My prayer:
Amazing Father. Thank you for today and every opportunity in it. Thank you for helping me to be your reflection. Thank you for giving me the words and the wisdom to see through the challenges. And, thank you most of all for your grace, your mercy, and your love. I am yours, now and forever God.
What God Said Tonight:
There are patterns in life. Sometimes they are regular patterns and easy to recognize and sometimes they are more complex. With the complex ones, you may only recognize the pattern when you get some distance from it and see them from a new angle.
Those around you often can already see the pattern. That is one of the many reasons it is good for you to be in a community of people who are willing to tell you the truth in love. That statement of iron sharpening iron is a true and real point. It is when you are with our other fellow believers that you get the insight and perspective of someone with a broader view.
That wisdom is what will help you out of patterns that lead away from me.