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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Thursday, March 4, 2021

No worry...


My prayer:

Amazing God. Another day with your guidance and favor. I can't imagine living this life without you and I am grateful that I don't ever have to. I love you God.

What God Said Tonight:

Now is not the time for grave predictions and worry for the future. Now is the time to live in the moment, in trust, and in faith. 

My children are not meant for a life of worry and stress. Being my child means that you can leave the worry behind and live in a constant state of blessed assurance. It is not so hard to do. It is simply trusting that I have your best interest at heart and that I am in charge. If you can truly believe those two things, you will never worry another moment in your life. 

I want that for you. I want you to live a life filled with calm assurance and joyous celebration. I am yours and you are mine my child. Now and forever.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Whose battle is it...


My prayer:

Today was a little rough God. I pray for your healing and restoration tonight. I pray for your strength to strengthen me. Sweet savior and brother Jesus, I pray for your mercy. 

I am yours, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

Sweet daughter, you know you only need to call my name. You know that I am always here for you in times of trouble, when you need help. I am your strong tower and I will not let you down. 

The battles you were in today were not yours. They were not even mine. The battles today were others' battles and you just got caught on the periphery in some cross fire. Don't let their battle damage you. 

Your compassion is good, it is right, but don't get into a battle that is not yours. I fight your battles for you. You do not have to fight others' battles for them. 

I am your victory and I love you now and forever my child.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Just be...


My prayer:

Today was really wonderful God. Thank you for every minute of it. That is really all I have to say tonight. I love you and I am grateful for all that you do for me.

What God Said Tonight:

Just be and know that I am God. That is it. Everything else comes from that. 

Love comes from that. Blessing comes from that. Grace comes from that. Joy comes from that. 

Just be and know that I am God. I can help with everything else. I love you child, now and forever.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Intent for change...


My prayer:

Amazing God. I don't know what tomorrow holds but I live a life of peace knowing that you are in charge. I love that you have given me a life where I get to still learn new things every day. Thank you Father.

What God Said Tonight:

This is not what you think it is but it is the first step to tomorrow. A life well lived is lived in transparency with the self assurance that you are walking in the righteous steps that I have laid out. I have not yet begun to see you walking into the promised land but I have prepared a path for you. 

Find the meaning and pay attention to each and every experience you are having right now. They are preparing you for the next season. Just as the last season prepared you for this one. Now is not the season for transition but now is the season for growing with an intent for change. 

I love you. I am with you. I am never going to leave you. I can and do make those promises.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Ride the wave...


My prayer:

Thank you for a productive and rewarding day God. It feels so good to be contributing to something worthwhile again. You always know what is best for me. Thank you.

What God Said Tonight:

A day and a night do not seem like much on their own, but the whole world can change in that time period. I have seen completely reversed circumstances in less time than it takes to breathe in. 

Your present is not your future and is also not your past. Your present is this moment and the only thing you can know for sure is that it will change. A life well lived is one that can ride on the top of those changes like a surfer on a wave. 

Ride my waves and you will see great wonders. I love you.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Blessings abundant...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I am wiped out and not feeling well tonight. I do not know what is going on but I feel like a freight train ran over me several times. I pray for your healing power in me. I pray for your restoration in me. I know that you have provided healing for my life and I claim it in me tonight.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

Next is the season of blessings abundant. I am taking you to a new level of blessing. 

An attack, a physical attack, an attack on your circumstances is not evidence of something going wrong. They are only evidence of satan's last ditch effort to steal what is already yours. 

Trust me to bring to you every promise I have ever made to you. You will be restored in every way my child. I am here for you.

Friday, February 19, 2021

A new day...


My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for bringing me through today. I remain so grateful of when you make the impossible, possible. 

I have come to nearly expect it in some ways but I hope and I intend to not lose the joy and wonder of your love and favor in my life. It is remarkable how you take care of me. No one who hasn't experienced you loving care would ever really believe me. But really, if you look at my life, the every day blessings and the stunning miracles, no one can deny you in the face of all that. 

I love you now and forever my God.

What God Said Tonight:

Watch the skies. Watch the hills. A new day is coming and it brings with it new blessings and new pain. I am here and I will see you through but the time of blessings and cursings is not yet complete. 

I have a cover over you. I have a light shining on you. I have your best interests always at hand. I am your Father and I will not let you go. I will see you in paradise with me for eternity.