My prayer:
How did the whole week go by without us spending this time together God? I apologize, I honestly had not realized the whole week had passed. It is definitely time to re-prioritize some things. I am too busy with things that don't matter the most and I am letting the things that do matter slip.
I pray for your help Lord. Help me to recognize those things that matter and to keep my focus and time on those things. I pray that you clear the clutter, the things that don't matter, from my life and my time. Or show me how to clear it out.
I love you and I am grateful to have this time with you.
What God Said Tonight:
I have missed this time together too, but I have been with you all week.
I have been there every time you asked for help. I have been there every time you forgot to ask. I have been there when you have given me the glory and I have been there when you have forgotten to give me the glory. I am with you, now and forever and I will never leave you.
Our time together is not the issue but it is vital for you and for me to have these quiet times, times of worship, times of talking, and listening. These are the times that I can get through with more than a stray thought or a wave of peace. These are the times I can teach you the things that help make the rest of life easier.
I have set aside time for you. It does not expire. I love you my child.