My prayer:
Awesome God. I seem to be in a season that is not a lot of fun right now. It seems like so many things are going wrong. Every time I turn around, something weird and new to deal with. It is exhausting.
I am certain that this is one of those seasons where you are going to really show up and take care of it all, which is wonderful. It is just this time period of waiting. This period where I don't know where the next hit is coming from. This is definitely not my favorite.
Ok, I am done complaining. Thanks for listening.
What God Said Tonight:
A season is just that, a season. It is not forever. The one thing you can always count on is that a season will end and a new season will come.
This season, is not as bad as it seems to you right now. There is much joy and peace in this season, but it is hard for you to see. There is cause for celebration in this season, but you are blinded to it. Even in the worst of seasons, there is always more to it than you can see and know.
One thing you must always remember, I am with you in every season and I will bring you through it.
Go and rest tonight. I have you covered.