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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, August 24, 2013


My prayer:

Today was pretty wonderful God. All day with you. Thank you for hanging out with me today.

I have something I need to talk to you about tonight but I don’t know how. I don’t know what to do or even what to want in this situation. I don’t know how to pray about it. I don’t even know exactly what to call it.

I ask God, that you listen to my heart tonight and help me. I am tired of sweeping this under the rug and hoping it will go away. I need a plan or I need deliverance or I need wisdom…something. I need something so I can get past this.

Thank you God in advance for your help.

What God Said Tonight:

Not everything can be described. Not everything can be reasoned away. There are some things in this life that are only experienced and there are some things that are only conquered through the power of the Holy Spirit on earth and in you.

You have an ugliness, a thing in you that you don’t like. You can’t get rid of it on your own, you have tried and you still have it. You have tried to reason with it and it is still there. You have tried to accept it and it is still there. You have tried to defeat it and it is still there.

What is left? The only thing left, the only thing you can do is to trust me with it.

I know your issues and I know your weaknesses. I won’t ever exploit your weakness. I will only guard your weakness. Your enemy wants to hit you where it hurts. I want to shield you where it hurts. I want to heal you where it hurts.

I have a plan for you and for the ugliness that you worry about. I will see you delivered from this thing. But this one, this one will take a while. I want you to be whole. I want you to be complete. To do that will take some time. I could just remove it but that would leave you with a piece missing and you should have it all. You are my child and I want to see you fully blessed.

So, trust me with this. I know that you can’t do it and it is ok. I know that you need me to fix it and I will. Trust me no matter how long it takes.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Fill me up...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. Friday nights are starting to seem like a victory! Just making it through the week to Friday night seems like an accomplishment.

Thank you for bringing me through again. Thank you for your grace and mercy ALL week. Thank you for the opportunity to mend a broken relationship, help a friend or two, and pray for some of your kids. You are the reason God and you are what makes the work worth it.

I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

I will lead you by still waters. I will give you rest.

I appreciate your efforts to get the work done today so you can rest tomorrow. Your rest is needed to do what you do for me.

Focus on me tomorrow. Spend time with me. Don’t just rest and don’t get distracted with life. Spend some time with me that I can fill you up again. Spend some time in my presence so I can heal the wounds of the week. Spend some time in my arms that I can love you like you should be loved.

I am all yours tomorrow if you want me. I want you.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


My prayer:

I am not in balance right now God but I don't know what to do about it. There is too much to do and not enough time to do it. I need your help.

I am sure that I should be saying no to some things, which you know is hard for me in general, but, especially now when everything is so good. All the things that need to be done are things I actually want to do. I am just out of time to do it all. 

I need your help.

What God Said Tonight:

I want to help you and I will help you. I am your ever present help. 

You may be surprised by how I help. It may not seem like help at first but I am in it and I will make sure it works for your good. 

Follow my lead, even when it seems impossible and I will guide you through. 

Today was a day of beginnings, you just don't know it. One day, when you see all that has been happening behind the scenes in this time period, you will be amazed. It will make a lot more sense then I promise. In the meantime, trust me, follow me, and don't give up.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

God's hope...

My prayer:

Today was definitely different than what I expected God but it was good. Seemed like I was making minor adjustments all day. Thank you for showing me alternatives when the original plans did not quite work out.

One of the many things I love about you God is that you always have options which means I can always have hope. No matter how many doors are closed, you always have another door that is open. Always.

I can’t imagine trying to live this life without the benefit of your hope or the hope I can have because you are in me and in my life. I don’t want to.  Love you! Thank you! I remain in awe of you!

What God Said Tonight:  

I have hope for you. I always have hope for you because I am always taking you to the next level. I am always taking you into your future. But please don’t forget that I am in this thing, this place with you today, right now, right here and I will bless you in the middle of it. You don’t have to wait to live in my purpose and plan for you. You don’t have to wait to be blessed. I will meet you right where you are, love you, bless you, and use you right now and right here.

Yes, you have an amazing future that I have carefully planned since the beginning of time and you will be blown away by all that we do. I want you to be excited about it. But, I also want to be with you right here and right now. I want you to see how amazing and wonderful today is. I want you to see the beauty and the glory and the purpose all around you right now today.

There will be a time when you look back on this season and you will see so clearly how exciting and wonderful it was to be on the cusp, waiting in hope and finishing preparation. One day in the future, you will look back at this time and say, that was good.

What I want you to do, what I hope for you, is that you start to see the value of this time and this season while you are still in it. I understand that it is not always comfortable but it is so valuable. Your experiences today, yesterday and tomorrow are truly making a difference for you and so many others. You do not recognize the echoes of your actions but you will one day.
Today, rejoice in your partnership with me and know that nothing you do is in vain. Everything has a purpose. Love you sweet daughter.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Investing God's blessings...

My prayer:

God, today was kind of tough, no doubt about it. But, you got me through it and in the end, looks like you are working it all to my good, like usual.

You are so wonderful to me God! Sometimes I wonder why. I know I don’t deserve all of the wonderful things you do for me. When I ask about it you always tell me how much you love me which is also wonderful.

Then, I talk to folks, wonderful people who love you, people that I love, who can’t seem to catch a break.  No matter what they do, they can’t seem to find your blessings. I feel horrible for them. When they ask me what they should do differently, I don’t know what to tell them.

My blessing is a result of your love. You love them just as much. Why do I see your promises manifest in my life so often and these wonderful people, people much better, smarter, more loving, than me can’t seem to find your blessings? What can I tell them? What can I do to help?

What God Said Tonight: 

My blessings are truly all around. You have to look for them.

Remember the story of the talents. To one I gave five talents, to one I gave two talents and to the last one I gave one talent? Well, in that story, the men who I gave five and two talents to both saw the value of the talent but also saw that the real value was in how they could multiply that talent to be more than what it started as. To each of them I gave more. They truly appreciated the gift and knew how to make more of what they were blessed with.

For the man I gave one talent, he hid it. He saw the value of the one talent but did not see its true potential. He did not appreciate the gift.

When it comes to my blessings, you have to look for them first. Then you have to recognize the worth of that blessing and how, if you invest it, if you pass it along, if you do something with it, it will multiply in your life. That is the key. Recognize the blessings around you and then invest them to see them grow.

I promise that I have blessings in every one of my children’s lives. They just have to begin to recognize them and invest them. Anything you invest in my kingdom will grow. 

Monday, August 19, 2013


My prayer:

I am trying to be patient but I am failing tonight God. It took me awhile to believe that you really wanted to do this huge thing that you have placed in front of me. But, now that I am fully convinced it is your will, I want it now. I don’t want to wait anymore. It is TOO EXCITING! All day it was hard to concentrate wondering if today was the day.

But, I also know that your timing is best. I know from experience that if I try to rush it, I will ruin it.
God, now more than ever, I pray your will and your timing be accomplished not matter how impatient I get. I would rather be impatient than to rush your timing.  I would rather have your full and complete will in my life under your terms than to rush it and get only part of what you have for me.

So, even though I feel REALLY impatient, I am going to choose to be patient and wait on you. I love you God and I trust you.

What God Said Tonight:

Timing is critical. Many moving parts, many people with their own decisions and fee will. I have to find and pinpoint the exact timing to ensure that this comes together perfectly.

I will tell you that you do have to wait but I promise I will not make you wait any longer than necessary. I will tell you that I knew the timing of this from before we ever started on this path and I am not worried. Everything is on time even though it feels late to you.

I promise that I am in charge of you and your life and I will lead and guide you always. Rest in the assurance that I have it all covered and you will see it done.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Trust the open door...

My prayer:

God, I don't need to talk tonight. I have been talking for days now. Ha! whose kidding who! I have been talking since before I was born, at least according to my Mom! 

I do need to listen. What is on your mind.

What God Said Tonight:

There is nothing that you are walking into that I have not prepared you for. There is nothing that I will ask you for that I have not already given you. I first provide and then I ask. 

The problem is, your fear comes in when you can't see what I see. You can't always see how the things I have put in you, the experiences you have been through all work together in the prefect formation to handle the next season, the next assignment I have for you. It is always clear to you in hindsight but not always before you start. 

That is where faith comes in and that is where your trust comes in. Trust in me and step into the open doors I put in your life. I put them there for a reason. I do not have a trap door on the other side. I have your future, your assignment and my blessing for you on the other side. 

Trust that I know what I am doing. No, really trust what I am doing. Even when you can't see how everything will work out. I know that goes against your nature. You want to figure everything out before you step into it. But, not this time. 

This time, there is too much for me to show you now. Your mind could not contain it. But, trust me, trust my direction, trust the open door, and you will begin to see a future that you have only begun to recognize.