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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

God in you...

My prayer:

Today was a LOT better God. Thank you for renewed hope. Thank you for improved attitude. Thank you for a refocusing my attention. 

I am so grateful for you God. I would be such a nightmare mess if I did not have you working in me, helping me, making me a better person. Thank you for your patience and for always bringing me through. 

What God Said Tonight:

I did little but my presence in you changes how life effects you. The power you have, the peace you feel, the love you give, that is all because of me in you. 

I created you in our image. I have a vested interested in your success, your joy, your health, and your peace because I am in you and you are in me. When we made this covenant together, that is when I made a choice to provide for you. That is when I chose to make sure you had a way to live in me and me in you. 

I am glad you chose to accept it. I love our life together. I love seeing you change and grow and learn. I love spending time with you. You and me forever.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Remember God's plan...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I don't really have anything worthwhile to say tonight. I am discouraged, irritated and bored with life right now. I am ready for the next new thing. I know that my attitude is definitely not helping anything. 

I know that you have a plan and a purpose for my life. I know this is just a season and that you will soon have me knee deep in the next challenge. I know from experience that it is just about this moment, the moment where I don't think I can take another minute of the meaninglessness, that is the moment that you show up and change everything. 

I am going to do my best to focus on the truth of who you are and what you are doing and not focus on how I feel, because how I feel is cruddy and just gets worse when I focus on it. 

What God Said Tonight:

The enemy has been on you all day. He has been in your mind and poking your emotions. He is really worried about where you are going next. He is working his hardest to keep you from what is next. 

Resist him. To the best of your ability, resist him. Rely on me to fight him off. Remember that you and I have great plans remember that there is nothing in your life that is wasted. Remember that I always have and always will bring you through. Remember all of the glorious moments and seasons we have had together and remember that we have an eternity more of those moment yet to live. 

Your life in me will be continually filled with new opportunity, new joy, new love and new adventures. I am your Father and your creator and I know you better than anyone. I will make sure you have everything you need for all the days of your life. 

Right now, you need this. Right now you need a time where there is not much needed from you so I can pour into you. I am teaching you. I am preparing you. Your job right now is to learn all that you can. Question all that you hear. Gain a strength that will not waiver in the storm. You will have need of all it it in our future. 

While this season is not glamorous, it is necessary. Enjoy becoming what  had hoped you would become. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Trust God...

My prayer:

What a beautiful day God. 

Awesome God, I seek your face tonight, not because I need anything but just because I want to see you. I seek you just because I want to be closer to you. I seek you because I love you and I can't get close enough to you, no matter how close I am. 

I love you God and I love your presence. You and me together forever God.

What God Said Tonight:

Mutual adoration. I have adored you from before you were in your mother's womb. You can trust me. My love for you is so great I could never not have your best interests in mind. You can trust my love. 

You can trust me to always bring you through. You can trust me to always provide. You can trust me to heal you. You can trust me to bring exactly what you need exactly when you need it, even when what you need is a lesson to learn the next level of maturity, love, grace, in your life. 

Stay open to hearing my voice and I will help you to use every situation, good, bad and indifferent to help you. Everything that has ever happened has greater value to it than just what you see on the surface. Trust me to show you the true purpose and trust me to use it for your good. 

I love you and I will never let you go, no matter what.

Friday, April 11, 2014

God is excited...

My prayer:

Thank you God for the gift of music. Thank you for the gift of amazing people. Thank you for your gift of patience and mercy. Thank you for your gift of healing. Thank you God for sustaining me through the tough times and the tough days. Thank you for reminding me that it won't always be this tough and that you have great plans for me. 

Ending this week in gratefulness. Not so much grateful for the week but entirely grateful for you.

What God Said Tonight:

I am excited! I can see what is next! I know where we are going! And that is exciting! 

We are going into to times and places and opportunities that will leave you with your mouth hanging open in awe. You will look back and think "How did I get here?" But the path has been clear and you have followed each step. 

I am yours and you are mine forever. And, that is enough. Everything comes from that simple truth. Go rest and let me love you a bit more tonight.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


My prayer:

God, I ask for wisdom, guidance, discernment, and strength. Lead and guide me into your chosen path for my life. I am willing, I am faithful, I am yours.

What God Said Tonight:

And I am yours. We have come to a point in our relationship that I can trust you and you can trust me. 

I will not let you down. I will not let you stumble and fall. I will not lead you into anything that will bring you pain and harm. I am your Father and your savior and I will always take you into new levels of my power and my glory. 

You are where you need to be. Your path is laid and you are following it. It will curve to the left and to the right but the way will be very clear to you. 

Trust me. Trust yourself. We will walk this path together.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Growing good...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. Today, nothing went as planned but everything worked out in the end. Good thing you are in charge! No one but the God of the Universe could have kept up with all the curve balls that today had for me. 

Thank you for working all things for my good. Thank you for blessing me more than I deserve. Thank you for being with me and in me, 24/7!

What God Said Tonight:

I don't need to say much to you tonight but I want to spend some time with you. I want to hold you close and help you recover from the day. I want to love you and heal all the wounds from the world. I want to keep you close, safe and loved. 

I am yours and you are mine and we are in this thing together, forever. 

I love you and I am not looking for the bad in you with the intention of changing you. I am rejoicing in the good in you! The good will grow and that will take care of the rest. I will build you from the foundation of good in you until there is no room for anything else. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The VERY brief joy of success...

My prayer:

Sometimes I work really hard to achieve something and then when I do, it is great for a minute or two but then it just doesn't really matter any more. Is that just me God? Am I the only one who gets bored so easily and has to move on to a new challenge? 

I guess it doesn't really matter if it is just me or not, fact is it is how I am made. It's kind of exhausting. I think it would be better if I could enjoy successes a bit longer and not feel so driven to the new thing. I don't know, it is late and I am babbling at this point. 

Thank you for making me successful God. Thank you for mending the two toughest relationships in my life. Thank you for guiding me and helping me. Thank you for changing me from the inside out to be a little more like you. Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

I am the God of all creation. I created the universe. Losing is not a part of my plan or of who I am. I only "lose" when I choose to for a purpose. When I chose to give up my life for you, I chose to lose for a minute so that I could buy back your soul for you, so I could buy back your life. But that was a choice and it was a choice for a purpose. 

You are my daughter. You are a King's kid. Because of your heritage in me, you are destined to succeed. 

It is not surprising that the joy of the success does not last long for you. If it did, we would not have been able to do all that we have. Stop worrying about what you are not and rejoice in what you are. You are perfectly and wonderfully made in every way. I created you for this time and this place. I created you in the exact form that I needed you. I made no mistakes. I love you!