My prayer:
Awesome God. it has been pretty challenging this week but I am grateful that you have brought me through it all. Thank you for healing me. Thank you for helping me keep your peace during the chaos at work. Thank you for being my hope, now and always. I love you Lord.
What God Said Tonight:
Sometimes you are stretched. While that is not comfortable it does enlarge you, your influence.
Each time you are stretched, either by challenges or by the choices you make to challenge yourself, you grow. Each time you grow, your influence grows. Each time your influence grows, you get to reflect my love and my power to more people. Each time that happens, there is more opportunity for my children to return.
So, what it comes down to is I won't keep you from being stretched. That is an inherent part of growth and is vitally important to my Kingdom. I won't let you be stretched to breaking. I won't let that stretching, that challenge be for no reason. But, I will let it happen.
Trust in me to keep you safe and bring you through it. But don't disdain or discount the value of being stretched.
I love you my child, now and forever.