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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Your heart...


My prayer:

More than ever, God I pray your will is done. I do not know what the right path forward is. I know what I believe you are telling me, but this is a big one and I don't want to mess it up. 

Guide my steps, my decisions, and my words God. Your plans for me are always so good.

What God Said Tonight:

It is not in your heart to do or act against my will. You have given yourself and your life to me. You have given your heart to me. Your path is clear because your heart is purified by my blood and through my sacrifice. 

Believe your heart, trust your heart, it is my voice speaking. Your future is secure because I am in it and in you.

Monday, October 4, 2021



My prayer:

Sweet and awesome God. Thank you for your guidance, provision, and peace today. In the middle of chaos, I had your peace. In the middle of bad news, I had complete confidence that you had a path through it. 

Living this life with you is so much better than trying to live it on my own terms. Thank you for being all that you are, for choosing me, and letting me have a relationship with you. Wrapping my mind around that is always a little challenging. You, the God of all the universe loved me so much that you provided a way that I could overcome every barrier and have a relationship with you. Wow.

What God Said Tonight:

Is it so amazing that I would want to be with my own children? You are the children of my Spirit and made in my image. What parent would not do everything they could to be close to their child, even after the child had strayed way? If it is within their power, they will reconcile to that child. 

How much more, me, your true and Spiritual Father, would do to reconcile to my children. I gave my life for you and now we can live in eternity together. That is what I always wanted. I love you now and forever my child.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Faith and love...


My prayer:

Sweet Father. Thank you for a perfect day. I stand in awe of you and all that you do for me. Now, I will get quiet so I can hear what you have to say tonight:

What God Said Tonight:

I want to give you some clarity and peace. I want you to see the road ahead as I see it, from the end of the road. I want to show you that everything is truly for a reason and that nothing in your life is ever wasted, it will always serve a purpose in both your life and the lives of others. 

I want to show you all of that  but if I do, faith no longer has a place in your life. If I do, you trust the future but you don't need to trust me. 

How much better to trust that I will work everything for your good, no matter what it is. How much better to trust in me than have to know every detail of what will happen next. It is in that trust and in that faith that our relationship grows, out love for each other grows. And, at the end of everything else, that is what truly matters. In the end it is the love that is shared that truly matters. 

Knowing how everything will work out, does not increase the love. Trusting in me, does. 

I love you now and forever and I promise that everything I do is for your good. You are my precious child and I cannot let you forget that.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Solid ground...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I am so grateful you are in charge of my life. I would be pretty freaked out right now if I wasn't confident that you have everything under control. I love that I get to live a life filled with peace because of you. Thank you for making that possible.

What God Said Tonight:

A life built on solid rock is not one that you have to worry about. It is not one that will shift under your feet. Your life is built on me, the solid rock of truth. 

You need never fear. Your future is secure. Your present is solid. You are on solid ground my child. 

I love you now and forever.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021



My prayer:

Awesome Father. Thank you for your favor and guidance today. There were some tough moments but I leaned into you and you walked me through each one of them. I don't know the details of what tomorrow has for me but I know one thing, you will be there in it with me and that is all I need.

What God Said Tonight:

Red, green, yellow, blue, the color of a things does not really matter it is the substance of the thing that matters. 

You may see barriers in your work, in your personal life, even in your spiritual life. The details of the barrier does not matter. The only thing that matters is that you will overcome that barrier with me, through me, and as a result of your relationship wit me. 

I am called the great overcomer. I can overcome any obstacle for your sake. No mountain is high enough to block my blessing you. A barrier and a challenge is truly no more than an opportunity for me to show you I am God, in every situation. 

I love you now and forever my child. Go rest and let me take care of the obstacles tomorrow.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Nature and purpose...


My prayer:

Sweet Father. What a blessing these last few days have been. Thank you for this time of rest and peace. I pray for your help as I jump back into the fray tomorrow. I pray for your favor, your wisdom, and your guidance. Above everything else, I pray that your will is done. 

What God Said Tonight:

The nature of me, of you, is  not hidden. It is written in every word, every action, and every interaction that we have. Your nature is not something that can be hidden. It is not something that should be hidden. Whether your nature takes you success or failure, letting it be known, or more rightly said, recognizing that it is known, to everyone around you, only makes it easier for me to help you with it. 

I created all of my children for a purpose. That purpose does not require perfection. It does not require that every part of your nature be made perfect. That will happen through the salvation of my son, but it is not required for your purpose to be carried out. 

You are more known than you realized and you are more loved than you realize. Starting of course with me. Keeping forging ahead, putting one foot in front of another, and we will make the destination together.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Blessings and cursings...


My prayer:

A wonderful day full of blessings and work. Thank you God. I know I say it a lot. I wish I had better words, better ways to tell you how much I appreciate all that you do for me. How much I appreciate this life that you have given me. Everything I can say and do, seems like not enough. 

I pray that you hear my heart and know how much it all means to me and how much I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

A danger is not dangerous if you are not there when it is. A blessing is not a blessing if you are not in position to receive it. There are things in this world that only receive their meaning when they are received. They only fulfill their purpose when they are received. 

Blessings and cursings are some of those things. Receive the blessings. Reject the cursings. Position yourself in a place where blessings are abundant and avoid the places where cursings run rampant. 

These are not my commands but rather advice that will make you living easier. I love you my child, now and forever and I want the very best of blessings in your life.