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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A big decision...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I come asking for guidance and direction tonight.

The opportunity from today is interesting. I have been looking for a change. Is this it? Or is this just a distraction? Part of me thinks it could be great but part of me sees all of the downsides to it. A big part of not wanting to take the opportunity is knowing I would have to say good bye to people I truly love and admire. But then I think, that is not a good reason to stay and ignore the opportunity.

Anyway, as you can see, logic and reason isn't getting me anywhere. Help me God to make the right decision.

What God Said Tonight:

Our relationship is not one where I tell you what to do and you do it. That is the relationship of a master and a slave. You are not my slave, you are my daughter, my precious daughter. As such, all I want is your happiness.

I just want to be a part of your everyday life and decisions. I can show you pitfalls and I can show you potential, but the decision, especially decisions like these are all yours.

You can talk it through with me and bounce ideas off of me, I am happy to be a part of it all, but in the end, you choose. And when you do, I will find blessings in your decision. I will destine you to succeed, as I have always done.

Rest on it. Let your mind turn off for awhile. I bet it will look a whole lot clearer to you in the morning.

Monday, August 22, 2016

God's warrior army...

My prayer:

What a crazy attack that was tonight God! I could almost hear satan jeering at me, "What are you going to do now? Now that everything is going wrong, bet you start blaming God now!"

That was where he overplayed his hand though. I knew in that moment that I had to focus on you like never before, trust in you like never before and love you know matter what the outcome, knowing that you would work it for my good. And, right then, everything started turning around!

It seems like you are teaching me a lot through real life circumstances right now God. It is a powerful way to learn. I love you!

What God Said Tonight:

Your left and your right are an army ready for battle. They have waited many years to fight and the time is nearly here.
You are on the front lines but you are not alone. Your warrior brothers and sisters will fight by your side. The winner is already determined but the battle needs warriors.

Go get them my warrior princess daughter!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

God's voice...

My prayer:

I really enjoyed our time together today God. It was good to just hang out with you, no agenda, no needs, just you and me on a lake.

I know I don't do that enough. I don't take the time to just be in your presence. There is almost always something going on where I need your help, your guidance, something. That must get really old for you.

Any time you want to talk, let me know and I will do all that I can to stop what I am doing to listen. Sometimes you are going to have to talk loud or smack me upside the head a bit because, you know, I can get pretty involved in my own stuff. But, please know that I truly always want to and will make time to listen.

Your voice is my everything. Your love makes me whole.

What God Said Tonight:

I have a voice that can shake the foundations of the earth. I can actually wake the dead with my voice. But most people know it as a still small voice. That is how I prefer to talk to my children.

I prefer those quiet moments. I save the big voice for warfare, for momentous changes. I use my small voice for showing you love, helping you along the way, giving you all that I can. My loud voice is for the enemy. He does not listen well and sometimes it is the only way I can get his attention. My children, who know and love my voice, will find it in the quiet spaces.

Every time you take a moment in your busy day, I will be there. Every time your thoughts turn to me, I will be there.

I am yours and you are mine forever,

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Prayer for Pastors...

My prayer:

My prayer tonight God is for your Pastors. As I look around, it seems like your Pastors around the world are getting attacked at greater levels than ever. They are being attacked in their physical health, in their families, in their minds, in their emotions and in their dreams. It seem clear that satan has launched an onslaught against the men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving you and your people and I want to take a stand, right here, right now and say STOP IT satan!

In the name of Jesus Christ who has given me the authority to do so, I resist you and I command you to back off of the chosen people of God. You can't have them. They belong to God. Get your filthy hands OFF!

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I have heard you and I am with you. Your instincts are right. This is  a new level of battle and a new level of warfare going on today.

I have my warriors in place. I have the destiny already worked through.

You will see great things on the other side of this. Pastors who keep their eyes and faith in me will be delivered. Those who do not will be sifted, like wheat. I need my end days army strong and unshakable.

I love you.

Friday, August 19, 2016

While you wait...

My prayer:

I am feeling deflated tonight God. I could use some of your inspiration and hope.

Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

I have only good things for you, right? I have promised you a future. I have promised you hope. I have not brought you this far just to let you stop. I have spent a lifetime preparing you. I won't let that go to waste.

I will tell you again, this next season is nearly here and it is only a matter of timing. While you wait, rest, grow strong, look forward with hopeful anticipation and enjoy this time to rest and play. The hard work will be here soon enough.

I love you and don't worry, all is well and as it should be.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Lead with your heart...

My prayer:

Thank you God for having better ideas than mine.

Today I was all ready to go in and demand "the respect I deserve" and instead you provided a wonderful bonding opportunity that helped me to see it wasn't disrespect but something completely different that drove his behavior. If I had gone in the way I wanted to, I would have alienated him and made things worse.

Thanks for always having a better way and leading me down the right paths. My life is so much better because you are in it!

What God Said Tonight:

Sometimes a good idea starts from a completely different place and can take you exactly where you need to be for other reasons.

Today, you led with your heart. You left your ego and your logic behind. That is what made it successful. When dealing with other people, leading with your heart will never let you down.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


My prayer:

Thank you for amazing timing today God. Everything fell right into place, I heard your voice all day guiding me, it was wonderful!

I love those times where your presence is so obvious. I know you are always with me but sometimes I can sense you more than others. I love when I can see, hear, feel you close. You are my ever present help.

Thank you for today.

What God Said Tonight:

I am not through yet. I am just beginning to change the world into the paradise I always meant for it to be.

The change is hard and the change will look worse before it is better. But the change is coming. The change has begun.

I am counting on you and your brothers and sisters to move in when it is done. I am counting on you to be the stewards I first envisioned my children to be. I am counting on you to stay strong in me and be ready.

I love you .