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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, August 4, 2019

Changing like a rock...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I asked for a new life, a new phase, a new season. You are giving it to me and it is wonderful. It is also pretty scary. 

Help me God to walk in faith. I know in my heart and in my head that this is your will. You have told me in so many ways. I also know that when your will is done, nothing can stand in the way. 

I also know, there are many times in my life where I thought I knew your will, only to find out that I was COMPLETELY wrong. That is when my head starts spinning and dwelling on thoughts and worries. What if I am getting this completely wrong?

You have said it is ok to dream and that you will give me the desires of my heart but a part of me is very afraid to do that. This dream is a biggy and if it does not work out, the disappointment could be crushing.

Guide my thoughts and my actions God. Fill me with your peace. Fill me with your presence. Everything is better in your presence. 

What God Said Tonight:

Rocks, mountains, they seem so permanent but even in their stability and strength, they are changing. You cannot always see the change but it is there. 

Like a rock, your life has been slowly changing. It has not been obvious but it has been happening on the inside and just like the rock, the change is about to break free and the changes will be obvious. It will be beautiful. It will be dramatic. 

One thing that will never change. I will always love you and I will always be with you. 

Lets keep moving toward the change to come, not with fear but with assurance that it is something you have been preparing for. The hard outer shell is about to slide off and reveal the beauty within. My dear, do not dread the change but celebrate in its beauty. 

I love you now and forever.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Who is responsible...

My prayer:

Just when I think I know what you are doing, the direction that you are taking me, surprise! We head a different direction. Life in your will is never boring God! Which is good for me. You know how I hate being bored. 

I pray, above everything else, your will is done God.

What God Said Tonight:

Where you are headed is taken care of. Your focus should be on where you are today and loving everyone in your path. 

I have tomorrow taken care of. You are responsible for making the most of today. 

I love you. I have such amazing blessings for you. Don't miss the blessings of today because you are focused on tomorrow.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Lesson, purpose, plan...

My prayer:

Thank you for new and renewed lessons today God. 

I have always been a pretty passionate person who feels strongly about things. I have big opinions, especially when I think someone is not being treated fairly. But, today was a great reminder that things are not always as they seem. Sometimes, it seems like something is unfair but in reality, if I keep my head and stay calm, I find out that I was only seeing a small part of the story. In reality, everything was quite fair and appropriate. 

Thank you for teaching me balance and maturity God. Thank you for always working it all out.

What God Said Tonight:

Your blessing is in the lessons as well as the result. 

Each lesson, each challenge makes you more ready to receive the next level and season in your life. I never teach you something you don't need to know. Every lesson has a purpose and every purpose has a plan. 

I am with you, guiding you, and I will see you victorious in all things. All my love will be poured out on you my child. 

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Making sense of it...

My prayer:

Thank you for the down time the last couple of days God and thank you for the beauty of the mountain this morning. It has been a nice reset. My prayer remains, your will be done. In everything. I love you Father.

What God Said Tonight:

Your adventure has just begun. 

So many things will make sense to you when you are fully engaged in this next season. Things that seemed random, you will see their purpose. Things that seemed useless, will suddenly be obvious as to their use. 

No effort is in vain. No lesson is wasted. 

You are my child and your life is fully dedicated to showing my glory on earth. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What is important...

My prayer:

The world beat me up today God. I feel like I have been through an obstacle course all week with land mines and grenades being thrown at me. I am being a bit over dramatic but that is what it feels like.

I am tired and bruised and need you.

What God Said Tonight:

I need you to gain a bit of perspective. Come up here with me and remember what is important and what isn't important. 

Your success and your failures are both realities of life but neither define you. You are a child of the most high God and that is what defines you. You are forgiven. You are a King's kid. You are royalty and with that comes privilege. 

What do I always tell you? In the midst of chaos and competing demands, remember to love. It is the only thing that really matters. Love others, love yourself, love me. That is all you need to do.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

No fear, all faith...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I know what people are saying. I know what my heart and mind are saying. And, I am pretty sure I know what you are saying. I choose to believe you and rest in the peace of knowing that the God of all creation will have his way! LOVE YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

I love you. I have got you. 

Your life will change and the change will be good. 

Your fear is not needed. Your faith is your friend right now. 

I love you. I will see this thing done and in my will. Your prayers are heard and answered my love.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Timing is everything...

My prayer:

My mind is racing with plans and ideas God. But I pray, no matter how excited I get, I pray your will be done. 

If I get ahead of your will, on this or anything, I know it will end up in a mess. So, while I can't help getting excited, know that at my core, it is still more important to me that your will is done, no matter how well or not well my will lines up with it. 


What God Said Tonight:

No plan is made in vain. Every desire of your heart is in my plans for you, at some point. 

So, plan, dream, love. Just remember that the timing is in my hands. I will make sure that everything comes about in its right time and place. That, you will have to trust me on. 

I love you.