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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

True peace...


My prayer:

You brought me through the fire today God, thank you. 

It is amazing to me how the day can start out with complete chaos and turmoil, then you come in and everything becomes calm. Sometimes you tell me what to say but so often, you just resolve it from the core and what seemed like a life changing conflict, becomes a distant memory.

Thank you for being the calm in any storm and for leading my words and my life.

What God Said Tonight:

Not all conflict is bad and not all peace is good. 

Peace, the peace that I bring is based on a core truth that i am in charge and will work all things for your good. That is a peace that will last. That is a peace that is true. 

Beware of the peace that comes from compromise. Beware of the peace that comes from withdrawal. That is not true peace and that peace will one day erupt into a greater confrontation than you could ever imagine. 

Don't be in such a hurry to find peace that you bury the cause of the conflict. Sometimes, letting the conflict play itself through, trusting me with the outcome, is the best path to healing, wholeness, and lasting peace. 

I will guide you in this and in all things. I am your Lord and I am with you and for you, forever.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

No rush...


My prayer:

Awesome Father. Thank you for your guidance and creating new connections, new family. 

I pray your will be done. Take us wherever you want to take us. Lead us wherever you want to lead us. We will follow you.

What God Said Tonight:

Waiting isn't hard when you love where you are and trust where you are going. There is no rush for this coming season. It will come in its own time. 

In the meantime, enjoy what I bring you each day. I am a God of great gifts. I am a God of great abundance. Your life is evidence. Do not hide it. Rejoice in it. Let the world see what the Lord has done.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Kindness and love...


My prayer:

Thank you for the deep message today God. I think you revealed for me a pretty deep wound that I didn't even realize was there. 

I pray God for your healing power to heal me. I pray for you grace to fill me. I pray that you make me whole.

What God Said Tonight:

A hole, a wound, is not always something we recognize as it happens. A chronic wound, one that has been there for a very long time is something you learn to work around. You barely even notice it until someone bumps into it. 

That is how some of your wounds are and I needed to bump it a little today to remind you that it was there. I never bring these things up unless I have a plan to heal you from them. I never let you hurt without having the balm to heal. 

We are embarking on a journey that will bring you to a place of kindness and love that you have not known but that I need you to live in for our next season. Sit back and receive. This will not be hard work but it will be important to experience. 

I will make you whole.

Friday, July 23, 2021

No more work...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I am wiped out. I pray for restoration and rejuvenation. I am at the end of my energy, I am going to need yours to take over.

What God Said Tonight:

Breathe in, and out. Slowly, again. Relax into my arms and trust me to care for you. 

My child, I don't need you to do anything tonight. I only need you to trust and rest. There is no more work, not tonight. No more work in giving and no more work in receiving. Tonight, you are done. 

As you always say, it is calm time. Enough, for now, it is enough. 

I love you now and forever my child.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The winning side...


My prayer:

A busy but rewarding day God. Thank you for the continued healing that you are doing in me. 

Today was a reminder that I still have some emotionally tender areas. I still assume that the worst is coming, once in a while. I hope and pray that someday, that is completely gone. There really is no basis for it. You bless me at every turn. You literally turn all things for my good. I have come to trust that about 89% of the time.

I am ready for the day where I trust it 100% of the time. I don't know if that is possible but I aspire to it. Love you Lord!

What God Said Tonight:

You get there through trust. You get there through turning every worry into prayer. 

You don't realize it but that is what you did today. You felt the worry and you prayed for my favor. And, of course I gave it to you. 

We are a partnership. We are in this together. I will lead, guide, and favor you in every situation that you bring me in. In the end, you will always be on the winning side because you will always be on my side. 

I love you my child, now and forever.

Monday, July 19, 2021

We win...


My prayer:

Sweet Jesus. Today was a challenge. I am absolutely not complaining. You have been blessing me so much lately and making it all so easy, a little challenge, a little stress is no big deal. And, you led me through it. Everything that needed to get done got done. We get to start fresh tomorrow.

Thank you God for always meeting me right where I am and giving me just what I need in that moment. Your way is so much better!

What God Said Tonight:

Every stretch makes you stronger. Every challenge makes you smarter. 

I am yours and you are mine and I will fight the battles for you. Sometimes I will fight it in front of you so it can't even come near you. Sometimes I will let you stand in front but I am right behind you to make sure that you are victorious. 

Either way, we win. 

I love you sweet child. We will walk in victory again tomorrow.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Under God's wing...


My prayer:

Amazing Father and Savior. My gratefulness, my thankfulness, is so deep I can't express it. You continue to bless me to overflow. Thank you for teaching me the depth of what that means. Abundantly, more than I could hope or think...yes, that is what this is.

What God Said Tonight:

Sweet sounds of praise from your heart, from your spirit. I hear your words but I feel your heart. 

I have created you for such a time as this. 

There are many trials, but they will not touch you. There are many struggles, but you will not fight them. I have you sheltered under my wing and will keep you there. 

This is our time.