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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Missing peace...

My prayer:

Mighty God, I ask that you clear my mind tonight. So many thoughts crowding in and I just want rest. I want to turn it all off for just a little while. Your blessings are amazing and you are filling my life with more wonderful opportunities than I know what to do with. I just need, or I just want a few hours to turn it all off and be at peace. 

Huh, I bet that is the key. It is not that there is too much going on, it is that I have lost focus and contact with your peace that passes all understanding. God, I pray for you peace tonight. Flood me with your peace that I can rest and be ready for tomorrow. Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

My peace is yours and always has been. Turn from your worry and your thoughts and turn toward my peace. Remember that I knew that all of this was going to happen and I knew it was going to happen right now. I am not surprised by the events of today. I am not even surprised by the events of tomorrow. 

I promise, you are still on the right track. I promise I will not leave you. I promise that I really will finish the work I have begun in you. I promise. Rest in the complete assurance that I will take care of you now and forever. 

I will make sure that you know what to do and when to do it. You do not have to try to predict what comes next I already know and I will let you know when you need to know it. I promise. I love you and I will not make you walk this life alone. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Word bricks...

My prayer:

The power of life and death really is in our tongue. I think I realize that more than ever tonight God. Our words can encourage someone and leave them flying high or they can crush them. Just through words. Careless words, my careless words, have caused more damage than I will probably ever know. 

Help me God to be more aware of my words and their effect. Help me to be more thoughtful about the things that I say. God help me to use my words to heal and not harm. Protect and not attack. God, let your words be my words.

What God Said Tonight:

Words are like bricks, they can build great things but they can destroy just as easy. It all depends on how they are wielded. If you carefully place them in the right place at the right time with other words, you can build a great pyramid or a mansion. If you throw them, one by one or even worse, as a big load, you can kill and destroy. 

Words were intended to be used to build, to encourage, to create. It is only when they are used for a purpose that they were not made for that we run into trouble. Be careful with your bricks.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Golden mist...

My prayer:

Following you is so easy God. Well, I guess what I mean is once I let go of my agenda and decide to follow you, it is all so easy from then on. When I wait on you, trust you, and follow you, it all comes so easy and is so amazing!!
Thank you for letting me be a part of what you are doing. Thank you for the amazing people you have put in my life that I get to love and who love me. Thank you God for the opportunities to see you do the amazing and the incredible in their lives! Love you SO MUCH!!

What God Said Tonight:

There is a mist on the horizon that is lit with a golden glow. It is a sign of what is to come. There is a fire and and a power that is on the way. I have told you of it before. I want you to be fully ready. 

The power that is coming in this wave is unlike anything you have ever seen. It will frighten many, but you have been prepared. You will know it for what it is. You will know it as a sign that I am near. You will recognize it as a sign that I am in charge and that things are about to change. 

I love you daughter and I will take you as far as you are willing to go in this journey.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Change in nature...

My prayer:

Amazing God. You have given each of us great gifts and talents. I want to be better about appreciating the gifts in others without being jealous of them. I want to be better about appreciating what you have given me and appreciating what you have given others and being satisfied in that. God, you know best. 

You know what I need to accomplish what you have for me in my life and you know what each other person needs to accomplish what you have for them. I pray that you help me to always appreciate that and to never envy. There is enough work to go around and I want to be sure I am doing what you want me to do and not what you had saved for someone else. Thank you Jesus for listening.

What God Said Tonight:

Now that is they kind of prayer that is easy to answer. And my answer to that kind of prayer is always going to be yes. When you pray for things to change so that they are in agreement with my word and my plan for you, the answer is always yes. I will always help you to live according to my word. 

You are coming back to the form and the nature that I intended for you. You are shucking off the sin nature and you are walking in the new nature that I have for you. It is not natural for you to hate, envy, lie, cheat or steal. It is not natural for you to kill. And yet those things have become the nature of man in sin. 

You are returning now to the nature that I intended for you . You are returning to the nature that is creative and not destructive, loving and not hateful, joyful and not morose. Welcome back my daughter. Your change in nature is nearly complete.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


My prayer:

All knowing God. Figuring out this life, what to do, what not to do, when to do it, how to do it, all of it, is hard sometimes. I am crazy grateful that I get to come to you and ask for help and guidance. I can't imagine trying to navigate life without your wisdom and help. 

There are so many choices. Sometimes, like tonight, I just get tired of needed to make choices. I would like just a little bit of time tonight to rest my mind and not choose...anything, except of course to love you and spend time with you. Just a little vacation from choosing.

What God Said Tonight:

You only have to make one choice and that is to chose me. Every other choice is a result of that one choice. 

You are taking too much on yourself again. You are trying to do it on your own. That is why you are feeling tired and overwhelmed. Trust in me, rest in me, know that I am still in control. I will guide you and direct you and show you each thing I need you to do as you need to do it. You know from experience that is true. 

You are not in this alone. I do not expect you to do it on your own. I never did. Lean on me my daughter and I will carry you through. I will make sure you are right where you need to be. Keep choosing me and everything else, I will take care of. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Appreciate the gift...

My prayer:

Here I am again Lord, asking for more, fill me up completely...I love that song God. It so fits tonight. Here I again Lord, asking for more, fill me up completely. You are what I want, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

You can't really appreciate a gift that you give to someone else unless you have first experienced that gift yourself. Until you have had something yourself you can't appreciate what a blessing it is to someone else. Everything that I give to people through you I will first give to you. I will anoint you first. Then, I will ask you to go and anoint others. 

I will never ask you to give something that I haven't already given to you. I am protecting you and the gifts. I am making sure each day that those gifts are with the people I have picked out for them. I have targeted the gifts for the people I believe will appreciate them. 

Have you ever spent a really long time picking out the perfect gift for someone only to have them barely notice when you give it to them? I feel that way sometimes. I give gifts and never see the joy or appreciation for the gift. 

Remember that every blessing I give you is for you but is for every person you ever meet as well. I share things with you so that I can multiply those blessings through you to the world. If you let me, I will multiply it all through you to bless the world and my people in it. Are you up for that? Love you.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fire is coming...

My prayer:

Amazing God. My thoughts are all over the place tonight. Thank you for the amazing favor today. Thank you for reconnecting me with an old friend. Thank you for the new insight you gave me while reading in the book of Luke tonight. I guess I am thanking you for blessing me, for love and for wisdom. That about covers it! Thank you for the little things that I often take for granted. Thank you for a roof over my head and food in my stomach. Thank you for health and for healing. Thank you for a family who loves me. Thank you for keeping me safe physically, emotionally and sprititually. Thank you for being the best Father I could ever hope for! Love you and can't wait to hear your voice...

What God Said Tonight:

A fire is coming that will burn out the overgrowth and will provide great nutrients for the coming spring. The fire is not bad. It is needed. The fire is a tool that seems destructive at first but leaves behind it the fodder, the fuel for new growth. 

No one likes the fire, although if you take the time to look, it really is quite beautiful. But, no one really likes the fire. But it is necessary. Nothing else can provide the environment for the type and extent of growth that we are going to need. 

I don't ask you to like the fire but I do ask you to trust me in the middle of it. Trust that I am still in charge and that I will not let it hurt you. I am with you every step of the way.