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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012


My prayer:
Mighty God. You have given me two messages about obedience and the consequences of disobedience tonight...Usually, when you are really trying to get my attention, you tell me things three times in a row in different ways. But, if I am being disobedient in some aspect, I don't want to wait for a third message. 

Please show me where it is God. I will do all that I can to change. I don't ever want to be disobedient to your will. I know you and your will for me well enough to know that it is always best. How many times have you shown me, even when at first it was hard to see, that your will is best? I absolutely get it God. 

So, if I am out of agreement with your will, if I am being disobedient, please show me where so I can change. If it is something that I don't know how to change, please help me change. I love you God and I only want your will in my life, nothing more and nothing less.

What God Said Tonight:

I need you to take a look at humility tonight. I need you to look at your humility and it's evil twin pride. 

I have been pouring out a blessing on you that you cannot contain and it is my great pleasure to do it. But, if we are not careful, you will end up prideful and forgetting where it comes from. You will forget the purpose of the blessing. You will forget that I bless you so you can be a blessing to others. You will forget that the blessing is not yours to keep but is yours to give. 

Just a friendly reminder my daughter. Watch your step and humble yourself now before it gets in the way. I love you and I want to continue to bless you. Show me that you will not let it ruin you. Show me that you remember the reason for your blessing. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Chocolates and barbed wire...

My prayer:
Mighty God. I am not sure what to pray about tonight. Today was good, but nothing stands out to talk about. Everybody seemed to kind of coast today. Nothing phenomenal and nothing horrible. Just a day. I am grateful for all of the things that you protected us from today. I am grateful that there was nothing horrible happening with me or the people close to me. 

I know that was not true throughout the world. Maybe that is the thing...God I pray for all of the tragedies and people suffering that I don't know about tonight. God I pray and ask that you wrap your arms around them, let them know that you love them, let them know that you have not forgotten them and that you will get them out of this horrible situation. God, you promise as our Father to take care of us. You promise as our Redeemer to give back what was stolen from us. You promise as our healer to take away our sickness. You promise as our provider to provide for our every need. God I claim your promises tonight for all of my brothers and sisters across the world who are in need tonight. In Jesus name, amen.

What God Said Tonight:
Life is not like a box of chocolates like they said in that movie. Life is more like a box of chocolates and barbed wire. Sin has left the world, has left you, with the consequences of sin and the pain that comes with it. 

I am here for you and for all of my children. We don't have too much longer to wait. The assignment here on earth is almost complete. We are very close to the times described in Revelations. We are very close to the time when we all get to live together in the new earth and in the new Jerusalem. The time is almost here. 

In the meantime, keep bringing your needs, your concerns, your worries to me and I will be faithful to my word. I will heal, provide, love, redeem and guide you forever. I will be all that you need. You have heard it preached, I am all. It is all that I know to be. I am your all and I will provide for you all. 

I love you and I have heard your prayer. Your prayer opened an opportunity for me to move in situations that I was locked out of before. Thank you my daughter. Keep praying and I will keep showing up. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I'm not enough...

My prayer:
Amazing God. Sometimes, like tonight, when I look at all of the wonderful things and all of the wonderful people you trust me with, I start to worry that I am not enough. I worry that I am not good enough. I worry that I won't be able to listen and hear you well enough when they need it most. When people are at their most hopeless and most vulnerable, God, what if I don't say or do the right thing? 

Now, I know it is you working through me and not really me at all. But, what if I am doing something to block you. What if my own flaws are too big and cloud what you want to do in their lives? You know me God, I want to fix everything. What if my trying to fix things actually gets in the way of what you are trying to accomplish? I bet if I was there with Lazarus, I would have been doing CPR to keep him alive instead of waiting to see what you wanted to do. I hate seeing other people in pain God. It is harder than experiencing pain myself. Why is that I wonder? 

God, please give me everything I need to do everything you have called me to do. Please speak through me when people need you. And, God, please bust through any flaws in me that might try to get in the way. LOVE YOU!

What God Said Tonight:
You are looking at the wrong place for the solution. You are looking at you and you should be looking at me. I am the answer. I am the way out. I am. 

As long as you look within yourself to help people, you will always fall short. You, even with all of the best intentions, can not permanently and effectually help. You can provide a band-aid but you can't make a lasting difference on your own. But, when you look to me for the solution. When you trust me to do the things I have already promised, that is when you will see things change for good. That is when you will see people healed, raised from the dead, given new life and hope. 

I am what they need. Give them me and you will always see them recover. I love you daughter. Give them me, it is really that simple.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


My prayer:
Awesome God, what a wonderful relaxing and restful day. Thank you for a life that allows the luxury of a day of rest each week. I am more than convinced that you made us that way. That you made us to need that day to rest and not work. 

God, I don't have a lot to talk about tonight. Life is generally wonderful with just the one thing missing. But, most of the time, I don't even notice it is missing any more so, it is probably not so important. 

I guess the one thing that is weighing a bit heavy on my mind is all of the people that are miserable but seem to be unreachable. The people who need you so much but seem to not know it or be willing to listen to someone telling them that they need you. I am thinking about "D" and "J" tonight in particular. It is so clear that they are not going to make it without you, but I don't know how to make them see that. Why would they listen to me? 

God, you know what will reach them. Please bring whatever that is to them soon. If I am supposed to be a part of that, just let me know when and where and I will be there. I love you Father. I am yours for whatever you want or need.

What God Said Tonight:
People are making choices every day. You made choices today. Some were good choices that will enhance and grow your life. Others were not so good. Others will limit your life. It is true the world over. People are constantly making decisions, good and bad. Even when they say I am choosing not to choose, that itself is a choice.

I would love to be able to blanket the whole world and draw them in but it doesn't work that way. They have to choose and they have to be free to chose. I will set free the captives and deliver the refugees. But they will have to choose. 

I will continue to send people and messages to those you love my daughter. I love them so much and I want to save them. They have to turn to me. Not a big ceremony, but they need to call out to me and choose me. I promise, the moment I hear them choosing me, I will be RIGHT THERE. 

I love you daughter. Go rest, we have some work to do tomorrow.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The time is HERE...

My prayer:
Today was amazing and tonight was awesome God. I have not ever felt your weighty presence like I did tonight God. You had me plastered to the ground for most of prayer and worship. I probably should have felt helpless but I just felt joy. 

God, the anointing you poured out on us tonight was so precious and amazing. I can't wait to see how you use that anointing to bless others. I can't wait to see what comes next. 

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I am absolutely crazy about you. God, I give you every worry, trusting you to take care of me and of the people around me. I trust you to take care of every situation. I trust you God. All of me God, you have all of me. 

What God Said Tonight:
You are more patient that you use to be and that is good but the time for waiting is over. The time to act is here. The time to move is here. The time too take what you have been given and pour it out as you move to the next level, is here. 

You don't have to worry about losing what you have. As you pour out what you have, I will multiply it back to you. You will always have more tomorrow than you did yesterday. I am a God of multiplication. Things around me increase. Things around me multiply. Things around me come to life. Dead things live. Live things flourish. 

I am the way, the truth and the life. I am the life. I am the life that breathes in your lungs. I am the life that people search for. I am everything you will ever need. 

Get ready, the time is here. You will be in an arena you never thought possible, doing and seeing things you have only dreamed of. The dream is about to come true. The time to live is here. You are going to love this!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Speak the promise...

My prayer:
My amazing God. I started to pray and forgot to type! I AM tired! :) God, I thank you for everything you have done and everything you do. I thank you for loving me. I thank you for taking care of everything and everyone.

I thank you for hearing my prayers tonight for "D","D" and "J" who are each in impossible situations with no way out unless you help. Thank you Jesus for being our savior! What do you want to talk about tonight God? What is top of your list tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
My list never really changes. You, my children, are always at the top of it. 

I need you to do something tonight. I need you to remember and speak my promises over their situations. The people you are talking about don't know the word well enough to do that. So, I know you are tired, but before you go to bed, speak my words over their situations and see the opening that makes for me to come in and intervene. 

I am your Father and your coach. I love to see you work, you make me proud. I love you and thank you in advance for doing what I asked. I love  you my dear child and I am all yours.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

God gave...

My prayer:
Blessed and highly favored of the Lord...God, they always use to say that in church..."How are you?" "I am blessed and highly favored". I never paid too much attention. It sounded so "churchy" and insincere. 

What I did not understand is that being blessed and highly favored in You is a real thing! You bless everything I touch. You gave me the perfect job that fulfills me so much. You give me friends and partners that complete me in ways that would be impossible without them. You give me opportunities everyday to serve you and your people. It is all so amazing! 

I prayed for so many years for this life...well, the details were different. I thought I knew best so I prayed for some specific things. Thankfully you listened to my heart and not the specifics. You gave me what I needed to be completely satisfied. Thank you for giving me the life that would result in the joy and fullness that I as hoping for and thank you for not giving me what I thought I needed to have that life. You are awesome God and I am so grateful to you!!!

What God Said Tonight:
I gave you my heart. The rest is just icing. I have loved you since the beginning of time and I will love you through eternity. i have this great desire to pour out my love on you tonight my daughter. I want you to feel my love surround you. I want my love to be the last thing you experience today before you go to bed. I want my love to be the first thing you experience in the morning. Tomorrow morning, pay attention. I want to show you my love first thing in the morning. 

I think about you all the time. You are engraved in the palm of my hand and I will never let you down. 

You can trust me with my kids. I will never let them down. When you pray for others, pray in the confidence of my will for their lives. That is important, no more than ever. 

Love like you have always wanted to love. Celebrate every victory and rest your weary head with me tonight.