My prayer:
Sweet Father. Thank you for another blessed day. I have really worked this week at incorporating what you have said and it has been good. Flowing on your wave, being present in the moment, and generally trusting you. Life is so much easier and better when I follow you instead of thinking I can make my own way. Thank you for your guidance, your healing, and most of all, your love.
What God Said Tonight:
Breathe. I am with you now and forever. I will never leave you. I am the God of the universe, creator of everything. There is nothing that I cannot do. And, I am on your side.
I love you and I will see you through every circumstance of this life.
Breathe and know that I am God. Breathe and trust that I love you more than you can imagine. Breathe and see what I will do for you.
I love you. Hear that now, I LOVE YOU. Now, believe it.
Everything else is easy when you know and believe these simple things.