My prayer:
I am grateful for this life you have made for me Lord. I have truly never been more content than I am here and now.
There are still struggles and things that I wish could be different. I hate how violent the world has become and how much suffering there is, almost everywhere. There are stressful moments and events that land in my lap on a regular basis that I wish could at least slow down sometimes.
But at the end of the day, here with you, all I can truly think about is how blessed I am. How you have filled my life with such joy and peace.
Words will never be enough to thank you for that.
What God Said Tonight:
The winds are swirling in the heavens and they are bringing in a new season and a new time on earth. I will lead you through it. It will not touch you. But it will be terrifying for those without my protection.
I do not mean to terrify my children but the time is coming when there will have to be a final choice. It will no longer be an option to play on each side of the fence. The people who have not chosen my protection and salvation for their lives are about to be in a place of no return.
I know no other way to convey the seriousness of this moment. I want all of my children to come home and live under my protection. I am offering it to all. They must choose it though. I cannot force it onto anyone.
I love you my child. Know that you are firmly in my protection and I will not leave you. Call those around you to join you here.