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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Timing of truth...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I have a lot on my mind but mainly just boring details of life. Nothing profound or wonderful. 

I do want to thank you for renewing my brother's dream! I forgot how fun it is to watch you bless new believers. It seems like when someone is new to living life with you, you tend to move so quickly and profoundly in their lives. It is so fun to watch you bless him!

There is a lot going on tomorrow God and a lot that could go wrong. I ask for you to be in complete charge of it all and working it all out for my good like you do. Thank you for always taking such good care of me God. 


What God Said Tonight:

I have waited to tell you something, to share something with you. I have waited because the timing of knowledge is as important as the knowledge itself. Not everybody is ready to hear the whole truth all of the time. 

I speak in parables a lot for that reason. I speak in images and stories so that people can discover the truth when they are ready. Until then, it is just a nice story that people can ignore. Don't get angry when people ignore the story. It is just not their time yet. 

I have you at a place for great revelation. I have you here because in this time I will need warriors on earth who will stand strong in me no matter what. I will need warriors who know the truth, the whole truth. I will need you to know the truth. 

I have prepared you and I will reveal more truth to you each day. It will be like building a brick foundation, one piece at a time. but, once built, nothing will shake it. 

Be alert to me and my words. Be ready for knowledge in and about things that you thought you already knew. I am giving you new levels of knowledge and understanding because it is your time. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Safe in the midst of treachery...

My prayer:

My God. I need wisdom. You have said that when we lack wisdom we should ask for it and you will give it to us so I am asking. There is so much going on right now, both the things I can see happening and the things that I sense are happening in the spirit realm. 

God, I ask that you help me to understand what is going on and what, if anything you want me to do. 

What God Said Tonight:

The activities and things going on should not be unusual to you or strange. They are nothing more than the tired old tricks of your enemy. He is whispering doubt in your ear. He is telling you that you are less than you are. He is trying to distract you so he can get you off track. 

I have seen his plays so many times and he never really has anything new. It is lies, deception, and every attempt to separate you from people, your destiny and from me. 

He cannot succeed. He will not succeed. 

You are covered in my blood. You are set apart. You have a purpose and a plan on your life that cannot be cancelled unless you yourself choose to cancel it. I will not allow any weapon to harm you. I will not allow any enemy to triumph over you. 

I am in this battle with you and I will fight, I will win. I have you completely covered. You do not need to worry. I have you safe in the midst of his treachery. Trust me to be the God I have shown you  that I am. Trust I am.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Growing season...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father, Holy Spirit, Jesus. My God who is risen. Speak to me and tell me waht you want me to hear tonight. I long for your voice God.

What God Said Tonight:

You life is about to become lush and green again. Your seeds are sprouting and producing new grain. Your soil is rich with experience and faith. 

You will have such a great harvest at the end of this next season.. Your waiting time is nearly done. Your reaping time is almost here. 

Trust me each day to lead you on the path of glory in me. 

Tomorrow is going to be so good!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Cuddle up...

My prayer:

God, I am  so in love with you! Your sweet presence is greater than anything else in the entire universe. Your peace is better than all the money in the world. Your direction, wisdom, and love complete me. 

Thank you for counting me worthy even though I am not. Thank you for being patient with me even when I am stubborn. Thank you for loving me when I am unlovable. Thank you for always seeing the best in me even when the worst in me is so apparent. 

What God Said Tonight:

I love you for you are lovely. I take care of you because you are mine. I comfort you because you are tender. I love you because I am love. 

Cuddle up tonight with me daughter. We have been through a tough week, a tough season and while there is more to walk through, tonight, it is just you and me. Tonight I want you to rest in my arms and forget everything else. I will take care of it all, I promise. So, tonight, cuddle up with me and let me enjoy you. 

Mmmm, that is good.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Such a GOOD Friday...

My prayer:

Tonight was so wonderful God! What an amazing celebration of you and your sacrifice! Thank you for putting people in my life that have the same desire to love you and worship you. Not in a showy, hey look at me way, but in a quiet, spirit and truth kind of way.

Jesus, this year more than any other, I am so aware of the amazing gift your sacrifice was and is for us. God, I continue to receive your gift of salvation and grace in my life. Thank you. 

What God Said Tonight:

I was there in the midst of you tonight and I was so very blessed by you and by your love. It is love that always wins out in the end. There is nothing stronger than true love. There is nothing that can beat it. 

The love you have for me and the love you have for each other will strengthen you to face any battle and any enemy. That love will make you victorious. 

I love you, I loved you, I will always love you. My life was a willing sacrifice for that love. You are in right standing with me because of that love and my sacrifice. You are under the grace covering that allows everything to be possible in you. I love you now and forever my sweet child.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Don't fight it...

My prayer:

Ok God. What is going on? There are so many of your kids that are going through the same desert, struggle that I am in right now. Two friends in the last week said it feels like Groundhog's Day where every day is exactly the same. We are all feeling this same way. Something must be up. 

God, I ask for revelation and understanding of what is happening in the spirit realm. I ask that you show me the meaning behind all of this. And most importantly, I ask you to show me anything that I should be doing or not doing that will help all of us get through this.

God, I declare your joy which is our strength into our lives. I receive the oil of joy for mourning. I lean God on you, now and forever, because I love you, I trust you and I can't get us out of this on my own. 

What God Said Tonight:

Who ever said that you have to save yourself? You can't you know. You can't save anyone else either. I am the one who can save, redeem, and set free. You, yes, you are my hands and feet so often in that process that sometimes you forget that it is me that is doing the saving, not you. But make no mistake about it, you can not save yourself from anything in this world. 

You can avoid some things for a while, you can even fight some things off. But for true victory and true freedom, you have to rely on me. 

I will bring you out. But right now, you are a little like a swimmer who is drowning and fighting off the lifeguard. Go limp for me, trust me to bring you in. Don't let your fear or your need to control keep you from your blessing. 

I am taking you somewhere. Just follow me and I will show you great and mighty things. I love you daughter, you know that I do. I am in you, you can't lose. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


My prayer:

Wow God. This season is so tough! I just think I am getting on top of it, that things are getting better, that I have some revelation and hope and then I come crashing back down again. Life right now seems like a relentless series of meaningless problems that have to be solved. 

I am sorry that I keep complaining. You know that is normally not me. I am usually the first person to find the silver lining. But, not right now. 

God, please fill me with your joy again which is my strength. Help me to see the good around me. Help me to see the hope. I bind discouragement off of me and the people around me and I loose your joy and peace. 

God, I thank you for the blessings you pour out on our lives and ask that you help me to focus more on those than on the things that are coming against me. God, renew your purpose for me in my life. Help me to see what you want for me to do or if I am doing it, help me to see how this mundane day to day experience will lead into the purpose you have for me. God, I need your help.

What God Said Tonight:

I have seen this season coming from the beginning of time. It is not a surprise to me and it is not something that we can not handle. I have a plan and the plan is not dead. I have your purpose well in hand and your purpose is not dead. 

I am the way, the truth and the life. I bring life to everything I touch. Your life is not over. Your life is just beginning. Your life is in my hands and I will see you do great things for the Kingdom. 

You need encouragement, true. But what you need most is to trust me. You need to believe that I am still active, alive and doing all that I can n your behalf and for your good. 

I know this season is hard. It is hard to trust me things don't look good. But then, if it was easy, it would not be trust. If it was easy, it would not be faith. Keep your faith in me. I won't let you down. I never have and I never will. 

Endure. Seek joy. Look for it. Have your eye out for the new spring bloom on the side of the road. Roll in the fresh green grasses of Spring. Your day, your next season is so close. Find the joy while you wait and trust me.