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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Living life well...


My prayer:

Thank you God. Not just for all you have done but for all that you are. I am blessed because you are Lord of my life. I am even more blessed because of who you are. I get to live this life and eternity with an all powerful, all loving, God who wants and provides the very best for me. It simply does not get any better than that. Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

There is no life that is not worth being lived well. I have plans for each of my children but they have to agree. They have you to agree to my will in their life. It is actually just that easy. Agree to my will and trust me to carry it out. 

It definitely sounds easy. But, I have lived on earth with you and I know it is not as easy as it sounds. I know there are many roadblocks and enemies that try to stand in the way of you getting to live the life I want for you. 

Please fight through the roadblocks. The life I have for you is so very worth it. I love you now and forever my child.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Frame and foundation...


My prayer:

Awesome Father. I really have nothing to pray tonight. I am settled that you will provide for every need and that your will is going to be completed in my life. I am convinced that your will is better than any ideas or thoughts that I have for myself. 

So all that is left is to hear your voice. I love you!

What God Said Tonight:

Building a home is about much more than the decorations. It is the foundation, the frame, the bones of the home that make it last, that give it its true worth. You can easily change the cosmetics of a home but it is harder to change the frame and foundation. 

I have built in you a frame and foundation meant to last for eternity. We will change the decoration many more times. You will find your self in different environments and different opportunities. But the frame, the base, the foundation of who you are is established and will last.

I love you.

Monday, September 6, 2021

God's Kingdom...


My prayer:

Sweet Father, thank you for another truly wonderful day. I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I am completely confident that you will work it all out. 

I pray that your will is done, not only in my life but throughout the world. There are so many needs, so many people suffering tonight. There is not much I can do but you can make all the difference.

What God Said Tonight:

Let the heavens and earth sign praises for the glory of my Kingdom is so near. 

Saturday, September 4, 2021

A thorn...


My prayer:

Amazing Father. Thank you for such a wonderful day. Such peace and joy. 

It was only interrupted by the one thing that keeps hanging on year after year. I have prayed so many times. I have done all I know to do and I have stood. But it still comes back. Maybe this is my thorn. Maybe there is a reason for it. I don't know but I know I can't live with it without your help. 

Guide me, direct me, heal me sweet Lord. In the name of Yeshua I ask.

What God Said Tonight:

A thorn is meant to be removed. In most cases, the body itself will expel it. It is not meant to last forever. 

I know this thorn has been with you longer than you want. I know it is not what you would wish. It is for a purpose. It is something that you will have a great testimony to tell one day. 

I am here in the meantime. I will bring you through. I will hold you up. I love you and this is not meant to destroy you.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

God's lead...


My prayer:

Awesome Father and Lord. I am not sure what tomorrow is going to bring but I know that I will need your wisdom and guidance. Help me to choose your will. Help me to know what you would have me do. Your plans for my life are always better than what I can even imagine. I pray your will be done.

What God Said Tonight:

I have been a light unto your path. I have brought you to a life of great joy and peace. I will not stop now. 

I am your Lord. You have chosen me and my will for your life. That is settled. 

Trust your gut, trust my voice. I will lead you in this and all things.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Grateful heart...


My prayer:

Amazing Father, God, Teacher, and Savior. Thank you for a good day. A good, solid day. 

I am grateful for this life you have given me. I am grateful for the people you have put in this life with me. I am grateful for the work you have given me to do.  I am grateful for the promises you have given me about tomorrow.

What God Said Tonight:

Never has there been a better way to end a day than in gratefulness. Not for my sake but for yours. 

Never has there been a more redeeming attitude than gratefulness. A grateful heart can heal so many wounds. A grateful heart makes room for grace and for mercy. 

I love you my child. Protect your grateful heart. It is so very good for you.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Knitting your life...


My prayer:

Awesome Father, thank you for such a wonderful day. I am so grateful for this life you have given me. You are so generous. 

What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

Each moment, each challenge, each blessing build upon each other like the stitch in a scarf. You may not be able to see the pattern and the purpose while you are in the process of knitting it but once it is done and you look back upon it, it is beautiful. 

Your life is much like that. You can look back and see the beauty, even in the hard times. Know that when you are in it, the beauty is still there, but you just may not be able to see it yet. 

I love you.