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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Monday, October 14, 2013

Bad day...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I am not sure what to say tonight. One of the very best things about today is that it is over. Thanks for getting me through it. I pray God that you give me rest and rejuvenate me tonight so I can handle tomorrow better than I handled today.

What God Said Tonight:

It was a bad day, mostly. But try and count the blessings of the day and I guarantee you will find more than you thought there were. 

I protected you from the storm this morning, didn't I? I gave you an opportunity to solve a problem that you have been worried about, didn't I? 

Don't forget to be thankful even in the middle of  a bad day. That thankfulness can often be the key to turning a bad day to good. Your attitude, your viewpoint and perspective are more related to your experience of life than you may ever realize. 

Cut loose and set sail to a new island, a new land where yo will find people living out their destinies in joy and wonder. I am taking you there. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013


My prayer:

What an amazing weekend of miracles God! Your healing power is mind blowing and I LOVE that you let me be a part of it. 

It is so fun to watch peoples' faces when they realize that they really are healed! There is this combination of shock, awe, joy, and amazement that is one of the most beautiful sights in the world.

I hope I never lose the awe of it. I think it is great that I have come to expect it. I would love to find that level of faith in other areas of my life where I simply expect your promises because I have seen you come through so many times in so many situations. But, I don't ever want to lose the wonder and the joy of seeing you do the miraculous. 

God, as I go into this week, I pray for wisdom and peace. There are a lot of challenges I know about this week and probably a lot more that I don't know about. I need you help in everything that I do and everything I encounter. Thank you for always being there for me. 

What God Said Tonight:

There are brambles, tumbleweeds that are growing up in your life right now. They are distractions and they are trying to obscure the path that you are on. Don't look at the weeds, stay focused on the destination. 

The path is still there even when you can't see it. Keep your eyes up and focused on me and I will make sure that the brambles don't trip you up. 

I will guide you always. 

This week is not as difficult as you think. I have prepared you for this. It is important, but it is only one more step in a path you have been traveling with me for years. I will see you succeed in all that you do. I will bless the work of your hands and I will love you always. 

Believe that.


Saturday, October 12, 2013


My prayer:

The enemy tried to steal, kill and destroy tonight but you stopped him in his tracks! You are so amazing God!! 

Thanks for letting me be a part of it. I love seeing you put satan in his place. 

I look forward with hopeful anticipation for the day that he is put away for good. I am tired of him and his tricks. But I am more than grateful that you are always, bigger, stronger, smarter and quicker than he is. 

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

You are in the middle of a battle that is not of your making but will be for your benefit. You are a soldier who has been drafted but I have equipped you with mighty weapons. I have equipped you with weapons that will actually do the fighting for you. But, I need you to be there. I need you to show up. I need you to use and activate the weapons to that they can defeat the enemy.

This war has been raging for many years and is getting more intense every day. This war will not in surrender. This war is a fight to the death. Not your death. You have everlasting life. The death will come to the enemy who has earned his place in hell. 

I love you my warrior daughter. Keep up the good fight. Your weapons will not fail you. I will not fail you, ever.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Rest with God...

My prayer:

Mmmm, another Friday night in your presence God. I love ending my week with you. I love ending my day with you. I love starting my day with you. Fact is, I love you!

Thanks for an amazing week. So much crazy good stuff, I felt like I was barely hanging on to keep up! I am READY for Sabbath with you tomorrow God.

What God Said Tonight:

I am your place of rest. I am the calm in the storm. I am your refuge. 

Come to me when you are tired, worn out, down. Come to me when you need strength, joy, peace. I am yours for whatever you need. 

I love you. I will care for you. I will give you everything you need and the desires of your heart. 

Come and rest with me tonight. No worry, no demands, just rest in my presence and I will give you all that you need. I am all yours, now and forever. 

It is my covenant with you.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


My prayer:

Wonderful God. Thank you for hearing and responding to the multiple prayers I sent your way today. You provided, you redeemed, you cleansed, you loved. I am so grateful that I can come to you no matter what the issue, no matter where the person is and you make it all turn around for their good. 

It seems like all I have done is ask you for help today and the thing is, I am not done asking. 

God, I ask for wisdom to make the right decisions and your healing power for my life. You know the situations. I need your help. 

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

There is nothing wrong with asking. I tell you to ask, to lean on me. I am your eve present help. Ask and keep on asking. I am here for you and I am here to help you live this life in this less than perfect world. 

I have no problem with asking, but, when you ask, believe that I will show up and take care of it. Expect me to do what I have promised to do. Look for and wait for the response to your prayer. 

Don't forget the follow up. In the follow up is where I get to show the amazing things I have done both globally and locally. I can show you how much what you do matters. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How to fight sin...

My prayer:

Thank you for the praise report that "E" is home from the hospital and doing great! You are such an amazing healer!! That was a nasty motorcycle accident but you stepped in and took care of it all. Your love and care for us is pretty amazing. Especially since we don't deserve any of it most of the time. 

God, I need to talk to you about something tonight but I am not sure if I should. The thing is, more and more, when I look around and see the terrible things that we as a society, that I, ignore and/or allow, I get worried about where it will all end. How much is too much? How violent does this world have to get before it is done?

But then, I see the other side of the story. Who am I to judge what anyone does? I mess up all the time and all sin is the same to you. There is not greater or lesser sin for you. 

So, do we just allow things to get worse and worse until you come to get us? If not, what do we do? Fight it? Protest? That never seems to be very effective. A whole lot of people have killed a whole lot of people in your name over the years. Seems like that is defeating the purpose. 

What do you think God? What should I do?

What God Said Tonight:

Sin is rampant in this world and has been since the day that Adam and Eve allowed it in. Every generation thinks that there generation is the worst and every generation is right.

The world is on a down hill slide and there is only one way to stop it or even slow it down. Love people. Love them and show them your life with me. The more people that receive forgiveness and redemption before the end, the better. I want all of my children with me in the end. I don't want even one to be stolen.

The way that they get to come to me is not through judgement and not through war The way they come to me is by my children loving them enough to tel them the truth and to love them into the Kingdom.

You want to make a difference in a world that is buried in sin. Love people and tell them about me. It is the only defense against sin.

Remember too that in the end, we win. We prevail. We go on to live life together in paradise.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Our birth right...

My prayer:

You will pour out a blessing on me that I can not contain...Guess you were pretty serious about that God! Thank you for the continued favor. 

I pray God that your favor continue to grow and spread out to the wonderful people you have put in my life. Spread it to every situation in my life. Spread it out to every opportunity you have brought into my life.

I thank you God that you have already said that everything I touch will be blessed. I thank even more that you meant it and you are accomplishing it in my life. YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!! 

What God Said Tonight:

Favor is no mystery. It is not a magic potion or the result of some perfect combination of worship and prayer. Favor is your birth right in me. 

Favor is because of you. You are in me. Favor follows you around because it is looking to land on the people and children of God. Favor is attracted to the children of God. Stay still for just a moment and it will catch up to you.