My prayer:
Amazing Father. I am so grateful for the life you have given me. I have been more aware than usual this weekend of your blessings and protection you have poured out on me and my life. Life is worthwhile and wonderful, because of you. I am yours, now and forever.
What God Said Tonight:
Reality is not experienced by everyone in the same way. Two people can have the same experience and yet their experience of it can be very different.
I have you set aside and protected in this season because you are mine. You are marked and your name is in the Lamb's Book of Life. I will keep you safe. I will keep you protected, until the time to move into the new season, the new heaven, and the earth is here.
It doesn't look like you thought it would but this is my will. This is what I had planned from the beginning. Everything is in right order, no matter what it might look like.
Your experience of today was one of peace and rest. Not everyone, not even everyone who had the same opportunities, would say that today was a day of peace and rest for them. The day will come when all are living in my peace, when there is no more pain, no more death. That time is coming for us. For now, enjoy the peace I have given you and know that I love you.