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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, December 5, 2020

Surviving death...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I pray for my friend and her family who lost her brother today. 

So many people are dealing with death right now. Partly due to the pandemic but it seems like there are so many others too, and some for completely unexpected reasons. I am grateful that because of you and the salvation you have provided, we often only have to say good bye for a season. But, it can be so hard to say good bye, even when it is just for a season. 

I pray for your comfort and healing for those left behind. I pray that you welcome those who are leaving us here on earth and take care of them. They are precious Lord.

What God Said Tonight:

A life lived is a good life. The lives on earth were never meant to be eternal. Eternal life is only possible and only desirable when you are living with me in my Kingdom. 

A day will come when there is a new heaven and a new earth and death will no longer be a part of that picture. But until those times, death is a passage, a conduit, into an eternal life with me. You may well miss that person while you are a part but you shall take joy in knowing they are waiting to see you again, soon. 

All of my children are so soon to be reunited. The time is growing so close. 

The moon, the stars, the sky, the sun all are vying for you day and night. Keep your eyes on me my child and I will lead you to your promise land. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Stepping stones...


My prayer:

Awesome God. It has been a week of closing things down in preparation for a move. Thank you for your continued reassurance that you have a plan and a future. Thank you for your continued promises of blessings over my life. In these times of extended waiting, I really need that reassurance. 

It has felt good to prepare and to see movement. I am also grateful for all that you have taught me in this season. Being able to reflect and journal all of that has been an important part of saying good bye and I am grateful to recognize that all of the nastiness had a purpose. 

I meant what I said today. I am committed to change moving forward. I have seen the mirror held up to me clearly and I never want to have to learn this lesson again. I ask for your help with that change. 

What God Said Tonight:

Never before and never again will there be a season quite like the one you are in. These are unique times and circumstances but as you are seeing, even in these times I can find ways to bless you. I can turn it for your good. I can make sure that the hardships you have endured are stepping stones to take you the next level and not weapons that will crush you. 

You are my child and I love you more than you will ever know. For me, to me, you are perfect. But for as long as you are still living in this world, there are things we can change to help you and to help those around you. 

The goal, the everlasting goal is to spread my love. If there are things in you that block that conduit, that keep people from seeing my love in you, those things we will change. But know that you, you I do love with my whole heart and you have been made perfect in my eyes. 

Go, rest. There will be more to do tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Secure future...


My prayer:

I am too excited to sleep tonight God. This opportunity that you have shown me, it is almost too good to believe. Is this what you have been preparing? I am trying not to get my hopes up too much. It is a real long shot and the only way I will get it is with your favor. The great thing about that is if I do get it, if they offer the position to me, I can know that it was your doing.

Awesome God, above all things, your will be done. Help me wait for that will to be accomplished.

What God Said Tonight:

Just breathe. Everything is in place and happening just as I intended it. 

You will see your dreams fulfilled. You will reconnect with your passion. You will see great things accomplished in my name. 

I am your guide, your Father and I will not leave you here. Your future is secure.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

A forest...


My prayer:

Amazing Father. Thank you for another really wonderful day. 

I still am concerned about the future but today was wonderful. I am trying all I know to get through this season but today I realized, all I know and all I can do will not be enough. I realized today that I have come to that place of surrender. 

Whatever you will God. I will trust you to bring me through. I was not meant or designed to face the demons that are attacking my life. But you are all powerful and you have promised to take care of me. 

I surrender all to you God.

What God Said Tonight:

A forest is beautiful from a distance and when you are in the middle of it. The experiences are different. From a distance it is a carpet of beautiful green. When you are in it, it is a comforting hug from nature. One beauty is not greater than another, just different. 

Each lesson in life, each season lived through, has its own beauty. This is the beauty of surrender and trust in me. It is a beautiful moment and one that I cherish.

I will not let you down my child. You can trust me with your surrender. You can trust me with your vulnerability. I will protect you. Now and forever.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Not harmed, not broken...


My prayer:

Thank you for my family, my friends, my home. Thank you for your provision, protection, and salvation. Thank you for your healing power in my life. Thank you for your purpose and calling on my life. Thank you for your will be accomplished in my life. I give you thanks God.

What God Said Tonight:

Worry has no place in your life tonight. I blanket you with me peace, my joy, and I wrap you in my arms. You will not be harmed. You will not be broken. You will not be used for purposes other than my own. 

I love you my child and I will turn all things for your good. Sleep and rest in my love.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020



My prayer:

Thank you for a beautiful day God. Every moment was like living in a Christmas card. 

I have struggled today with some worry about the future. I am trying not to. I am trying to trust that you have it all under control. Some days, some minutes, I do that better than others. Everything you have been telling me for months now is that you have a plan and it is a good plan. I just pray for help to survive the timing. 

What God Said Tonight:

Your life is not your own. You have given your life to me and I will see you through. I have given you passion and drive for a reason. I have given you favor for a reason. I have given you love, for a reason. 

You are my child and I have called purpose into your life. I will not leave you to stagnate and mold in a situation that is no longer meant for you. I am here and I am on top of it. Let the open doors lead you. Let my peace lead you. Know that it is all working according to plan and for your good. 

I love you child.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Grateful heart...


My prayer:

Amazing God. Thank you for confirmation. Everything I am hearing these days is about the importance of gratefulness. I commit to you that I will do all that I can to find gratefulness in each day. Thank you also for the revelation and I pray that you help me to leave that part of me behind. She is not a part of my future.

I love you God. I am all yours.

What God Said Tonight:

A grateful heart is a listening heart. A grateful heart can receive every blessing I have. A grateful heart positions you to enjoy the moment you are in and prepares you for the blessings of the future. 

There is much to complain about these days. There is much that you can choose to worry about. But, if you have the courage to choose gratefulness, that will open up a whole new life of joy like you have never. known. 

I love you my daughter and I am grateful for you.