. You will not tire me out. I will not get tired of your voice. Ask and keep asking and I will deliver you from every circumstance, now and forever. 

I love you my child.

Thursday, June 8, 2023



My prayer:

Awesome Father. I have been letting the stress and the details of life get to me lately. I have lost my focus a bit. I have lost the focus on the love that you always remind me about. 

It is the only real goal and purpose. Love you with everything I have and love others. It is that second part that can be hard sometimes. Lately, it is not about people being hard to love sometimes, although they can be. But lately, I have just been so busy, I have forgotten to take the time to love and let people know they are loved.

It is the most important thing, the only thing you have commanded of us, and I have been too busy. That is not ok. I am sorry God and I will do better.

What God Said Tonight:

Love comes in many forms. 

You, my child are loved. You have my love in you. Let it flow from you, that is really all you need to do. Take the time, open up, and let it flow. I will continue to fill you up. Let my love be the overflow of your life. So that even when you have nothing left to give, my love becomes your gift. 

I love you now and forever my child.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

I AM...


My prayer:

Amazing Father. Thank you for today, for the rest and relaxation. Thank you for the gift of doing nothing much of anything. Not everyone has that luxury and I am grateful that you have given it to me today. 

I pray for your help, as always, as we go into this next week. I have no idea what challenges I will face but I know that you are bigger than any of them. I am yours, now and forever God.

What God Said Tonight:

I am three in one. It is not a hard thing to know. It is no different than you who can be a daughter, a wife, and a mother all at the same time. 

It is who I AM. It is all in one and no part of me exists outside of the other parts of me. But, depending on the situation, you may  see the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit. Each aspect of me has a different purpose but just because you are seeing one aspect as active in the moment, it does not mean that is all there is. 

I am whole and I am wholly with you at all times I love you with every part of who I am. I am your Father who cares for you. I am your savior who dies for you. I am the Holy Spirit who has come to help you. I AM. 

I love you my daughter.

Thursday, June 1, 2023



My prayer:

Thank you God for so many blessings and answered prayers today. Thank you for the healing power you showed today. Thank you for the peace that you gave me in the middle of chaos. Thank you for working things out that seemed to have no solution. 

You are amazing and I am grateful, but both of those words seem inadequate.

What God Said Tonight:

The pieces come together more easily when you know what the picture looks like when it is done. I have that benefit of knowing the end from the beginning. I can see where each piece fits. I can guide you on the path to completion. 

Trust my lead. I will take you where we need to go and I will always see you succeed in the end. 
I love you now and forever my child. Do not worry for tomorrow I will show my glory again.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

On the horizon...


My prayer:

Thank you for another amazing day God. Your blessing on my life is unbelievable. So much joy and peace and love. I loved every minute of it and I am 100% aware that every last bit of it comes from you. You are my everything God and I love you SO MUCH!!!

What God Said Tonight:

There is a haze on the horizon that makes it hard to see what is coming. There is a mist and a mask that is hiding the truth. But, I know the truth, I see the truth, and I will not let you be blindsided. I will make you prepared and I will keep you protected, no matter what tomorrow brings. 

Watch the horizon but know that I will not let you down. I love you know and forever my child.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

God's steering...


My prayer:

Thank you for today God. A good mix of fun, new things, and challenges. I am pretty worn out from it all but need to hear your voice before ending the day. What is on your heart tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

The slice of this life, this world that you see is so very small and only one piece in the very large puzzle of reality. I see the whole picture. I see it all. It is with that knowledge that I can guide you into the best path forward and lead you away from those things that will hurt you. Even those things that seem pretty wonderful at the time. 

But trust me, when I lead you way from something, it is because I can see what you cannot and I can see the harm it will bring you. Trust my lead and I will never steer you wrong. 

I love you now and forever my child.