My prayer:
Thank you God for new opportunities and direction in my friends' lives! It has been such a long season of waiting for so many and it is WONDERFUL to see things starting to happen for them!
I pray your blessing, favor, and help to bring to full realization every opportunity you have for them.
What God Said Tonight:
A season of waiting is almost always seen as something to endure. I hope that one day you will see it as I do. A time for preparation, healing, and growth.
I love periods of waiting in your life because those are the times when you slow down enough to let me really get in and do some healing work Those are the times when you seek me in earnest, looking for answers. Those are the times that you so hungry to do my will.
Those seasons that you dread can be some of the most powerful and meaningful seasons of your life. Maybe next waiting season you can try to remember all of the tremendous benefit in the season?
But, for now, waiting is over and you are being sent. You will take this strength, peace, and love that you have built up in the waiting season and you will take it into the world that needs it.
I love you now and in the waiting.