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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, June 19, 2010


My Prayer:
Wonderful day God. Thank you for the rest and relaxation!

I have my mind on service tomorrow. I pray God that your will and awesome presence be felt in the millions of church services throughout the world tomorrow. I pray God that your magnificent power be felt by your people. I pray that we learn new strategies to live this life in the way you meant for us to live it.

I pray God that you draw every person that you are seeking after to the service that will speak to them, whether it is in a church, someone's home, on the internet or somewhere else. Make those divine appointments God that you are so good at.

I pray that you anoint all of the awesome men and women of God who will be teaching your word tomorrow. I pray that your words speak through them. I pray God that your pure and true gospel be preached and reach the Kingdom of God for your sake. I pray for the worship teams, the praise teams, the ministry teams and the volunteers who will be serving you and your people tomorrow God. I pray that you give them a peaceful night sleep and the strength to serve you. I pray God as your people give of their time and talents tomorrow that you will return it to them in great blessings. Teach us God what we need to know to be the church throughout the week.

You are so amazing God. You truly are all that I need and all that I want. Thank you for the journey that this week has been. Still trusting in you, in Jesus name I pray.

What God said tonight:
My daughter, you are troubled tonight but you did not bring it up. It is ok. I know your heart. It is good to get it off your chest sometimes though. Do not fear. The pain and hurt you are anticipating will not happen. You are protected and you will not experience the "worst case scenario" in this thing. I have you protected and my plan is being perfected in you. Trust me if you can't trust the situation.

"Church" will be awesome tomorrow. I love when my people get together in my name. I hear their praise and worship and it is so beautiful The angels join in here in heaven and the sound is so beautiful.

Not everyone will be blessed. Some will be offended. Some will be hurt. Some will be discouraged. But some will be loved. Some will receive the blessings I have for them. Some will increase their faith. Some will come to me for the very first time!!! Some will be healed and some will be encouraged. Some will serve and some will be served.

Church service is meant to be a filling station for my people. Go and be filled tomorrow daughter. Your pastor has a great word that I put on his heart. You will have the opportunities to serve, pray and help that you so crave. I love you daughter. Go and be blessed.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Break down the wall...

My Prayer:
Hi God. Not sure what to pray tonight. A long but good day. Thank you for favor with the meeting with the company from India. Thank you for blessing the works of my hands God.

What a privilege life is God. I know I get discouraged sometimes and think this is all a bit too hard, but when I really think about it, what a privilege to live this life, to be your hands and feet, to live out the destiny you have for me. That you trust me enough to serve, to love, to be what you have created me to be, as messed up as I can be, you trust me. Pretty amazing when I think about it.

I was listening to an old message from Bishop Ashe today. The message was about how we aren't meant to live this life alone. We aren't designed that way. You designed us in your image and you are in constant relationship. We are designed to be in relationship, with each other and with you. When life beat me up, I built up the walls thinking that would protect me. But really, that put me in more danger than anything that life ever threw at me. When I had the walls up the highest and was most isolated, that was when I really didn't want to live anymore. That was when I came so close to ending my life.

Thank you for bringing me through that and thank you for the amazing people you have put in my life. I have the best friends in the world. Friends that would truly do anything for me if I only ask. I have such an incredible church community, both here in Colorado and online throughout the world. I have amazing mentors in my life. I have a mom that loves me more than her own life. I have amazing young believers that you trust me to mentor. There is such an amazing richness and fullness in relationships and I almost forgot that. Thank you for reminding me and bringing me out from behind the wall. I am pretty sure I would not still be here if you hadn't done that. Thank you for saving my soul and my life.

What God said tonight:
You are welcome my daughter. You are blessed and it was my full pleasure to provide your salvation. I loved providing the way out. I loved the sacrifice for your freedom. You are saved, sanctified and whole in the blood that I shed for you.

It's not important to find the right words. It is not important to be right. It is important to live life from your heart. It is important to make those connections and maintain, cherish them. I have put the people in your life for a reason. I have put the situations in your life for a reason. Nothing in your life is an accident.

Rest in my arms tonight. Let me cradle you as you sleep and keep you close to my heart. You will sleep and dream of the good things I have for you. Rest in my love that you may stay strong for tomorrow.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The ripple effect...

My Prayer:
Wow God, what a week so far. I'm pooped but excited to see you reaching people. I can't wait to see what you do next. I love it when you do the unexpected in my life. I love your surprises! We have the group from India coming tomorrow and I ask for your favor. I don't know what this opportunity will turn into, but I trust you to work it all to our good.

I want to lift up the many friends in my life that are struggling with sickness, disease and injury tonight God. I thank you for every miraculous healing that I have seen you do, both in my life and in the lives of those around me. I love it when you just show up and take care of it on the spot, like you did with my back on Sunday. That was awesome God! I didn't even pray. I was thinking, "Hmm, my back really hurts." (from so gracefully falling down the stairs on Saturday :) Then I thought, "I should ask for prayer at church today." Then you said, "Do you want prayer or do you want to be healed." I said I wanted to be healed and within 30 seconds, whiz bang, my back was perfect with no pain! I love that stuff God! I want to see more of it.

I want to see you heal like you did in the Acts church. I want to see us receive your healing as easily as we receive the sickness, disease and injury. I want our faith to be as persistent as our fear. I am not there yet. I pray that you help me to get there. I pray that you help me to see the barriers to receiving all that you have for us. I pray that you continue to teach me how to be more completely the woman of God that you want me to be so I can be the blessing you intend me to be.

God you are amazing, perfect and everything I could ever want or need. I love you with a love that I don't fully understand. I need you in a way that is so constant it is simply a part of who I am. Mighty, awesome, incredible creator of the universe. I remain in awe...

What God said tonight:
Don't worry about tomorrow. Don't worry about being good enough. Simply don't worry. We are on track. Your going to see all of what you envision. You are going to see the hundreds, thousands, millions healed. You are going to see me do even greater miracles. You are going to see it all.

I have shown you the lines of people waiting for prayer to be healed. What I haven't yet shown you is the millions of people whose faith is made stronger as a result of seeing those people be healed. What I haven't shown you is the ripple effect of every act of service and obedience in your life. Every time you say yes to me, there is a great ripple effect through the Kingdom of God. The smallest act of obedience can have a truly profound effect on millions of people.

I rejoice in your obedience. I rejoice in your submission and service to the Kingdom and the people. I rejoice in your service to me. But I don't love you any more or any less because you serve me. I don't love you any more or less because of your obedience, your faithfulness. I don't love you any more or less when you don't serve, disobey or lack faithfulness.

I love the heart of who you are. I love the perfected spirit that is in you. We will do great things together, but those great things won't make me love you any more or any less. You do not have to perform for me. Continue to love me and the rest will come. Continue to spend time with me, true quality time and the rest will come. Continue to tell others about me so they can come to know me as well and the rest will come.

I love you my daughter. You are so very precious to me. You're worth more than rubies or gold and you are the apple of my eye. Don't forget that and walk in the confidence of my love every day.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It is time...NOW

My Prayer:
Amazing Bible Study group tonight God! I love how you always show up and tie everything together. The lesson, the examples, the experiences all came together to make another amazing time of getting to know you and each other better. It happens every time we show up expecting.

I am so grateful for you in my life. I truly cannot imagine trying to live this life without you. One of your promises that I hold to so hard is that you will never leave me. Thank you for letting me question, doubt and mess up. Thank you that no matter what, you always bring me back to you. Thank you for not letting me get so far off track that I destroy myself and the people I care about. Thank you for continually bringing the right people, the right messages and the right situations to me that take me to the next level of my relationship with you.

Thank you for what you are doing in the people around me. Thank you for comforting them, guiding them, protecting them and loving them more than I ever could. You are truly awesome and I stand in awe of you.

What God said tonight:
I had an awesome tonight with you all as well. I love when my children get together in my name.

Your purpose is ordained and meaningful. You have so much to do but don't let it overwhelm you. You won't do any of it alone. I have a purpose and a plan for your life and it is SO GOOD! Your wealth is in me. Your joy is in me. Your future is in me. We are going to see and do amazing things together. You are not in this alone.

It is time to move. It is time to go. It is time to do. The season for waiting is over. Move into the future I have planned for you. Move into the purpose I have planned for you. Do not be timid. Now is the time to be bold. You have been prepared for such a time as this and the time is now. Don't hesitate. Do the thing I have been telling you to do. Be the person that I have shown you can be. Love, teach, pray and trust. This next season will blow your socks off!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

God's will...

My prayer:
God, I recently told someone that I did not believe that sickness or tragedy is your will for our lives. I said I don't see anywhere in the Bible that you say it is your desire that we have cancer or that babies die or any of the other horrible things that happen everyday. I told her that those things happen because we live in a world that has been corrupted by sin. Not because it is your will. I told her that you can use all of that stuff to teach us and help us but that you don't bring it. That all sounded good at the time. It is what I have been taught and it is what I believe.

But then in the last couple of days, I've been thinking and reading Revelation. In there, Jesus breaks the seals that bring all sorts of death and destruction. Now, it does say that your people are protected but it really challenges my thoughts on what comes from you and what doesn't. It says in Revelation that no one except Jesus could break the seals. That sounds like you cause those things to happen.

I need to understand this better. There are so many people in my life that are truly suffering right now with sickness, poverty and tragedy. I pray, I believe and sometimes I see you move and do miraculous things. But I need to know what to think, say and do when nothing changes or things get worse. What do I tell those people?

What God said tonight:
Every situation is unique and the same. You don't always have to have the answer. Sometimes the only answer is to love and love some more. There is a purpose and a plan in everything.

Know that my love for you is greater than any love that has ever been. You are my children. I have chosen you above all else. You don't have to do anything for that love except be. I love you enough to die for you.

It is my desire that you live in a constant awareness and experience of that love. That is why I say, love me and love your neighbor. As you love more and more, you will receive more and more love. Love begets love and my love truly conquers all.

Trouble comes to everyone. The ones that come through trouble are the ones who have love. Your job is to love. I will take care of the situations. I won't let the trouble overwhelm them. I have all power and can control the trouble. Trust in my strength. Trust me to do my job and I will trust you to do yours, to love me with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself. Love, be loved and trust me. It really does all work out in the end.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A new thing...

My prayer:
Thank you Lord for bringing me through this day. Thank you for your protection and favor on my life.

God, I am a little freaked out by this new thing you have me doing with the blog. I feel really vulnerable putting all this out there for the world to see. And then I think, who really cares anyway? Will they be able to see that it is about what you have to say and not what puny little me has to say? And yet, I really feel you want me to do this.

Maybe it's because of the growth you want to see in me. Breaking down some more of that old wall I had around me. Maybe it's to reach someone, somewhere that you are going to bring to the blog just at the right time. Or, maybe I'm just nuts and risking letting my heart show for no real reason. But, until I hear differently from you, I will keep it up. I'm nothing if not faithful to my word. So keep speaking God. Let me know what you want to say. I will do my best to do your will. You are magnificent and I am humbled by your presence in my life.

What God said tonight:
It is time to rest in preparation for tomorrow. Tomorrow is a big day in the Kingdom of God. The time is here for a new season to break out. I'm not going to keep doing things in the old ways. A new generation needs to see me, know me and learn to trust me. I need to reach this generation. It is crucial. The time really is short. You don't know.

Keep me at the forefront of your thoughts at all times. Let your thoughts of me be your shield in this world. The battle is on and we win, but it will be bloody. I want you protected. I want you behind my shield. Stay safe in my arms. You will remain with me always and I with you.

One more thing, keep a daily reminder of what I have done in your life. You will need to remember it in the days ahead. Don't forget to write it all down and re-visit it when all seems lost. I will ALWAYS bring you out and I will ALWAYS take care of you. You are my love.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

What I want...

My Prayer:
I keep singing songs in worship about how "You are all that I want, You are all that I need." but God you keep saying, "Really? It seems like you want more." And I do. I want the dream, the vision. I want to see you move in the world healing millions. I want the husband and marriage ordained by you. I don't want anything that you don't want me to have, but I do want all that you have for me. Is that wrong?

I can honestly say that I don't want any of it if I can't have our relationship. I don't want any of it if you aren't in it. That is deep truth. Without you in me, nothing is worth anything. But with you there is a hunger for a greater life, a greater purpose, a greater joy. With your promises, visions, hopes and dreams for my life, that you put in me, there is a yearning to see it all happen. God I ache for the day of millions in a crowd receiving your healing as they worship you. I ache for the day that I look across the dinner table and say, "hi husband", knowing that he is the man you chose for me. I am desperate for the day that we travel the world to show you off and wake up the world to you VERY REAL POWER! If I am not ready, prepare me. If I am wrong about the vision, change it. If I am doing or not doing anything that is blocking it, show me and change me. If I am wrong to want more than you, show me and help me to get my heart right.

What God said tonight:
It is night and it is right for you to come to me with this at this time. You heard me speaking to you as you wrote. By wanting my will and vision in your life, you are wanting me. Your just wanting all of me. I am more than spirit. I am more than Lord. I am all that and all that you desire. That is what the song lyrics really mean. Your desires are my desires and by wanting them so earnestly, you are only saying you want me, all of me, spirit, Lord, will, purpose and Love.

I am everything you need. I am the power behind the healing ministry and I am the way maker to make it happen. I am the love in your marriage and the matchmaker to bring you together. I am the vision and the promise. I AM. From now on, when you sing those words, expand your understanding of who I am and you can mean them with all that you are. Live and love in peace my daughter.