My prayer:
Amazing and awesome God. Thank you for this life, health, and joy that you have given me. I recognize that the blessings you pour out on me are only a reflection of your goodness and your love. I am SO GRATEFUL that you found a way to love me. I am yours, now and forever sweet Jesus.
What God Said Tonight:
A weapon that is formed against you, can be turned into your blessing. It is so often the case that the very thing that was sent to destroy you is actually what saves you.
To receive this kind of blessing though, you have to be open to it. You have to be willing to see that the thing that you think is so very bad in your life, the thing that you think is going to kill you, is sometimes the very opportunity to reach new levels of joy and blessing in my Kingdom.
It sounds crazy, I know, but I like to turn things on their head. I like to take those things that are meant to destroy you and turn them into something that blesses your socks off. I like to show my glory in that way. I like to see how it blesses you and I love to see how it gets people's attention.
Never fear or worry when the attacks come. They are just wonderful opportunities for my glory to shine and for you to get a crazy blessing.
I love you sweet daughter, now and forever.