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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Monday, October 23, 2017

God's residence...

My prayer:

A day of challenges and multiple challenges to experience humility. It doesn't sound too bad when I say it like that. 

Thank you for your help in this day God. Thank you for reminding me not to take it all too seriously. Thank you for helping me to find some joy in the midst of the problems.

You are very good to me.

What God Said Tonight:

Seek me with all your might. Find me within your heart. I am never far from you. I dwell in you. I have taken up residence in your heart and in your soul. You have made for me a tabernacle to dwell in. 

I have made for you a heaven to live in for eternity. My heaven is filled with your brothers and sisters and I have prepared your place here. It is grand and I hope you will love it. 

I live in you and you live in me and together we will conquer the world and live in peace for eternity. It is within your reach. To see a world that has completely turned its back on evil and has fully embraced me. That world is not a dream. It is the fact of your future. 

I love you, now and forever.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Miracles and joy...

My prayer:

I wonder what this week will hold God? It doesn't really matter as long as you are with me through it all. I pray that you help me to be a blessing to those around me. I pray that you help me to reflect your love and not the emotions that seem to grab at me. I pray, above all things, your will is done.

What God Said Tonight:

There are miracles and joy on the way. There are great moments that will warm your soul. 

I have your best in front of me and I will see you blessed. My child, my love. 

It is here. It is ready, It is done.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Deeply rooted...

My prayer:

Today was a really great day God. Thank you. It had potential to be pretty dreadful but it was wonderful. Thank you for hearing our prayers and making something wonderful out of it all. 

Everything you touch turns into something wonderful. Keep touching my life, constantly.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

You are wrapped in my grace and beauty. You are comforted in my embrace. You are safe within my arms. You are where you are meant to be. You are with me. 

We have a great and exciting future together but the best part of it is that we will be together. I will show you amazing miracles. I will bless you in ways that might be distracting. 

I needed this time with you, these years of not 'doing' a lot, to get you in a place where you are 100% confident that your relationship with me is your priority. Not because you were taught that and not because you feared a life without me. But because you choose me, each day, regardless of what the day holds. 

Now, as we move into this future, the miracles, the blessings will not distract you from your relationship with me. You have learned to be reliant on me and to choose me in all situations. You are deeply rooted in the Kingdom of God, right where you should be. 

I love you.

Friday, October 20, 2017


My prayer:

It seems like you are trying to tell me something God. Something about what you want to do next...HALLELUJAH!!!! My answer is YES. Whatever you want to do. Whenever you want to do it. However you want to do it, YES. 

Keep talking to me. Show me the steps. My answer is YES!

What God Said Tonight:

A season of giving is on its way, and I am not talking about Christmas. A season of doing is nearly here. A season of prayer, active prayer, in the battlefield. A season of joy. 

I am with you and the time is here. Your season is here.

Thursday, October 19, 2017


My prayer:

Today was certainly interesting. I was definitely not bored! I am looking forward to hearing your voice tonight God. Hearing your wisdom seems important, more than ever.

What God Said Tonight:

Today you saw other people, all day, who reached their limit and had their buttons pushed. I wanted you to see that you are not alone in that experience. But I also wanted to show you that the things that push their buttons are not always as serious as they seem to them. I wanted you to see that some of the things that set you off are not as serious in reality as they seem to you at the time.

Gaining perspective is an amazing thing. Approached carefully, you can find true treasures in people. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Dependent on God...

My prayer:

It felt like the world was against me a bit today God.

Days like today are great reminders of how typically, on most days, I am living in your divine favor. Days like today are exhausting. Days like today make me LONG for your return!

I love you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I was there with you in this day. I was there every time you called on me. 

I know days like today are not fun but I love when you turn to me in the midst of your trouble and ask for help. You are always so independent and you want to do things for yourself. It is nice when you are willing to let me help and do things for you. 

I love you and above all I want to see you happy, well, and fulfilled. I want to see you living out eternity with me in the midst of my love for you. 

I love you and I love all you learned today.You are mine.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Go and love...

My prayer:

Why do I let myself get so worked up over things that truly don't matter? It is the little things that seem so important at the time. Even now, thinking about it, I get myself all worked up again. Inefficiency, people who do their job poorly, people who make me late due to their issues...arrrgggg! 

Ok, I think I am done. I absolutely know that getting upset about this stuff does NO good. All it does is make me miserable, and often makes the people around me miserable.

God, I pray and ask for your peace, your wisdom and your help. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

Not everyone has the same talents and not everyone needs the efficiency that you do. You were made to find value in meeting deadlines and getting things done. Not everyone else was made for that. 

You must remember that all of my kids are unique. You must remember that there is value in every single person, not just those that are most like you. You must remember because I need you to love them all. It is my love on earth that will change people's hearts. My love is best seen through my people. 

When you start to feel that pressure and annoyance, try to remember that I need you to love them anyway. When you feel that pressure, remember that it is about more than that situation. Maybe, when you are in that situation you can take a moment for a quick prayer and ask me how I want to use the situation. My answer will most likely always be the same. Go and love.