My prayer:
Amazing Father. Thank you for today. Thank you for helping me to understand a few more things today. I am going to bed with more understanding and more peace than I woke up with. That is a successful day.
I love you and I am anxious to hear your words and your thoughts tonight.
What God Said Tonight:
Everpy pebble in a river gets worn down by the water. It is a long process and can be a hard process but in the end, the stones that are in the river the longest and the ones that are in the rapids the longest, are the most beautiful.
You are being perfected. You are being made complete. The process will knock you around a bit and some days you will feel as though you have lost more than you gained but, in the end, you will be so beautiful. You will be all I hoped for you to be. You will shine.
I love you now and forever my child.