My prayer:
Awesome Father. I am kind of loving the person that you are turning me into.As you heal these old hurts in me, I find myself doing things I never thought were possible. I find myself with more courage than I have ever had before. It is really opening all new worlds to me.
Thank you for healing me. Thank you for wholeness. You are amazing and I am grateful.
What God Said Tonight:
I see you stepping out into unknown waters and I am proud of you. I see you trusting me with untold secrets and I am proud of you.You are coming into the you I always intended you to be. I have not finished. We have more to do. I have more to heal. I have great joy for you. I have great responsibility for you. I have great hope for you.
I love you and I will not leave you. I will be with you now and forever and I will be proud of you my child.