My prayer:
Sweet Father. I pray and ask for your help in this latest challenge. The funny thing is, I am so confident that you will help me through it, you have shown me over and over how you will bring me through anything, that I almost don't have to ask. I know, to the bottom of my soul, that you will help me through and that you will work it all out for my good.
That being said, I never want to get complacent. I never want to get entitled, thinking that I have somehow the right to expect your help. It is only because of Jesus that I even get to talk to you, let alone the blessings and favor you pour out on me.
So, I am here tonight asking for your help, with the full confidence that you will work it all out for my good. I guess that is the faith part. Waiting and believing with expectation.
What God Said Tonight:
Knowing that your arm will move when you want it to move doesn't mean you are complacent. Especially if you remember, once in a while to be thankful for how easily you can move your arm.
It is the same with me. I don't need you to be amazed every time I bless you, every time I work things out for your good. You should expect that. It is a promise I made to you. If you didn't expect it, you would be saying I was a liar and I did not do what I promise to do. However, you are correct that the blessings in my Kingdom for my children can create an entitlement that can cause issues.
Keep and protect your humble heart. It is your greatest defense against the haughty spirit. Keep your grateful heart. It is the greatest defense against hopelessness and depression. Keep your heart soft for it is the greatest defense against bitterness.
I love you my child, now and forever.